OK, I admit this proves Biden has Dementia

SO.... to recap.
Both leftist in this thread including the OP... have only stated rhetoric and CNN talking points.
Not one single specific.
Not one single statistic.
Not one single fact.
Just "Orange Man Bad".
And that is all they got. They are used to being able to sit in the choir room and pat each other on the back for maintaining the narrative... Orange Man Bad. And that is all they need.
Like I have said all the past couple of years.... facts only matter when they support the narrative.
Riddle me this...........the Southern Hemisphere has Winter when...........MORON.

Taiwan is in the Southern Hemisphere now? Since when?

Miami: 25°46′31″N

Taipei: 25°04′N

Oh, and since winter is over in the U.S., there's a measly 45,000 cases over the last 24 hours - compared to 1,500 in New Zealand. Overall. There's winter in New Zealand now, right?

Again, I have to ask, how about retaining some - SOME - self-respect?
Coronavirus deaths per 100,000.
United States - 38

United Kingdom - 66
Spain - 61
Italy - 58
Sweden - 62
France - 45
Belgium - 86

Keeping in mind United States is a MASSIVE country, HEAVY-HEAVY world travel and world trade.
As well as if you take out NYC... the death per 100000 is 1/3 less
Riddle me this...........the Southern Hemisphere has Winter when...........MORON.

Taiwan is in the Southern Hemisphere now? Since when?

Miami: 25°46′31″N

Taipei: 25°04′N

Oh, and since winter is over in the U.S., there's a measly 45,000 cases over the last 24 hours - compared to 1,500 in New Zealand. Overall. There's winter in New Zealand now, right?

Again, I have to ask, how about retaining some - SOME - self-respect?
New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere........and about the new FEAR MONGERING......I DON'T CARE...........

We have done enough damage to this country from people like you spreading FEAR..........If you want to hide from the boogey man.......then Hide.......

This virus will run it's course...........No matter how often and loud you bitch about it.

I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

DJ shitolini wishes he had half the clarity and coherence of joe...

Fatalities per million population:

U.S. 387
Netherlands 356
Ireland 351
Switzerland 227
Luxembourg 176
Portugal 153
Germany 108
Denmark 104
Austria 78
Finland 59
Norway 46
Poland 38
Israel 34
Czechia 33
Iceland 29
Lithuania 29
Malta 20
Greece 18
Latvia 16
Japan 8
South Korea 6
Slovakia 5
Australia 4
New Zealand 4
Taiwan 0.3
Fatalities per million population:

U.S. 387
Netherlands 356
Ireland 351
Switzerland 227
Luxembourg 176
Portugal 153
Germany 108
Denmark 104
Austria 78
Finland 59
Norway 46
Poland 38
Israel 34
Czechia 33
Iceland 29
Lithuania 29
Malta 20
Greece 18
Latvia 16
Japan 8
South Korea 6
Slovakia 5
Australia 4
New Zealand 4
Taiwan 0,3
I'll be right back to look at that data..........got to put up a chain link fence to stop Mosquitoes........

Hang on........hold that Fear thought.......

BZZZZZ.......BZZZZZZ.........OH SHIT........be right back.

Riddle me this...........the Southern Hemisphere has Winter when...........MORON.

Taiwan is in the Southern Hemisphere now? Since when?

Miami: 25°46′31″N

Taipei: 25°04′N

Oh, and since winter is over in the U.S., there's a measly 45,000 cases over the last 24 hours - compared to 1,500 in New Zealand. Overall. There's winter in New Zealand now, right?

Again, I have to ask, how about retaining some - SOME - self-respect?
New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere........and about the new FEAR MONGERING......I DON'T CARE...........

We have done enough damage to this country from people like you spreading FEAR..........If you want to hide from the boogey man.......then Hide.......

This virus will run it's course...........No matter how often and loud you bitch about it.

It will go away when we get a vaccine.
The greatest fear for most Americans is that we will have 4 more years of a narcissistic megalomaniac pretending to lead the country.
SO.... to recap.
Both leftist in this thread including the OP... have only stated rhetoric and CNN talking points.
Not one single specific.
Not one single statistic.
Not one single fact.
Just "Orange Man Bad".
And that is all they got. They are used to being able to sit in the choir room and pat each other on the back for maintaining the narrative... Orange Man Bad. And that is all they need.
Like I have said all the past couple of years.... facts only matter when they support the narrative.
A video is worth a thousand words when it comes from Mr Wizard.
Riddle me this...........the Southern Hemisphere has Winter when...........MORON.

Taiwan is in the Southern Hemisphere now? Since when?

Miami: 25°46′31″N

Taipei: 25°04′N

Oh, and since winter is over in the U.S., there's a measly 45,000 cases over the last 24 hours - compared to 1,500 in New Zealand. Overall. There's winter in New Zealand now, right?

Again, I have to ask, how about retaining some - SOME - self-respect?
New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere........and about the new FEAR MONGERING......I DON'T CARE...........

We have done enough damage to this country from people like you spreading FEAR..........If you want to hide from the boogey man.......then Hide.......

This virus will run it's course...........No matter how often and loud you bitch about it.

It will go away when we get a vaccine.
The greatest fear for most Americans is that we will have 4 more years of a narcissistic megalomaniac pretending to lead the country.

Baloney........and with the mutations.......it's useless......it will run it's course........

Now what is not Baloney is that this about Trump and not a virus.........you are losing on the mail in votes............oops.......

River of tears coming for you.........oh well..........might as well surf them
SO.... to recap.
Both leftist in this thread including the OP... have only stated rhetoric and CNN talking points.
Not one single specific.
Not one single statistic.
Not one single fact.
Just "Orange Man Bad".
And that is all they got. They are used to being able to sit in the choir room and pat each other on the back for maintaining the narrative... Orange Man Bad. And that is all they need.
Like I have said all the past couple of years.... facts only matter when they support the narrative.
A video is worth a thousand words when it comes from Mr Wizard.

Still pushing the drink bleach BS.................no need to go there even though I have that information saved........

The LYING narratives of the left PRAVDA MACHINE..............it's all you have............and vote for Biden...he's a career politician we have hiding in a basement.........

Riddle me this...........the Southern Hemisphere has Winter when...........MORON.

Taiwan is in the Southern Hemisphere now? Since when?

Miami: 25°46′31″N

Taipei: 25°04′N

Oh, and since winter is over in the U.S., there's a measly 45,000 cases over the last 24 hours - compared to 1,500 in New Zealand. Overall. There's winter in New Zealand now, right?

Again, I have to ask, how about retaining some - SOME - self-respect?
New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere........and about the new FEAR MONGERING......I DON'T CARE...........

We have done enough damage to this country from people like you spreading FEAR..........If you want to hide from the boogey man.......then Hide.......

This virus will run it's course...........No matter how often and loud you bitch about it.

It will go away when we get a vaccine.
The greatest fear for most Americans is that we will have 4 more years of a narcissistic megalomaniac pretending to lead the country.

Baloney........and with the mutations.......it's useless......it will run it's course........

Now what is not Baloney is that this about Trump and not a virus.........you are losing on the mail in votes............oops.......

River of tears coming for you.........oh well..........might as well surf them

Sounds like you've been listening to Professor Trump. Every virus mutates. It's part of it's life cycle. Sometimes mutations help the virus and sometimes they help us but most of the time they do neither. The horror of a virus mutating belongs in horror movies not in real life. Most Viral copies that occur due to mutation change very little and do not degrade the effect of a vaccine. When they do, scientists upgrade the vaccine to include the new copy. This is one of reasons why we have new flu vaccines every year and occasional, new pneumonia vaccines.

Riddle me this...........the Southern Hemisphere has Winter when...........MORON.

Taiwan is in the Southern Hemisphere now? Since when?

Miami: 25°46′31″N

Taipei: 25°04′N

Oh, and since winter is over in the U.S., there's a measly 45,000 cases over the last 24 hours - compared to 1,500 in New Zealand. Overall. There's winter in New Zealand now, right?

Again, I have to ask, how about retaining some - SOME - self-respect?
New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere........and about the new FEAR MONGERING......I DON'T CARE...........

We have done enough damage to this country from people like you spreading FEAR..........If you want to hide from the boogey man.......then Hide.......

This virus will run it's course...........No matter how often and loud you bitch about it.

It will go away when we get a vaccine.
The greatest fear for most Americans is that we will have 4 more years of a narcissistic megalomaniac pretending to lead the country.

Baloney........and with the mutations.......it's useless......it will run it's course........

Now what is not Baloney is that this about Trump and not a virus.........you are losing on the mail in votes............oops.......

River of tears coming for you.........oh well..........might as well surf them

Sounds like you've been listening to Professor Trump. Every virus mutates. It's part of it's life cycle. Sometimes mutations help the virus and sometimes they help us but most of the time they do neither. The horror of a virus mutating belongs in horror movies not in real life. Most Viral copies that occur due to mutation change very little and do not degrade the effect of a vaccine. When they do, scientists upgrade the vaccine to include the new copy. This is one of reasons why we have new flu vaccines every year and occasional, new pneumonia vaccines.

You simply can't stop FEAR MONGERING............allowing it to linger does those things.........and make it VERY DIFFICULT to protect against...........

We have destroyed our nation from YOUR PRAVDA..........wasn't necessary.........the Experts have been wrong.............and it still goes on.
A POTUS can control a virus by allocating critical medical supplies, providing funding to hard hit areas, encouraging social distancing and masks

Something a LEADER would do

Precisely what President Trump has done. Newsome and Cuomo thanked him.
Last edited:

A Government responsible for 125,000 deaths

Cuomo and other blue states Governors killed tens-of-thousands in nursing homes.

NY and NYC played fast and loose into March, and a large percentage of cases outside the NYC Metro area were spread from NYC.

“Excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers — I speak for the mayor also on this one — we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in New York,” Mr. Cuomo said on March 2. “So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”

You mean, a LEADER like Trump?

Cuomo on March 2 was bragging about NY arrogance.

“Excuse our arrogance as New Yorkers — I speak for the mayor also on this one — we think we have the best health care system on the planet right here in New York,” Mr. Cuomo said on March 2. “So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”


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