Oh....So Now The Latest Dem Claim Is That The Right Is Attacking Cops

you don't have to believe democrats are for police defunding...but why don't you just look at what is going on in blue cities where defunding has occurred and see how things are going.
The Democrats never called to defund the Police.
Those were some early protesters who were holding signs saying Defund the Police.
It is not a Democratic idea at all.


STFU. I can show you tons of comments by Democrats to de-fund the police.
One of them is Illan Omar who still is doing it.
Ihlan is an extremist. Defunding means taking all of the money away from the police. Doing away with the police.

The actual Democratic stand is to reform the police. Put money where it is really needed.
Illhan Omar is a typical Democrat.
She's not an extremist.
She's just an idiot.

This is VP Harris discussing de-funding police. She just doesn't say the word.
Re-imagining is what she's calling it.

The Democrats never called to defund the Police.
Those were some early protesters who were holding signs saying Defund the Police.
It is not a Democratic idea at all.

Guess the Sixties really were HARD on you.

Dems want to defund local police because many local police are conservatives and will uphold the law. That doesn't work for democrats.

Dems dont want to defund the FBI because the FBI is now their enforcement arm...the enforcement arm of the democrat party. THAT NEEDS to be defunding and re done NOT by democrats.


The local police are there to protect the public (us). The FBI is there to protect THEM.
Democrats actually painted "De-fund the Police" on the streets.

Ihlan is an extremist. Defunding means taking all of the money away from the police. Doing away with the police.

The actual Democratic stand is to reform the police. Put money where it is really needed.

Police depts. need more funds, not less. I would distance myself from that mistake too, if I were a democrat, but it won't work..........People do have a memory. :rolleyes:
some boomers never mature mentally, politically, socially, economically. especially those sheltered in educational and political institutions.
Ihlan is an extremist. Defunding means taking all of the money away from the police. Doing away with the police.

The actual Democratic stand is to reform the police. Put money where it is really needed.

"House Democrats on Wednesday delayed a plan to fund the police amid infighting before midterm elections. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was unable to win enough support to fund police and has instead pushed the much needed funding off until the House returns after its August recess, Punchbowl News reported. Establishment Democrats, such as Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), had been trying to pass the police funding for months to shore up their political vulnerabilities head of the election. But far-left Democrats, led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), have opposed the funding of police."

House Democrats Delay Plan to Fund Police Before Midterms
The Democrats never called to defund the Police.
Those were some early protesters who were holding signs saying Defund the Police.
It is not a Democratic idea at all.


And we're getting threads like this from the party that injured over 100 cops on Jan 6.

Oh well. Who knows.
And we're getting threads like this from the party that injured over 100 cops on Jan 6.

Oh well. Who knows.
how many times does that have to be shown to be untrue? But the left...still thinking that the more you repeat a lie, the more it will be accepted.....true enough among your own. Don't forget that even Hilliary said that democrat voters are stupid and easily manipulated.
how many times does that have to be shown to be untrue? But the left...still thinking that the more you repeat a lie, the more it will be accepted.....true enough among your own. Don't forget that even Hilliary said that democrat voters are stupid and easily manipulated.
It's untrue?

Tell me, who are you told, in your world, it was? Antifa? BLM? FBI?
And they have blood on their hands due to the FBI BS they spew.
So how many Cops has Democratic anti cop rhetoric gotten murdered in the streets since Obama and his supporters started the ball rolling?
So how many Cops has Democratic anti cop rhetoric gotten murdered in the streets since Obama and his supporters started the ball rolling?
But but, are you denying what I posted? Seems to be a problem with the RWingers.
But but, are you denying what I posted? Seems to be a problem with the RWingers.
Remember when Obama spoke at the memorial service for the cops in Dallas and implied it was the cops fault they were killed?
No and this thread seems to be going off topic.
Well he did. And …yeah…I’m sure you don’t like smelling the crap democrats spew at law enforcement when you are now trying to backtrack. and pretend you now all of a sudden support law enforcement.

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