Ohio Man Faces Charges for Allegedly Barking at Police Dog


Jul 14, 2010

MASON, Ohio -- Police say an Ohio man has been charged with a misdemeanor for barking at a police dog.

A police report says 25-year-old Ryan James Stephens was charged with teasing a police dog in the Cincinnati suburb of Mason.

Officer Bradley Walker wrote that he heard the K9 dog barking uncontrollably inside his patrol car while he was investigating a car crash at a pub early Sunday morning. Walker says Stephens was making barking noises and hissing at the animal.

Walker reported that Stephens said "the dog started it" when asked why he was harassing the animal. The officer said Stephens appeared highly intoxicated.

There was no answer to calls to Stephens' home in Mason. He is to appear April 21 in municipal court.
Ruff Life: Ohio Man Faces Charges for Allegedly Barking at Police Dog

Woof Woof....LOL
I got pulled over back in the 70's for yelling out a car window at some cops, calling them pigs!
I got pulled over back in the 70's for yelling out a car window at some cops, calling them pigs!

My big brother and I, when I was about 5 and he 7 walked past a couple of police officers and both of us said, "Ewe, I smell Bacon"! Both police officers had a word with us about being disrespectful and how we could get in very serious trouble for that.

We ran home thinking they were going to follow us and then tell our parents. They did not but we were sure to not say anything "rude" in front of cops after that.:razz:

MASON, Ohio -- Police say an Ohio man has been charged with a misdemeanor for barking at a police dog.

A police report says 25-year-old Ryan James Stephens was charged with teasing a police dog in the Cincinnati suburb of Mason.

Officer Bradley Walker wrote that he heard the K9 dog barking uncontrollably inside his patrol car while he was investigating a car crash at a pub early Sunday morning. Walker says Stephens was making barking noises and hissing at the animal.

Walker reported that Stephens said "the dog started it" when asked why he was harassing the animal. The officer said Stephens appeared highly intoxicated.

There was no answer to calls to Stephens' home in Mason. He is to appear April 21 in municipal court.
Ruff Life: Ohio Man Faces Charges for Allegedly Barking at Police Dog

Woof Woof....LOL

The prosecution of this guy doesn't bother me too much. But "for teasing a police dog"? They have a misdemeanor for that? I think not.
I got pulled over back in the 70's for yelling out a car window at some cops, calling them pigs!

One time a cop in a black and white cut me off on a freeway offramp. He wasn't in a hurry, he just cut me off. (As a matter of fact, he was on his way back to the station.) As he pulled in front of me, forcing me to brake, I said, "asshole." That was all I said/did. I didn't flip him off. He was four car lengths in front of me at the time.

As he got onto the freeway, he immediately pulled over into the slow lane and drove around 40 mph. He was, of course, waiting for me to go by him. I was well aware of what he was doing. I set the speed control at 60 mph (it was a 65 mph zone) and slowly drove by him. As soon as I did, the red light came on. I got off at the next off ramp.

He comes sauntering up to my car and asks for license and registration. I gave it to him. After he checked it all out, he said, "Any particular reason why you called me an asshole back there?" I said it was because he cut me off. There then followed this patronizing lecture from this asshole about "disrespecting police officers." Not wanting to have my car safety checked or worse, I let him beat his gums and we then parted company.

You know how you only think of clever comebacks after the opportunity to use them has passed? When he asked me why I had called him an asshole, I should have asked him, if he had not cut me off, was there was any particular reason he was reading my lips in the rear view mirror just after pulling in front of me. But I didn't. You don't win arguments with pricks like this.

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