Oh, SNAP! the far right myths are snapped

No. You're a Hedonist. Right and wrong , so far as society is concerned, means nothing to you. Hedonists are basically self absorbed and with a feckless, boorish outlook on wider society.

You do not understand the concept of right and wrong. If you did, you would instantly realize the essential flw of the particular philosophy you champion.

I understand Right and Wrong PERFECTLY. It is you folks who believe that society defines those concepts and that they change over time who have no idea what Right and Wrong actually are.

So you know right and wrong yet refuse to act accordingly.

You are pathological and could care less.

Society will eventually have to deal with you.
Listen to one of the most immoral people on this site.
It is to laugh.

Unfortunately for you Lefties there us one thing that cannot be denied...... SNAP money from the Federal Government us unconstitutional and immoral. The immorality issue also exists at the State level.
So you know right and wrong yet refuse to act accordingly.

I know that 90% of what America is today and about 50% of what it was at the Founding are WRONG. The whole idea that human beings are equiped for Freedom or to make their own decisions is insane. The idea of Legality over Justice is ridiculous. The idea that certain groups are not, and haven't always been superior to others is also patently stupid.

Society will eventually have to deal with you.

Just make sure you bring lots of ammo.
...I know that 90% of what America is today and about 50% of what it was at the Founding are WRONG...

...The whole idea that human beings are equiped for Freedom or to make their own decisions is insane...
True. But you have it wrong.

Our system concedes Freedom to every individual. Your (or my) perception of their status as equipped to deal with Freedom is irrelevant.

Our system concedes the ability to make their own decisions, for every individual. Your (or my) perception of their ability is irrelevant.

Most folks are both adequately equipped and able to make their own decisions.

That is the way our system works.

Your individual approval is not required.

...The idea of Legality over Justice is ridiculous...
Yes and No.

Yes - when justice is not served in any fashion.

No - when justice is better served by legality than without it.

...The idea that certain groups are not, and haven't always been superior to others is also patently stupid...
Depends upon grouping criteria, of course.

What sort of grouping criteria do you have in mind?

For example, can you serve up a couple of 'This group is superior to that group" sorts of comparisons, for evaluation's sake?

...Just make sure you bring lots of ammo.
If you manifest in a sufficiently dangerous manner, the police should have no difficulty in accommodating that stipulation.
Wow! Why don't we all quit working and go in SNAP? The economy would grow by 76%! It's a no brainer!

Pelosi agrees!!!

Are all libs morons or just the ones leading them?


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A 3% fraud rate. So it be with Wall Street as well.

View attachment 35988

You're going to have to explain number 2 for me. I'm all ears.
Multiplier Effect Explained ROM Economics

Seriously, you believe that $1 in food stamps generates $1.73 in economic activity?

Why not have a society where EVERYONE in on food stamps and growing the economy?
Their problem is the assumption that the food stamp dollars grow on trees or that the people they took these dollars from were just gonna piss the money away and won't work less to limit the amount of punishment they receive from this federal scheme.

They really do believe giving a person a hand-out is better than giving a person a hand-up. They really do believe it's better to give a person fish than to teach them to fish. They really do believe redistributing income will change the fact that the top 1% have most of the assets.

They really do believe that giving someone food stamps won't encourage them to be dependent and lazy.
True. But you have it wrong. Our system concedes Freedom to every individual. Your (or my) perception of their status as equipped to deal with Freedom is irrelevant. Our system concedes the ability to make their own decisions, for every individual. Your (or my) perception of their ability is irrelevant. Most folks are both adequately equipped and able to make their own decisions. That is the way our system works. Your individual approval is not required.

YOUR system (I won't claim any ownership in it) naively believes that most people are willing and capable of taking care of themselves. Human nature and our current society show that belief to be patently false on almost every level imaginable. If my approval is not required then my MONEY should not be required to support these wastes of flesh and oxygen either.

Yes and No. Yes - when justice is not served in any fashion. No - when justice is better served by legality than without it.

Americans do not know what Justice is any more than they know what Security is. Both concepts are totally foreign to this society and have been for years.

Depends upon grouping criteria, of course. What sort of grouping criteria do you have in mind? For example, can you serve up a couple of 'This group is superior to that group" sorts of comparisons, for evaluation's sake?.

The potential grouping criterias are almost infinite. As a major example..... Men and women. Each have their own strengths and wesknesses, and are not equipped to undertake each other's proper roles in society and the world in general.

If you manifest in a sufficiently dangerous manner, the police should have no difficulty in accommodating that stipulation.

Bring It On. Better DEAD than Red.
A 3% fraud rate. So it be with Wall Street as well.

View attachment 35988

You're going to have to explain number 2 for me. I'm all ears.
Multiplier Effect Explained ROM Economics

Seriously, you believe that $1 in food stamps generates $1.73 in economic activity?

Why not have a society where EVERYONE in on food stamps and growing the economy?
Their problem is the assumption that the food stamp dollars grow on trees or that the people they took these dollars from were just gonna piss the money away and won't work less to limit the amount of punishment they receive from this federal scheme.

They really do believe giving a person a hand-out is better than giving a person a hand-up. They really do believe it's better to give a person fish than to teach them to fish. They really do believe redistributing income will change the fact that the top 1% have most of the assets.

They really do believe that giving someone food stamps won't encourage them to be dependent and lazy.

It's Economics For Morons. Unfortunately 47% of the people in this nation are morons
What do YOU believe there RMK? That kicking the shit out of people when they are down will make them get up and prosper?

You believe that a kid going to bed hungry does what for mom and dad?

You got any fishing poles to be teaching them how to fish? You buying the bait? Giving them the pole?
Taking them to the lake?

They really do believe that giving someone food stamps won't encourage them to be dependent and lazy

Once again you stupid fucker. A great many of those receiving food stamps work their asses off every day. They just don't get paid much money. Get Congress to lower the income qualifying guidelines to 10k. Any one making over 10k no food stamps, have a job, any job, no food stamps.

Get your politicians to do that. OK. Problem solved for you. But then what would you bitch about?
What do YOU believe there RMK?
I believe in liberty and justice, where liberty is not the liberty to force others to bend to your will, and where justice is not the injustice of using the law to force others to bend to your will.

That kicking the shit out of people when they are down will make them get up and prosper? Figuratively, yes. When someone is down, you encourage them to get up off their asses and act like a man. If you think that's kicking the shit out of them... well then you are not much of a man.

You believe that a kid going to bed hungry does what for mom and dad? Depends on the mom and dad. All the moms and dads I know, work to feed their kids. You must know some real winners there, if they refuse to work to feed their kids.

You got any fishing poles to be teaching them how to fish? You buying the bait? Giving them the pole? Giving, hell no. But I would be happy to mentor someone. I do it all the time. When I mentor someone, they earn everything they get/use.

Taking them to the lake? Transportation may be a part of what they have to earn, see above.

They really do believe that giving someone food stamps won't encourage them to be dependent and lazy

Once again you stupid fucker. A great many of those receiving food stamps work their asses off every day. They just don't get paid much money. I'm the stupid fucker? ROFL.. no, people that work their asses off and still need hand-outs... yeah that's the stupid stuff right there.

Get Congress to lower the income qualifying guidelines to 10k. Any one making over 10k no food stamps, have a job, any job, no food stamps. All that will do is lower the number of hours these lazy people work even further. The reason so many stop at 30 is they don't want to "curtail" their welfare checks.

Get your politicians to do that. OK. Problem solved for you. But then what would you bitch about? Reducing the bar for qualifying for welfare does not change the fundamental aspect that hand-outs don't work.
in blue

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