Oil and Gas in ANWAR

Not about "want" it's about being a man and getting on with my life.

Just be honest: Joe won by 7 million votes and isn't going away for years. Go cry about it Lord helmet.

Well, it was closer to 9 million...but yeah..the whining about a "stolen election" is as dishonest as it is tiresome.
And xiden put a stop to ALL OIL & GAS RELATED ACTIVITIES in ANWR two weeks later, so what's your point commie?

Nobody bid on 1/2 of the contracts.... The other bidders were not domestic oil companies.

What "oil and gas activity" did he stop and please link to the supposed "stop" you referenced.
Not about "want" it's about being a man and getting on with my life.

Just be honest: Joe won by 7 million votes and isn't going away for years. Go cry about it Lord helmet.

:abgg2q.jpg: If Democrats aren't making post like this about you, you're not trying hard enough.

I read your post as... You're a little bitch who knows the election was stolen and thinks it's all going to end soon.
So...what is stopping Chevron (just to name an oil and gas company) from using their proven reserves?

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2.3 Billion barrels of oil seems like a lot.

Are you under the impression that oil and gas companies are just sitting around with nowhere left to drill?
300 dollars a barrel... you should go get your own rig and start pumping. Let me know how that goes.
You're actually correct in that 2nd part.

Democrats are not serious about gas prices because it is 2022. Go buy a Tesla. Or ride a bike. Or I don't really care what, but stop trying to use it as an attack against us lefties. We are treehuggers. We don't care that you feel pain at the pump.

We'll see how your BS sells to the commiecrat coalition (mainly minorities) who your BS policies will hurt the most. Can you say RED WAVE in Nov?

We'll see how your BS sells to the commiecrat coalition (mainly minorities) who your BS policies will hurt the most. Can you say RED WAVE in Nov?

don't really care either way. The Executive has veto power, power over the military, and power over the bully pulpit. It's the most powerful job on the planet for the reason - as long as (D)s control the Presidency it won't matter.
It's not my fault the red states are the poorest.
You're an idiot.

There were a lot of poor folks that ostensibly helped put the guy that is making gas prices really high, into office.

And? With that type of attitude, they are still not going to be able to afford a used electric car. But, how much longer do you think those disparate minority identity groups that can't afford lavish upper middle class life styles, will tolerate such attitudes from their benefactors?

Telling folks to eat cake, when they cannot afford cake, will soon find you without a coalition.

I imagine. . . in some small way? Yeah, it probably is, "your fault," that red states are the poorest. I imagine you, or folks like you, had something to do with the financialization, off-shoring, and restructuring of the entire global economy, but you are probably too dumb to have a clue what I am talking about. . .

. . you have probably got the moral and ethical sense of a toad.

You're an idiot.

There were a lot of poor folks that ostensibly helped put the guy that is making gas prices really high, into office.

Correct, and they were rewarded with stimulus money, an Infrastructure bill, LGBT protections, and veto power over any abortion law that a (R) Congress tries to pass over the next 4 years.

EDIT: I just looked at the latest Omnibus bill and food stamp budget and welfare budgets are being raised as well.
I make $30/hr, I will buy gas as needed just like I did in 2010 just like I did in 2015. I don't bitch about gas daily because I'm a man and realize it's part of life.

I vote on things that are important to me - like my President not shooting and gassing US citizens to hold up a bible. Freedom of speech. Assault rifles being taken out of America. Not Tweeting dumbfuckery everyday and making the office of President look like a retard's job.

Things important to me as a liberal voter:

Education for all Americans
Universal healthcare
Women's rights
Right to vote

Things not important to me as a liberal:

What the price of gas is this month.
What the price of gas is in 5 days.
What the price of gas is in 10 days.

You vote for what is important to you. My party won this time - better luck to you next time. I'll repeat it for you: Your attacks bounce off us liberals because we don't care that you pay more for gas. We are glad that your Keystone Pipeline was blocked. We are glad that oil is going the way of the Dodo. Suck our cocks - we won in 2020.
Keep that attitude up? AND YOU WILL LOSE.

Only a very small part of your coalition feels as you do, ya knuckle head.

Correct, and they were rewarded with stimulus money, an Infrastructure bill, LGBT protections, and veto power over any abortion law that a (R) Congress tries to pass over the next 4 years.

EDIT: I just looked at the latest Omnibus bill and food stamp budget and welfare budgets are being raised as well.
Oh yeah? Tell me. . . the SSI, ADC, SNAP programs? How often do those get reviewed for the elderly, poor and disabled?

Do those keep pace with price increases during times of crises?

How much of your voter base makes up these vulnerable populations?

. . . your rhetoric? It sounds like you don't really give a shit. Sound to me, like you just want their votes, and then, they can just find their own way to work and school. .. . .

I don't really think you care if America's children starve. . . it wouldn't surprise me at all, if you just wanted the poor to all die.
Oh yeah? Tell me. . . the SSI, ADC, SNAP programs? How often do those get reviewed for the elderly, poor and disabled?

Do those keep pace with price increases during times of crises?

How much of your voter base makes up these vulnerable populations?

. . . your rhetoric? It sounds like you don't really give a shit. Sound to me, like you just want their votes, and then, they can just find their own way to work and school. .. . .

I don't really think you care if America's children starve. . . it wouldn't surprise me at all, if you just wanted the poor to all die.
I'm a bit confused by you at this point, you're sounding like a liberal.

I completely agree with you.
We'll see how your BS sells to the commiecrat coalition (mainly minorities) who your BS policies will hurt the most. Can you say RED WAVE in Nov?

I was thinking those on a fixed income. . . retirees, military vets, the disabled. . . but yeah, minorities too.

The attitude and audacity of this POS about the dire straights of the nation? Is frankly? Immoral.
I'm a bit confused by you at this point, you're sounding like a liberal.

I completely agree with you.
And I? I'm frankly confused by your class warfare sentiments. You sound like you don't give a shit about the folks that go to the grocery store during this crises and can't afford to eat anymore. Or are having to completely rearrange their diets, to buy completely new things just to get by.

Folks grocery bills have nearly jumped a third, or by a half. . . . . . but for people who live on fixed incomes?

wtf? Where do they make that up in their budget? Your only answer? You don't care, not your problem, "buy a car none of these folks can afford."


That sorta, kinda, makes you an immoral piece of dirt.
Nobody bid on 1/2 of the contracts.... The other bidders were not domestic oil companies.

What "oil and gas activity" did he stop and please link to the supposed "stop" you referenced.

Oil companies look at the long term and they're not really into exercises in futility.


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