Ohio Newborn Twins Taken Away From Parents

I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




Well, we're gonna need to make sure they're linked up together after the state decides whether the family unit may or may not proceed as nature intended.


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