Oh, SNAP! the far right myths are snapped

I understand Right and Wrong PERFECTLY. It is you folks who believe that society defines those concepts and that they change over time who have no idea what Right and Wrong actually are.

Says the guy who thinks that we have no rights, only privileges handed out by the government. :eusa_hand:
True. But you have it wrong. Our system concedes Freedom to every individual. Your (or my) perception of their status as equipped to deal with Freedom is irrelevant. Our system concedes the ability to make their own decisions, for every individual. Your (or my) perception of their ability is irrelevant. Most folks are both adequately equipped and able to make their own decisions. That is the way our system works. Your individual approval is not required.

YOUR system (I won't claim any ownership in it) naively believes that most people are willing and capable of taking care of themselves. Human nature and our current society show that belief to be patently false on almost every level imaginable. If my approval is not required then my MONEY should not be required to support these wastes of flesh and oxygen either.

Yes and No. Yes - when justice is not served in any fashion. No - when justice is better served by legality than without it.

Americans do not know what Justice is any more than they know what Security is. Both concepts are totally foreign to this society and have been for years.

Depends upon grouping criteria, of course. What sort of grouping criteria do you have in mind? For example, can you serve up a couple of 'This group is superior to that group" sorts of comparisons, for evaluation's sake?.

The potential grouping criterias are almost infinite. As a major example..... Men and women. Each have their own strengths and wesknesses, and are not equipped to undertake each other's proper roles in society and the world in general.

If you manifest in a sufficiently dangerous manner, the police should have no difficulty in accommodating that stipulation.

Bring It On. Better DEAD than Red.
You appear to have some very serious sociopathic tendencies which may prove treat-able. I suggest you arrange a consult.
Anathema, your statement is immoral.

LOL. Morality is defined by Right and Wrong not by feeling good about yourself.

It is not moral to allow people to steal from you or to support people who can't or won't support themselves.
"It's not moral to support people who can't support themselves." :cuckoo:
You have a rather strange sense of morality.

Fundraiser: "At this festive season of the year, Mr Scrooge, ... it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir."

Scrooge: "Are there no prisons?"

Fundraiser: "Plenty of prisons..."

Scrooge: "And the Union workhouses. Are they still in operation?"

Fundraiser: "Both very busy, sir..."

Scrooge: "Those who are badly off must go there."

Fundraiser: "Many can't go there; and many would rather die."

Scrooge: "If they would rather die," said Scrooge, "they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population."


A 3% fraud rate. So it be with Wall Street as well.

View attachment 35988

You're going to have to explain number 2 for me. I'm all ears.
Multiplier Effect Explained ROM Economics

Seriously, you believe that $1 in food stamps generates $1.73 in economic activity?

Why not have a society where EVERYONE is on food stamps and growing the economy?
For the same reason we don't take 20 aspirins for a migraine because 2 worked for a mild headache, we don't give food stamps to everyone to stimulate the economy.

Job creation provides the best economic stimulus because it has a greater multiplier than subsidies; that is, you have the effect of the wages spent by the employee plus the effect of additional product and services created by the work. Unfortunately job creation often does not touch those in the lowest income strata because they often lack either the jobs skills or the ability to perform the work.
For the same reason we don't take 20 aspirins for a migraine because 2 worked for a mild headache, we don't give food stamps to everyone to stimulate the economy.

No, that analogy does not work. Not in the slightest. I'm sure that in your limited mental capacity you find it quite satisfying to simply juxtapose two things and talk about nothing more than quantity. It's the easiest form of mental work. If you want to break something, hit it with a hammer. If it doesn't break, hit it even harder. If it still doesn't break, hit it again and again and again and again. But logic does not follow your Neanderthalish rules.

The reason you don't take 20 aspirin for a migraine is because 1) That much aspirin will kill you. It becomes toxic at those levels. 2) Migraines are not the same as a "mild headache" and have a different set of causes and warrant a different form of medical treatment.
You appear to have some very serious sociopathic tendencies which may prove treat-able. I suggest you arrange a consult.

Nope. Several professionals have indicated the only potential treatment for me would be a 200+ year ride backwards in a time machine.
job creation often does not touch those in the lowest income strata because they often lack either the jobs skills or the ability to perform the work.

Or ... the ambition to put down the needle / crack pipe / bottle - get off their ass and contribute to their own support
Case Worker Illegal Aliens Got Food Stamps by the Vanload - Judicial Watch

The op is patently false with many articles debunking it. Real world experiences also debunk it. All these hundreds of thousands of kids that just came in last year are all getting food stamps and they are all very illegal.

Is anyone else seeing a full court press of liberals authoring falsehoods, lies, and obfuscation on an industrial scale now that repubs are in control of congress. Take note of the flood,of propaganda recently showing up: Ebola, Isis, food stamps, middle class tax cuts, obama gas, anti-capitalism rants, and on and on. The old just say it enough times and it must be true ploy is being fed steroids by the left. Take up all the oxygen and there will not be any air left for the truth.
Judicial Watch? Really? REALLY?!!! Thats like a Lefty sourcing the Daily Kos :rofl:

Try again
You appear to have some very serious sociopathic tendencies which may prove treat-able. I suggest you arrange a consult.

Nope. Several professionals have indicated the only potential treatment for me would be a 200+ year ride backwards in a time machine.
Yup, you are by your own words a sociopath. Unless you are have a time machine, you are fucked, honey.
For the same reason we don't take 20 aspirins for a migraine because 2 worked for a mild headache, we don't give food stamps to everyone to stimulate the economy.

No, that analogy does not work. Not in the slightest. I'm sure that in your limited mental capacity you find it quite satisfying to simply juxtapose two things and talk about nothing more than quantity. It's the easiest form of mental work. If you want to break something, hit it with a hammer. If it doesn't break, hit it even harder. If it still doesn't break, hit it again and again and again and again. But logic does not follow your Neanderthalish rules.

The reason you don't take 20 aspirin for a migraine is because 1) That much aspirin will kill you. It becomes toxic at those levels. 2) Migraines are not the same as a "mild headache" and have a different set of causes and warrant a different form of medical treatment.
I don't respond to personal attacks or insults. If you have any rebuttal with regard to SNAP, I'll be happy to respond.
Federal law prevents illegal aliens from receiving benefits meant for American citizens

Federal Law prohibits them from crossing the border illegally - but they do it anyway ...so far as receiving Food stamp benefits - like the border, It's not enforced and they receive them anyway
Federal law prevents illegal aliens from receiving benefits meant for American citizens

Federal Law prohibits them from crossing the border illegally - but they do it anyway ...so far as receiving Food stamp benefits - like the border, It's not enforced and they receive them anyway
You can enter the country illegally just by walking across the board. Getting food stamps requires an application and verifiable documentation of citizenship such as birth certificate or immigration status. Also required is a social security number, verification of address, and verification of income and employment history. Each applicant must also satisfy the interviewer that they meet all requirements.
Eligibility Food and Nutrition Service
My expectation is that I will end up dying at the hands of State/Federal agents. I don't plan on going alone. Figure it our.

Damn, sorry to hear that your life sucks so bad. You think your attitude has anything to do with that?
Damn, sorry to hear that your life sucks so bad. You think your attitude has anything to do with that?

My life is fine. It's the rest of you who are fucked up. My attitude has a whole lot to do with having to deal with morons and imbeciles on a daily basis. I have no patience for people like that. Unfortunately they seem to make up the vast majority of today's society.

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