Ok, Friends And Neighbors....Is This Video "Fake News" By CNN? Thoughts???

Holy shit!
That video is so Green Screen you'd have to be as retarded as SYTFE not to see it.
It's downright embarrassing.
What would be the purpose of faking such a video? Are the proponents of the CNN report being fake suggesting that US warships do not enter the Black Sea through the Turkish Straights? How else would ships get in and out of the Black Sea? Is there a secret way only Dale and Black Fury know about?

Nope, what I am saying is that the lame stream media fakes the news and they try and sell the public that they are "on the scene" when news breaks and they aren't. It calls into question their credibility. How many news stories have been faked by using old footage like the overthrow of the Ukraine government and the riots that ensued which actually turned out to be footage from Greece. It calls into question the entire lame stream credibility and it has none...,..zero, nada, zilch.
You did not answer the question. You deflected away from it with speculative comments that you can not back up. You gave opinions of different subjects, but you did not answer the question. Why would CNN fake a story about a US Destroyer entering the Black Sea via the Straights of Turkey? What you are claiming is that they used a stock video to embellish the viewability of a story they are presenting. Even if true, that would not make the story itself fake.
You prove nothing. You have not proved the video is fake or that the story is fake. Your points are all based on your personal opinions. Opinions are not fact.

Why would they fake an "on the scene" report? Because it's cheaper than actually being there but they want to make the public believe that they are always where the news breaks. It's nothing but a psy-op and they put out this false sense of urgency as if we are on the brink of war bullshit that is being instigated by the very ones that run their network. What I found even more disturbing than the "Tidy Bowl" man reporting in front of a green screen was what he was spewing to the public...like how Russia had invaded Crimea after the illegal coup d e'tat of the Ukraine fomented by the bankers that run the E.U with CIA backing with Soros out in front...and this is a fact. They put in an E.U friendly puppet and the IMF came in to offer "relief" just like I said would happen and all they had to do was put up their resources as collateral. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of the peninsula and the E.U globalists were denied it when the Crimean people decided to cast their lot with Putin instead of the E.U. Putin offered the Ukraine a better deal financially than the E.U did and the globalists couldn't allow the Ukraine to slip through their fingers thus the illegal coup. You can keep believing that these gangs of outright thieves that have outright owned most of the important media since the 1920's if you want.....myself? I dig a bit deeper and I wouldn't believe a fucking thing they had to say if I actually bothered to listen to their propaganda (which is legal now since the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947 no longer applies) even if they told me it was raining, I could hear thunder and raindrops were falling on my roof? I would still look for myself. I don't trust these commie pieces of network shit any further than I could toss them.

Any questions? Please ask.....you are one of the few here on the left that actually has any intellectual curiosity and you can actually make an argument.
My views concerning Ukraine are greatly biased, Dale. I communicate with Ukrainians, both immigrants, and visitors in this country and Ukrainians that live in Ukraine. I have spent significant time in Ukraine. The news I got during the revolt, coup, and war has not been dependent on media sources alone, although I must admit to reading all the articles and reports I could access from all sources from all sides. These reports were then the subject of endless discussions with people from Ukraine and Russia or with Ukrainians when I visited Ukraine. I stayed in a city for a month that was close to the war zone and was an ethnically Russian city.

I do not agree with you and the claim that there was an illegal coup d e'tat. I do not believe outside forces convinced hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to flood the center of Kyiv every day and nite for months. It was a people revolution. I do not believe that the Ukrainians wanted to have Russia as a trading partner instead of the EU and west. I believe the proof of what the Ukrainian people wanted and still want is found in the four internationally monitored elections held since what you call a coup. The leadership installed after that "coup" has been reelected over and over.

As far as US Naval ships going in and out of the Black Sea via the Straights of Turkey, I don't see anything special about that. It is routine and has been going on for decades.
Nope. Not a green screen.

LMAOI! You really think that the little "Tidy Bowl" man is standing on the bow of a massive ship in rough waters with no microphone as the camera moves easily back and forth with no wavering? HOLY fuck.......if I had any reservations about your ability to "think things out"? You took care of that........you are (and without a doubt) an idiot..........

He's literally holding a big ass microphone, you enormous fucking moron.

LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.
Holy shit!
That video is so Green Screen you'd have to be as retarded as SYTFE not to see it.
It's downright embarrassing.

No, it isn't. Only the mildly retarded in this thread think it's "so green screen." Idiot.
What would be the purpose of faking such a video? Are the proponents of the CNN report being fake suggesting that US warships do not enter the Black Sea through the Turkish Straights? How else would ships get in and out of the Black Sea? Is there a secret way only Dale and Black Fury know about?

Nope, what I am saying is that the lame stream media fakes the news and they try and sell the public that they are "on the scene" when news breaks and they aren't. It calls into question their credibility. How many news stories have been faked by using old footage like the overthrow of the Ukraine government and the riots that ensued which actually turned out to be footage from Greece. It calls into question the entire lame stream credibility and it has none...,..zero, nada, zilch.
You did not answer the question. You deflected away from it with speculative comments that you can not back up. You gave opinions of different subjects, but you did not answer the question. Why would CNN fake a story about a US Destroyer entering the Black Sea via the Straights of Turkey? What you are claiming is that they used a stock video to embellish the viewability of a story they are presenting. Even if true, that would not make the story itself fake.
You prove nothing. You have not proved the video is fake or that the story is fake. Your points are all based on your personal opinions. Opinions are not fact.

Why would they fake an "on the scene" report? Because it's cheaper than actually being there but they want to make the public believe that they are always where the news breaks. It's nothing but a psy-op and they put out this false sense of urgency as if we are on the brink of war bullshit that is being instigated by the very ones that run their network. What I found even more disturbing than the "Tidy Bowl" man reporting in front of a green screen was what he was spewing to the public...like how Russia had invaded Crimea after the illegal coup d e'tat of the Ukraine fomented by the bankers that run the E.U with CIA backing with Soros out in front...and this is a fact. They put in an E.U friendly puppet and the IMF came in to offer "relief" just like I said would happen and all they had to do was put up their resources as collateral. Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of the peninsula and the E.U globalists were denied it when the Crimean people decided to cast their lot with Putin instead of the E.U. Putin offered the Ukraine a better deal financially than the E.U did and the globalists couldn't allow the Ukraine to slip through their fingers thus the illegal coup. You can keep believing that these gangs of outright thieves that have outright owned most of the important media since the 1920's if you want.....myself? I dig a bit deeper and I wouldn't believe a fucking thing they had to say if I actually bothered to listen to their propaganda (which is legal now since the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947 no longer applies) even if they told me it was raining, I could hear thunder and raindrops were falling on my roof? I would still look for myself. I don't trust these commie pieces of network shit any further than I could toss them.

Any questions? Please ask.....you are one of the few here on the left that actually has any intellectual curiosity and you can actually make an argument.
My views concerning Ukraine are greatly biased, Dale. I communicate with Ukrainians, both immigrants, and visitors in this country and Ukrainians that live in Ukraine. I have spent significant time in Ukraine. The news I got during the revolt, coup, and war has not been dependent on media sources alone, although I must admit to reading all the articles and reports I could access from all sources from all sides. These reports were then the subject of endless discussions with people from Ukraine and Russia or with Ukrainians when I visited Ukraine. I stayed in a city for a month that was close to the war zone and was an ethnically Russian city.

I do not agree with you and the claim that there was an illegal coup d e'tat. I do not believe outside forces convinced hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to flood the center of Kyiv every day and nite for months. It was a people revolution. I do not believe that the Ukrainians wanted to have Russia as a trading partner instead of the EU and west. I believe the proof of what the Ukrainian people wanted and still want is found in the four internationally monitored elections held since what you call a coup. The leadership installed after that "coup" has been reelected over and over.

As far as US Naval ships going in and out of the Black Sea via the Straights of Turkey, I don't see anything special about that. It is routine and has been going on for decades.

I will respect your opinion and your first hand knowledge of the situation but I have seen enough evidence to convince me that the Soros/E.U faction took advantage (at the very least) of the dissatisfaction of the Ukrainian people and how shall I say this? They "gave it a helping hand" and Soros and his NGOs were there "Johnny on the spot" after the Maidan coup. You could say that the E.U was simply being opportunistic and took advantage of the situation and the unrest....but by joining up with the E.U, they will find themselves worse off in the long run . Russia had a vested interest in keeping the Ukraine out of the E.U because with the E.U affiliation, NATO comes with it and the Ukraine acted as a buffer. I do know this, the deal that Russia offered to help the Ukraine was better than the conditions that came with the loans offered by the IMF. Russia did not "invade" Crimea like we were told. Most of the people in Crimea are of Russian descent but we were made to believe that Russia had bullied it's way into the region. Good response and "thanks".......
LMAOI! You really think that the little "Tidy Bowl" man is standing on the bow of a massive ship in rough waters with no microphone as the camera moves easily back and forth with no wavering? HOLY fuck.......if I had any reservations about your ability to "think things out"? You took care of that........you are (and without a doubt) an idiot..........

He's literally holding a big ass microphone, you enormous fucking moron.

LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........

He's literally holding a big ass microphone, you enormous fucking moron.

LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........

SYTFE claims he works in media; must be for the blind or mentally retarded as there is no way that video doesn't look as phony as SYTFE holding a High School diploma.
And I love that "Tidy Bowl" description...perfect!

You freaks are fucking nuts. :cuckoo: There simply is no other explanation.

So you believe that the "Tidy Bowl" man was actually on the ship and reporting "live" for CNN??? I just want you on record as such....btw, it's been awhile since we have crossed paths.......I will come to your defense by and excuse you by saying that the ass kickings I gave you do take some time to recover from. You still believe that the subliminal messages from the National Anthem "sign-off" from the 1960's was an advertisement for someone that was promoting a product called "Naomi"????


LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........

SYTFE claims he works in media; must be for the blind or mentally retarded as there is no way that video doesn't look as phony as SYTFE holding a High School diploma.
And I love that "Tidy Bowl" description...perfect!

SYTFE tried to hold himself up as some kind of "bi-partisan" anti-establishment type until the Hildebeast lost and then his true colors began to show. I am very upfront about what I know and my hope that Trump was our last chance to save this Republic isn't looking good at all.....but at least I can admit it. The Fabian socialist left? Their symbol is the wolf in sheep's clothing and for a good reason. We are witnessing a communist coup attempt that may be a precursor to what is to come even if it fails....is Trump merely playing a part in this skit? Could be.....but the very elites that these useful idiots claim to be against are the ones pulling their strings and they are too stupid to see it.
LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........

SYTFE claims he works in media; must be for the blind or mentally retarded as there is no way that video doesn't look as phony as SYTFE holding a High School diploma.
And I love that "Tidy Bowl" description...perfect!

I never said I worked in "media" you creepy fuck.
He's literally holding a big ass microphone, you enormous fucking moron.

LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........


No, know-nothing Dale -- you don't know shit. You ARE stupid. You ARE a moron. You didn't even realize the reporter was holding a microphone! That's how fucking stupid you are.
LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........


No, know-nothing Dale -- you don't know shit. You ARE stupid. You ARE a moron. You didn't even realize the reporter was holding a microphone! That's how fucking stupid you are.

LMAO!!!!!!! He was holding it down around his waist........what sound (snicker) quality!!!!!! It only picked up his studio voice while filtering out any background noise during this alleged "live" report as he stood at the bow of a ship....kudos to the camera guy that was able to maintain INCREDIBLE control of the camera as it panned from him and to the ships in the straits with nary a waver.........just a question (and you don't have to answer) but have you EVER had an independent thought???? Has the butthurt of the loss of the Hildbeast taken you over the edge? Work with me here......I only wish to help you......(snicker)
He's literally holding a big ass microphone, you enormous fucking moron.

LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........

LMAO!!!!! He is holding it down around his crotch and the sound of the ship moving or the waves are not picked up on it? Seriously? And the camera shots????? HOLY fuck!!! It is sooooooo fake! How can you not see that?

Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........



  • 13726622_292511524433850_1284390121496061129_n.jpg
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Jesus Christ know-nothing Dale, I'm going to take pity on your sorry ass for a second here and explain to you how his mic works. He's using a dynamic mic, and those are designed specifically for close miking applications. They don't do a great job at capturing ambient sounds. Think of a Shure SM57 used for miking guitar amps where the engineer sticks it about an inch away from the speaker. That's what they're designed for. He's probably also mic'ed with a lavalier as well, as thedoctorisin pointed out. It's common to use both a lavalier in conjunction with either a handheld or a shotgun for in-the-field situations.

Now, if he were using a condenser mic, which wouldn't make any sense anyway, it would be picking up more of the sounds of the waves. Instead of frying your brain cells during your recording sessions with your band consuming copious amounts of drugs, you should be paying attention to what the engineer is doing. That way, you won't be so easily mislead by youtube videos.

Hope this helps!

LMAO!!!!! Dude, that microphone is no where near his mouth. I know ALL about recording...I have done my fair share of time in the recording studios and I know how easily high quality microphones pick up the tiniest of sounds. The only way to delete ANY background noise is AFTER the recording...not during. Again, you are out of your league as usual.

You are one stupid motherfucker. Do shotgun mics have to be right near a person's mouth in order to pick their voice? No, they don't, fuckwit. You know exactly jack shit about mics and recording. Absolutely clueless.

Stupid? You are the blithering idiot that can (and with a straight face) say that the little "Tidy Bowl" CNN reporter is actually reporting on the high seas with choppy waters. You are such a brain dead idiot and so fucking programmed that you believe any fucking thing you see given to you by the lamestream media. Yeah, I know more than you, numb nuts....like infinitely more. They have been pulling this kind of lame shit for a a few decades now. You HONESTLY believe everything you see on the news and you have the unmitigated gall to claim I am "stupid"??? Irony, thy name is SYTFE.........


No, know-nothing Dale -- you don't know shit. You ARE stupid. You ARE a moron. You didn't even realize the reporter was holding a microphone! That's how fucking stupid you are.

LMAO!!!!!!! He was holding it down around his waist........what sound (snicker) quality!!!!!! It only picked up his studio voice while filtering out any background noise during this alleged "live" report as he stood at the bow of a ship....kudos to the camera guy that was able to maintain INCREDIBLE control of the camera as it panned from him and to the ships in the straits with nary a waver.........just a question (and you don't have to answer) but have you EVER had an independent thought???? Has the butthurt of the loss of the Hildbeast taken you over the edge? Work with me here......I only wish to help you......(snicker)
No he's not, ya deranged nutcase. :cuckoo: his hand his down by his waist, not the mic. The mic housing is about a foot long, and the mic itself is maybe eight inches or so from his mouth. And let's not forget-- in your deranged state, you were denying he even had a mic.


And the boat he's on is swaying in the expected motion based on the wake hitting his boat.

You're a fucking lunatic. I'm embarrassed for you.

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If you're delusional enough to think there was another Coast Guard cutter entering the shot from the right, screen capture it like I did and post it. I would love to see you post s shot with a U.S. Coast Guard cutter in that shot.

You posted a shot of a whole other ship! Check the windows on your bullshit claim compared to the video.

I've already proven that Coast Guard cutter is Turkish, not U.S.. You claim otherwise.... prove it. Screen capture it and post it.

Anybody can just look at the windows and tell he claimed a fake!

Stop yappin' and prove it then. You say you blew it up. Screen capture what you're talking about and post it. How hard is that to do?

Unless you can't actually prove the idiocy you're spouting. :mm:

I am on my tablet now not my desk. Did you not notice the lack of bold type idiot?
Besides what's it take to compare your pics to a video? Your pics are fake and anybody who looks at the windows can spot it!

Based on your abject refusal to provide any photographic evidence to back up any of your claims, the only logical conclusion is -- you are full of shit.

Thanks for playin'!
You posted a shot of a whole other ship! Check the windows on your bullshit claim compared to the video.
I've already proven that Coast Guard cutter is Turkish, not U.S.. You claim otherwise.... prove it. Screen capture it and post it.
Anybody can just look at the windows and tell he claimed a fake!
Stop yappin' and prove it then. You say you blew it up. Screen capture what you're talking about and post it. How hard is that to do?

Unless you can't actually prove the idiocy you're spouting. :mm:
I am on my tablet now not my desk. Did you not notice the lack of bold type idiot?
Besides what's it take to compare your pics to a video? Your pics are fake and anybody who looks at the windows can spot it!
Based on your abject refusal to provide any photographic evidence to back up any of your claims, the only logical conclusion is -- you are full of shit.

Thanks for playin'!
Anyone who compares the pictures you touted as that ship will see you are lying.
I've already proven that Coast Guard cutter is Turkish, not U.S.. You claim otherwise.... prove it. Screen capture it and post it.
Anybody can just look at the windows and tell he claimed a fake!
Stop yappin' and prove it then. You say you blew it up. Screen capture what you're talking about and post it. How hard is that to do?

Unless you can't actually prove the idiocy you're spouting. :mm:
I am on my tablet now not my desk. Did you not notice the lack of bold type idiot?
Besides what's it take to compare your pics to a video? Your pics are fake and anybody who looks at the windows can spot it!
Based on your abject refusal to provide any photographic evidence to back up any of your claims, the only logical conclusion is -- you are full of shit.

Thanks for playin'!
Anyone who compares the pictures you touted as that ship will see you are lying.
You're fucking deranged :cuckoo:

I never touted any boats as that Coast Guard cutter other than the one I circled in the screen captured from the CNN video.

The other boats I posted pictures of we're never touted as THAT boat. What they were touted as were examples of what a U.S. Coast Guard cutter looks like compared to a Turkish Coast Guard cutter.... which proved the one in the CNN video was Turkish, not American.

That you idiotically think it's American is indicative of just how fucked in the head your are since it's clearly sporting Turkish stripes.
Anybody can just look at the windows and tell he claimed a fake!
Stop yappin' and prove it then. You say you blew it up. Screen capture what you're talking about and post it. How hard is that to do?

Unless you can't actually prove the idiocy you're spouting. :mm:
I am on my tablet now not my desk. Did you not notice the lack of bold type idiot?
Besides what's it take to compare your pics to a video? Your pics are fake and anybody who looks at the windows can spot it!
Based on your abject refusal to provide any photographic evidence to back up any of your claims, the only logical conclusion is -- you are full of shit.

Thanks for playin'!
Anyone who compares the pictures you touted as that ship will see you are lying.
You're fucking deranged :cuckoo:

I never touted any boats as that Coast Guard cutter other than the one I circled in the screen captured from the CNN video.

The other boats I posted pictures of we're never touted as THAT boat. What they were touted as were examples of what a U.S. Coast Guard cutter looks like compared to a Turkish Coast Guard cutter.... which proved the one in the CNN video was Turkish, not American.

That you idiotically think it's American is indicative of just how fucked in the head your are since it's clearly sporting Turkish stripes.
You got nailed for lying to members. Shut the hell up and deal with it.

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