OK, I admit this proves Biden has Dementia

Wrongwinger is trying waaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard to convince someone Crazy Joe hasn't lost his mind.

You can read the panic in his dozens of posts in this thread.

It's not so much that is he hasn't said anything of substance.
Just rhetoric and repeating the same thing no matter what someone else says.
Wrongwinger is trying waaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard to convince someone Crazy Joe hasn't lost his mind.

You can read the panic in his dozens of posts in this thread.

It's not so much that is he hasn't said anything of substance.
Just rhetoric and repeating the same thing no matter what someone else says.
Rightwinger is the famous one sentence troll of the board............Looks like he has been promoted to Pravda agent second class............

Biden couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the hell......and he's a DIRTY CAREER POLITICIAN.......who gets his COKE HEAD SON millions to support his habbit from his political power............While these programmed trolls...........say NO HE DIDN'T.........LOL.......everyone knows Ukraine and China needed a Coke head to manage them...............LMAO

Biden been hiding is so he can keep his big mouth shut......he's always stuck his foot in his mouth.......and his handlers are keeping him off the grid while they destroy our country with Covid nonsense and RACE RIOTS........paid for and sponsored by the DNC..........as always.......
Youtube removed this video so I can only link the CNN video, which remarkably still has it up.

WATCH THE MOST POWERFUL DEMOCRAT IN AMERICA SPEAK... if you don't see some serious mental issues here you are just flat out BLIND.

Youtube removed this video so I can only link the CNN video, which remarkably still has it up.

WATCH THE MOST POWERFUL DEMOCRAT IN AMERICA SPEAK... if you don't see some serious mental issues here you are just flat out BLIND.

Cuomo begging for more money............from failing states that chase business and people away.......and too much gov't......

Where was all this concern when they were told they needed more stock piles........Trump bent over backwards for New York.............there is NEVER ENOUGH FOR TAKERS in this world............and blame others for a fire they did to themselves.
It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
We have tested more than any other country, both in quantity and percentage.
Our death rate per 100,000 is better than basically all other other modern countries, and better than any European country.
Our recovery rates are better also.
You are merely repeating bullshit you hear on CNN that simply isn't true.
What precise metric are you using to say he has done bad?
Go ahead.

Because our president has denied the threat of the virus from day one.
Our president has advocated false cures and spread misinformation
Our President has pitted one state against another
Our President has undermined social distancing and the wearing of masks.

A massive failure of leadership.
AH.... perfect.
So semantics and you don't like what he says. That is your beef and claim.
HOWEVER - his actual performance with the virus puts America the BEST IN THE WORLD.
One more time - THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

View attachment 355786

My “beef” is that he is putting his re election above the health and well being of our nation.

125,000 have died
It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
We have tested more than any other country, both in quantity and percentage.
Our death rate per 100,000 is better than basically all other other modern countries, and better than any European country.
Our recovery rates are better also.
You are merely repeating bullshit you hear on CNN that simply isn't true.
What precise metric are you using to say he has done bad?
Go ahead.

Because our president has denied the threat of the virus from day one.
Our president has advocated false cures and spread misinformation
Our President has pitted one state against another
Our President has undermined social distancing and the wearing of masks.

A massive failure of leadership.
AH.... perfect.
So semantics and you don't like what he says. That is your beef and claim.
HOWEVER - his actual performance with the virus puts America the BEST IN THE WORLD.
One more time - THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

View attachment 355786

My “beef” is that he is putting his re election above the health and well being of our nation.

125,000 have died
YAWN........back to regular scheduled programming.....one liner......you got demoted didn't you.........
Youtube removed this video so I can only link the CNN video, which remarkably still has it up.

WATCH THE MOST POWERFUL DEMOCRAT IN AMERICA SPEAK... if you don't see some serious mental issues here you are just flat out BLIND.

Cuomo begging for more money............from failing states that chase business and people away.......and too much gov't......

Where was all this concern when they were told they needed more stock piles........Trump bent over backwards for New York.............there is NEVER ENOUGH FOR TAKERS in this world............and blame others for a fire they did to themselves.
The taxpayers in NY contribute more per capita to the Federal tax base than any Red State

Red States have always been the takers
It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
We have tested more than any other country, both in quantity and percentage.
Our death rate per 100,000 is better than basically all other other modern countries, and better than any European country.
Our recovery rates are better also.
You are merely repeating bullshit you hear on CNN that simply isn't true.
What precise metric are you using to say he has done bad?
Go ahead.

Because our president has denied the threat of the virus from day one.
Our president has advocated false cures and spread misinformation
Our President has pitted one state against another
Our President has undermined social distancing and the wearing of masks.

A massive failure of leadership.
AH.... perfect.
So semantics and you don't like what he says. That is your beef and claim.
HOWEVER - his actual performance with the virus puts America the BEST IN THE WORLD.
One more time - THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

View attachment 355786

My “beef” is that he is putting his re election above the health and well being of our nation.

125,000 have died
YAWN........back to regular scheduled programming.....one liner......you got demoted didn't you.........

Best in the world?

We have five percent of the worlds population and thirty percent of COVID deaths.

How does that make us best
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

You will never contain this virus until it has run it's course..........No amount of words will change that........and Bill Gates can stuff his dang Vaccine BS......

Anyone who thinks containment is possible in the end.....is dumber than dirt and shouldn't be listened to.

Now you get back to me when you can stop the common cold and flu from spreading.

Have a nice day.

Encouraging the spread is encouraging the number of deaths
Trump is encouraging the spread
That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
It would be expected of most Presidents, but Trump has failed miserably at leading the nation during the worst pandemic in a hundred years.

Biden will be driving that point home up until the election
We have tested more than any other country, both in quantity and percentage.
Our death rate per 100,000 is better than basically all other other modern countries, and better than any European country.
Our recovery rates are better also.
You are merely repeating bullshit you hear on CNN that simply isn't true.
What precise metric are you using to say he has done bad?
Go ahead.

Because our president has denied the threat of the virus from day one.
Our president has advocated false cures and spread misinformation
Our President has pitted one state against another
Our President has undermined social distancing and the wearing of masks.

A massive failure of leadership.
AH.... perfect.
So semantics and you don't like what he says. That is your beef and claim.
HOWEVER - his actual performance with the virus puts America the BEST IN THE WORLD.
One more time - THE BEST IN THE WORLD.

View attachment 355786

My “beef” is that he is putting his re election above the health and well being of our nation.

125,000 have died
YAWN........back to regular scheduled programming.....one liner......you got demoted didn't you.........

Best in the world?

We have five percent of the worlds population and thirty percent of COVID deaths.

How does that make us best
LOL...........you went full 360 on that one........LOL
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

You will never contain this virus until it has run it's course..........No amount of words will change that........and Bill Gates can stuff his dang Vaccine BS......

Anyone who thinks containment is possible in the end.....is dumber than dirt and shouldn't be listened to.

Now you get back to me when you can stop the common cold and flu from spreading.

Have a nice day.

Encouraging the spread is encouraging the number of deaths
Trump is encouraging the spread

I encourage getting back to our lives......those who are at hazard protecting themselves.........If you want to hide under your bed.........it's a Free country for the time being............

The destruction caused by the likes of you and your PRAVDA.....ARE EPIC......and a lased with TREASON.
If you vote for Biden you will really be voting for whichever black female he picks as his running mate. If by some far fetched chance Biden was to win, the dems would declare him unfit on day 2 of his term and put his VP in charge of this country. do you really want Willie Browns squeeze toy running the country?

What would we get from a President Biden?

- Massive jobs killing tax increases check.
- Destruction of oil, gas, and coal so sky high monthly fuel and energy bills check.
- Amnesty for 10's of millions of illegals who will go on welfare paid for by the tax increases check.
- Riots, looting, burning check.

Why vote for that??
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

/-----/ Again, where is his family?
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Well said Mr Biden. How many dopey trumptards do you think are going to “like” this OP without even watching it?

I watched it. Biden said nothing but gibberish...followed by some soy boy spewing all the Democratic talking points for him. So who is running ? Biden or the nitwit that followed?

Please, quote some of the gibberish for me.
If you vote for Biden you will really be voting for whichever black female he picks as his running mate. If by some far fetched chance Biden was to win, the dems would declare him unfit on day 2 of his term and put his VP in charge of this country. do you really want Willie Browns squeeze toy running the country?

What would we get from a President Biden?

- Massive jobs killing tax increases check.
- Destruction of oil, gas, and coal so sky high monthly fuel and energy bills check.
- Amnesty for 10's of millions of illegals who will go on welfare paid for by the tax increases check.
- Riots, looting, burning check.

Why vote for that??
Have you heard Joe Biden say any of those things?
That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
The real virus that needs to be controlled is the marxist shitstains. The misery, destruction and death they will cause if given the chance will make the Kung Flu look like hiccups.

Pick a side.

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