Oil Companies are being cancelled by Greenies, should courts save the US from disaster? (Poll)

Should the US courts dismiss "Green" nuisance lawsuits holding up US oil production?

  • Yes, we need to prevent a disaster

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • No, we need to save the planet

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Biden withdrawn American support for the Eastern Mediterranean (EastMed) pipeline. How does that cancel it or kill it? Could those countries not just say "ok, thanks for nothing" and build the damn thing anyhow?
Don't know, I just read the headline. Israel gets enough US aid, they should be able to pay for it.
I agree, if the EU wants the gas they can help pay for the pipeline.
US objected because they didn't want to got through Isreal and Palestine (for obvious security reasons), they want to go through Egypt instead...
BTW there was an earlier plan to go through Syria but they gave that land to Russia...
It would go from Cyprus to Greece. Not sure what pipeline you're talking about?????

Keystone XL only benefits the Chinese owners of Canadian tar sands. So what is stopping Israel from building their pipeline?
True that Canada asked China for help developing the tar sands.
Israel is apparently too cheap to build the EastMed pipeline?!
US objected because they didn't want to got through Isreal and Palestine (for obvious security reasons), they want to go through Eygpt instead...

BTW there was an earlier plan to go through Syria but they gave that land to Russia...
Tapline used to run from Ghawar thru Syria to Sidon. In 2003 the Saudi peace initiative proposed to build it back with a spur to Haifa, but Israel turned them down.
China invest
True that Canada asked China for help developing the tar sands.
Israel is apparently too cheap to build the EastMed pipeline?!
China invested 22 billion dollars in Canadian tarsands.
The Republican direction is NOT SUSTAINABLE. Republicans have 80% of the wealth of the nation going to the top 10%. That's how South American banana republics operate. Billionaires and their corporations pay no taxes, whatsoever, meaning the most of the tax burden falls on the Middle Class.

You can't keeping crashing your economy every 10 tens years either. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible. The American middle class is shrinking, with more falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth.

There's been no real infrastructure investment since Eisenhauer. Bridges are collapsing, roads are crumbling, and this is affecting investment in American jobs.

It is utterly beyond me what you see in the Republican Party. Corrupt, incompetent, and completely destroying the country.
Hey everyone, duck, another demofk pooh fling was just released.
Don't know, I just read the headline. Israel gets enough US aid, they should be able to pay for it.
I agree, if the EU wants the gas they can help pay for the pipeline.

I do not agree with Biden pulling the US support. But I cannot blame it not being finished on him, the countries involved made the final choice
Cool fake story lol

Going after Caspian sea oil.

Putting political opponents in prison including democratic politicians.

If you don't know something you can't say it's fake. It doesn't work that way.
FACT: The prices of gas and diesel are skyrocketing.

FACT: US oil and gas production are below 2020 levels, why is that? Those wells should still be producing.

FACT: The problem isn't the US oil companies, they'd love to sell oil at $130/bbl

The problem is that the Xiden administration and the "Greens" are stopping oil production in court and with new "red tape".

What happens is that when the price of diesel prohibits truckers from moving freight, food, and everything we need, the US shuts down. Think about it, no food, empty store shelves.
Disaster is just around the corner, coming soon. It costs $1,000 today to fill-up a semi, that is unsustainable.

So what can we do to avert disaster? We need to produce more US oil & gas. How can we do that?

The only way I see that the US can avert disaster is to have the courts sae us from the Greenies and let the oil companies pump and pipe more oil before its too late. Any other ideas? Lets hear them.
Removal of Joe Biden from office (who is a prisoner to radical fanatics, willing or unwillingly), would be the very first thing that should be done to keep green zealots from driving US energy policy off a cliff.

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