Ohio Newborn Twins Taken Away From Parents

I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




So why did they leave Southview Maternity and go to Dayton Children's Hosp?

Our state-of-the-art Labor & Delivery suites offer:

  • Spacious, private rooms with en-suite restrooms
  • Large windows providing an abundance of natural light
  • Couches and/or sleeper sofa/chairs in the room to accommodate a support person
  • Televisions in each room with DVD players
  • WiFi to stream movies or educational videos
  • Nutrition stations on the floor for family members

Prepared for the Unexpected:

  • Two operating rooms are on the unit if a need arises
  • Maternity nurses are certified in neonatal resuscitation
  • Southview Maternity Center offers a Level IIB Special Care Nursery to care for newborn infants
  • If your newborn needs more advanced medical attention, he or she can remain in the Kettering Health Network family of providers and will be transferred to Kettering Medical Center's Level IIIB NICU
  • Find out more on our Neonatal Care page

and newborns do not eat,
My babies are PERFECTLY fine. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need a little help eating at the moment because they’re still a little small, but that’s it.

if you want to contribute to the legal fund, I don't.

Are you implying the story is not true? Or are you implying that there's nothing wrong with what is happening?

I am implying the hosp has every right to ensure the infants are safe.

The hospital does not own the babies. There is so much fishy stuff going on, it's amazing how you always put so much trust in all the wrong people. There is so much room for abuse with this whole thing, and as I just posted above, the father is saying this place is known for false positives, which is something that needs to be taken into consideration and looked into.

I don't care what the father says and he is suing, and while the hospital does not own the infants, their safety is more important.
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




So why did they leave Southview Maternity and go to Dayton Children's Hosp?

Our state-of-the-art Labor & Delivery suites offer:

  • Spacious, private rooms with en-suite restrooms
  • Large windows providing an abundance of natural light
  • Couches and/or sleeper sofa/chairs in the room to accommodate a support person
  • Televisions in each room with DVD players
  • WiFi to stream movies or educational videos
  • Nutrition stations on the floor for family members

Prepared for the Unexpected:

  • Two operating rooms are on the unit if a need arises
  • Maternity nurses are certified in neonatal resuscitation
  • Southview Maternity Center offers a Level IIB Special Care Nursery to care for newborn infants
  • If your newborn needs more advanced medical attention, he or she can remain in the Kettering Health Network family of providers and will be transferred to Kettering Medical Center's Level IIIB NICU
  • Find out more on our Neonatal Care page

and newborns do not eat,
My babies are PERFECTLY fine. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need a little help eating at the moment because they’re still a little small, but that’s it.

if you want to contribute to the legal fund, I don't.

Are you implying the story is not true? Or are you implying that there's nothing wrong with what is happening?

I am implying the hosp has every right to ensure the infants are safe.

The hospital does not own the babies. There is so much fishy stuff going on, it's amazing how you always put so much trust in all the wrong people. There is so much room for abuse with this whole thing, and as I just posted above, the father is saying this place is known for false positives, which is something that needs to be taken into consideration and looked into.

I don't care what the father says and he is suing, and while the hospital does not own the infants, their safety is more important.

How do you know any of that is true?

There are stories of people using go fund me to raise money and it's all a scam. One person even used cancer in a go fund me scam.

None of this is in the news. Not even on far right sites. All this person has done is posted something on the internet.

I hope none of it is true. I don't think children should be taken from their parents if they aren't a threat to that child. They claim the woman has covid. If she does, then she would be the first person to want her children to be safe.

If their claims of a father being healthy and virus free is true, the first place he would have gone is to a lawyer. Not the internet. There are so many free legal services in our nation for people just like them. The ACLU is a good place to start. If they can't help I know that they can refer them to someone who can.

They don't even have to go to the ACLU. The state already has the bar association that gives free referrals to the proper free legal help.

The parents would be doing these things if this story was true. Yet they aren't. They are going on line with a go fund me page.

I'll wait until all the real facts are out. I won't be surprised if this is a scam.
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




I tried to find information on this but I couldn't find any.

I did several searches using different wording. Even using the name of the person on the tweet or post or whatever that is you posted.

There's nothing on this anywhere.

At least I couldn't find any.

Can you please provide some credible proof of your claims?

So far from what I've seen, the msm is not reporting on it. That might change, because according to what I've been reading, there have been continual protests at the hospital where the twins are.

Nearly every time I try to post a link a Facebook post, the link doesn't show up for some reason, but here is a link to the FB page of a rights group who has been an advocate for the family, and if you scroll down just a bit, you will see a recent update on this case: https://www.facebook.com/uniteforlibertynow/
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I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




We're living in a Maoist place these days. Don't forget it and don't forget to apologize for living! Unless you want to be shamed......

Apparently so! It is getting worse and worse, and still so many people are blissfully blind to it. Thanks!
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




So why did they leave Southview Maternity and go to Dayton Children's Hosp?

Our state-of-the-art Labor & Delivery suites offer:

  • Spacious, private rooms with en-suite restrooms
  • Large windows providing an abundance of natural light
  • Couches and/or sleeper sofa/chairs in the room to accommodate a support person
  • Televisions in each room with DVD players
  • WiFi to stream movies or educational videos
  • Nutrition stations on the floor for family members

Prepared for the Unexpected:

  • Two operating rooms are on the unit if a need arises
  • Maternity nurses are certified in neonatal resuscitation
  • Southview Maternity Center offers a Level IIB Special Care Nursery to care for newborn infants
  • If your newborn needs more advanced medical attention, he or she can remain in the Kettering Health Network family of providers and will be transferred to Kettering Medical Center's Level IIIB NICU
  • Find out more on our Neonatal Care page

and newborns do not eat,
My babies are PERFECTLY fine. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need a little help eating at the moment because they’re still a little small, but that’s it.

if you want to contribute to the legal fund, I don't.

Are you implying the story is not true? Or are you implying that there's nothing wrong with what is happening?

I am implying the hosp has every right to ensure the infants are safe.

The hospital does not own the babies. There is so much fishy stuff going on, it's amazing how you always put so much trust in all the wrong people. There is so much room for abuse with this whole thing, and as I just posted above, the father is saying this place is known for false positives, which is something that needs to be taken into consideration and looked into.

I don't care what the father says and he is suing, and while the hospital does not own the infants, their safety is more important.

How do you know any of that is true?

There are stories of people using go fund me to raise money and it's all a scam. One person even used cancer in a go fund me scam.

None of this is in the news. Not even on far right sites. All this person has done is posted something on the internet.

I hope none of it is true. I don't think children should be taken from their parents if they aren't a threat to that child. They claim the woman has covid. If she does, then she would be the first person to want her children to be safe.

If their claims of a father being healthy and virus free is true, the first place he would have gone is to a lawyer. Not the internet. There are so many free legal services in our nation for people just like them. The ACLU is a good place to start. If they can't help I know that they can refer them to someone who can.

They don't even have to go to the ACLU. The state already has the bar association that gives free referrals to the proper free legal help.

The parents would be doing these things if this story was true. Yet they aren't. They are going on line with a go fund me page.

I'll wait until all the real facts are out. I won't be surprised if this is a scam.

I agree with you, it might be a scam.
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




We're living in a Maoist place these days. Don't forget it and don't forget to apologize for living! Unless you want to be shamed......

There are a lot of scams on the GO Fund Me and on facebook and twitter.
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




If true, its no surprise. CPS will try to kidnap them and sell them to a family. It's what CPS does.

Please elaborate. I have to get going now, but I'll be back to this later. Thanks!

Look up Nancy Schaefer

Thank you, I'll take a look at those links. Stuff like this needs to be brought to the light and exposed. Scary times we're living in!
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




So why did they leave Southview Maternity and go to Dayton Children's Hosp?

Our state-of-the-art Labor & Delivery suites offer:

  • Spacious, private rooms with en-suite restrooms
  • Large windows providing an abundance of natural light
  • Couches and/or sleeper sofa/chairs in the room to accommodate a support person
  • Televisions in each room with DVD players
  • WiFi to stream movies or educational videos
  • Nutrition stations on the floor for family members

Prepared for the Unexpected:

  • Two operating rooms are on the unit if a need arises
  • Maternity nurses are certified in neonatal resuscitation
  • Southview Maternity Center offers a Level IIB Special Care Nursery to care for newborn infants
  • If your newborn needs more advanced medical attention, he or she can remain in the Kettering Health Network family of providers and will be transferred to Kettering Medical Center's Level IIIB NICU
  • Find out more on our Neonatal Care page

and newborns do not eat,
My babies are PERFECTLY fine. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need a little help eating at the moment because they’re still a little small, but that’s it.

if you want to contribute to the legal fund, I don't.

Are you implying the story is not true? Or are you implying that there's nothing wrong with what is happening?

I am implying the hosp has every right to ensure the infants are safe.

The hospital does not own the babies. There is so much fishy stuff going on, it's amazing how you always put so much trust in all the wrong people. There is so much room for abuse with this whole thing, and as I just posted above, the father is saying this place is known for false positives, which is something that needs to be taken into consideration and looked into.

I don't care what the father says and he is suing, and while the hospital does not own the infants, their safety is more important.

How do you know any of that is true?

There are stories of people using go fund me to raise money and it's all a scam. One person even used cancer in a go fund me scam.

None of this is in the news. Not even on far right sites. All this person has done is posted something on the internet.

I hope none of it is true. I don't think children should be taken from their parents if they aren't a threat to that child. They claim the woman has covid. If she does, then she would be the first person to want her children to be safe.

If their claims of a father being healthy and virus free is true, the first place he would have gone is to a lawyer. Not the internet. There are so many free legal services in our nation for people just like them. The ACLU is a good place to start. If they can't help I know that they can refer them to someone who can.

They don't even have to go to the ACLU. The state already has the bar association that gives free referrals to the proper free legal help.

The parents would be doing these things if this story was true. Yet they aren't. They are going on line with a go fund me page.

I'll wait until all the real facts are out. I won't be surprised if this is a scam.

I agree with you, it might be a scam.

This is clearly a young couple who can't afford a lawyer. If you had your babies taken away immediately after giving birth and you weren't allowed to see them - even through a glass barrier - would you not want a lawyer? If you read the guy's FB page over the last few days, there were tons of people telling them to lawyer up, so obviously they are going to raise funds.

I wish you guys would have half the skepticism you have for regular citizens for the corrupt government and big pharma instead, but sadly that is not the case.
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I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




So why did they leave Southview Maternity and go to Dayton Children's Hosp?

Our state-of-the-art Labor & Delivery suites offer:

  • Spacious, private rooms with en-suite restrooms
  • Large windows providing an abundance of natural light
  • Couches and/or sleeper sofa/chairs in the room to accommodate a support person
  • Televisions in each room with DVD players
  • WiFi to stream movies or educational videos
  • Nutrition stations on the floor for family members

Prepared for the Unexpected:

  • Two operating rooms are on the unit if a need arises
  • Maternity nurses are certified in neonatal resuscitation
  • Southview Maternity Center offers a Level IIB Special Care Nursery to care for newborn infants
  • If your newborn needs more advanced medical attention, he or she can remain in the Kettering Health Network family of providers and will be transferred to Kettering Medical Center's Level IIIB NICU
  • Find out more on our Neonatal Care page

and newborns do not eat,
My babies are PERFECTLY fine. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need a little help eating at the moment because they’re still a little small, but that’s it.

if you want to contribute to the legal fund, I don't.

Are you implying the story is not true? Or are you implying that there's nothing wrong with what is happening?

There is nothing wrong with what is happening. The hospital is protecting the babies from getting infected. Smart move!
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If their claims of a father being healthy and virus free is true, the first place he would have gone is to a lawyer. Not the internet.


The parents would be doing these things if this story was true. Yet they aren't.

That is exactly what they're doing right now, on the father's FB page you can see him asking for recommendations for lawyers.

If you need a mainstream source, we will have to wait til the story makes the news. So far it seems to be avoided, and that is not surprising to me, since the msm has been obviously and blatantly selective in their reporting. Everything has to fit the narrative.
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




If true, its no surprise. CPS will try to kidnap them and sell them to a family. It's what CPS does.

Please elaborate. I have to get going now, but I'll be back to this later. Thanks!

Look up Nancy Schaefer

Thank you, I'll take a look at those links. Stuff like this needs to be brought to the light and exposed. Scary times we're living in!


Do the parent's need a pity party from the pussies like you?
I'm still looking into this story to make sure I got this right, but reportedly a mother gave birth to twin girls in Ohio, and because the hospital claimed she tested positive for covid, her babies were taken away to a different hospital - even before she got a chance to see them or hold them - and as of the last update, they STILL have possession of her babies, against her will. It has been a week.

Even the father who tested negative is not being allowed to be with his babies.

Assuming all this is accurate, this story is truly frightening. Can you still not see what is happening, people? Not only is there a war against bodily autonomy, but also parental rights. And I'm pretty sure this is not a unique story. It appears that parents are being separated from their children... under the guise of "safety" of course. It's always about "safety." :rolleyes:

This whole thing is pure evil.




So why did they leave Southview Maternity and go to Dayton Children's Hosp?

Our state-of-the-art Labor & Delivery suites offer:

  • Spacious, private rooms with en-suite restrooms
  • Large windows providing an abundance of natural light
  • Couches and/or sleeper sofa/chairs in the room to accommodate a support person
  • Televisions in each room with DVD players
  • WiFi to stream movies or educational videos
  • Nutrition stations on the floor for family members

Prepared for the Unexpected:

  • Two operating rooms are on the unit if a need arises
  • Maternity nurses are certified in neonatal resuscitation
  • Southview Maternity Center offers a Level IIB Special Care Nursery to care for newborn infants
  • If your newborn needs more advanced medical attention, he or she can remain in the Kettering Health Network family of providers and will be transferred to Kettering Medical Center's Level IIIB NICU
  • Find out more on our Neonatal Care page

and newborns do not eat,
My babies are PERFECTLY fine. They are so healthy and strong and perfect. They need a little help eating at the moment because they’re still a little small, but that’s it.

if you want to contribute to the legal fund, I don't.

Are you implying the story is not true? Or are you implying that there's nothing wrong with what is happening?

I am implying the hosp has every right to ensure the infants are safe.

The hospital does not own the babies. There is so much fishy stuff going on, it's amazing how you always put so much trust in all the wrong people. There is so much room for abuse with this whole thing, and as I just posted above, the father is saying this place is known for false positives, which is something that needs to be taken into consideration and looked into.

The only thing fishy is the smell of the sources being used.
not credible at all.........where are the news links?

I posted the link to her original Facebook post but for some reason the link is not showing up, I'll try it again:

This is so weird, I don't know why it's not appearing, but try pressing reply and you should see the facebook link.

Yeah, this comes across as disturbing and even dangerous, but with only a post on a MB and without verifiable info it is hard for anyone to comment...No offense but I actually hopes it is not true
not credible at all.........where are the news links?

I posted the link to her original Facebook post but for some reason the link is not showing up, I'll try it again:

This is so weird, I don't know why it's not appearing, but try pressing reply and you should see the facebook link.

Yeah, this comes across as disturbing and even dangerous, but with only a post on a MB and without verifiable info it is hard for anyone to comment...No offense but I actually hopes it is not true

I get that. Like I said to someone else, the msm has been very selective in what they're reporting during this whole thing, but if it makes the news, I'll share the links.
You already replied to that post and said the same thing half an hour ago, in the same belligerent, foul-mouthed, juvenile way. What, are you coming back here every half hour to say the same thing? Thank you for proving you are trolling and baiting.
not credible at all.........where are the news links?
What if we are getting to the point, or have gotten to the point, where no news links will be made of such stories?
the MSM is crap anyway......but they have the basics
My distrust of the media started with my local newspaper. I went to a Tea Party rally just to check it out and when I read about it the next day they lied about the size of the crowd, which was much larger by thousands, and they lied about what was done and said.

And no one reported it, so no, stop only believing what these idiot propagandists put in their little news stories.
You counted the people at the tea party rally or are you making shit up?
not credible at all.........where are the news links?

I posted the link to her original Facebook post but for some reason the link is not showing up, I'll try it again:

This is so weird, I don't know why it's not appearing, but try pressing reply and you should see the facebook link.

facebook is not credible either

Well, by looking at her and her fiance's facebook pages, they're real people. The original post went viral. Protests are being planned.

But I'll try to find another source, if all that isn't enough.

..needs to be corraberated
not credible at all.........where are the news links?
What if we are getting to the point, or have gotten to the point, where no news links will be made of such stories?
the MSM is crap anyway......but they have the basics
My distrust of the media started with my local newspaper. I went to a Tea Party rally just to check it out and when I read about it the next day they lied about the size of the crowd, which was much larger by thousands, and they lied about what was done and said.

And no one reported it, so no, stop only believing what these idiot propagandists put in their little news stories.
..the MSM not only lies, but they turn things upside down ......

People that don't agree with your psychobabble aren't lying.
Yes, thats why you cant trust that the father doesnt have it. If the testing was 100% accurate that would be one thing, but you cant roll the dice with newborn twins and hope they dont get sick.

Think about what you're saying here. Do you not realize that they can say that about anyone? Anyone could have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID. Aside from the fact that the testing itself is completely unreliable, especially the antibody test which is worthless, you're basically saying that parents should not be allowed to be with their own children just on the chance that they might have COVID19. Which in and itself does not mean much, since it has a less than 1 percent mortality rate. And even that is old or already sick people, who already have to worry about things like the flu, etc.

So based on a ridiculously tiny chance, the hospitals and government should take our kids? Are we living in the former Soviet Union? This is utterly insane.
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