Ohio Nazi Homeschooler group being investigated.

I don't give two shits what it is .. but the moment some limp tries to tell my children that crap said limp has a problem.
I asked you to tell me what is was....you dodged...

I asked you to point out what MLK said about CRT that is wrong...and you dodged....

That was your opportunity to debunk CRT and you ran like a bitch...

You even admitted you don't actually know what it is -- but you are so certain it is the blame for all things wrong in America-- how idiotic is that....
Read a post from sixtiesfan.
I asked you....but since you dodged that question...

Maybe you will be brave enough to answer this question....what did MLK say in this quote that isn't true?

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I asked you to tell me what is was....you dodged...

I asked you to point out what MLK said about CRT that is wrong...and you dodged....

That was your opportunity to debunk CRT and you ran like a bitch...

You even admitted you don't actually know what it is -- but you are so certain it is the blame for all things wrong in America-- how idiotic is that....

I said keep it away from our children. They're not your children they are our children.

Facts and end of discussion. Understand this
Where is your outrage for public schools allover the country teaching white kids they are evil for being white, drag shows at schools for little kids, taking away rewards for students that aren't black that they earned, letting boys who pretend to be girls in the women's room, trannies trouncing women in their sports and all of the other real world stuff we see everyday?

You are comparing those who are teaching against hate with those teaching their kids to be Nazis
I dislike the way we throw around "Nazi" this and "Nazi" that but this appears to be a rare instance that it is justified.

“This is outrageous. I want to know how many Ohio tax dollars have gone into their pockets to promote hate and a generation of children that are going to have hateful outcomes in their minds," Fedor said.

Ohio officials react to reports of Nazi homeschooling group in Upper Sandusky

I suppose some will see this as a good thing that we aren't arguing to be accepting of everyone.
Does ohio subsidize the homeschoolers?

The article implies yes without specifying exactly how

I suppose the state has the authority to defund the group but beyond that libs have no authority
Does ohio subsidize the homeschoolers?

The article implies yes without specifying exactly how

I suppose the state has the authority to defund the group but beyond that libs have no authority

It's still condemnable either way. No?
It's still condemnable either way. No?
If he condemns it, he would have to admit that a "lib" was right.....can't have that..

so he will beat around the bush until he finds a way to both condemn it while blaming liberals for being behind it...give him a minute
Lol, if Ohio officials are investigating it as Nazi it would have to be pretty agregious.The state government here is completely controlled by Republicans.
Libs find another way to bash homeschoolers.

I started the thread. I have nothing against home schooling. I even came out in support of allowing home schoolers the right to participate in public school extracurricular activities.

I do have an issue with using Nazi propaganda as a teaching tool.

You don't?
So what. You leftists are teaching CRT and telling white kids they are evil and this is inside of school buildings. You are creating a new mustache man.
So what. You leftists are teaching CRT and telling white kids they are evil and this is inside of school buildings. You are creating a new mustache man.

There you go. "So what".
There you go. "So what".
When you condemn Cultural Marxism and CRT running rampant through the institutions let me know. In the meantime White Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Libs find another way to bash homeschoolers.

Exactly it, and the story also bashes people from the tremendous city of Upper Sandusky. An unknown number of people on a website, who may or may not actual have children or are homeschooling, just exchanging ideas on a global basis- got to be condemned.
As I have noted in the past I try and find an article that has the least chance of being dismissed as biased. People can add discussion from there.
I run my sources through mediabiasfactcheck.com. They're comprehensive and transparent, with a lot of information on a lot of sources. If something is labelled in there as "Mixed" (as CNN is) or, as in this case, not in there at all, I just won't use it.

I aim for High or Very High factual reporting, and some form of center or "Least Biased." If I can get that, I can be pretty confident that anyone who claims they are biased anyway is swimming against the tide, and probably just doesn't want to admit that they're wrong. It works.
I run my sources through mediabiasfactcheck.com. They're comprehensive and transparent, with a lot of information on a lot of sources. If something is labelled in there as "Mixed" (as CNN is) or, as in this case, not in there at all, I just won't use it.

I aim for High or Very High factual reporting, and some form of center or "Least Biased." If I can get that, I can be pretty confident that anyone who claims they are biased anyway is swimming against the tide, and probably just doesn't want to admit that they're wrong. It works.

Are local news sources generally on there?
The source is what? Vice and Huffington? It's possible that Catholic Seminary studies might be considered to be Nazi if you consulted either left wing blog. Much ado about nothing in a desperate effort by the left to deflect attention from the sorry perverted state of government sponsored education.

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