Ohio lawmakers urge Trump to change Denali's name back to Mt. McKinley

President McKinley was from Ohio
So name an Ohio mountain after him!!!

He was president of the United States or does your little lefty revised history book don't go back beyond the year of the great "mesiah" 2008?

William McKinley never set foot in Alaska in his life, let alone Denali.

And for that matter the POTUS when we bought Alaska from Russia, was Andrew Johnson --- seven Presidents prior.

Did George fucking Washington ever step foot in Washington state?

A state is an abstract political concept, Sprinkles. This is a mountain. A creation of Nature. And it's been called Denali for ten thousand fucking years.

Given that last fact, I submit --- who's the conservative here?

Prove its been called Denali for tens of thousands of years and who gives a shit lake Michigan has been called

Ojibwa for 10,000s of years why don't we change it back?
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .
If you can't understand it, then you are an idiot. It was named after a President from Ohio.
So what? Can I demand the mountain be called George Washington mountain, since he was born in mystate?

Get enough people to do it, and have at it. That's how it works.

...but since you aren't that energetic to actually follow through nothing will happen but you bitch about a mountain's name on a political forum. Not to mention Washington already has a monument, is on Mount Rushmore, and is on money I doubt anyone feels Washington needs more things named after him.
This thread is about Ohioans, and apparently yourself, bitching about the name of a mountain. I'm perfectly fine with its name.

No it's not this thread is about honering presidents.

This is not a thread about "honering Presidents". McKinley was not President when the name was first applied, nor was he President when it was made official. Nor was he President when we bought the joint.

Did Martin Luther king Jr ever step foot in this high school in California?

Wouldn't know, but one would hope such high school would have something to say about "step foot". :rofl:

Let alone "honering". That sound dirty.
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .

It's Alaska's legacy, and the Alaska (Republican) Senators already put up a stop sign. That was last March. And once again Alaska asked the USG to do it forty years prior. Ford didn't do it. Carter didn't do it. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. O'bama did it.

And there's nothing you or your fascisti can do about that. Tough titty.

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President McKinley was from Ohio
So name an Ohio mountain after him!!!

He was president of the United States or does your little lefty revised history book don't go back beyond the year of the great "mesiah" 2008?

William McKinley never set foot in Alaska in his life, let alone Denali.

And for that matter the POTUS when we bought Alaska from Russia, was Andrew Johnson --- seven Presidents prior.

Did George fucking Washington ever step foot in Washington state?

A state is an abstract political concept, Sprinkles. This is a mountain. A creation of Nature. And it's been called Denali for ten thousand fucking years. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay before any opportunistic prospector or any government that bought the place from Russia, ever existed at all.

Given that last fact, I submit --- who's the conservative here?

Again I will go slooooowwww for you, lake superior has been called gichi-gami for 10,000s if years why don't we change it back?
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .

It's Alaska's legacy, and the Alaska (Republican) Senators already put up a stop sign. That was last March. And once again Alaska asked the USG to do it forty years prior. Ford didn't do it. Carter didn't do it. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. O'bama did it.

And there's nothing you or your fascisti can do about that. Tough titty.

And watch Trump change it back

If you can't understand it, then you are an idiot. It was named after a President from Ohio.
So what? Can I demand the mountain be called George Washington mountain, since he was born in mystate?

Get enough people to do it, and have at it. That's how it works.

...but since you aren't that energetic to actually follow through nothing will happen but you bitch about a mountain's name on a political forum. Not to mention Washington already has a monument, is on Mount Rushmore, and is on money I doubt anyone feels Washington needs more things named after him.
This thread is about Ohioans, and apparently yourself, bitching about the name of a mountain. I'm perfectly fine with its name.

No it's not this thread is about honering presidents.

This is not a thread about "honering Presidents". McKinley was not President when the name was first applied, nor was he President when it was made official. Nor was he President when we bought the joint.

Did Martin Luther king Jr ever step foot in this high school in California?

Wouldn't know, but one would hope such high school would have something to say about "step foot". :rofl:

Let alone "honering". That sound dirty.

Yea we know I burned you in this thread and you can't handle it.
I'm surprised that Obama didn't try to change the district of Columbia being that Columbus was apparently responsible for all them injuns being killed. He could have tried to call it the District of King for MLK, but there would be obvious problems there too.
Apparently this can be traced back to the same-old Rump butthurt (hee hee Rump butthurt I kill me) about reversing everything the black guy did ---

>> But Trump had one final issue on his mind. "He looked at me and said, 'I heard that the big mountain in Alaska also had – also its name was changed by executive action. Do you want us to reverse that?'" Sullivan said.

He and Murkowski "jumped over the desk, we said, 'no! No. Don't want to reverse that,' " Sullivan said.

Alaska's junior senator told the president that Denali was the name given to the mountain by the Athabascan people more than 10,000 years ago. And Sullivan's wife is Athabascan. If "you change that name back now, she's going to be really, really mad," he said he told the president.

"So he's like, 'all right, we won't do that,' " Sullivan said. << --- Rump Offered to Change Denali Back to McKinley -- We Said No!"

Back in 2015 when the USG officially recognized the name Alaska had requested forty years prior, Rump the candidate took to his Twit account:


--- demonstrating both his ignorance of history ("more than 100 years") and his ignorance of common sense ('great insult to Ohio' --- as if foisting the name of an Ohioan who never set foot in Alaska isn't an insult to Alaska).

It ain't gonna happen.

At the time Alaska requested the official change to Denali it was blocked by a few politicians all Republicans and all from Ohio. Claiming Presidential overreach they argued the Executive Branch doesn't have the authority to make changes on its own, but it was pointed out that when the state's request is ignored --- as Alaska's was for forty years --- it can indeed do that.
...and still political correctness always sucks ass. Lol
It was typical Obama subversion, to satisfy his spoiled-brat, sniveling, entitled hatred of whites. While living like a king on their tax dollars; I believe the term for that is being an ingrate, backstabbing whore.
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .

It's Alaska's legacy, and the Alaska (Republican) Senators already put up a stop sign. That was last March. And once again Alaska asked the USG to do it forty years prior. Ford didn't do it. Carter didn't do it. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. O'bama did it.

And there's nothing you or your fascisti can do about that. Tough titty.

And watch Trump change it back


Rump already backed down. Last March. Eleven months ago.

Rumpy turned and ran away, bravely ran away.
When his butthurt about the black guy led him astray
the Alaska Senators told him nay
When emphatically they expressed their doubt
Orange Rumpy chickened out
Brave brave brave brave Sir Rumpy....
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .

It's Alaska's legacy, and the Alaska (Republican) Senators already put up a stop sign. That was last March. And once again Alaska asked the USG to do it forty years prior. Ford didn't do it. Carter didn't do it. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. O'bama did it.

And there's nothing you or your fascisti can do about that. Tough titty.

Our "fascisti" president need only sign a document to diminish the little left of Obama's legacy in this case.
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .
It seems as such, the less anyone in the future knows of the shit stain that is obama the better...
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .

It's Alaska's legacy, and the Alaska (Republican) Senators already put up a stop sign. That was last March. And once again Alaska asked the USG to do it forty years prior. Ford didn't do it. Carter didn't do it. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. O'bama did it.

And there's nothing you or your fascisti can do about that. Tough titty.

And watch Trump change it back


Rump already backed down. Last March. Eleven months ago.

Rump turned and ran away, bravely ran away.
When his butthurt about the black guy led him astray
the Alaska Senators told him nay
When emphatically they expressed their doubt
Orange Rumpy chickened out
Brave brave brave brave Sir Rumpy....

See this has nothing to do with a mountain to you...

I'm surprised that Obama didn't try to change the district of Columbia being that Columbus was apparently responsible for all them injuns being killed. He could have tried to call it the District of King for MLK, but there would be obvious problems there too.

DC didn't ask for a change four decades ago to the name it was already using itself.

Alaska did.
So name an Ohio mountain after him!!!

He was president of the United States or does your little lefty revised history book don't go back beyond the year of the great "mesiah" 2008?

William McKinley never set foot in Alaska in his life, let alone Denali.

And for that matter the POTUS when we bought Alaska from Russia, was Andrew Johnson --- seven Presidents prior.

Did George fucking Washington ever step foot in Washington state?

A state is an abstract political concept, Sprinkles. This is a mountain. A creation of Nature. And it's been called Denali for ten thousand fucking years. Waaaaaaaaaaaaay before any opportunistic prospector or any government that bought the place from Russia, ever existed at all.

Given that last fact, I submit --- who's the conservative here?

Again I will go slooooowwww for you, lake superior has been called gichi-gami for 10,000s if years why don't we change it back?
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow called it gichi gumee in The Song of Hiawatha. Longfellow is not 10,000 years old ....moron.
I don't believe William McKinley ever went to Alaska at all, let alone the mountain. He certainly had nothing to do with its naming, which was unofficially started by a Seattle gold prospector (from New Hamster) who had heard that McKinley was running for POTUS, and then officially in 1917 by the signature of Woodrow Wilson. But the locals always called it Denali and the Alaska Board of Geographic Names has officially called it that since 1975.

By contrast, Mount Mitchell, visible from my front porch, was named for a UNC professor who explored it and established its height as the tallest peak in eastern North America, just as Clingman's Dome, the second-highest in the chain, was named for its explorer. Mitchell and Clingman had an ongoing argument about which was taller, which Mitchell won.

We gave the little guy to Tennessee. :) TNHarley

So in short the naming of "Mt. McKinley" recalls the self-described strategy in the naming of Monty Python's Flying Circus:

  • Because as far as anyone knew there was no-one called Monty Python;
  • Because it had nothing to do with flying;
  • Because it was not a circus

Again who gives a shit, your just upset Trump might erase more of Obama's legacy. .

It's Alaska's legacy, and the Alaska (Republican) Senators already put up a stop sign. That was last March. And once again Alaska asked the USG to do it forty years prior. Ford didn't do it. Carter didn't do it. Reagan didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. Clinton didn't do it. Bush didn't do it. O'bama did it.

And there's nothing you or your fascisti can do about that. Tough titty.

And watch Trump change it back


Rump already backed down. Last March. Eleven months ago.

Rump turned and ran away, bravely ran away.
When his butthurt about the black guy led him astray
the Alaska Senators told him nay
When emphatically they expressed their doubt
Orange Rumpy chickened out
Brave brave brave brave Sir Rumpy....

See this has nothing to do with a mountain to you...


I addressed your post, directly.

Whereas you're bouncing around from Washington State to the Great Lakes desperate to change a subject you can't win.

Yeah tell the class about "pathetic".

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