OK, I admit this proves Biden has Dementia

It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
We have tested more than any other country, both in quantity and percentage.
Our death rate per 100,000 is better than basically all other other modern countries, and better than any European country.
Our recovery rates are better also.
You are merely repeating bullshit you hear on CNN that simply isn't true.
What precise metric are you using to say he has done bad?
Go ahead.
If you vote for Biden you will really be voting for whichever black female he picks as his running mate. If by some far fetched chance Biden was to win, the dems would declare him unfit on day 2 of his term and put his VP in charge of this country. do you really want Willie Browns squeeze toy running the country?
Looking good for Biden. California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania. Five biggest states and Biden is ahead.

so was hillary, how is her time as president going? Pollsters lie, the media lies. but the dems mail in cheat plan may work, I understand that fake ballots are being printed in china right now. You dem/libs know that you can never win a fair election, so cheating is your plan, we get it. mail in ballots and no voter ID, sadly it may work.

Cool, I know ewe have proof of the ballots being printed in Gina claim.
Can Trump read?
Evidently not

BIDEN 2020

Ok, winger, we already know that you are voting for the old senile pervert Biden. so stop the bullshit for a few days, no one cares to read your crap. In fact, do everyone a favor and find another forum to shit on. You are a waste of time here.

Biden is a good family man and loving, loyal husband.
Trump bangs porn stars while his wife is home with his infant son. Trump was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein.

You guys are not very good at this game. Ready to quit or do you want more?

LOL, there are hundreds of pics and videos of Biden fondling girls and women. the senile old bastard has been in DC for almost 50 years, he has done nothing but change his position on everything from day to day. Now he is senile and cannot even put a logical sentence together.

as to Epstein, he hung himself from a bed two feet off the floor just before he was going to spill the beans on the Clintons, the royal family, and lots of other powerful DC assholes. Trump banned him from all of his properties, clinton went to rape island with him over 20 times.

YOU are FOS winger.
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Interesting take. We've been treated to three-and-a-half years of incoherent word salad, insane babbling, watching the IMPOTUS needing help to walk down a ramp or drink from a glass of water. All from a stable genius who says one thing on Tuesday and denies it on Wednesday.

Yet Biden is senile. Okay then.
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It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
We have tested more than any other country, both in quantity and percentage.
Our death rate per 100,000 is better than basically all other other modern countries, and better than any European country.
Our recovery rates are better also.
You are merely repeating bullshit you hear on CNN that simply isn't true.
What precise metric are you using to say he has done bad?
Go ahead.

Because our president has denied the threat of the virus from day one.
Our president has advocated false cures and spread misinformation
Our President has pitted one state against another
Our President has undermined social distancing and the wearing of masks.

A massive failure of leadership.
It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
We have tested more than any other country, both in quantity and percentage.
Our death rate per 100,000 is better than basically all other other modern countries, and better than any European country.
Our recovery rates are better also.
You are merely repeating bullshit you hear on CNN that simply isn't true.
What precise metric are you using to say he has done bad?
Go ahead.

Because our president has denied the threat of the virus from day one.
Our president has advocated false cures and spread misinformation
Our President has pitted one state against another
Our President has undermined social distancing and the wearing of masks.

A massive failure of leadership.
AH.... perfect.
So semantics and you don't like what he says. That is your beef and claim.
HOWEVER - his actual performance with the virus puts America the BEST IN THE WORLD.
One more time - THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

It's remarkable that you found a video to make your "point".

You can count on me posting multiple videos of Biden between now and November
Also, my posting videos of Dumb Donnie

This is going to be fun


Let me help you out, lil fella.

That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!" - well Gee... the United States has the lowest per capita detah rates, highest recovery rates and has tested more than any other nation by number and percentage.
Wrongwinger is trying waaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard to convince someone Crazy Joe hasn't lost his mind.

You can read the panic in his dozens of posts in this thread.

I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

You will never contain this virus until it has run it's course..........No amount of words will change that........and Bill Gates can stuff his dang Vaccine BS......

Anyone who thinks containment is possible in the end.....is dumber than dirt and shouldn't be listened to.

Now you get back to me when you can stop the common cold and flu from spreading.

Have a nice day.
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

So he still hasn’t explained how he would overcome the virus. His “leadership” will magically do it. Yet he says “no miracles are coming”.

No shit Joe. The only thing that will get us through the virus is herd immunity. But I guess his plan is for everyone to stay at home locked up, not working, defaulting on their mortgage or not paying their rent. No food production or transportation, food will just magically appear for everyone as they sit at home. Who needs electricity? We don’t need people going to work to provide these things, Old Joe will deliver it with his “leadership”.

Herd immunity? Really? Did any other countries take that approach? How did it work out?

Tell me that answer when it's run it's course here versus there..............

Then you can pat your own back.........we have only just begun.........and it WILL RUN IT'S COURSE......Suck it up Cupcake.

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