OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

And the criminals are going to register? Sort of like they don't follow laws on the books, which makes them criminals? I have to laugh to not cry.
Or we could have a bipartisan approach to issuing permits to the undocumented workers living here peaceably and contributing to the economy with provision for more immigration courts and expedited deportation of criminals and no provision for bail
we have to wait for the next 9/11 caused by democrats before we start talking impeach.
His, and the liberal elite in SF aided this murderer, they are, in my opinion, very complicit in this murder.
Actually it was the NRA who provided the gun.
Didn't the gun belong to a federal agents?

Yes it did. An angle of the story being conveniently ignored by the corrupt American Corporate Media. How the hell did a 7-time Illegal Felon get a Federal Agent's gun? We'll likely never know the truth.

The whole thing sucks. There has to be real accountability. But we all know that's not gonna happen. What a country we've become.
Call me twisted but my mind keeps going back to F&F about that gun
You are twisted.

San Francisco shooting death Gun was federal agent s - CNN.com
The Bureau of Land Management said the service weapon was stolen from the officer's vehicle on June 27.

Lopez-Sanchez told CNN affiliate KGO-TV that he fired the weapon, but it was an accident. He said he'd found the gun wrapped inside a T-shirt before it accidentally went off.

It was not clear whether Lopez-Sanchez understood all the questions posed in English and Spanish during the KGO interview. He appeared disoriented and gave contradictory answers about what had happened and how he felt.
Better to let him go down in flames as he has been. If he gets impeached or assassinated the radicals will make a martyr out of him.
Let's give a illegals a sanctuary city and pour money into them while we turn our backs on veterans.

Something is very wrong.
Impeach him for failure to carry out the duties of a president and guard the country from invasion. Malfeasance of office.

Again, folks like you are entitled to your own personal hatred of Obama, but NOT the facts......(if you can't figure the hart out, ask a grown-up for help)

His, and the liberal elite in SF aided this murderer, they are, in my opinion, very complicit in this murder.
Actually it was the NRA who provided the gun.
Didn't the gun belong to a federal agents?

Yes it did. An angle of the story being conveniently ignored by the corrupt American Corporate Media. How the hell did a 7-time Illegal Felon get a Federal Agent's gun? We'll likely never know the truth.

The whole thing sucks. There has to be real accountability. But we all know that's not gonna happen. What a country we've become.
Call me twisted but my mind keeps going back to F&F about that gun
You are twisted.

San Francisco shooting death Gun was federal agent s - CNN.com
The Bureau of Land Management said the service weapon was stolen from the officer's vehicle on June 27.

Lopez-Sanchez told CNN affiliate KGO-TV that he fired the weapon, but it was an accident. He said he'd found the gun wrapped inside a T-shirt before it accidentally went off.

It was not clear whether Lopez-Sanchez understood all the questions posed in English and Spanish during the KGO interview. He appeared disoriented and gave contradictory answers about what had happened and how he felt.
Then so are you for blaming the NRA
I wish I had not, but I listened to the testimony of the father of Kathryn Steinle. He said that when she fell her last words were "Help me daddy." The last words he heard from his daughter. If that doesn't tear at a Fathers heart I don't know what would.

A daughter who truly was a bright star, not like the scum that Obama has allowed to infiltrate our country. Not like the scum that the liberal elite of San Francisco that draws these types of scum bags.

It is time to impeach Obama for not protecting the country as he is sworn to do. I always thought Biden would be worse but even Biden would be a marked improvement, anyone would.

Of course she was white as were the 5 killed in Tenn and we all know to Obama and the liberal left, white lives don't matter.
Best thing to do is write or call your Republican representatives and demand they get off their asses and impeach Obama.

Don't worry it ain't gonna happen, what should doesn't always equate to what will.
Impeach him for failure to carry out the duties of a president and guard the country from invasion. Malfeasance of office.

Again, folks like you are entitled to your own personal hatred of Obama, but NOT the facts......(if you can't figure the hart out, ask a grown-up for help)


Thanks for the proof that there are no sanctuary cities and that this murderer was not deported and came back five times. Well done, your service to the king is acknowledged.
His, and the liberal elite in SF aided this murderer, they are, in my opinion, very complicit in this murder.
Actually it was the NRA who provided the gun.
Didn't the gun belong to a federal agents?

Yes it did. An angle of the story being conveniently ignored by the corrupt American Corporate Media. How the hell did a 7-time Illegal Felon get a Federal Agent's gun? We'll likely never know the truth.

The whole thing sucks. There has to be real accountability. But we all know that's not gonna happen. What a country we've become.
Call me twisted but my mind keeps going back to F&F about that gun
You are twisted.

San Francisco shooting death Gun was federal agent s - CNN.com
The Bureau of Land Management said the service weapon was stolen from the officer's vehicle on June 27.

Lopez-Sanchez told CNN affiliate KGO-TV that he fired the weapon, but it was an accident. He said he'd found the gun wrapped inside a T-shirt before it accidentally went off.

It was not clear whether Lopez-Sanchez understood all the questions posed in English and Spanish during the KGO interview. He appeared disoriented and gave contradictory answers about what had happened and how he felt.

If what is being reported about the source of the gun is true then the federal agent needs to be held accountable for losing control of his hand gun. My opinion, if left in a car then it is left in pieces so to render it harder to find the pieces. If this is a gloak then maybe it did go off accidentally because there is no safety. If that be the case then the agent should do jail time for leaving a bullet in the chamber.
I have been on that bandwagon since Jan 2009. The moonbat messiah could rape and murder a twelve year old girl on the white house lawn in front of the press corps. The media will blame the girl, the democrooks will insist it was Donald Trump disguised as obozo, and the blacks would riot.

The meat muppet isn't going anywhere until Jan 2017. Get used to it.

Let's be real, it was a white person murdered by a 7-time Illegal Felon. So i seriously doubt the Muslim foreigner President gives a shit. And neither do his asshole followers. Just like white couples being brutally beaten and gangraped by a gang of African Americans over the weekend in Detroit. It was brutal Black on White crime, so the asshole President and his followers don't care.

Now, if it was a gang of white people gangraping African American couples, it would be a 24/7 Race-Baiting feeding-frenzy on CNN and NBC. You're dealing with some sick dishonest fucks. It's open-season on white folks. So I suggest people acquire firearms and become proficient with them. Don't wait for help that's never gonna come. Defend yourself. Because some really don't care whether you live or die.
Let's be real, it was a white person murdered by a 7-time Illegal Felon. So i seriously doubt the Muslim foreigner President gives a shit. And neither do his asshole followers. Just like white couples being brutally beaten and gangraped by a gang of African Americans over the weekend in Detroit. It was brutal Black on White crime, so the asshole President and his followers don't care.

Now, if it was a gang of white people gangraping African American couples, it would be a 24/7 Race-Baiting feeding-frenzy on CNN and NBC. You're dealing with some sick dishonest fucks. It's open-season on white folks. So I suggest people acquire firearms and become proficient with them. Don't wait for help that's never gonna come. Defend yourself. Because some really don't care whether you live or die.

Much like the lie that was made up concerning the lacrosse players. The left were all over those boys for raping those black women. That is until it was shown that those Hos lied their asses off. Then the left went silent.
Let's be real, it was a white person murdered by a 7-time Illegal Felon. So i seriously doubt the Muslim foreigner President gives a shit. And neither do his asshole followers. Just like white couples being brutally beaten and gangraped by a gang of African Americans over the weekend in Detroit. It was brutal Black on White crime, so the asshole President and his followers don't care.

Now, if it was a gang of white people gangraping African American couples, it would be a 24/7 Race-Baiting feeding-frenzy on CNN and NBC. You're dealing with some sick dishonest fucks. It's open-season on white folks. So I suggest people acquire firearms and become proficient with them. Don't wait for help that's never gonna come. Defend yourself. Because some really don't care whether you live or die.

Much like the lie that was made up concerning the lacrosse players. The left were all over those boys for raping those black women. That is until it was shown that those Hos lied their asses off. Then the left went silent.

Brutal Black on White crime is out of control. That's the reality. The gangrape attacks in Detroit over the weekend were just plain horrific. Yet CNN, NBC, and other Communist/Progressive Media Outlets barely mentioned it. You know that wouldn't be the case if it were a gang of white guys brutally gangraping black couples.

White Communists/Progressives especially, are sick dishonest fucks. And the President's a racist asshole. That's why i say, it's open-season on white people. They're being hunted. People better wise up and protect themselves. Because help won't be on the way.
I wouldn't count on a racist asshole President and white Communists/Progressives to save you when the SHTF. Assholes like Nancy Pelosi are far too busy partying it up on their yachts and private jets to help you out.

Those folks live fantasy lives. They don't live in the real world like most Americans do. So always keep in mind... When seconds count, the Police are just minutes away. Arm and protect yourself and your family.
I have been on that bandwagon since Jan 2009. The moonbat messiah could rape and murder a twelve year old girl on the white house lawn in front of the press corps. The media will blame the girl, the democrooks will insist it was Donald Trump disguised as obozo, and the blacks would riot.

The meat muppet isn't going anywhere until Jan 2017. Get used to it.

That's because you're an idiot.
She white. Her life don't count. It's hunting season on white people. Thanks Hussein. :(

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