Oil companies right now have 9,000 leases they can drill on. Why are they not drilling?

You have to love how many keep claiming high profits without realizing exactly what goes into producing oil and fuels.
let’s take a quick look at costs. I will just glance over it. Not going into great detail as that would take many pages.
a geological survey will run anywhere from half a million to over 2 million. If it looks like there could be oil. Then the permitting process begins. That means an environmental study. Search for who owns mineral rights, who owns lands that may need to be crossed. On and on and each wants their compensation.
Drilling costs and moving a drill rig on to a location can be three million on up. If you hit No oil or just a small pocket that is not worth producing then you have the cost of moving the drill rig and abondoning the hole which can run close to a million in some cases.
If you hit a big enough pocket of oil then the real expenses start. Case the hole which requires a lot of metal casing. Move the drill rig off. Bring in a workover rig. They run metal tubing then determine how much oil the well will produce. You can be talking 2 thousand an hour for 12 - 14 hours a day for a week.
Erecting a pumping unit, tanks for holding oil. A unit that separates the water and oil. Then how is the oil shipped a pipeline or trucks both have costs.
The well and the water separator both need constant maintenance and sometimes repair.
Once the oil reaches the refinery you have a large refinery on acres of land that requires constant human activity to run.
Both have investors in those that own stock in the companies each invested wanting a return.
Most companies are getting about 5 or 5.8 % profit. Which is pretty standard for any business. Once you take a business global the amount of profits grows but so do all the countries wanting their share of the money in the form of taxes.
Biden is 100 percent right

Look what our reliance on fossil fuels is buying us
This has been brought up again and again and you still pretend ignorance. What are you going to replace those with? Electric cars? Our electrical grid is just about maxed out. 65% uses some form of fossil fuel to produce power. Even wind turbines require large amounts of oil.
Not everyone can afford EVs nor do they have a way to charge them.
How well is adding a greater amount of EVs going to effect the power grid when they are already calling for rolling black outs?
Yet many experts agree that moving ahead with the pipeline wouldn't have prevented U.S. gas prices from climbing to a record high. Expanding the Keystone would have increased global oil production by less than 1%, an amount, they explained, is "almost negligible."
When TC Energy announced in March 2020 that it was resuming construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, they estimated that it would “enter service in 2023.” By this projection, if construction resumed tomorrow, Keystone wouldn’t be online until 2025. When Biden revoked the permit on January 20, 2021, TC Energy completed just over 90 miles of a pipeline supposed to extend across 1,200 miles. Considering this construction history and the inevitable lawsuits the pipeline would have faced again, completion in three years might be wishful thinking.
1. The KeystoneXL pipeline would have been completed by the end of 2022, pumping 830,000 bpd of oil. The peak US oil production under Trump was 13m bpd, under Xiden we're stuck at 11.5m bpd.

2. Adding 830,000 bpd of oil would have an immediate impact on oil prices, its called the Law of Supply and Demand. The fact that Xiden would rather buy expensive oil from US enemies instead of Canadian oil proves he's Putin's Whore.

3. You'll be surprised how fast KeystoneXL will be completed when the GOP takes over DC.
1. The KeystoneXL pipeline would have been completed by the end of 2022, pumping 830,000 bpd of oil. The peak US oil production under Trump was 13m bpd, under Xiden we're stuck at 11.5m bpd.
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2. Adding 830,000 bpd of oil would have an immediate impact on oil prices, its called the Law of Supply and Demand. The fact that Xiden would rather buy expensive oil from US enemies instead of Canadian oil proves he's Putin's Whore.

3. You'll be surprised how fast KeystoneXL will be completed when the GOP takes over DC.
thats not what the experts say. So it went up during tramps admin also.
This has been brought up again and again and you still pretend ignorance. What are you going to replace those with? Electric cars? Our electrical grid is just about maxed out. 65% uses some form of fossil fuel to produce power. Even wind turbines require large amounts of oil.
Not everyone can afford EVs nor do they have a way to charge them.
How well is adding a greater amount of EVs going to effect the power grid when they are already calling for rolling black outs?
This is nothing new
Jimmy Carter advocated getting off of Fossil Fuels 45 years ago

Meanwhile, it has been Drill Baby, Drill ever since

Biden wants us to move away from dependence on Fossil Fuels. Long overdue

Eliminate the power of Russia and the Saudi thugs
Yet, Republicans claim they need more leases on Federal land to bring down gas prices
Leases are only part of what is needed. You also need permits and pipelines and other items before you can drill:
Why drill when demand is being met? The question is, why is prices still rising despite demand being met?
Biden is 100 percent right
Look what our reliance on fossil fuels is buying us
Look what reliance on renewables has brought Germany, disaster:
You post quips without providing a workable solution.
Leases are only part of what is needed. You also need permits and pipelines and other items before you can drill:

Permits come with the leases and you do not run pipelines from each and every well.
Look what reliance on renewables has brought Germany, disaster:
You post quips without providing a workable solution.

Now tell us how German dependence on Russian oil is working out for them
Permits come with the leases and you do not run pipelines from each and every well.

1. While more than 9,000 approved permits to drill on federal lands aren’t producing oil and gas, that doesn’t mean companies could start drilling right now in all of those locations. Regulatory processes, court decisions and oil prices all play a role in when drilling can actually begin.

2. How do you get oil from the wells without pipelines?
Look at ANWR as an example, that Joe stopped development of.
Most oil fields need a pipeline to get the oil to market.
There are lots of offshore oil fields, but they are being stopped.

3. Its going to be a long rough road until the US gas prices stabilize or drop.
There is no light at the end of the tunnel, just Joe's lies that the oil companies aren't drilling.
1. While more than 9,000 approved permits to drill on federal lands aren’t producing oil and gas, that doesn’t mean companies could start drilling right now in all of those locations. Regulatory processes, court decisions and oil prices all play a role in when drilling can actually begin.

2. How do you get oil from the wells without pipelines?
Look at ANWR as an example, that Joe stopped development of.
Most oil fields need a pipeline to get the oil to market.
There are lots of offshore oil fields, but they are being stopped.

3. Its going to be a long rough road until the US gas prices stabilize or drop.
There is no light at the end of the tunnel, just Joe's lies that the oil companies aren't drilling.

Oil prices are not going to drop until one of two things happen which will lead to the other. A major economic crash where the Fed starts pumping the markets again.

Call it a lucky guess, a coincidence, whatever you want but I stated more than once that once the Fed starts raising rates, the markets would go after oil. It's what they do to get their way.
Now tell us how German dependence on Russian oil is working out for them
I'd rather tell you how dumb it was for Germany to decommission their nuclear powerplants.
Again, don't whine about it, tell Germany what they should be using to power their economy______________
(hint: renewables aren't working)


Some in Germany have called for the decision on ending the use of nuclear power to be reconsidered because the power plants already in operation produce relatively little carbon dioxide. Advocates of atomic energy argue that it can help Germany meet its climate targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Oil prices are not going to drop until one of two things happen which will lead to the other. A major economic crash where the Fed starts pumping the markets again.
Call it a lucky guess, a coincidence, whatever you want but I stated more than once that once the Fed starts raising rates, the markets would go after oil. It's what they do to get their way.
1. The Fed will not lower rates until inflation is tamed, stimulus would be throwing gas on the inflation fire.
2. How are the markets going after oil? Biden's "war on energy" is going after oil.
1. The Fed will not lower rates until inflation is tamed, stimulus would be throwing gas on the inflation fire.

Nor should they.

2. How are the markets going after oil? Biden's "war on energy" is going after oil.

As I said, I've stated for a long time that once the Fed stops pumping the markets they will go after oil. It's easy pickings. Call it a coincidence if you wish but it is what is happening.

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