Ohio: Klan Rally Permit Approved

As someone that lives in Ohio, I can only laugh. 58 years in the state and this is the first time I've heard of them. Even the hillbillies are laughing.

There is a history though.

>> The Summit County (Akron) chapter of the Ku Klux Klan reported having 50,000 members, making it the largest local chapter in the country during the 20th century. At some point the sheriff, county officials, mayor of Akron, judges, county commissioners, and most members of Akron's school board were members.<< (Wiki)

Then there was Robert Franklin Jones, Ohio Congresscritter in the 1940s and member of the aforementioned Black Legion. --- Encyclopedia of Right Wing Extremism in Modern American History p.12

Always good to be aware of what went down in one's home town, so to speak.
Are you denying he said that after the alt right killed an innocent woman after shouting Nazi slogans, and giving the Nazi salute while carrying torches and wearing swastikas through the streets?

Yes, you're lying.

Trump spoke about 6 hours BEFORE the idiot murdered the ANTIFA brown shirt. He was attempting to defuse the riot that the brown shirts sparked.

Oh, and there was ONE Nazi flag, brought by a guy who was big in the Occupy Wall Street shit.

I guess that's what they mean by "false flag?"

If it is ignored, about 4 people will show up.

If the ANTIFA Nazis mobilize, it will be a riot.

Not necessarily.

The people of Newnan Georgia brought in hundred of law enforcement and built barriers to protect both sides as well as their town in 2018.

Everyone went home in one piece. None of the Triple K were arrested, but 10 of the Antifa thugs got hauled in. The idea was to keep the 2 groups 150 yards apart.
I cringe to think a rally by the KKK will be existing at all. But that is in our Constitution. We don't have to agree with others that rally for their cause.

But no one should protest against them without a permit. Arrest them.

koshergrl is right. The ANTIFA brown shirts go and get these permits in hopes of starting riots. There will be some leftist plants, like the ones in Chancellorsville who wave Nazi flags and talk shit, but no one on the right will show up.

It's all Kabuki theater.

Which party has the same agenda TODAY as the KKK?

It took a democrat to start the KKK?

Heritage. Own it.

The KKK and the RepubliKlan Party are now synonymous

Because the Main Stream Media portrays it as such, a lot of low information voters certainly think that. Dave Duke is under contract with CNN to help keep that bullshit alive.

Every member of TODAYs KKK is a member of the RepubliKlan Party

That's not true at all. Some klansmen endorsed Hillary Clinton, and the leader of the KKK Dave Duke has to maintain GOP membership to keep his status as a news contributor.

Further, there are only a few dozen members of the Triple K, so they aren't important.

Not many traditional KKK members anymore. They do not like the notoriety of the hoods and cross burnings

Instead, they put on MAGA hats and blend in with the crowd

Same agenda

Which party has the same agenda TODAY as the KKK?

It took a democrat to start the KKK?

Heritage. Own it.

The KKK and the RepubliKlan Party are now synonymous

Because the Main Stream Media portrays it as such, a lot of low information voters certainly think that. Dave Duke is under contract with CNN to help keep that bullshit alive.

Every member of TODAYs KKK is a member of the RepubliKlan Party

That's not true at all. Some klansmen endorsed Hillary Clinton, and the leader of the KKK Dave Duke has to maintain GOP membership to keep his status as a news contributor.

Further, there are only a few dozen members of the Triple K, so they aren't important.

Yeah this is all the stuff of Association Fallacy. No political candidate (or person in general) can control who lauds them or denounces them. Even Rump is not to blame for David Duke slobbering all over him.

What is instructive is where these vermin gravitate to. That tells us much more about what they identify with as conducive to their agenda. Duke for instance used to be a Democrat. When that failed to work he went to Republican. Joe McCarthy did the same thing.

Political parties are simply vehicles, a means to an end, and you jump on whichever horse you think will get you there. The Klan itself has never required a political party; it just wants white and Christian and "100% American". One thing we REALLY have to dump in this joint is this idea that literally everybody is in one "camp" or the other of the giant Duopoly. In fact more of us have no political party at all than either of them.
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The Triple K doesn't like a lot of people, they don't like Jews or Christians either.

Umm.... the KKK were Christians.

Well.. a coiton kind of "Christian" I s'pose.

It's not really Christian to lynch/shoot innocent people for how they were born or their beliefs.

No it ain't but this is the same kind of ass-ociation fallacy as denoted in 208. The collective cannot be held responsible for the actions of a few of its outliers. "All terrorists are Muslims", "all Mexicans are rapists", "all Democrats are Klan" etc are all different flavors of the same fallacy, also called Biased Sample. Any time a poster on this board starts babbling ""see? He/she is a Democrat!" or "See? He/she is a Republican", everybody's Bullshit meter should be pinning itself.

That's what I was calling out the OP of this thread to explain. Never got an answer, because there is no legitimate one.
Good opportunity for local Republicans to hand out voter registrations

Tell us Dip Shit....

What party started the KKK?

You too are either a fool or a liar....

I suspect both...…..
It was not a function of the party
It was a function of the southern culture

Actually, there were as many Triple K'sters during the their heyday in the North as in the south.

Idk, all I know is how it was in the South in those days. I have never heard anything about Klan in the North.
The Triple K doesn't like a lot of people, they don't like Jews or Christians either.

Umm.... the KKK were Christians.

Well.. a coiton kind of "Christian" I s'pose.

It's not really Christian to lynch/shoot innocent people for how they were born or their beliefs.

No it ain't but this is the same kind of ass-ociation fallacy as denoted in 208. The collective cannot be held responsible for the actions of a few of its outliers. "All terrorists are Muslims", "all Mexicans are rapists", "all Democrats are Klan" etc are all different flavors of the same fallacy, also called Biased Sample. Any time a poster on this board starts babbling ""see? He/she is a Democrat!" or "See? He/she is a Republican", everybody's Bullshit meter should be pinning itself.

That's what I was calling out the OP of this thread to explain. Never got an answer, because there is no legitimate one.

Don't suck up/ try to spin, bitch. You fucking turd shill.
I am definitely not a fan of the Klan.

They tried to hang my great-grandpa.

They did other things I know about to missionaries.


Oh, is this a Mormon thing?

As a matter of fact, it was Mormon missionaries they were trying to kill..

My family hid them out. They didn't deserve to die for what they believed was right because the local crackers didn't see it that way. A couple of innocent kids.
The Triple K doesn't like a lot of people, they don't like Jews or Christians either.

Umm.... the KKK were Christians.

Well.. a coiton kind of "Christian" I s'pose.

It's not really Christian to lynch/shoot innocent people for how they were born or their beliefs.

No it ain't but this is the same kind of ass-ociation fallacy as denoted in 208. The collective cannot be held responsible for the actions of a few of its outliers. "All terrorists are Muslims", "all Mexicans are rapists", "all Democrats are Klan" etc are all different flavors of the same fallacy, also called Biased Sample. Any time a poster on this board starts babbling ""see? He/she is a Democrat!" or "See? He/she is a Republican", everybody's Bullshit meter should be pinning itself.

That's what I was calling out the OP of this thread to explain. Never got an answer, because there is no legitimate one.

Don't suck up/ try to spin, bitch. You fucking turd shill.

Literally ONE POST after the waste of human skin just admitted he "never heard of Klan in the North". Despite Owen Brewster in Maine and Ed Jackson in Indiana and Ben Paulen in Kansas and Klan all over New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Ohio, despite a third of Indiana's male population being in the Klan and half a million KKK in Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. Black Legion in Michigan killing Malcolm X's father. A sitting participating Klansman in the Governor's office in Colorado. Never heard of all this, yet wants to whine and throw things when he's informed of them.

"If I never heard of it, it didn't exist". Arrogant fuck. It's gotta be some kind of right-brain disease.
The Triple K doesn't like a lot of people, they don't like Jews or Christians either.

Umm.... the KKK were Christians.

Well.. a coiton kind of "Christian" I s'pose.

It's not really Christian to lynch/shoot innocent people for how they were born or their beliefs.

No it ain't but this is the same kind of ass-ociation fallacy as denoted in 208. The collective cannot be held responsible for the actions of a few of its outliers. "All terrorists are Muslims", "all Mexicans are rapists", "all Democrats are Klan" etc are all different flavors of the same fallacy, also called Biased Sample. Any time a poster on this board starts babbling ""see? He/she is a Democrat!" or "See? He/she is a Republican", everybody's Bullshit meter should be pinning itself.

That's what I was calling out the OP of this thread to explain. Never got an answer, because there is no legitimate one.

Don't suck up/ try to spin, bitch. You fucking turd shill.

Literally ONE POST after the waste of human skin just admitted he "never heard of Klan in the North". Despite Owen Brewster in Maine and Ed Jackson in Indiana and Ben Paulen in Kansas and Klan all over New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Ohio, despite a third of Indiana's male population being in the Klan and half a million KKK in Indiana, Illinois and Ohio. Black Legion in Michigan killing Malcolm X's father. A sitting participating Klansman in the Governor's office in Colorado. Never heard of all this, yet wants to whine and throw things when he's informed of them.

"If I never heard of it, it didn't exist". Arrogant fuck.

:crybaby: Wah, bitchboy.
I am definitely not a fan of the Klan.

They tried to hang my great-grandpa.

They did other things I know about to missionaries.
A lot of whites were lynched by these DEMOCRATS

Again, there has never been a lynching where you had to show a political party registration. Because it wasn't a political thing. Same as racism, same as slaveowning. None of these are related to political parties, whine all you like, it ain't sticking.

Still yet more examplage of the Ass-ociation Fallacy so astutely described in 208. Yet here it is again expecting different results.
Ah yes, Republicans.

Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
Maybe, but the Klan will never be as powerful as it was when the group was the militant arm of the Democratic party.

You got something within the last 100 years?

Sure we do you dumb ass truth twisting Tard....

How about the south in the 60's....

You Tards play the brothers for fools...…..

The ones that support you are....

Most Americans weren't even born yet in 1960. They certainly weren't old enough to prance around in white sheets and a pointy hat.

You said within the last 100 years Dumb Ass...…

You are really to ignorant to be arguing with……

Call me a political forum sadist minus the sexual aspect…….
Ah yes, Republicans.

Or as Trump says, "there are fine people on both sides"
Maybe, but the Klan will never be as powerful as it was when the group was the militant arm of the Democratic party.

You got something within the last 100 years?
100 years ? The Klan was still a Democratic party thing in the 60's and 70's.

Oh my. 60 years ago..

That's right Dip Shit...100-60 = 40...….

Well within your 100 year claim shit for brains.....

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