Oil and Gas in ANWAR

You don’t need to care, you will vote Democrat in November. This is of real concern for Independents, the swing vote, who will vote with concern for their pocketbooks in November.
I actually might turn out to the polls in the first time in over a decade. I'm starting to get hot.

. . . I still don't imagine it will mean much, they all seem to be working for Vanguard and the WEF. .. but we shall see. . . .
Democrats are desperate to blame gas prices and inflation on putin.
No they aren't. The price rise because of putin is all over the world. Democrats don't control all that.
If Democrats were serious about gas prices they would green light all domestic production... but they just won't do that.
Of course they would and forget about climate change just so you can have cheap subsidised gas. Well fuck you too.
Democrats want to force Americans out of their cars
I agree. Get out of your cars and off your arse and start paying the right price.
Everyone else is

Earlier you were talking about "they plan long term"....now you're citing a "temporary moratorium"....perhaps I'll buy you a mirror so you can debate yourself.

How about you use it on yourself, maybe you can convince yourself you actually know something about the oil business. And with you commies, nothing is temporary. Get back to me in two years and let me know how far the companies that won the bids have progressed toward production.

I make $30/hr, I will buy gas as needed just like I did in 2010 just like I did in 2015. I don't bitch about gas daily because I'm a man and realize it's part of life.

I vote on things that are important to me - like my President not shooting and gassing US citizens to hold up a bible. Freedom of speech. Assault rifles being taken out of America. Not Tweeting dumbfuckery everyday and making the office of President look like a retard's job.

Things important to me as a liberal voter:

Education for all Americans
Universal healthcare
Women's rights
Right to vote

Things not important to me as a liberal:

What the price of gas is this month.
What the price of gas is in 5 days.
What the price of gas is in 10 days.

You vote for what is important to you. My party won this time - better luck to you next time. I'll repeat it for you: Your attacks bounce off us liberals because we don't care that you pay more for gas. We are glad that your Keystone Pipeline was blocked. We are glad that oil is going the way of the Dodo. Suck our cocks - we won in 2020.
It doesn’t matter what you want. You win or lose on the economy, doesn’t matter which party it is. We have high inflation, rising interest rates, supply chain issues, increasing homeless problem, and the Dow declining. Unless things change by November, we will a lot of change in Congress. It has been this way and will continue to be this way for the majority of people.
Did you read your own link?

"An incoming administration that opposes drilling"


Good God liberals are dumb

Yeah presidents don't control oil prices myth continues
No they aren't. The price rise because of putin is all over the world. Democrats don't control all that.

Of course they would and forget about climate change just so you can have cheap subsidised gas. Well fuck you too.

I agree. Get out of your cars and off your arse and start paying the right price.
Everyone else is
The price of gas was rising before Putin Invaded
Did you read your own link?

"An incoming administration that opposes drilling"


Good God liberals are dumb

Yeah presidents don't control oil prices myth continues
what's dumb is thinking oil majors will invest billions when the ppb is low. Trump is a dunce.
So...what is stopping Chevron (just to name an oil and gas company) from using their proven reserves?

View attachment 613905

2.3 Billion barrels of oil seems like a lot.

Are you under the impression that oil and gas companies are just sitting around with nowhere left to drill?
It all depends on the cost to extract the oil and getting it refined. In the Dakotas the price to extract oil is high, so when the price per barrel decreases and gets lower, they stop. The worry for ANWAR was the future and the restrictions the oil industry saw coming, you buy the rights to explore for oil and if there is oil under the ice and the government restricts the taking of the oil, your rights are worthless. Sitting on oil rights that may or may not produce oil, and may get restricted is a gamble and a year ago the risk outweighed the reward in the oil companies eyes.
what's dumb is thinking oil majors will invest billions when the ppb is low. Trump is a dunce.
They don't even want to invest now when it's high with a Democrat in office, they got burned the last time with the asinine Iran nuke deal that busted the USA fracking bubble
Of course. After the COVID shut down they were in recovery, then comes a surge in demand. Where does your magical thinking come from?
I don't know, when you are for something positive results happen, when a Democrat president is against something negative stuff happens?
Did you read your own link?

"An incoming administration that opposes drilling"


Good God liberals are dumb

Yeah presidents don't control oil prices myth continues
I didn't even have to click the link. l only had to read that which was showing. At what grade level, do you suppose, Candycorn reads?
In spite of your personal attacks...

When given the opportunity to bid on leases that would be good for 10 years, there were only 3 bidders (one being the State of Alaska itself) and 1/2 of the tracts received no bids at all.

Oil corporations are not stupid, why spend money bidding on leases when they know the democrats will cancel those leases.

In addition to Brandon’s Keystone XL energy blunder, he cancelled the ANWR Area 1002 leases that were awarded at the end of the Trump administration. The EIA estimated that, assuming significant discoveries were made, ANWR would be producing about 500,000 bbl/d from 2033 to 2050
I don't know, when you are for something positive results happen, when a Democrat president is against something negative stuff happens?
That's magical. We would be smart to diversify energy sources. Biden didn't give us COVID nor did slow down oil production world wide... He didn't put sanctions on Venezuela or renege on the Iran agreement. He didn't cause Putin to invade Ukraine.
That's magical. We would be smart to diversify energy sources. Biden didn't give us COVID nor did slow down oil production world wide... He didn't put sanctions on Venezuela or renege on the Iran agreement. He didn't cause Putin to invade Ukraine.
Diversify? Building solar plants and wind farms is not diversifying. It is weakening and crippling our ability to provide electricity.
I make $30/hr, I will buy gas as needed just like I did in 2010 just like I did in 2015. I don't bitch about gas daily because I'm a man and realize it's part of life.

I vote on things that are important to me - like my President not shooting and gassing US citizens to hold up a bible. Freedom of speech. Assault rifles being taken out of America. Not Tweeting dumbfuckery everyday and making the office of President look like a retard's job.

Things important to me as a liberal voter:

Education for all Americans
Universal healthcare
Women's rights
Right to vote

Things not important to me as a liberal:

What the price of gas is this month.
What the price of gas is in 5 days.
What the price of gas is in 10 days.

You vote for what is important to you. My party won this time - better luck to you next time. I'll repeat it for you: Your attacks bounce off us liberals because we don't care that you pay more for gas. We are glad that your Keystone Pipeline was blocked. We are glad that oil is going the way of the Dodo. Suck our cocks - we won in 2020.
Lol, those peaceful protesters tried to burn that church down. Better be glad I wasn't president, because some of those thugs would be dead.

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