Oil and Gas in ANWAR

In spite of your personal attacks...

When given the opportunity to bid on leases that would be good for 10 years, there were only 3 bidders (one being the State of Alaska itself) and 1/2 of the tracts received no bids at all.
So? Why bid on something the fuckin’ Dumbocraps may forever block? In obvious business analysis, it makes far more sense to wait until the levers of power trend away from the Dumbocraps for a long enough period to make the risk worthwhile.
Dems have been EXPOSED! The damage they have done via their war on fossil fuels is there for all Americans to see. Some Dems are now panicking. Others feel they can still SPIN it as not their fault. The rest continue to say FU America suck it on high gas prices fossil fuels are killing the planet.
Now is the time with the prices as high as they are. Democrats think there is no red tape stopping domestic production.
Educate us.
Show us the “red tape” that is stopping or otherwise slowing the increased production output of existing wells.
Democrats be like... we need to get all the little people out of their own cars. They need to get off their ass and pay the price.
More like it’s stupid to bitch about gas prices when driving vehicles that get 10 mi/gal. Clueless privileged American dumbfuckery.
Isn't NG transported over distances in pipelines and ships in its liquid form (previously refined) form known as LNG?

And isn't crude oil transported by pipeline (mainly) to purchasers via pipelines in its crude form, and then refined on site? I notice there are refineries all over Europe in places that don't actually produce crude.
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