Ohio unvaccinated glog up hospitals as Gov. DeWine calls guard up...

With the true facts being exposed from the article, this thread sure went south fast.
Let this resonate again:

“So the goal here is to expand the hospitals’ capacity, because most of the hospitals tell us they have their challenge is not shortage of beds, but shortage of staffing those beds,” he said."

Maybe if the hospitals didn't can their staff for not being vaccinated, this would be a non event completely.
It's because they caught the virus from you unwashed & unvaccinated assholes.
DeWine calls up an additional 1,250 members of Ohio National Guard to help hospitals with the coronavirus


DeWine said that coronavirus-related hospitalizations Wednesday broke an all-time record in the pandemic.

The hospital surge “is being driven by people in Ohio who are not vaccinated,” DeWine said. “The numbers clearly, clearly show that. If you’re vaccinated the chances of you ending up in the hospital are pretty darn slim. If you add a booster shot, if you’re eligible for a booster shot, that reduces your odds of ending up in the hospital even more.”

DeWine said he reviewed hospitalization data from June 1, when most Ohioans were eligible for a shot. Since that time, 35,962 people admitted to Ohio hospitals because of COVID-19. Of those, 2,687 were fully vaccinated. The remaining 92.5% of the people were not vaccinated, he said."


They can send out thousands of national guard to do testing... yet they cant put them on the border with Mexico?
If these Dems were really concerned about people becoming sick they would treat the fact that our southern border is open to who knows who from all around the world coming in a couple hundred thousand a month unvaccinated.
You think our leaders are concerned about them bringing in new strains of corona virus? No they are not.. as proven by their inaction.
You can test someone today and then tomorrow they can go out and get the virus. what a waste of resources. How about stoping the laying off of health care workers? that might be a good start.

Even by Daily Kooks standards, that article is just plain batshit.

And of course, it is obligatory whenever anyone from the left wrong tries to lay any claim to “science”, that their “science” is the same that claims that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

In your oblivious lack of self-awareness, you LIbtARdS cannot help constantly demonstrating that what you adhere to and consider to be a valid ideology is, in fact, a severe mental disease. You simply have no clue at all, how batshit crazy you come across as being, to sane people.
DeWine calls up an additional 1,250 members of Ohio National Guard to help hospitals with the coronavirus


DeWine said that coronavirus-related hospitalizations Wednesday broke an all-time record in the pandemic.

The hospital surge “is being driven by people in Ohio who are not vaccinated,” DeWine said. “The numbers clearly, clearly show that. If you’re vaccinated the chances of you ending up in the hospital are pretty darn slim. If you add a booster shot, if you’re eligible for a booster shot, that reduces your odds of ending up in the hospital even more.”

DeWine said he reviewed hospitalization data from June 1, when most Ohioans were eligible for a shot. Since that time, 35,962 people admitted to Ohio hospitals because of COVID-19. Of those, 2,687 were fully vaccinated. The remaining 92.5% of the people were not vaccinated, he said."


The National Guard should flat-out refuse.

It's not their job nor their responsibility to serve as scabs to fill in for workers who were wrongfully forced out of their jobs by the same corrupt government swine who are now trying to use the National Guard to cover for their own malfeasance. If anything, any National Guard members who complied, by doing so, would be making themselves accessories to the very crime that they are being used to cover up.
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Is this anything like the surge in Vermont? Hospitals are overwhelmed. Emergency rooms swamped. No one is sick. The have all tested positive.
Or like the story of "bodies piled outside an LA hospital"? What they failed to mention was the morgue at that hospital only has 6 spaces, normally, and the reason the excess was outside was they were rearranging them for storage into a mobile truck with a reefer.
Then let us unvaxxed die. Less political opponents, and a "better" life for you. Who cares?

If the Branch Covidians really believed their bullshit, then they'd want to allow us to refuse the dangerous experimental drugs, for exactly the reasons that you state. If this was really going to result in us dying out, while they survived, then they would, indeed, be empowered.

The reason that they are after us as they are is not that we are in any danger of dying out, but that by failing to do so, we are exposing their bullshit for what it is, and constitute a serious threat to the power that they are trying to usurp.
From the article

A traffic director speaks with two Ohio National Guard members Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2021, at the W.O. Walker COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in University Circle. By 8 a.m. traffic was already heavy, with the line stretching around the block. The site closed early on Tuesday, its first day of operation, due to a heavy volume of people seeking tests. Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals support the community COVID-19 testing site staffed by the Ohio National Guard and the Ohio Department of Health.


“The site closed early on Tuesday, its first day of operation, due to a heavy volume of people seeking tests.”

Not people who are sick or injured or otherwise in genuine need of medical attention.

People who are brainwashed and scared, and duped into believing that they need these tests, which they really do not need.

And overstraining the facilities where they've been told to seek these test, which are understaffed because so many crucial healthcare workers are being forced out of their jobs for refusing to be illegally used as medical test subjects.

The Branch Covians are creating these crisis, by their own policies, and their own lies, and their own fearmongering; and then trying to blame those of us who see this scam for what it truly is and are refusing to play along with it, for the results.
Maybe if the hospitals didn't can their staff for not being vaccinated, this would be a non event completely.

Lets stop playing along with this particular lie, please.

These dangerous experimental mRNA-based drugs are not vaccines, and one does not become vaccinated by being injected with them. Let's not let them get away with fraudulently trying to redefine what the words “vaccine”, “vaccinated”, and related forms actually mean.

These are not vaccines. They are risky, experimental drugs, and under established law, it is flat-out illegal to compel anyone to accept them without their fully-informed and freely-given consent to be used as experimental test subjects. The law is being violated on several fronts, among them…
  • Failure to fully disclose to each test subject the known and anticipated risks associated with the drugs in question, including known instances of severe and even fatal adverse reactions that have occurred.
  • Discrimination and threats of discrimination in employment.
  • Denial and threats of denial of basic liberties, including the freedom to work, to shop, or to avail one's self of any other public accommodations.

…And many more.
Even by Daily Kooks standards, that article is just plain batshit.

And of course, it is obligatory whenever anyone from the left wrong tries to lay any claim to “science”, that their “science” is the same that claims that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

In your oblivious lack of self-awareness, you LIbtARdS cannot help constantly demonstrating that what you adhere to and consider to be a valid ideology is, in fact, a severe mental disease. You simply have no clue at all, how batshit crazy you come across as being, to sane people.
Hardly batshit, the Kos simply reposted some of their posts leading up to them getting COVID and the husband dying from it.
Lets stop playing along with this particular lie, please.

These dangerous experimental mRNA-based drugs are not vaccines, and one does not become vaccinated by being injected with them. Let's not let them get away with fraudulently trying to redefine what the words “vaccine”, “vaccinated”, and related forms actually mean.

These are not vaccines. They are risky, experimental drugs, and under established law, it is flat-out illegal to compel anyone to accept them without their fully-informed and freely-given consent to be used as experimental test subjects. The law is being violated on several fronts, among them…
  • Failure to fully disclose to each test subject the known and anticipated risks associated with the drugs in question, including known instances of severe and even fatal adverse reactions that have occurred.
  • Discrimination and threats of discrimination in employment.
  • Denial and threats of denial of basic liberties, including the freedom to work, to shop, or to avail one's self of any other public accommodations.

…And many more.
"these dangerous..."

Explain with facts.
The National Guard should flat-out refuse.

It's not their job nor their responsibility to serve as scabs to fill in for workers who were wrongfully forced out of their jobs by the same corrupt government swine who are now trying to use the National Guard to cover for their own malfeasance. If anything, any National Guard members who complied, by doing so, would be making themselves accessories to the very crime that they are being used to cover up.
Okay, bob it's time to show us all how many Ohio medical workers have lost their jobs by their choice not to get vaccinated.

I'll wait.
Or like the story of "bodies piled outside an LA hospital"? What they failed to mention was the morgue at that hospital only has 6 spaces, normally, and the reason the excess was outside was they were rearranging them for storage into a mobile truck with a reefer.

Perhaps the fact that this story gained so much traction was that too many people had smoked too much reefer, rendering them stupid enough to believe it.

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