OK, I admit this proves Biden has Dementia

I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Uh huh.
You got one video of a rare lucid moment among the literally 100's of videos of him having significant trouble speaking and you expect people to believe you?

I can post all day

And I intend to keep posting variations of this thread along with examples of Fat Donnie acting like a blathering idiot.

Get your Sharpie ready pal

RW you can post up videos of almost any public speaker messing up. Go ahead and post up vids of Biden, just don't be surprised at all when you find people posting up videos of his confusion in the same speech.
Whatever the case... you can't undo this:

View attachment 355740

This is so much FUN

Your candidate resides in a Glass Mansion. Anything you post, I can post much, much, much worse



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I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Is this the best the Biden campaign can put out???? Jesus that’s sad. The claim isn’t that he can’t even speak, it’s that there’s a very clear decline from the 2012 debates. There his pronunciations are clear, he’s not rolling one word into the next, no slurring, no stuttering. In this video you can literally hear one word rolling into the next while his pronunciations are hard define one word from the other. When we read we don’t necessarily read one letter to the next and sound it out, we memorize words off of bunches of letters. Your brain sees “MEMO” and then “ZE” and we automatically fill in the word “memorize”. Same thing for when people speak, our brains usually hear the first sounds of the word and fill in pretty accurately what it’s going to be. With Biden our brains can’t do that, so you’re hanging on every barely decipherable syllable up until the very end of the word and trying to figure out what he’s saying. Which is tough because he’s rolling each word into the next one. It’s like his brain and mouth are metaphorically slipping on the first step of the stairs and he’s remaining upright on the way stairs down the stairs, but still stumbling on the way down.
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Is this the best the Biden campaign can put out???? Jesus that’s sad. The claim isn’t that he can’t even speak, it’s that there’s a very clear decline from the 2012 debates. There his pronunciations are clear, he’s not rolling one word into the next, no slurring, no stuttering. In this video you can literally hear one word rolling into the next while his pronunciations are hard define one word from the other. When we read we don’t necessarily read one letter to the next and sound it out, we memorize words off of bunches of letters. Your brain sees “MEMO” and then “ZE” and we automatically fill in the word “memorize”. Same thing for when people speak, our brains usually hear the first sounds of the word and fill in pretty accurately what it’s going to be. With Biden our brains can’t do that, so you’re hanging on every barely decipherable syllable up until the very end of the word and trying to figure out what he’s saying. Which is tough because he’s rolling each word into the next one. It’s like his brain and mouth are metaphorically slipping on the first step of the stairs and he’s remaining upright on the way stairs down the stairs, but still stumbling on the way down.

First off, Joe Biden knows how to read. A skill Trump has never been able to master.

But if you want to go by mispronunciation, once again, you lose

Obvious evidence of dementia in Trump
If you vote for Biden you will really be voting for whichever black female he picks as his running mate. If by some far fetched chance Biden was to win, the dems would declare him unfit on day 2 of his term and put his VP in charge of this country. do you really want Willie Browns squeeze toy running the country?
Can Trump read?
Evidently not

BIDEN 2020

Ok, winger, we already know that you are voting for the old senile pervert Biden. so stop the bullshit for a few days, no one cares to read your crap. In fact, do everyone a favor and find another forum to shit on. You are a waste of time here.
biden's speech is silly------but sometimes Trump is also silly.
So far picking at the idiot utterances of either does nothing
for me
If you vote for Biden you will really be voting for whichever black female he picks as his running mate. If by some far fetched chance Biden was to win, the dems would declare him unfit on day 2 of his term and put his VP in charge of this country. do you really want Willie Browns squeeze toy running the country?
Looking good for Biden. California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania. Five biggest states and Biden is ahead.
Can Trump read?
Evidently not

BIDEN 2020

Ok, winger, we already know that you are voting for the old senile pervert Biden. so stop the bullshit for a few days, no one cares to read your crap. In fact, do everyone a favor and find another forum to shit on. You are a waste of time here.

Biden is a good family man and loving, loyal husband.
Trump bangs porn stars while his wife is home with his infant son. Trump was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein.

You guys are not very good at this game. Ready to quit or do you want more?
Okay so I watched the video.
You are impressed by this? Specifically why? Because he managed to get through it without a major f*ck up?
What he is saying is essentially empty words. Nothing specific, just rhetorical soundbytes. He is preaching to the choir here.
"The President has to LEAD" - that means absolutely nothing. It is like saying a chef has to cook food. Uh...yeah...annnd?
It is an empty speech that has plenty of candy for the kiddies who are already going to vote for him. There is nothing here to grab on to.
The President has to LEAD" - that means absolutely nothing. It is like saying a chef has to cook food.

It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
They are STILL dying faster in NY than AZ in spite of the trajectory of cases.


Liar. Over the past week, daily deaths on average: NY: 18. Arizona: 32. And that's before the most unfortunate victims of the latest upsurge arrive at the morgue.

BTW, there's no need to sign your posts.
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If you vote for Biden you will really be voting for whichever black female he picks as his running mate. If by some far fetched chance Biden was to win, the dems would declare him unfit on day 2 of his term and put his VP in charge of this country. do you really want Willie Browns squeeze toy running the country?
Looking good for Biden. California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania. Five biggest states and Biden is ahead.

so was hillary, how is her time as president going? Pollsters lie, the media lies. but the dems mail in cheat plan may work, I understand that fake ballots are being printed in china right now. You dem/libs know that you can never win a fair election, so cheating is your plan, we get it. mail in ballots and no voter ID, sadly it may work.
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Another Teleprompter-in-chief?

lol Obama looked like a cigar store indian whose lips moved; he never had an original throughout in his life, but he looked like a Jenyus to Democrats. Biden would be a lot more entertaining, though, but we know he's going to resign and his VP is the real candidate for Prez.

WTF language was that post made in.

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