Oil and Gas in ANWAR

That's magical. We would be smart to diversify energy sources. Biden didn't give us COVID nor did slow down oil production world wide... He didn't put sanctions on Venezuela or renege on the Iran agreement. He didn't cause Putin to invade Ukraine.
He didn't stop Putin either, in fact he gave him the green light.
That's magical. We would be smart to diversify energy sources. Biden didn't give us COVID nor did slow down oil production world wide... He didn't put sanctions on Venezuela or renege on the Iran agreement. He didn't cause Putin to invade Ukraine.
Yes he caused Putin to invade Ukraine, Putin rolled over Biden's daddy, the great Messiah why wouldn't Putin think Biden be any different?
I make $30/hr, I will buy gas as needed just like I did in 2010 just like I did in 2015. I don't bitch about gas daily because I'm a man and realize it's part of life.

I vote on things that are important to me - like my President not shooting and gassing US citizens to hold up a bible. Freedom of speech. Assault rifles being taken out of America. Not Tweeting dumbfuckery everyday and making the office of President look like a retard's job.

Things important to me as a liberal voter:

Education for all Americans
Universal healthcare
Women's rights
Right to vote

Things not important to me as a liberal:

What the price of gas is this month.
What the price of gas is in 5 days.
What the price of gas is in 10 days.

You vote for what is important to you. My party won this time - better luck to you next time. I'll repeat it for you: Your attacks bounce off us liberals because we don't care that you pay more for gas. We are glad that your Keystone Pipeline was blocked. We are glad that oil is going the way of the Dodo. Suck our cocks - we won in 2020.
You make $30 bucks an hour...

Doing what selling crack?
Nope, I was in charge of strategic planning and development of services. I made a great salary plus bonus.
So you got fired and became a stripper?

Jobs are crazy now a days this company wants to double my salary and give me a $5,000 dollar signing bonus, I don't want to work 2nd or 3rd shift.
So you got fired and became a stripper?

Jobs are crazy now a days this company wants to double my salary and give me a $5,000 dollar signing bonus, I don't want to work 2nd or 3rd shift.
My bonuses were tied to achieving goals and were $10,000.. sometimes twice a year. I wasn't fired. I was lucky to be really good at the job.
I know. Democrats want high gas prices.

Just be honest. Joe looks like a fool begging counties to pump oil.
Dems have been EXPOSED! The damage they have done via their war on fossil fuels is there for all Americans to see. Some Dems are now panicking. Others feel they can still SPIN it as not their fault. The rest continue to say FU America suck it on high gas prices fossil fuels are killing the planet.
You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.

"We don't care that you feel pain at the pump."

There it is right there folks!
Dimocrats are never going to look for ways to bring pump prices down, in fact they work to make prices as high and painful as possible.
Democrats are desperate to blame gas prices and inflation on putin.

If Democrats were serious about gas prices they would green light all domestic production... but they just won't do that.

Democrats want to force Americans out of their cars
There is nothing stopping the increase of domestic production. There are plenty of reserves and active wells that could be brought online or ramped up.
I make $30/hr, I will buy gas as needed just like I did in 2010 just like I did in 2015. I don't bitch about gas daily because I'm a man and realize it's part of life.

I vote on things that are important to me - like my President not shooting and gassing US citizens to hold up a bible. Freedom of speech. Assault rifles being taken out of America. Not Tweeting dumbfuckery everyday and making the office of President look like a retard's job.

Things important to me as a liberal voter:

Education for all Americans
Universal healthcare
Women's rights
Right to vote

Things not important to me as a liberal:

What the price of gas is this month.
What the price of gas is in 5 days.
What the price of gas is in 10 days.

You vote for what is important to you. My party won this time - better luck to you next time. I'll repeat it for you: Your attacks bounce off us liberals because we don't care that you pay more for gas. We are glad that your Keystone Pipeline was blocked. We are glad that oil is going the way of the Dodo. Suck our cocks - we won in 2020.

Your $30/hr salary will soon have the buying power of $20-25/hr once pump prices filter on down through the transportation and shipping chain. This country and or the world is not ready, or even close to being ready for a wholesale change to electric transportation. Do you think container ships move on batteries or wind?
No they aren't. The price rise because of putin is all over the world. Democrats don't control all that.

Of course they would and forget about climate change just so you can have cheap subsidised gas. Well fuck you too.

I agree. Get out of your cars and off your arse and start paying the right price.
Everyone else is
In this thread you will see democrats think Americans are lazy, need to get out of their cars and pay the price.

Democrats want to take your mobility away.
There is nothing stopping the increase of domestic production. There are plenty of reserves and active wells that could be brought online or ramped up.
Now is the time with the prices as high as they are. Democrats think there is no red tape stopping domestic production.
You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.
You make it sound like you believe lefties won't feel pain at the pump. That's odd. Do you know who will feel the MOST pain at the pump? I'll help you, the working POOR will feel the most pain at the pump. The independent truck driver will have to jack his rates or go out of business. The working mother who uses her car to get to the jobs she works to feed her children will feel the pain. The family that saved up for a road trip vacation will feel the pain. Why do lefties sell out the poor for their principles?
I don't think she even read my post#13 Oil and Gas in ANWAR

Pretty much saying the same thing. Leases does not equal drilling permits, not does it equal financing and capital.

First they need to prospect, and that costs money. If they find something, then they need a drill permit, and then they need to construct the infrastructure. . . all in a political climate that owes favors to the Green Agenda due to political contributions?

I don't think Candy has any idea how our system or economy or industry really works. Like I said, she is not living in reality here. It is time for her to admit what is going on, or shut up
A good explanation as to why the cancellation of leases does not affect production or prices at all.
Most commies have no clue how the industry operates. You don't just pick a place and drill a hole. You have to build lease roads, which requires rights of way, you have to have a water supply and you need all weather roads leading to the lease roads. It can take years and a ton of money to develop the required infrastructure.

Great. So halting existing leases in no way cuts production then. Right?

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