OH Woman: "I Voted Twice."

IDs would not have stopped this type of fraud.

It would not have stopped the fraud perpitrated by Mann Cultwhore either
Ann Coulter Under Investigation For Voter Fraud ? Again! | Addicting Info

Looks like she may have done it yet again

Where does Ann Coulter live? Is it New York City, which she gives as her address? Or is it New Canaan, Connecticut where her parents live… and where she voted in 2002 and 2004? The NY Daily News reports that Ann is being investigated for voting fraudulently at the behest of private investigator Joseph Culligan.

Property records put her home in New York City in 2003, on E. 82nd Street. We know this because she was sued for allegedly not paying her rent to the tune of $11,208 while buying a $1.5 million condo the same year. Yet she voted in New Canaan. Curious.
IDs would not have stopped this type of fraud.

It would not have stopped the fraud perpitrated by Mann Cultwhore either

Do you think that women would have been able to provide 7 or so different IDs and go to 7 or so different voting stations? I don't.
how would she get all the absentee ballots?

she also could of dressed up like santa and did a jig in the barn.

That is NOT what the FACTS are huh
man cultwhore stopped payin her landlord rent when she knew she would not have to rent again.

She is above the laws I guess
this is why us conservatives need to be suspicious of the Florida votes. for a state that is heavily white, I find it very peculiar of how Obama won. what were they doing in all of the black districts?

In Florida, 40% of voters are registered Democrats and 36% registered Republicans. Obama took Florida in 2008 and 2012, so what is so suspicious?

What do you mean what were they doing in all the black districts? Are you assuming because people are black they are more likely to commit voter fraud?

As far as the situation in the OP: someone has explained how absentee ballots are checked against those who vote in person. This apparently works because this woman was caught. People are laugihng about this thread, not about voter fraud, because it really seems to be about Republicans being sore losers, not about you all actually believing there is widespread voter fraud. You'd like to believe it because you hate Obama so much and are sore losers about his winning the election.

There is no vast or consequential amount of voter fraud in the US; we all know that, which is one reason why there was never any need for the photo ID proof in order to vote. That was just another way to keep blacks and minorities from voting like back in Jim Crow days. During the Jim Crow days, though" Federal Laws stated that all American Citizens were allowed to vote, some states' local laws made obstacles to prevent black people from voting. For example:

•In some areas voters were required to carry out a literacy examination; black people would be given tests that were harder than those that white people took
•Black people would be falsely told that they had not passed these literacy tests
•In some states voters had to have proof that their granddad had had the right to vote which was unlikely if he was black
•Also, there was a high chance of violence towards black people trying to vote (this was more of a social reason)"

If Romney had won, and there was some voter fraud discovered, those in favor of Romney would not be making a big deal about it; i.e, if the tables were turned, you'd see this for what it is: isolated incidents that would have not made any difference in the overall election results.

The desire in trying to say there has been widespread voter fraud is the desire to undo an election you don't like, and, again, all it proves is how much you hate Obama and what sore losers you are. A main reason Obama won seems to be that he was supported by young people and minorities, and also because the current Republican party no longer speaks to the majority of people in this country: a fact many of your prominent leaders have acknowledged. Why don't you listen to them instead of insisting to continue with all the extremist rhetoric and policies that the majority of Americans don't believe in? For example, gun control laws: statistics clearly show that the majority of Americans want stricter gun control laws, but so many in the Republican party are dead set against any restrictions on owning firearms. This is contrary to what the majority wants. As long as most of your policies conflict with what the majority wants, you will continue to lose elections: it is not about Obama, not about black people, not about voter fraud.
this is why us conservatives need to be suspicious of the Florida votes. for a state that is heavily white, I find it very peculiar of how Obama won. what were they doing in all of the black districts?

Some across the nation were voting at 150% of the precinct. In Ohio they brought in a bus load of Somalis and showed them how to fill out their ballots as they stepped off of the bus, the same with some old folks and homes for the mentally disabled. All votes for Obama. Their cry is ID is voter suppression but you can see the glee the Democrats here share with the illegal voters. The Left has no concern for cheating or lying...why should they when they approvingly elect cheaters and liars? If their leaders do not care we should not be surprised when their voters do not care either.

I hope the Republicans come up with the same screwed up tactics in future elections. Their belligerant attempts to cut out some voting days, shorten early voting, limit registration, create hardships in Democrat precincts backfired in their face when folks decided they would vote if it took a week. We turned out in number and kicked ass. In other words anybody who had any doubts about what lengths the Republicans would go to in order to win knows now and they won't soon forget.
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Does anyone know if her Polling Place ballot was counted?

According to county documents, Richardson’s absentee ballot was accepted on Nov. 1, 2012 along with her signature. On Nov. 11, she told an official she also voted at a precinct because she was afraid her absentee ballot would not be counted in time.

“There’s absolutely no intent on my part to commit voter fraud,” said Richardson. . . .

This sort of thing happens all the time in my county. People who voted by mail go to the polls and vote again " just to be sure" because they didn't check or mailed their ballot late. These voters vote provisionally and their ballot is not counted.
Got to the minority district and offer a 40 oz and a pack of smokes everytime they vote. I'd say you could accumalate a good many votes.
Actually, Liberals only want to do away with voter ID in Purple States, right? like PENN&OHIO? if they try to pull that stunt again in 2016, fine, then all the Red Governors in Swing states will allow all Republicans and Conservatives/Independents to vote twice. See if the left likes that!
If Marco Rubio takes it in the end, gonna be kinda hard to get all of those millions of Latinos to vote for whoever is the Democrat Nominee. Don't think it will be Hillary being she has a "Conclusion Of The Brain".
Actually, Liberals only want to do away with voter ID in Purple States, right? like PENN&OHIO? if they try to pull that stunt again in 2016, fine, then all the Red Governors in Swing states will allow all Republicans and Conservatives/Independents to vote twice. See if the left likes that!

Hang onto that line of thinking......you talk about an asskicking. You still haven't seen the whole story.

Do you think these dedicated right wing rags and their 24 hour a day partisan posts will actually make any difference now that the Right and T party has been found out?
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