Oil and Nat Gas are Cheaper now than they were in 2018, and the US is pumping more Barrels...

Gasoline dropped by $1.25 over the last year.
still up 2.00 over Trump's last price. hmmmmmmm con games don't work on me bubba.

So creepy joe raises pump prices by 5.00 a gallon over the last two years and brings it down and you revel at the accomplishment. Fking hilarious.
still up 2.00 over Trump's last price. hmmmmmmm con games don't work on me bubba.

So creepy joe raises pump prices by 5.00 a gallon over the last two years and brings it down and you revel at the accomplishment. Fking hilarious.
In reality they are up about .60 cents over the last pre-pandemic summer prices in 2019. Labor and other refining issues caused it, not the feedstock (oil price)
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Republicans love to just make shit up out of thin air and spin the facts.

The main reason for high oil prices now is Putin's war in Ukraine which caused the complete disruption of the global oil markets. Republicans love to ignore this fact.

Everybody knows I love facts. I am the king of facts.

Banker's FACTS:
In May of 2018 US crude was trading at $72/barrel and it went up to $78/barrel that year.
Nat gas was at $3, and it went all the way up to $4.75

Right now US oil is only at $70 and Nat gas is at a low $2.
Biden has cheaper energy prices than Trump did in 2018.

Better yet the US is producing much more oil and nat gas, AND exporting much more oil and Nat gas, and much more solar and renewable energy.

Somebody forgot to tell the republicans these facts, I bet they don't mention that on Fox News.
Biden is the energy president. Thank you Joe.

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The prices were up before Biden's war in Ukraine.
The prices were up before Biden's war in Ukraine.

That is because there was a worldwide shortage as every oil producing region in the world slashed production during 2020 and it take a while to ramp back up.
So Putin didn’t cause it? So you admit your Vegetable Messiah is a lying sack.
In Dec 2021 oil was trading at 66 dollars a barrel. During the build up it rose to above 90. After the invasion Feb 24th 2022, it rose to 115 and gasoline began it's steep climb from where it is now to over 5 bucks a gallon. So yes the bulk of the gasoline price increase was because of Russia's invasion.
In Dec 2021 oil was trading at 66 dollars a barrel. During the build up it rose to above 90. After the invasion Feb 24th 2022, it rose to 115 and gasoline began it's steep climb from where it is now to over 5 bucks a gallon. So yes the bulk of the gasoline price increase was because of Russia's invasion.
If you are blind, and ignore everything Biden and the democrats are doing to drive prices up.
In reality they are up about .60 cents over the last pre-pandemic summer prices in 2019. Labor and other refining issues caused it, not the feedstock (oil price)
Naw, no con job bub, stop with your nonsense
In Dec 2021 oil was trading at 66 dollars a barrel. During the build up it rose to above 90. After the invasion Feb 24th 2022, it rose to 115 and gasoline began it's steep climb from where it is now to over 5 bucks a gallon. So yes the bulk of the gasoline price increase was because of Russia's invasion.
Why isn’t it still $5, Simp?

Try thinking for yourself for once in your life.
Prices have dropped almost a buck and a half in the past year.
prices are over a buck and a half higher, now, then at any time Trump was president

electricity prices are skyrocketing

food is more expensive than it has ever been

the future looks bad,

we need a pro oil and gas government

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