Ohio cop tells black man he tailed him and pulled him over for ‘direct eye contact’

Considering what is covered in the news, that cop should be lucky that is all that the guy did to him.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. To me, that cop should know by now that there is no more trust anymore from either direction. One can turn on the other at anytime now anywhere.

The question was answered, obviously the asshole wanted to make more of it and because HE might misbehave it's somehow the cops' fault if he gets shot? How fucking stupid! Put responsibility where it belongs. If asshole wants to escalate the issue because he didn't like the second answer to his stupid question then good riddance, we don't need him around.
What exactly do you mean by "misbehave?"

The cop pulls a motorist over for a minor traffic violation and presumably is issuing a summons. The motorist is perturbed by the inconvenience, which is understandable, and is acting out his annoyance by repeatedly asking a nonsensical question. My question to you is, so what?

The cop is not required to answer repeated and/or nonsensical questions and the motorist is not being offensive (cursing, threatening) or attempting to prevent the cop from performing his intended purpose, which is writing the summons. All the cop has to do to complete his purpose is hand the summons to the motorist and be on his way. So it is the cop who is deliberately escalating the issue by taunting the agitated motorist with a smart-ass response to a repetitive and inane question.

A smart cop will ignore the expressed annoyance of a motorist he has stopped and is issuing a summons. He will ignore it rather than escalating it because he knows the outcome can be the stuff that causes riots.
it is the cop who is deliberately escalating the issue by taunting the agitated motorist with a smart-ass response to a repetitive and inane question.

Could be. But I'd put my money on the thought that he was being deliberately candid and telling the whole truth. As in, "and what are you gonna do about it?" That would have a psychological (egotistical) purpose -- rubbing his authority in the citizen's face. Which is way too common.
How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.
As usual you seem to remember incorrectly. The man DID USE HIS TURN SIGNAL!!!!!
He was told that he was closer than 100 feet to the corner prior to activating his turn signal.

Now, if you like I can point out your other inaccuracies.
Try to read slower. If the law said 100 ft and he didn't flip them on until later then he didn't have them on when he was supposed to. Get it?

For the record, cops often do that to check up on someone, most good street arrests start out that way. If you're cool you're usually good to go. If you're an asshole you just became a shit magnet.
You try to read more slowly and maybe your feet won't end up in your mouth so often.
You stated that the man NEVER USED HIS TURN SIGNAL!!!
Further and I have done this thousands of times, if I am behind you and focused on getting a good vehicle description and driver description there is no way I can accurately gauge if the front of a vehicle is exactly 100 feet from the intersection.
Stopping a motorist because they looked at you is far from "checking up" on someone.
Try to offer a more plausible justification for the unjustified.
Wrong, dumbfuck. I said "I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it,"

Now you want to twist the argument into something else. If he didn't have it on when he was supposed to the cop had a right (and duty) to stop him. The guy obviously had a chip on his shoulder like so many in the black community. As if they are above the law. Doesn't work that way. Like I said, it's how cops catch a lot of bad guys. Act like an adult and you'll probably just get a warning. Act like a hostile argumentative activist and you deserve some special attention.
The question was answered, obviously the asshole wanted to make more of it and because HE might misbehave it's somehow the cops' fault if he gets shot? How fucking stupid! Put responsibility where it belongs. If asshole wants to escalate the issue because he didn't like the second answer to his stupid question then good riddance, we don't need him around.
What exactly do you mean by "misbehave?"

The cop pulls a motorist over for a minor traffic violation and presumably is issuing a summons. The motorist is perturbed by the inconvenience, which is understandable, and is acting out his annoyance by repeatedly asking a nonsensical question. My question to you is, so what?

The cop is not required to answer repeated and/or nonsensical questions and the motorist is not being offensive (cursing, threatening) or attempting to prevent the cop from performing his intended purpose, which is writing the summons. All the cop has to do to complete his purpose is hand the summons to the motorist and be on his way. So it is the cop who is deliberately escalating the issue by taunting the agitated motorist with a smart-ass response to a repetitive and inane question.

A smart cop will ignore the expressed annoyance of a motorist he has stopped and is issuing a summons. He will ignore it rather than escalating it because he knows the outcome can be the stuff that causes riots.
I explained it several times, can you read or just type? So it's the cops fault the motorist is agitated and should act accordingly? LOL, you fucking spineless wimp.
Grow a goddamn backbone, you're what's wrong with this country.
How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.
As usual you seem to remember incorrectly. The man DID USE HIS TURN SIGNAL!!!!!
He was told that he was closer than 100 feet to the corner prior to activating his turn signal.

Now, if you like I can point out your other inaccuracies.

Which is something that millions and millions and millions of drivers do every single day: to turn on their turn signal less than 100 feet before a crossing. This is an excuse that racist cops use to nap someone.
Which is something that millions and millions and millions of drivers do every single day: to turn on their turn signal less than 100 feet before a crossing. This is an excuse that racist cops use to nap someone.
They just need a shady spot to nap. Cops stop white people and Asians, Hispanics, etc. Sorry to bust your bubble.
How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.

He did use the turn signal. Try again retard
ClosedCaption will be along momentarily to tell us all how to feel about this ground breaking travesty.

Please hold......

Why would I tell you how to feel? You already called it a travesty.

Stupid cop, stupid driver. End story

You forgot to say your catchphrase:

This isnt about race

ClosedCaption, How the hell do you know it is about race???? I am white & had the same shit happen to me many times. Some Cops are just assholes!

In 2010 my white friend & his white wife were pulled over in Ferguson, Missouri at dusk for a burnt out license plate light. They were tasered & arrested for assault because the police stood by their door & ordered them out of car so the doors would hit them. When they stood up they were tasered so they could slam hard onto the ground. Their car was impounded, they were jailed & got 3 years probation for assault.

It's always about race with you clowns.

COol story bro...so tell me, is it that blacks have actually been abused by police or is it your opinion that blacks are experiencing a mass hallucination?
Why would I tell you how to feel? You already called it a travesty.

Stupid cop, stupid driver. End story
Feel free to list the "stupid" actions of the driver...
Staring down a cop

And there it is folks....Literally ANY reason is good. They dropped altogether any law breaking and now simply existing is grounds for being pulled over....just like what blacks have been telling you for years.

Thanks Gramps, I'm sure you'll be right back to explain its not what it sounds like :2up:
Did i say the cop was right? No, i didn't. I said he wss stupid as well.

So there you have it folks. ClosedCaption, to no ones surprise, jumps to asinine conclusions
The last time a cop pulled me over for that she just wanted a date. I was flattered and all, but it was not legal.
I explained it several times, can you read or just type? So it's the cops fault the motorist is agitated and should act accordingly? LOL, you fucking spineless wimp.

Grow a goddamn backbone, you're what's wrong with this country.
When an ordinary citizen is confronted by a police officer the situation is analogous to a scrawny, 120-pound milquetoast confronted by a 280-pound MMA fighter. This is so because the cop has the full force of the Law behind him if he is physically engaged by the citizen -- and he has a .40 automatic pistol on his hip, possibly along with a Taser weapon and/or a pepper-spray device. In other words, if the situation becomes physical the cop has a 100% advantage over the ordinary citizen.

Focusing on the 280-pound MMA cage fighter vs the 120-pound milquetoast, don't you think the smart, and proper, thing is for the bigger guy to simply ignore the impotent protestations of the little guy, rather than engage him in a transaction that could lead to a regrettably violent encounter that would mark him as an aggressive bully -- or worse?

I am a big guy. My father and older brother are even bigger than me. We have always been aware that we can't win if we get into a fight with a little guy. Because if we win the fight we lose in the eyes of any observers -- regardless of how wrong the little guy was. And this is the phenomenon that accounts for the universally popular use of the word, "unarmed," in every situation in which a cop shoots someone who doesn't have his kind of power -- the Law and a gun.

That is why a smart cop will ignore the impotent nonsense a frustrated motorist, like Sandra Bland for one example, might put forth when being issued a summons for something they regard as unjustly petty.

In addition to being a comparatively large man I also lifted weights and wrestled at the YMCA for most of my younger years. I've had very few fights and I can't remember how many times I've had to ignore deliberately and stupidly provocative comments from some little shit whom I knew I could bring down and cripple if I chose to.

The fact you obviously can't understand that reveals which side of the equation you occupy.
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How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.

He did use the turn signal. Try again retard
Pop your head out of your ass, he didn't have them on when he was supposed to. No wonder you dumb fucks have trouble with the law, you need babysitters.
I explained it several times, can you read or just type? So it's the cops fault the motorist is agitated and should act accordingly? LOL, you fucking spineless wimp.

Grow a goddamn backbone, you're what's wrong with this country.
When an ordinary citizen is confronted by a police officer the situation is analogous to a scrawny, 120-pound milquetoast confronted by a 280-pound MMA fighter. This is so because the cop has the full force of the Law behind him if he is physically engaged by the citizen -- and he has a .40 automatic pistol on his hip, possibly along with a Taser weapon and/or a pepper-spray device. In other words, if the situation becomes physical the cop has a 100% advantage over the ordinary citizen.

Focusing on the 280-pound MMA cage fighter vs the 120-pound milquetoast, don't you think the smart, and proper, thing is for the bigger guy to simply ignore the impotent protestations of the little guy, rather than engage him in a transaction that could lead to a regrettably violent encounter that would mark him as an aggressive bully -- or worse?

I am a big guy. My father and older brother are even bigger than me. We have always been aware that we can't win if we get into a fight with a little guy. Because if we win the fight we lose in the eyes of any observers -- regardless of how wrong the little guy was. And this is the phenomenon that accounts for the universally popular use of the word, "unarmed," in every situation in which a cop shoots someone who doesn't have his kind of power -- the Law and a gun.

That is why a smart cop will ignore the impotent nonsense a frustrated motorist, like Sandra Bland for one example, might put forth when being issued a summons for something they regard as unjustly petty.

In addition to being a comparatively large man I also lifted weights and wrestled at the YMCA for most of my younger years. I've had very few fights and I can't remember how many times I've had to ignore deliberately and stupidly provocative comments from some little shit whom I knew I could bring down and cripple if I chose to.

The fact you obviously can't understand that reveals which side of the equation you occupy.
Cry me a river. Some idiot is intimidated when getting stopped so the cop should coddle him? Fuck that. Just answer the questions without a chip on your shoulder like a normal human. There's something wrong with you perpetual victims.
Cry me a river. Some idiot is intimidated when getting stopped so the cop should coddle him? Fuck that. Just answer the questions without a chip on your shoulder like a normal human. There's something wrong with you perpetual victims.
Ignoring is not "coddling." It's ignoring.

Do you own a dictionary?
How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.
As usual you seem to remember incorrectly. The man DID USE HIS TURN SIGNAL!!!!!
He was told that he was closer than 100 feet to the corner prior to activating his turn signal.

Now, if you like I can point out your other inaccuracies.
Try to read slower. If the law said 100 ft and he didn't flip them on until later then he didn't have them on when he was supposed to. Get it?

For the record, cops often do that to check up on someone, most good street arrests start out that way. If you're cool you're usually good to go. If you're an asshole you just became a shit magnet.
You try to read more slowly and maybe your feet won't end up in your mouth so often.
You stated that the man NEVER USED HIS TURN SIGNAL!!!
Further and I have done this thousands of times, if I am behind you and focused on getting a good vehicle description and driver description there is no way I can accurately gauge if the front of a vehicle is exactly 100 feet from the intersection.
Stopping a motorist because they looked at you is far from "checking up" on someone.
Try to offer a more plausible justification for the unjustified.
Wrong, dumbfuck. I said "I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it,"

Now you want to twist the argument into something else. If he didn't have it on when he was supposed to the cop had a right (and duty) to stop him. The guy obviously had a chip on his shoulder like so many in the black community. As if they are above the law. Doesn't work that way. Like I said, it's how cops catch a lot of bad guys. Act like an adult and you'll probably just get a warning. Act like a hostile argumentative activist and you deserve some special attention.
And once again you come off too stupid to remember what you posted.
I would be as stupid as you if I were to argue whether or not you stated what has been posted numerous times concerning your own statement.
If I have to follow someone for miles before finding a legal reason to stop them my motivations are anything but the public safety.
Again, try something g a little more intellectually believable while trying to justify the unjustified.
Which is something that millions and millions and millions of drivers do every single day: to turn on their turn signal less than 100 feet before a crossing. This is an excuse that racist cops use to nap someone.
They just need a shady spot to nap. Cops stop white people and Asians, Hispanics, etc. Sorry to bust your bubble.
So everyone is sure that you will shortly post a link where a white motorist was trailed for miles before being stopped for not activating his turn signal less than 100 feet from the intersection and then being told that the truthful reason he was stopped was because he made eye contact with the officer.
Yep your link will be posted any minute now.
How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.

He did use the turn signal. Try again retard
Pop your head out of your ass, he didn't have them on when he was supposed to. No wonder you dumb fucks have trouble with the law, you need babysitters.
You stated he never used them; using your anus as your mouth doesn't seem to be working for you.
How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.

He did use the turn signal. Try again retard
Pop your head out of your ass, he didn't have them on when he was supposed to. No wonder you dumb fucks have trouble with the law, you need babysitters.
You stated he never used them; using your anus as your mouth doesn't seem to be working for you.
You fucking retard. I said I seem to recall him not using his turn signal. Get your babysitter to explain what that means since it's out of your reach. You're so fucking stupid you think you can simply deflect the issue from what happened. Some asshole tried to give a cop a hard time, it didn't work so you dimwits are here crying about it.
How in the hell is it making excuses for Black people when the basis of a traffic stop is based on no crime having been committed and no traffic violation being witnessed by the Officer???
Seems like you are making excuses for racial profiling and/or the violation of citizen's fourth amendment rights.
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.

He did use the turn signal. Try again retard
Pop your head out of your ass, he didn't have them on when he was supposed to. No wonder you dumb fucks have trouble with the law, you need babysitters.
You stated he never used them; using your anus as your mouth doesn't seem to be working for you.
You fucking retard. I said I seem to recall him not using his turn signal. Get your babysitter to explain what that means since it's out of your reach. You're so fucking stupid you think you can simply deflect the issue from what happened. Some asshole tried to give a cop a hard time, it didn't work so you dimwits are here crying about it.
In other words you saw that you have lost the debate, been caught in a lie , made shit up and still failed to prove your silly position...
Oh well no one ever claimed you were bright...
I seem to remember something about the guy not using his turn signal and I still haven't figured out what race has to do with it, unless you think black people can't eff up. OR cops should simply ignore their eff ups once they spot the race.

He did use the turn signal. Try again retard
Pop your head out of your ass, he didn't have them on when he was supposed to. No wonder you dumb fucks have trouble with the law, you need babysitters.
You stated he never used them; using your anus as your mouth doesn't seem to be working for you.
You fucking retard. I said I seem to recall him not using his turn signal. Get your babysitter to explain what that means since it's out of your reach. You're so fucking stupid you think you can simply deflect the issue from what happened. Some asshole tried to give a cop a hard time, it didn't work so you dimwits are here crying about it.
In other words you saw that you have lost the debate, been caught in a lie , made shit up and still failed to prove your silly position...
Oh well no one ever claimed you were bright...
You stupid maggot, I said as I recall and that wasn't even the issue. The point was his signal wasn't on when it was supposed to be. No wonder you stupid assholes have so many problems. Go get your face pounded in, you deserve it.

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