OK gun grabbers you have your mandatory gun registration

Which is why we need to force purchasers to buy liability insurance for each gun they purchase. At the very least, the victims would be compensated.

Good God... "THE VICTIMS?" As in the person that just kicked in your front door that was about to RAPE and MURDER you?

Don't you get sick of breathing all that foul smelling air with your head up your ass?

The 26 or so families of the Newtown kids; murdered.
That's not what you said. In fact it's not even close.

You have a problem with being specific?
and yet scotus upheld that law didnt they......

A justice can trample on the rights of Americans just as easily as a politician can.
yawn..your rights arent being trampled
Requiring a license to exercise rights protected under the 2nd violates the constitution every bit as much a requring a license to exercise your rights protected under the 1st.
It is impossible to soundly argue otherwise.

When a gun law is created that restricts my right to carry infringes on my right, when a gun law is created that restricts what kind of firearm I have access to that too is an infringement
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGE was not written for chits and grins.
license does not restrict your rights.
A license is a permission granted by the state.
A license to own a gun violates your rights every bit as mich as a license to have an abortion.
Which is why we need to force purchasers to buy liability insurance for each gun they purchase. At the very least, the victims would be compensated.

Good God... "THE VICTIMS?" As in the person that just kicked in your front door that was about to RAPE and MURDER you?

Don't you get sick of breathing all that foul smelling air with your head up your ass?

The 26 or so families of the Newtown kids; murdered.

Here ya go, bubble head... here's your sign...

I'm sure that you can point that one out in the second amendment?

A well regulated militia being necessary for a free state...

We can't have well regulated militias without knowing who our gun owners are

You have a point rightwinger. The recording of an enrolled militia member's name and recording the type and caliber of the arm (singular) he intended to muster with, is a legitimate exercise of militia regulatory powers (federal and state). It was called the "return of the militia" . . . essentially a detailed census of a militia company's resources to evaluate readiness -- IOW, information used to help determine if that company was actually "well regulated" (properly functioning / in operational order and condition).

Problem is, there is no current legal purpose or justification for government to record any information pertaining to the identity of a private citizen simply because he owns a gun nor any identifiers pertaining to his personal arms (under the auspices of militia regulation).

To build constitutional legitimacy for a gun registry you would need to reenact a militia law (e.g., Militia Act of 1792) that again brings enrolled citizens under the umbrella of federal militia regulations.

Since 1903, Congress has relieved the citizens from any obligation to perform militia duty but it has also extinguished any authority it might claim to have any interest whatsoever in the personal arms of the private citizen (again, under the auspices of militia regulation).
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
So, no.
Which is why we need to force purchasers to buy liability insurance for each gun they purchase. At the very least, the victims would be compensated.

LOL! Yes, I can just imagine the thoughts behind a criminal's intent to murder innocents.

"It's ok if I murder innocents because by gawd my insurance is paid up."

Some of you people are basically insane is my only conjecture at this point.

I doubt you put much thought into anything. The question is whether you choose not to think or if you're simply incapable of thought. Cars must have liability insurance since they can do damage to other's property. Extending that to guns is not only possible, it's long overdue.

When they buy the gun, they have to show proof of insurance for the gun. Yes, they can use the black market which makes it illegally bought and thus will add more years to their sentence. It's not great but it's something. If the gun is stolen, the liability insurance covers whatever the thief did with it. Innocent victims of gun violence shouldn't have to come up with medical and funeral expenses on their own. Suing the loser who is going to jail somehow isn't going to pay those bills. The liability insurance is there to provide for them.

Again, nobody is forcing you to buy a gun; don't want to pay the insurance, don't buy the gun. It's that simple.
Good God... "THE VICTIMS?" As in the person that just kicked in your front door that was about to RAPE and MURDER you?

Don't you get sick of breathing all that foul smelling air with your head up your ass?

The 26 or so families of the Newtown kids; murdered.
That's not what you said. In fact it's not even close.

You have a problem with being specific?

The kids were not murdered?
Let's see how it will stop crime or gun violence

Resident of Connecticut reluctantly stood in line in order to sign up for the mandated gun registry that goes into effect January 1, 2014. Gun owners feel not only that the registry is unconstitutional but also that this could be a sign of bigger things to come.

Connecticut Gun Owners Line Up For Unconstitutionally Mandated Gun Registration // Mr. Conservative
You can bet the farm I will be watching this very closely.

It's not unconstitutional to have registration of firearms.

The 2nd amendment clearly states a "well-regulated milita."

That means keeping tabs on the guns.
Good God... "THE VICTIMS?" As in the person that just kicked in your front door that was about to RAPE and MURDER you?

Don't you get sick of breathing all that foul smelling air with your head up your ass?

The 26 or so families of the Newtown kids; murdered.

Here ya go, bubble head... here's your sign...

Nothing wrong with that sign. Free speech is a good thing.

Liability insurance is not banning guns; it's a responsible stipulation placed on gun ownership by society; just as we did with cars.

But please continue to phantom issues...
Which is why we need to force purchasers to buy liability insurance for each gun they purchase. At the very least, the victims would be compensated.

Good God... "THE VICTIMS?" As in the person that just kicked in your front door that was about to RAPE and MURDER you?

Don't you get sick of breathing all that foul smelling air with your head up your ass?

The 26 or so families of the Newtown kids; murdered.
Thank you for yet again helping tp prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
If the gun is stolen, the liability insurance covers whatever the thief did with it.

Can you please display your stupidity a bit less blatantly? If I buy insurance and my car is stolen, I will CANCEL the insurance. Why on earth would I continue a policy on a stolen car?

Same with a gun, if it's stolen, I would necessarily CANCEL the policy. Why on earth would I insure a criminal's use of my weapon that was stolen?

Sheesh. Ignorance abounds.
If the gun is stolen, the liability insurance covers whatever the thief did with it.

Can you please display your stupidity a bit less blatantly?
Your still on.

If I buy insurance and my car is stolen, I will CANCEL the insurance. Why on earth would I continue a policy on a stolen car?
And until then, the policy is in effect.

Same with a gun, if it's stolen, I would necessarily CANCEL the policy. Why on earth would I insure a criminal's use of my weapon that was stolen?
You should. But until you do, the policy is in effect.

Sheesh. Ignorance abounds.

Yeah, forcing a Newtown parent to not only cough up the money for hospital then a funeral when all they did was send their kid to school is ignorant when such an easy remedy is at hand. I agree.
Which is why we need to force purchasers to buy liability insurance for each gun they purchase. At the very least, the victims would be compensated.

LOL! Yes, I can just imagine the thoughts behind a criminal's intent to murder innocents.

"It's ok if I murder innocents because by gawd my insurance is paid up."

Some of you people are basically insane is my only conjecture at this point.

I doubt you put much thought into anything.
Ironic statement, given that all of your arguments stem from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Let's see how it will stop crime or gun violence

Resident of Connecticut reluctantly stood in line in order to sign up for the mandated gun registry that goes into effect January 1, 2014. Gun owners feel not only that the registry is unconstitutional but also that this could be a sign of bigger things to come.

Connecticut Gun Owners Line Up For Unconstitutionally Mandated Gun Registration // Mr. Conservative
You can bet the farm I will be watching this very closely.

It's not unconstitutional to have registration of firearms.

The 2nd amendment clearly states a "well-regulated milita."

That means keeping tabs on the guns.

OK let's rehash the whole thread because that argument has been shot down
I'll start yes it is unconstitutional.
Your counter is?
Good God... "THE VICTIMS?" As in the person that just kicked in your front door that was about to RAPE and MURDER you?

Don't you get sick of breathing all that foul smelling air with your head up your ass?

The 26 or so families of the Newtown kids; murdered.
Thank you for yet again helping tp prove the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.

That you equate 26 dead kids as an "oopsie" is a mental disorder. That isn't an attack, that's a fact.
Oh I can just see insurers jumping at the chance to insure stolen guns....lol Nothing like being held financially liable for a criminal's actions. Insurers just are jumping at the bit to do this sort of thing. Too damn funny. :lol:

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