Ohio gov. signs bill requiring women to cremate or bury aborted fetus

If cremation is chosen as the form of disposal then the remains must either be placed in a "grave, crypt, or niche" or scattered in a "dignified manner."

Medical incineration is done by the box, not by individual components.

No other surgical material is treated in this way. I wonder how miscarriages will be treated?
My friends had a miscarriage. The child's remains were cremated and the ashes scattered at sea off the pier.

By their choice, right?

A lot of things aren't "your choice" in America. Can't pray in a Public School, example given.
If cremation is chosen as the form of disposal then the remains must either be placed in a "grave, crypt, or niche" or scattered in a "dignified manner."

Medical incineration is done by the box, not by individual components.

No other surgical material is treated in this way. I wonder how miscarriages will be treated?
My friends had a miscarriage. The child's remains were cremated and the ashes scattered at sea off the pier.

By their choice, right?

A lot of things aren't "your choice" in America. Can't pray in a Public School, example given.
there is no law that forbids praying in public schools,,,
We simply can't have women realizing the human beings ripped from their uteri are indeed human beings.
We just can’t allow women to control their own bodies. Mind your own business.
Stop spreading your legs then, or get on the pill or something like that.

Zip up your pants.

You lot want to make the pill illegal as well.
You are so full of BS. Birth control pills isn't nor will be illegal or an IUD. There are tons of birth control options. What does my pants have to do with anything. It is your body, you control it.........but only if you want to murder a baby. Fucking with no birth control golly jeepers I just couldn't control myself.
We simply can't have women realizing the human beings ripped from their uteri are indeed human beings.
We just can’t allow women to control their own bodies. Mind your own business.

You and others can minimize the value of life, that is the right the government gives you, you can abort babies all you want. I will always see it as the taking of a life, I will always side with science that it is a life and I still have the right to the opinion that it is wrong and immoral to abort a baby.
To me, this kind of thing should've been in place a long time ago. Why should such a "clean up" be dumped on anyone else's plate when they are not who made the "mess" in the first place?

God bless you always!!!

It's crazy, designed to inflict emotional damage on grief-stricken women. But like with Trump, the cruelty is the point.
Liberal women who patronize abortion clinics and push bathroom bill legislation hate me because I am transgender. No I cannot have sex with another woman as a man can. And lesbian women hate me even more than straight women do. They are the cruel ones who murder their own children and cause them to pass through the fire to Moloch.
We simply can't have women realizing the human beings ripped from their uteri are indeed human beings.
We just can’t allow women to control their own bodies. Mind your own business.
Stop spreading your legs then, or get on the pill or something like that.
Does just lay it on the women. Use a rubber for men. I tell my son where a rubber, I always did. Prevent std,abortion, and getting sick with th wrong girl. I once took a credit application in the late 1980's from a women who had a 22k per month income and no job. 4 kids from 4 different doctors. Don't let it happen to you or your boy.
We simply can't have women realizing the human beings ripped from their uteri are indeed human beings.
We just can’t allow women to control their own bodies. Mind your own business.
Stop spreading your legs then, or get on the pill or something like that.
Does just lay it on the women. Use a rubber for men. I tell my son where a rubber, I always did. Prevent std,abortion, and getting sick with th wrong girl. I once took a credit application in the late 1980's from a women who had a 22k per month income and no job. 4 kids from 4 different doctors. Don't let it happen to you or your boy.
Excellent advice.
I don't know about this one...


Requiring to bury a dead body is not unconditional
This is an undo burden and therefore unconstitutional.

Does the law require people who have surgery to dispose of any waste?
yes and its part of the bill,,

So...are you saying that when a person has surgery to remove a tumor, that tumor must be buried or cremated with the appropriate costs, paid for by the patient? That's in the bill?
is that the question asked or the answer I gave?? if you had a brain you would know medical waste needs to be cremated/incinerated,,,

you dont know these simple things because youre so obsessed that murdering children needs to be allowed,,,

Cremated is not the same as incinerated (something you child abusers don't understand). What does the bill call for?
explain the difference,,

Easy. Cremation is treated like a burial. Cost is between 4000 and 7000 (according to this site). Incineration is nothing more than burning it. It's done with a lot of medical waste, en masse. The cost is not passed on to the patient. Why does the bill call for cremation, rather than incineration? Why unlike any other medical procedure, does the patient have to pay for it? It's a pretty blatant attempt for you child abusers make it impossible for poor women (those who can least afford more children, who are least able to go to another state for the procedure) to have an abortion.
you really cant be that stupid,, OH wait its you,,,

all med waste costs are passed on to the patient just like when I get an oil change and the cost of disposal of the old oil is passed on to me,,,

The cost the patient incurs is low - between $15 - $75, average around $35. Again. Cremation is 3000-7000. Why does the bill state cremation rather than incineration?


Cremation in Pennsylvania costs from 695-1295. Nowhere near $3000-$7000

The bill also requires the ashes be in a grave, crypt or niche. That's another $900-$1,500.
I don't know about this one...


Requiring to bury a dead body is not unconditional
This is an undo burden and therefore unconstitutional.

Does the law require people who have surgery to dispose of any waste?
yes and its part of the bill,,

So...are you saying that when a person has surgery to remove a tumor, that tumor must be buried or cremated with the appropriate costs, paid for by the patient? That's in the bill?
So a tumor can become a baby now?

Who knew
It did with Oddball.
The first person affected will sue with the backing of ACLU, the law will be swiftly overturned, and taxpayers in Ohio will have merely had a few million dollars wasted.
I don't know about this one...

Funeral home PAC. They want more money. Meanwhile if I die you can leave me as food out side. Would not cost a dime for my family and I won't care I will be dead.
You can't leave a human body "outside as food" even if the person is so freaking crazy that he/she wills it. You wouldn't even leave a dog that way. Society has respect for it's dead even if lefties are so driven by political expediency that they aren't aware of it. The law stipulates that the mother choose an acceptable method to dispose of the life that was in her.
I don't know about this one...

Funeral home PAC. They want more money. Meanwhile if I die you can leave me as food out side. Would not cost a dime for my family and I won't care I will be dead.
You can't leave a human body "outside as food" even if the person is so freaking crazy that he/she wills it. You wouldn't even leave a dog that way. Society has respect for it's dead even if lefties are so driven by political expediency that they aren't aware of it. The law stipulates that the mother choose an acceptable method to dispose of the life that was in her.
Ya, well why should society dictate against my wishes for my body? Ya, I know it's illegal but should it be if it is the persons wish. There is a way around it they are called cadaver farms where they study decay.
I don't know about this one...

Funeral home PAC. They want more money. Meanwhile if I die you can leave me as food out side. Would not cost a dime for my family and I won't care I will be dead.
You can't leave a human body "outside as food" even if the person is so freaking crazy that he/she wills it. You wouldn't even leave a dog that way. Society has respect for it's dead even if lefties are so driven by political expediency that they aren't aware of it. The law stipulates that the mother choose an acceptable method to dispose of the life that was in her.
Ya, well why should society dictate against my wishes for my body? Ya, I know it's illegal but should it be if it is the persons wish. There is a way around it they are called cadaver farms where they study decay.
You can't commit suicide. You can't purchase drugs that might be habit forming or kill you. It's a crime to mishandle a deceased human body so why not
I don't know about this one...

Funeral home PAC. They want more money. Meanwhile if I die you can leave me as food out side. Would not cost a dime for my family and I won't care I will be dead.
You can't leave a human body "outside as food" even if the person is so freaking crazy that he/she wills it. You wouldn't even leave a dog that way. Society has respect for it's dead even if lefties are so driven by political expediency that they aren't aware of it. The law stipulates that the mother choose an acceptable method to dispose of the life that was in her.
Ya, well why should society dictate against my wishes for my body? Ya, I know it's illegal but should it be if it is the persons wish. There is a way around it they are called cadaver farms where they study decay.
You can will your body to science and they will treat it with respect but you can't tell your crazy family to throw your body in the dumpster. Society respects human life.

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