Oh shoot! Sorry, Righties...Gov Walker in Deep Kimchee


The perp's deeply involved in a criminal scheme to win votes.

He'll have to pay for it with some jail time.

I hope they prosecute him quickly.
Democrats are trying AGAIN!

On Thursday, Walker's campaign emphasized that it isn't a party to the federal lawsuit and that "two judges have rejected the characterizations disclosed in those documents."

U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa, who is overseeing the federal lawsuit, and Judge Gregory Peterson, who is overseeing the John Doe investigation, have ruled against the prosecutors, but both decisions are under appeal.

Attorneys for Wisconsin Club for Growth said Thursday it was prosecutors who had violated the state's election laws.

"These documents show how the John Doe prosecutors adopted a blatantly unconstitutional interpretation of Wisconsin law that they used to launch a secret criminal investigation targeting conservatives throughout Wisconsin. That legal theory has now been rejected by two courts," said Andrew Grossman of Baker Hostetler, the law firm representing Club for Growth. "Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and this is a story that needs to be told to prevent more abuses and to hold the John Doe prosecutors accountable for violating the rights of Wisconsinites."
Read more: Prosecutors accuse Scott Walker of running 'criminal scheme' : Wsj
The radical A.G. Holder "justice dept" was flushed with victory after they nailed a conservative author for a chicken feed "illegal" donation of ten grand. Now the gun runner who arranged for the pardon of one of the most notorious corporate pirates while he was on the FBI 10 most wanted and the pardon of terrorist bombers who were doing time in NY prisons in order to pave the way for Hillary's senate run is after Scott Walker for an alleged violation of the campaign finance law that nobody ever heard of. That's the kind of 3rd world politics that Barry Hussein is good at.
The perp has been officially charged with running a criminal scheme.

Let's see what the evidence brings out.

He may be toast. TOAST I said.

Why are you supporting an alleged criminal [MENTION=27324]whitehall[/MENTION] ?
Democrats have been trying to impeach, prosecute, drag down, lie about, and generally harass Gov. Walke ever since he put the government workers' unions in their places.

They are especially enraged over the fact that, when they tried to hold a recall election against him, he won it by an even greater margin than in his original election to the Governor's office.

Sounds like the whiners are still at it, digging and inventing any charges they can.

You mean like since 2008 when you tea crackers tried everything to bring down your better, President Obama. Then in 2012 you sloop skulls got your teeth kicked in when the American people re elected your better:eusa_whistle:

And you mutants are still foaming at the mouth :lol:
Democrats have been trying to impeach, prosecute, drag down, lie about, and generally harass Gov. Walke ever since he put the government workers' unions in their places.

They are especially enraged over the fact that, when they tried to hold a recall election against him, he won it by an even greater margin than in his original election to the Governor's office.

Sounds like the whiners are still at it, digging and inventing any charges they can.

"Sounds"? Did you read the article? Skim it? Didn't think so.
Prosecutors: Gov. Walker part of criminal scheme

MADISON, Wis. — Prosecutors believe Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a potential 2016 Republican candidate for president, was at the center of a nationwide “criminal scheme” to illegally coordinate fundraising with outside conservative groups, according to previously secret court documents released Thursday.

The documents were filed as part of an ongoing lawsuit challenging the probe by the conservative group Wisconsin Club for Growth. They were ordered publicly released Thursday by a federal appeals court judge after prosecutors and the Wisconsin Club for Growth did not object.

One of the filings from prosecutors outlines previously unknown details about the investigation that began in 2012 as Walker was facing a recall election.

“The scope of the criminal scheme under investigation is expansive,” lead investigator Francis Schmitz wrote in the Dec. 9 court filing. “It includes criminal violations of multiple elections laws” including filing false campaign reports, he wrote.""

Prosecutors: Gov. Walker part of criminal scheme - The Washington Post

This is only the 53,477,435,772nd time you left wing fuck ups have tried to bring this man down. Each and every time you dumbasses claim you got him.

Bunch of butthurt fools.
Prosecutors: Gov. Walker part of criminal scheme

MADISON, Wis. — Prosecutors believe Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a potential 2016 Republican candidate for president, was at the center of a nationwide “criminal scheme” to illegally coordinate fundraising with outside conservative groups, according to previously secret court documents released Thursday.

The documents were filed as part of an ongoing lawsuit challenging the probe by the conservative group Wisconsin Club for Growth. They were ordered publicly released Thursday by a federal appeals court judge after prosecutors and the Wisconsin Club for Growth did not object.

One of the filings from prosecutors outlines previously unknown details about the investigation that began in 2012 as Walker was facing a recall election.

“The scope of the criminal scheme under investigation is expansive,” lead investigator Francis Schmitz wrote in the Dec. 9 court filing. “It includes criminal violations of multiple elections laws” including filing false campaign reports, he wrote.""

Prosecutors: Gov. Walker part of criminal scheme - The Washington Post

I heard all the computers associated with all these outside groups were left in Benghazi, then sold to Mexican drug lords, only to cross the boarder and kill police officers, then they crashed and were later destroyed.

Yeah, now where's your proof?
If libs can't win at the ballot box they seek to get their way through lawsuits and courts. They want to force their will on you any way they can. For your own good, of course.
This thread is further proof that the OP is a far left Obama drone.

Then I m sure the Op will still vote Clinton 2016 no matter who the Republicans nominate.

Even though the eclinto9ns got caught with their hands in the China cookie jar.
Time for this thread to die.

MADISON, Wis. (WSAU) -- A judge has quashed subpoenas and ordered the return of property to the targets of a secret campaign-finance investigation involving Gov. Scott Walker.

A Wall Street Journal report says Judge Gregory A. Peterson ruled Friday some of those subpoenas were improper. Peterson is overseeing the so-called John Doe investigation into Walker's campaign and more than two dozen conservative groups.

Peterson wrote they "do not show probable cause that the moving parties committed any violations of the campaign finance laws.''

His opinion remains under seal but the Wall Street Journal obtained a copy. Judge Peterson said he could not comment on the case.

Judge sees no probable cause, quashes several Walker John Doe subpoenas - News - WTAQ News Talk 97.5FM and 1360AM

Amazing how well tuned they are to try to post after yours and my post hoping noone notices the suit Was Dismissed.
All politicians are scum...especially Ted Cruz and his teaper clan. Trust none of them! They all lie, cheat and steal...especially the teapers and the wacko liberals.
Well when walker loses his recall election, I'm sure this partisan witch hunt will be reinstated by the judge
Yeah, why would you want to keep a governor who has brought fiscal sanity to the state budget after years of overspending by his Democratic predecessors?

As for the "outrageous" limitations he placed on *some* state workers unions, those limitations were the same that the federal government has long placed on federal workers unions. You'd never know that to hear the way some liberals have screamed about them.

Gov. Scott Walker's record puts him in contention
He'll get recalled fro sure now.

He should pull on Obama and say the hard drives were wiped

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" Oh shoot! Sorry, Righties...Gov Walker in Deep Kimchee!"

I like Kim Chee. It's delicious and very good for you. Good job Gov. Walker.

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