OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

In order to impeach a president, you have to have PROOF that he committed a crime. Did Obama PULL THE TRIGGER? Did he give the gun to the guy and pay him to kill the girl?

Don't be silly.

He didn't even know this criminal was in the country.

Stop being led around by the elites. They WANT you to feel this way. They want you to hate. And the liberals will blame the guns. What does this solve? Nothing.

Why not lobby for stricter policing of businesses that hire illegals, or an invasion of Mexico?

I have a better idea, stop watching TV.

Ignoring federal laws is a crime. Obama does it. All of them do. The sanctuary cities go even further than merely ignoring the laws. They practically invite illegal aliens to their cities and promise to protect them from deportation. Even known criminals, like the man who shot that innocent woman, are protected and not turned over to ICE. They allow convicted criminals to roam the streets and consider their desire not to be deported as being more important than the safety of citizens.

The woman would be alive if not for an illegal alien released onto the streets when he should have been turned over to ICE.

Yes, this is partly Obama's fault because he is in office and could do something about it but chooses not to. Sanctuary cities would not be allowed to make their own laws regarding illegal immigration if the administration didn't let them do it. Liberals applaud sanctuary cities, knowing full well that gangs and other criminals tend to live in the cities just because they want to avoid ICE. Why the sanctuary cities want to protect criminals and keep them there is confusing. It's no wonder that so many people have moved from the cities. Why pay ever-increasing taxes to support people that are likely to harm you and your family?

ICE had requested that the man be turned over to them and San Fran officials took it upon themselves to release him. They should be prosecuted immediately. Where is the DOJ? They are neglecting their responsibility by turning a blind eye to those who thumb their noses at federal laws. Obama should also take some blame for knowingly allowing this practice of aiding and abetting known criminals.

None of them have the right to pick and choose which laws to follow. That is called a dictatorship, not a free society where the rule of law matters and applies to everyone.
"OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon"

A president may be ‘impeached’ because the sky is blue.

Winning a conviction in the Senate requires an actual crime and objective, documented evidence.

Consequently you’re jumping on a bandwagon carrying nothing but ignorant, ridiculous fools.
In order to impeach a president, you have to have PROOF that he committed a crime. Did Obama PULL THE TRIGGER? Did he give the gun to the guy and pay him to kill the girl?

Don't be silly.

He didn't even know this criminal was in the country.

Stop being led around by the elites. They WANT you to feel this way. They want you to hate. And the liberals will blame the guns. What does this solve? Nothing.

Why not lobby for stricter policing of businesses that hire illegals, or an invasion of Mexico?

I have a better idea, stop watching TV.

His, and the liberal elite in SF aided this murderer, they are, in my opinion, very complicit in this murder.

Man you are a lightweight when it comes to thinking things through. How did you get so arrogant?
Yes. The asshole who shot this young woman is PC protected. He's going to be set free and given a fortune.

Mac....you dick.
In order to impeach a president, you have to have PROOF that he committed a crime. Did Obama PULL THE TRIGGER? Did he give the gun to the guy and pay him to kill the girl?

Don't be silly.

He didn't even know this criminal was in the country.

Stop being led around by the elites. They WANT you to feel this way. They want you to hate. And the liberals will blame the guns. What does this solve? Nothing.

Why not lobby for stricter policing of businesses that hire illegals, or an invasion of Mexico?

I have a better idea, stop watching TV.
No, you actually do not. There really is no real requirement for a 'crime' at all as the term 'high crimes' is not really defined. There is a single convicting body - the senate - and a single body that brings the articles - the house. They can bring impeachment and conviction for taking a piss the wrong way if they so choose - it is entirely up to the legislative branch.

Of course that is one reason why Obama will never be impeached - it would be politically suicidal. Only the far fringes of the party actually want to see such happen and it would create a political schism in this nation that would be horrendous.

The right and left are at odds now and it is unhealthy - imagine how broken the government would be if the president were forcibly removed for partisan hackery.
Lots of catty comments about the death of an innocent American girl at the hands of a member of a PC-protected group.

Gosh, I'm shocked.
Don't you mean a Chamber Of Commerce funded GOP-protected group?
Catty comments, and deflection.

The Chamber Of Commerce is threatening the GOP with cutting off their campaign donations if the GOP does not support amnesty, so it is hardly a deflection. The GOP is invested in keeping the illegals coming at least as much as the Libs, if not more.
Barack Hussein Obama wasn't put in there to represent America's interests. He was put in there to represent NWO Globalist Elite interests. It's all about destroying America's sovereignty.

The man is a foreign Trojan Horse. For his ugly IRS abuses alone, the asshole should have been Impeached. Sadly, it is what it is.
Impeach him for failure to carry out the duties of a president and guard the country from invasion. Malfeasance of office.
Lots of catty comments about the death of an innocent American girl at the hands of a member of a PC-protected group.

Gosh, I'm shocked.

Good point. You'd rather use her as a tool like the OP did.
In order to impeach a president, you have to have PROOF that he committed a crime. Did Obama PULL THE TRIGGER? Did he give the gun to the guy and pay him to kill the girl?

Don't be silly.

He didn't even know this criminal was in the country.

Stop being led around by the elites. They WANT you to feel this way. They want you to hate. And the liberals will blame the guns. What does this solve? Nothing.

Why not lobby for stricter policing of businesses that hire illegals, or an invasion of Mexico?

I have a better idea, stop watching TV.
What needs to happen is our Justice Department needs to prosecute the sanctuary city's governments for breaking federal law, or gross negligence in enforcing those laws.

But I'm starting to feel that there's a reason why AGenda starts with those two letters
His, and the liberal elite in SF aided this murderer, they are, in my opinion, very complicit in this murder.
Actually it was the NRA who provided the gun.
Didn't the gun belong to a federal agents?

Yes it did. An angle of the story being conveniently ignored by the corrupt American Corporate Media. How the hell did a 7-time Illegal Felon get a Federal Agent's gun? We'll likely never know the truth.

The whole thing sucks. There has to be real accountability. But we all know that's not gonna happen. What a country we've become.
His, and the liberal elite in SF aided this murderer, they are, in my opinion, very complicit in this murder.
Actually it was the NRA who provided the gun.
Didn't the gun belong to a federal agents?

Yes it did. An angle of the story being conveniently ignored by the corrupt American Corporate Media. How the hell did a 7-time Illegal Felon get a Federal Agent's gun? We'll likely never know the truth.

The whole thing sucks. There has to be real accountability. But we all know that's not gonna happen. What a country we've become.
Call me twisted but my mind keeps going back to F&F about that gun
His, and the liberal elite in SF aided this murderer, they are, in my opinion, very complicit in this murder.
Actually it was the NRA who provided the gun.
Didn't the gun belong to a federal agents?

Yes it did. An angle of the story being conveniently ignored by the corrupt American Corporate Media. How the hell did a 7-time Illegal Felon get a Federal Agent's gun? We'll likely never know the truth.

The whole thing sucks. There has to be real accountability. But we all know that's not gonna happen. What a country we've become.
Call me twisted but my mind keeps going back to F&F about that gun

That part of the story has been conveniently ignored by the corrupt Government/Corporate Media. In fact, they've decided to bury the story completely.

It was a white person murdered by a 7-time Illegal Felon. Therefore it doesn't count. Time to move on. We live in a fucked up nation. Makes ya pretty sad.

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