Ohio Nazi Homeschooler group being investigated.

Your article says 'according to vice and huffpost.'

Yes, and?

I first read it on Vice and then went to see if I could find a local story reporting on it. As already noted, it seems to be an issue that is known and commented on statewide.
And we all know why it's being posted. Sorry to shit on your little anti homeschooling parade but it looks so much like a toilet I couldn't resist. Fragile-minded bitch right back at ya.
Still waiting for you to point out where anyone who is on the "OPPOSED TO PRAISING HITLER" side of the aisle ever bashed homeschooling in general?

Because I definitely see tons of folks not only bashing public schools, but also wanting to abolish public schools and claiming school teachers want to turn your kids gay...

but you dic suckers never name names...I am sure you live in a community that has public schools...name the teachers in your community who are doing this or shut the entire fuck up..
LOL, I started it and I have no problem with people home schooling. Go ahead, find where I have condemned it.
You're not You're leaving it up to everybody else. That's WAY to feed the sheeple, yo.
You're not You're leaving it up to everybody else. That's WAY to feed the sheeple, yo.

I posted it to condemn what is happening here if true. Are you really going to argue that one can't condemn this and support home schooling at the same time?

Is that how it works for you?
Yes, and?

I first read it on Vice and then went to see if I could find a local story reporting on it. As already noted, it seems to be an issue that is known and commented on statewide.
Yeah let's keep spreading that fear and hate shit far and wide and hope it grows right?

Oh heavens to Betsy! Are the Nazi homeschoolers coming to my town? We better start a new government bureau to keep an eye on those homeschoolers and make sure they don't turn into Nazis! 😆

Groups are outraged with the indoctrination of children with Nazi propaganda (which I would question given Nazi has become so ambiguously used) while using a different measuring stick with the indoctrination of children with transgender propaganda and happy story hour.
Yeah let's keep spreading that fear and hate shit far and wide and hope it grows right?

Oh heavens to Betsy! Are the Nazi homeschoolers coming to my town? We better start a new government bureau to keep an eye on those homeschoolers and make sure they don't turn into Nazis! 😆

View attachment 752496

Well parents can always opt out of homeschooling and send their children to public schools. They can learn about drag queens, butt sex, non binary, be subjected to pedophile educators and still not learn the things they need to know to make their way as adults
Well parents can always opt out of homeschooling and send their children to public schools. They can learn about drag queens, butt sex, non binary, be subjected to pedophile educators and still not learn the things they need to know to make their way as adults
Yep now that I know that there are Nazi homeschoolers out there, being groomed and screwed In the butt by my gym teacher is starting to sound better and better.
not much evidence in that article. MIGHT IT BE, that the teachers union is just smarting from lack of R$$$ from the feds for lack of students and those little ones are not properly brainwashed into WOKE by the left?? Lefties see nazism everywhere but where it actually exists....with them.

Yeah didn't find anything to verify the story reported by vice/HP.
Groups are outraged with the indoctrination of children with Nazi propaganda (which I would question given Nazi has become so ambiguously used) while using a different measuring stick with the indoctrination of children with transgender propaganda and happy story hour.
Admitting that trans people exist is not indoctrination....

Just because you are more fragile and weak minded than the children you pretend you are trying to protect -- that is a personal problem...

And yes, the particular homeschooling program in question -- was by their own admission, indoctrinating their children to love Hitler...the fact you are dancing around it is self explanatory...you identify more with the Nazis than with those who oppose it....

and as soon as those kids get older and learn THE TRUE HISTORY -- they will turn against their parents and you -- while y'all will be whining "CRT CAUSED IT!!"
Admitting that trans people exist is not indoctrination....

Just because you are more fragile and weak minded than the children you pretend you are trying to protect -- that is a personal problem...

And yes, the particular homeschooling program in question -- was by their own admission, indoctrinating their children to love Hitler...the fact you are dancing around it is self explanatory...you identify more with the Nazis than with those who oppose it....

and as soon as those kids get older and learn THE TRUE HISTORY -- they will turn against their parents and you -- while y'all will be whining "CRT CAUSED IT!!"

You loons keep quacking crt doesn't exist... despise overwhelming evidence it does
I dislike the way we throw around "Nazi" this and "Nazi" that but this appears to be a rare instance that it is justified.

“This is outrageous. I want to know how many Ohio tax dollars have gone into their pockets to promote hate and a generation of children that are going to have hateful outcomes in their minds," Fedor said.

Ohio officials react to reports of Nazi homeschooling group in Upper Sandusky

I suppose some will see this as a good thing that we aren't arguing to be accepting of everyone.

Where is your outrage for public schools allover the country teaching white kids they are evil for being white, drag shows at schools for little kids, taking away rewards for students that aren't black that they earned, letting boys who pretend to be girls in the women's room, trannies trouncing women in their sports and all of the other real world stuff we see everyday?
Where is your outrage for public schools allover the country teaching white kids they are evil for being white, drag shows at schools for little kids, taking away rewards for students that aren't black that they earned, letting boys who pretend to be girls in the women's room, trannies trouncing women in their sports and all of the other real world stuff we see everyday?

He's walking the Progtard lockstep
Admitting that trans people exist is not indoctrination....

Just because you are more fragile and weak minded than the children you pretend you are trying to protect -- that is a personal problem...

And yes, the particular homeschooling program in question -- was by their own admission, indoctrinating their children to love Hitler...the fact you are dancing around it is self explanatory...you identify more with the Nazis than with those who oppose it....

and as soon as those kids get older and learn THE TRUE HISTORY -- they will turn against their parents and you -- while y'all will be whining "CRT CAUSED IT!!"
It has nothing to do with weakness .. it has everything to do with treating a mental illness as a proven science where you can become something you are not.
You loons keep quacking crt doesn't exist... despise overwhelming evidence it does
And what is CRT?

Is it what MLK was talking about when he said:

005_mlk-E3qVsv3XIA04vFn (1).png

Oh, I forgot, you morons think MLK only said one sentence ....you try to erase his entire existence and created a water down version of himself that is easier for closet racists to swallow....which is basically the same attitude you have towards teaching history....a watered down version...

But here is your chance to debunk CRT....tell me what in that quote that MLK said that isn't true.....I'll wait...
Oh, he also said this about what you now call CRT......just something else for you right-wingers to conveniently ignore..

005_mlk-E3qVsv3XIA04vFn (2).png
And what is CRT?

Is it what MLK was talking about when he said:

View attachment 752498

Oh, I forgot, you morons think MLK only said one sentence ....you try to erase his entire existence and created a water down version of himself that is easier for closet racists to swallow....which is basically the same attitude you have towards teaching history....a watered down version...

But here is your chance to debunk CRT....tell me what in that quote that MLK said that isn't true.....I'll wait...

I don't give two shits what it is .. but the moment some limp tries to tell my children that crap said limp has a problem.

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