Oil and Gas in ANWAR

And I? I'm frankly confused by your class warfare sentiments. You sound like you don't give a shit about the folks that go to the grocery store during this crises and can't afford to eat anymore. Or are having to completely rearrange their diets, to buy completely new things just to get by.

Folks grocery bills have nearly jumped a third, or by a half. . . . . . but for people who live on fixed incomes?

wtf? Where do they make that up in their budget? Your only answer? You don't care, not your problem, "buy a car none of these folks can afford."


That sorta, kinda, makes you an immoral piece of dirt.
:clap2: Bravo
You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.
That's because most of you clowns have nowhere to drive.
Oil companies look at the long term and they're not really into exercises in futility.

Strange that they didn't bid on leases that would last longer than a 2 term Biden Presidency if they are looking "long term".... The leases last 10 years.

But those are just facts. Don't let them interrupt your fantasy.
I was thinking those on a fixed income. . . retirees, military vets, the disabled. . . but yeah, minorities too.

The attitude and audacity of this POS about the dire straights of the nation? Is frankly? Immoral.

Yep, I fit all those categories and the rising costs are putting a large dent in my budget. And as far as that commie POS goes, I completely agree.

Correct, and they were rewarded with stimulus money, an Infrastructure bill, LGBT protections, and veto power over any abortion law that a (R) Congress tries to pass over the next 4 years.

EDIT: I just looked at the latest Omnibus bill and food stamp budget and welfare budgets are being raised as well.
And when it comes to the welfare system that is the conundrum. The Great Society is in its sixth decade. Massive expansions and programs to end poverty and hunger. Something is wrong.
Strange that they didn't bid on leases that would last longer than a 2 term Biden Presidency if they are looking "long term".... The leases last 10 years.

But those are just facts. Don't let them interrupt your fantasy.

Didn't bother to read the link did ya? From the link:

“In light of the alleged legal deficiencies underlying the program, including the inadequacy of the environmental review required by the National Environmental Policy Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, place a temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program,” the order said.

The moratorium, which drew immediate blowback from Alaska’s political leaders, falls short of permanently protecting the refuge, as promised on the Biden-Harris campaign site. But it could be a step in that direction with Democrats controlling both chambers of Congress and the White House.

The companies that won the bids can't even put people on the ground for site surveys or anything else. Like I said, the oil companies aren't into exercises in futility.

Yep, I fit all those categories and the rising costs are putting a large dent in my budget. And as far as that commie POS goes, I completely agree.

With my disability, I usually stock up when I have good days. I haven't left the house in a week and a half.

When my friend posted pics today of what she was seeing of the price tags on the Wal-Mart shelves on her FB feed? Scared the living shit out of me.
. . . I really fear for our nation if this crap keeps up. I don't want to see riots and rationing. I certainly don't want to see them hit this guys neighborhood, or loot his home. . . .

This guy is so damn tone deaf, and lacks all empathy, (and foresight I might add,) he just assumes, since he did what he did in his life, naturally everybody's life must just be the same. :rolleyes:
And when it comes to the welfare system that is the conundrum. The Great Society is in its sixth decade. Massive expansions and programs to end poverty and hunger. Something is wrong.

The commies make sure they import adequate supplies of impoverished people daily. It will never end.

Didn't bother to read the link did ya? From the link:

“In light of the alleged legal deficiencies underlying the program, including the inadequacy of the environmental review required by the National Environmental Policy Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, place a temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program,” the order said.

The moratorium, which drew immediate blowback from Alaska’s political leaders, falls short of permanently protecting the refuge, as promised on the Biden-Harris campaign site. But it could be a step in that direction with Democrats controlling both chambers of Congress and the White House.

The companies that won the bids can't even put people on the ground for site surveys or anything else. Like I said, the oil companies aren't into exercises in futility.

I don't think she even read my post#13 Oil and Gas in ANWAR

Pretty much saying the same thing. Leases does not equal drilling permits, not does it equal financing and capital.

First they need to prospect, and that costs money. If they find something, then they need a drill permit, and then they need to construct the infrastructure. . . all in a political climate that owes favors to the Green Agenda due to political contributions?

I don't think Candy has any idea how our system or economy or industry really works. Like I said, she is not living in reality here. It is time for her to admit what is going on, or shut up.
With my disability, I usually stock up when I have good days. I haven't left the house in a week and a half.

When my friend posted pics today of what she was seeing of the price tags on the Wal-Mart shelves on her FB feed? Scared the living shit out of me.
. . . I really fear for our nation if this crap keeps up. I don't want to see riots and rationing. I certainly don't want to see them hit this guys neighborhood, or loot his home. . . .

This guy is so damn tone deaf, and lacks all empathy, (and foresight I might add,) he just assumes, since he did what he did in his life, naturally everybody's life must just be the same. :rolleyes:

What you'll see first is people stealing gas. Invest in companies that make gas cans.

You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.
You don’t need to care, you will vote Democrat in November. This is of real concern for Independents, the swing vote, who will vote with concern for their pocketbooks in November.
I don't think she even read my post#13 Oil and Gas in ANWAR

Pretty much saying the same thing. Leases does not equal drilling permits, not does it equal financing and capital.

First they need to prospect, and that costs money. If they find something, then they need a drill permit, and then they need to construct the infrastructure. . . all in a political climate that owes favors to the Green Agenda due to political contributions?

I don't think Candy has any idea how our system or economy or industry really works. Like I said, she is not living in reality here. It is time for her to admit what is going on, or shut up.

Most commies have no clue how the industry operates. You don't just pick a place and drill a hole. You have to build lease roads, which requires rights of way, you have to have a water supply and you need all weather roads leading to the lease roads. It can take years and a ton of money to develop the required infrastructure.

What you'll see first is people stealing gas. Invest in companies that make gas cans.

Yeah I know. I thought of that and did a search. . . no one had posted a thread on it. . It was the first thread I have made an OP on in ages.


Most commies have no clue how the industry operates. You don't just pick a place and drill a hole. You have to build lease roads, which requires rights of way, you have to have a water supply and you need all weather roads leading to the lease roads. It can take years and a ton of money to develop the required infrastructure.

. . . and if you have a political regime that is funded by the Green Lobby in office. . . at any moment along the way?


The government might yank a lease, or a drilling permit, or a bank tied to some capital group could raise rates, or who the hell knows what. . .
Yeah I know. I thought of that and did a search. . . no one had posted a thread on it. . It was the first thread I have made an OP on in ages.


I spent 87.55 to fill up last night. My wife's truck would be around 100.

Didn't bother to read the link did ya? From the link:

“In light of the alleged legal deficiencies underlying the program, including the inadequacy of the environmental review required by the National Environmental Policy Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, place a temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program,” the order said.

The moratorium, which drew immediate blowback from Alaska’s political leaders, falls short of permanently protecting the refuge, as promised on the Biden-Harris campaign site. But it could be a step in that direction with Democrats controlling both chambers of Congress and the White House.

The companies that won the bids can't even put people on the ground for site surveys or anything else. Like I said, the oil companies aren't into exercises in futility.


Earlier you were talking about "they plan long term"....now you're citing a "temporary moratorium"....perhaps I'll buy you a mirror so you can debate yourself.

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