Ohio lawmakers urge Trump to change Denali's name back to Mt. McKinley

Why do a bunch of legislators in Ohio care about a mountain in Alaska?

...Because President McKinley was from Ohio.
Are there mountains in Ohio? They should name one after him.

What's your point? I honestly don't give a shit though I'm from Ohio originally. Are you a member of the Indian tribe that called it Denali?
My point? Wtf is Ohio doing trying to name mountains in Alaska?

Once again how fucking stupid are you ? Why the fuck do we have all these black people named after white presidents?

Jefferson, Washington...

View attachment 174909

Like George Washington carver?
^ Completely off topic
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .

It's Alaska's legacy, and the Alaska (Republican) Senators already put up a stop sign. That was last March. And once again Alaska asked the USG to do it forty years prior. Ford didn't do it. Carter didn't do it. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. O'bama did it.

And there's nothing you or your fascisti can do about that. Tough titty.

Our "fascisti" president need only sign a document to diminish the little left of Obama's legacy in this case.

I uh, don't think he can do that, no.

You see son, those Ohio politicians who whined about this before tried to claim the Executive Branch was overreaching. They would have to reverse that approach completely in order to endorse Rump doing the same thing because that WOULD be overreach as they describe.

Why? Because Alaska itself, which has been campaigning for Denali since it became a state in 1959, requested the official change to reflect the name Alaska knows it by. And these Ohio politicians --- and they're ALL from Ohio --- played politics to prevent that.

>> For 40 years, Ohio lawmakers stymied Alaska’s efforts to restore the mountain’s name. Alaska had a standing request for the federal government to do so since 1975, even after Mount McKinley National Park was renamed Denali National Park 35 years ago.

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell announced the restoration of Mount Denali’s name under a 1947 law that gives her office that authority when the U.S. Board on Geographic Names fails to act “within a reasonable time.” Forty years is most certainly unreasonable. << --- Johnson City Times News

So you see son ---- you're not going to get the state of Alaska to request its tallest mountain be, in spite of what everybody there calls it, named after a guy from Ohio who wasn't President when it was so named and never had anything to do with Alaska. Ain't. Gonna. Happen.
Are there mountains in Ohio? They should name one after him.

They got some hills but the highest is Mt Campbell around 1550 feet above sea level. So dammit - Buckeyes have no choice but to go outside the state to name a mountain.!! Why do you libs hate Ohio so much.
Are there mountains in Ohio? They should name one after him.

They got some hills but the highest is Mt Campbell around 1550 feet above sea level. So dammit - Buckeyes have no choice but to go outside the state to name a mountain.!! Why do you libs hate Ohio so much.
I'm not saying Ohio can't have a mountain. Just not that one :thup:

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