Oil and Gas in ANWAR

Sure it does, it prevents additional production.

It may halt future production years down the road, but not today. And Biden, ironically, is not the reason leases were judicially invalidated. It was the gopers. LOL
And oil futures are still above 109 a barrel. So what's your point?

Because no sane investor is going to put up millions considering the supply capacity worldwide and the independent driller bankruptcies of 2000-01 in the US market
It may halt future production years down the road, but not today. And Biden, ironically, is not the reason leases were judicially invalidated. It was the gopers. LOL


it's been linked ad nauseum. There are 100 plus idle oil rigs, and drillers had a "pandemic" of bankruptices in 20-21

Stop being a PARTISAN TOOL
Well they typically don’t put 20+ gal tanks on cars that get 25 mpg or better.

My truck averages about 24.4 mpg. My wife's about 18 mpg, but we don't drive it much. I drive a vehicle I can get in, not some pregnant roller skate I have to put on.

Because no sane investor is going to put up millions considering the supply capacity worldwide and the independent driller bankruptcies of 2000-01 in the US market

Sure they would, if they had certainty. They aren't going to bet the farm when we have politicians that bend to the will of small fringe groups.

They dropped $20 in one day...yesterday

No they didn't, I've been keeping an eye on futures. The largest drop was on Wed and it was about 8 dollars. Yesterday and today they've varied about 3 dollars up and down. At this moment it's up 2.68 at 108.80.

it's been linked ad nauseum. There are 100 plus idle oil rigs, and drillers had a "pandemic" of bankruptices in 20-21

Stop being a PARTISAN TOOL

And that has what to do with gopers? Which was your claim.

No they didn't, I've been keeping an eye on futures. The largest drop was on Wed and it was about 8 dollars. Yesterday and today they've varied about 3 dollars up and down. At this moment it's up 2.68 at 108.80.

And that has what to do with gopers? Which was your claim.

I claimed you were a partisan tool. That's it. And I posted links that there is less capital interested in new drilling than before, and that predates Biden.

But I'm not fan of Biden's energy policies. Imo they are contradictory of one another. The progressives he's saddled with think that increasing oil production will defeat green energy, and imo that's short sighted.
Sure it does, it prevents additional production.

A lot of Texas oil companies declared bankruptcy in 2020. The shale producers in the Permian basin have had a shortage of oil workers, truckers and sand.
This from Early 2021....while Trump was still in office:

The myth that Biden's pause stemmed the tide of oil companies drilling on federal land is simply ridiculous.

From the piece:

One of the Trump administration's biggest environmental rollbacks suffered a stunning setback Wednesday, as a decades-long push to drill for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge ended with a lease sale that attracted just three bidders — one of which was the state of Alaska itself.

Alaska's state-owned economic development corporation was the only bidder on nine of the parcels offered for lease in the northernmost swath of the refuge, known as the coastal plain. Two small companies also each picked up a single parcel.

Half of the offered leases drew no bids at all."
What part of " coupled with ongoing regulatory uncertainty," didn't you understand?

What part of "But amid a global recession, low oil prices and an aggressive pressure campaign against leasing by drilling opponents, oil analysts have for months been predicting little interest in the sale." didn't you understand?

Now EPA regulations have to consider "the social cost of fossil fuels." What do you suppose the result of that is?

Progs are all fucking morons.
Well, it was closer to 9 million...but yeah..the whining about a "stolen election" is as dishonest as it is tiresome.
I'm sure the perps are tired of hearing about what a bunch of scumbags they are. Get used to it.

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