OK- I Apologize- U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march

On the contrary, it acted as it should have; sent the ambassador. A largely ceremonial posting to a totally meaningless activity.

But your white House disagrees as does a majority of America. What a lemming.


Majority of America? Thanks for another reason to laugh. Gee you is stupid.

Really, do you get out often?

Hell, the majority almost wants him impeached.

CNN Poll 33 Percent of Americans Want Obama Impeached

But for this drill

Here is a snapshot of America. 88% said he should go

POLL: Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march?

Read more: POLL Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march Ron St. Pierre on News Radio 920

The Majority almost wants him impeached? Your poll says 33% which is nowhere near a majority.

As for "America", Ron St. Pierre's News Radio 920 listeners are hardly "America"

Class Dismissed.

And you for sure don't represent anything close to the 'average' opinion.

America is done with your boy. Only you refuse to accept it

That's fine, there are drugs that can help you better cope with reality



Well Represented.


Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Paris is the new Benghazi...
Yeah... but they keep happening on your boy's "watch", don't they? Seems to be a pattern here.

Unlike, 3,000 dead on 9/11 and 6,000 dead in Iraq for no reason under "your boy's" watch...

I'll take Obama over Bush any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Are you blaming 9-11 and the resulting 3,000 deaths that day on the Bush Administration, a mere 8-9 months after they took office?

It happened on his watch.

That was the standard you used with Obama.

So I use it on Bush and you cry foul.


Do you know how long the 9-11 terrorists were planning and training for that day?

Methinks that stretches back into the Clinton years, yes?

Nice try, though.
Sorry...it happened on "your boy's" watch so he is responsible.

Your Standard..

Not mine.


Maybe he could have read his PDB instead of clearing brush.

Oh, and, BTW, Shrub was not MY boy, and I was bitterly opposed to the Iraq adventure.

Somehow I doubt it.

When things turn unpopular, the first to run and hide are little bitches such as yourself.

Now Bush is unpopular so you abandon "your boy".

But your white House disagrees as does a majority of America. What a lemming.


Majority of America? Thanks for another reason to laugh. Gee you is stupid.

Really, do you get out often?

Hell, the majority almost wants him impeached.

CNN Poll 33 Percent of Americans Want Obama Impeached

But for this drill

Here is a snapshot of America. 88% said he should go

POLL: Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march?

Read more: POLL Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march Ron St. Pierre on News Radio 920

The Majority almost wants him impeached? Your poll says 33% which is nowhere near a majority.

As for "America", Ron St. Pierre's News Radio 920 listeners are hardly "America"

Class Dismissed.

And you for sure don't represent anything close to the 'average' opinion.

America is done with your boy. Only you refuse to accept it

That's fine, there are drugs that can help you better cope with reality



Well Represented.


It would have been nice if he had Skyped Paris and said something along the lines of "Sorry, I just couldn't make it. But to make up for it, I'm droning the shit out of some Radical Islamists right about..." looks down at wristwatch "...now." and then the video cuts to a couple of ISIS camps blowing up.

At least that's how I would have done it.
If I was president I would have asked somebody to record the Divisional Playoffs for me while I was in Paris doing that Kumbya march.

We must admit, everyone one of those countries short of Israel, has dropped the ball when it comes to fighting terror around the world. But so has Obama.
Majority of America? Thanks for another reason to laugh. Gee you is stupid.

Really, do you get out often?

Hell, the majority almost wants him impeached.

CNN Poll 33 Percent of Americans Want Obama Impeached

But for this drill

Here is a snapshot of America. 88% said he should go

POLL: Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march?

Read more: POLL Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march Ron St. Pierre on News Radio 920

The Majority almost wants him impeached? Your poll says 33% which is nowhere near a majority.

As for "America", Ron St. Pierre's News Radio 920 listeners are hardly "America"

Class Dismissed.

And you for sure don't represent anything close to the 'average' opinion.

America is done with your boy. Only you refuse to accept it

That's fine, there are drugs that can help you better cope with reality



Well Represented.



Wow, a colored map of the US with a strange line through Oklahoma and SC....was that to divide the two people who live there (and in most other red states)?
Gee, another reason to laugh.

Must be difficult, trying to defend the indefensible.
I disagree with the White House on this one. Hardly a defense

Your boy phukked up.
Interesting how you insist on calling a black man "boy"....the old adage about "scratch a conservative, find a Klansmen" must not be far off the point.

He said so himself.
Yes, and I disagree with him; as I've done on numerous occasions.

End of story.

Sort of like your defending GWB and his admission that there were no WMDs--6,000 deaths later....
You couldn't get off that sinking ship fast enough...eh asswipe?


Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News or anyone who dares to question Obama and his crew when they screw up royally, which seems to happen extremely frequently.


Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
I'm still pissed that none of the Republican delegation went...not one of them.

Pissed I tell ya!

Obama did not allow anyone from the government to go. Maybe Odumbo should have sent Rodman?


Surely you have proof of this moronic allegation....

Oh wait; I forgot who I was talking to....

Thanks for yet another reason to laugh. You is funny.


Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
What you mean is you feel he's perfect. That's the only reason you question his decision to apologize.

And when 40 world leaders show up and your liar in chief doesn't, it appears you're lying to yourself. Not the first time for sure.
Hell, if someone shot the groundhog before spring, or a gun wen off in the woods...

Obama would be there in a flash to show support for those anti-gunners



Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
What you mean is you feel he's perfect. That's the only reason you question his decision to apologize.

And when 40 world leaders show up and your liar in chief doesn't, it appears you're lying to yourself. Not the first time for sure.

There are drugs for drones like CC. There is a cure....



Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
What you mean is you feel he's perfect. That's the only reason you question his decision to apologize.
I just said he was wrong...feel free to break out a dictionary and see what that means if you still have trouble understanding it.

I also thought he was wrong on wanting to send troops into Syria....
Leaving the "too big to fail" banks in a state of their still being "too big to fail"...
I called him "criminally naive" (I believe...naive at least) for thinking he could deal with Congress and for not understanding the power that comes along with the job..


You're simply too lazy to observe.

And when 40 world leaders show up and your liar in chief doesn't, it appears you're lying to yourself. Not the first time for sure.

I have no idea what you're tying to say here. Try again in English.
What really pisses me off is everyone seems to recognize that the threat is growing but Obama continues to talk like it's not and continues to gut our military. He's making sure we won't be able to handle the kind of missions that we used to be able to. Instead he's switching to his favorite means of conducting aggression, drones and arming the terrorists in Syria and Libya.

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