Ohio the Cesspool of the World

Thousands and thousands of hydraulically fractured wells drilled in the state of Ohio, and this is the downfall of their fresh water supply? :lol:

While fracking has caused it's own problems, this problem has nothing to do with fracking. It does have a great deal to do with companies dumping shit into Lake Erie illegally along with Detroit dumping all their waste water into Lake Erie. Given the right conditions, this leads to a large build up of algae in Lake Erie. Because we have seen many westward blowing winds over the past month, all of this green algae has been pushed into the western basin of Lake Erie which is what feeds Toledo its water.

Suing Detroit should be an option if for no other reason than to get them to clean up their fucking mess before dumping it all into Lake Erie.
'Do not drink, do not boil' water advisory issued for issued for - Toledo News Now, Breaking News, Weather, Sports, Toledo

'Do not drink, do not boil' water advisory issued for issued for Lucas County, surrounding area
Posted: Aug 02, 2014 2:06 AM EST Updated: Aug 02, 2014 1:40 PM EST
Posted by WTOL Staff

The reason for this toxin having such high levels is mostly due to the city of Detroit dumping all their waste water into Lake Erie. I live here and Toledo is far from a cesspool.
Hey.....when we all saw those shitforbrains running around with the free phones before the election in 2012 yelling for Obama, you knew Ohio was beyond gone. Remember that meathead on the street with the IQ of a small soap dish?:itsok::up::up:

You can always pick out the morons. It's so easy, because they have no clue what they are talking about.
Ironic how, after thousands of hydraulically fractured wells in this state, it's NATURE that is polluting drinking water. :lol:

Chemicals from fertilizers and other toxins along with waste water from Detroit is what leads to these algal blooms. It's not natural.
1: As of about 1000 Saturday AM, the water is safe for bathing, washing dishes and clothes, but not consumption. This has not changed since.
2: The toxin in question is from an algae bloom, common n lake Erie July thru September. Low rainfall, cool temps and a generally light east to west wind has created a unusually high concentration of this algae in the Maumee bay, from which Toledo draws it water. This is the first time this has ever happened to Toledo water.
3: If there is any man-made contribution to this bloom, it comes from nitrogen and phosphates from farm runoff, compounded by the lack of dilution from the afrementiones low rainflall.

Kudos to Mayor Collins (I) and Governor Kasich (R) for handling this as well they have.

Governor Kasich has been working with Mayor Collins. I have no complaints with Governor Kasich. He will probably get my vote in November.
'Do not drink, do not boil' water advisory issued for issued for - Toledo News Now, Breaking News, Weather, Sports, Toledo

'Do not drink, do not boil' water advisory issued for issued for Lucas County, surrounding area
Posted: Aug 02, 2014 2:06 AM EST Updated: Aug 02, 2014 1:40 PM EST
Posted by WTOL Staff

The reason for this toxin having such high levels is mostly due to the city of Detroit dumping all their waste water into Lake Erie. I live here and Toledo is far from a cesspool.
Well, compared to Perrysburg.... :D
Hiya neighbor.
'Do not drink, do not boil' water advisory issued for issued for - Toledo News Now, Breaking News, Weather, Sports, Toledo

'Do not drink, do not boil' water advisory issued for issued for Lucas County, surrounding area
Posted: Aug 02, 2014 2:06 AM EST Updated: Aug 02, 2014 1:40 PM EST
Posted by WTOL Staff

The reason for this toxin having such high levels is mostly due to the city of Detroit dumping all their waste water into Lake Erie. I live here and Toledo is far from a cesspool.

I think its from farmers run-off not being contained. We need to get the EPA & OSHA to tear the perps a new one!!! :mad:
Hey.....when we all saw those shitforbrains running around with the free phones before the election in 2012 yelling for Obama, you knew Ohio was beyond gone. Remember that meathead on the street with the IQ of a small soap dish?:itsok::up::up:

Sure free phones caused deregulation of clean water.
From CNN's 'newscrawl' an algae bloom toxin has been found affecting 400k residents in Toledo. No health effect reports but they're issueing a no-use order.

Why I keep all my old water bottles. A)being plastic they wont biodegrade anyway, b) they're holding tap water in case our's ever gets compromised.

Have you disinfected your bottles? They can hold staph. Everyone has staph but if you don't clean those bottles, it will build up.

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