OK- I Apologize- U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march

The White House is wrong...there was no need to send anyone.

the white house acted stupidly

On the contrary, it acted as it should have; sent the ambassador. A largely ceremonial posting to a totally meaningless activity.

But your white House disagrees as does a majority of America. What a lemming.


Majority of America? Thanks for another reason to laugh. Gee you is stupid.
What stopped Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from going?
They aren't President of the United States.

They are also not the object of this exercise.

Stay focused.
But they obvious feel strongly that America was not represented. So what stopped them from going?

Happily the French aren't fucktards like our Republicans are.

While Holder was drawing up his war plans against Petraeus, while sucking down a glass of veno below that tower thingy over there........., he could of walked across the street to join in.

Not to be because Obama is a terrorist.

That's right.... I said it. Not to mention a bunch of other things, but you get my drift

Obama should just raise the ISIS flag already within the Oval office

His action shows he is a covert supporter via silence against the muslim murdering machine

I loathe Obama and he is just a sad sack of shit piled up waiting for his next round of triple bogey golf

Find someone who voted for Obama today and thank them for destroying America from within

What stopped Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from going?
They aren't President of the United States.

They are also not the object of this exercise.

Stay focused.
But they obvious feel strongly that America was not represented. So what stopped them from going?

Happily the French aren't fucktards like our Republicans are.
Your weak attempt at deflection and distraction is noted.

The upshot of this thread is that...

Obumble, the Failed Messiah, did not represent the United States in this week's extraordinary demonstration of solidarity with France, and against terrorism, as so many other world leaders had seen fit to do.

And, after sufficient public outcry, the idiots in the White House were obliged to admit that they had made a mistake by not doing so.

This discussion is not about anyone else but the President, and his most recent failure - yet another embarrassment that he has inflicted upon our wonderful country.

Worry about what your own boy is doing, not the other kids on the block, eh?

Obumble wanted the job of President of the United States... with that comes the responsibility for making good decisions, in such matters.

Turns out he screwed the pooch, yet again - and this time, so badly, that he was forced to admit it.

HE admitted it.

You no longer have any defense, whatsoever.

Subsequent attempts at doing so may be legitimately dismissed out of hand.

Subsequent attempts to deflect and distract may also be dismissed without further consideration.

Repeat after me: "Obama lost this one. WE lost this one."

There, now... open, honest, accurate... don't you feel better, after that?
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What stopped Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from going?
They aren't President of the United States.

They are also not the object of this exercise.

Stay focused.
But they obvious feel strongly that America was not represented. So what stopped them from going?

Happily the French aren't fucktards like our Republicans are.

While Holder was drawing up his war plans against Petraeus, while sucking down a glass of veno below that tower thingy over there........., he could of walked across the street to join in.

Not to be because Obama is a terrorist.

That's right.... I said it. Not to mention a bunch of other things, but you get my drift

Obama should just raise the ISIS flag already within the Oval office

His action shows he is a covert supporter via silence against the muslim murdering machine

I loathe Obama and he is just a sad sack of shit piled up waiting for his next round of triple bogey golf

Find someone who voted for Obama today and thank them for destroying America from within


The White House is wrong...there was no need to send anyone.

the white house acted stupidly

On the contrary, it acted as it should have; sent the ambassador. A largely ceremonial posting to a totally meaningless activity.

But your white House disagrees as does a majority of America. What a lemming.


Majority of America? Thanks for another reason to laugh. Gee you is stupid.

Really, do you get out often?

Hell, the majority almost wants him impeached.

CNN Poll 33 Percent of Americans Want Obama Impeached

But for this drill

Here is a snapshot of America. 88% said he should go

POLL: Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march?

Read more: POLL Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march Ron St. Pierre on News Radio 920
Seems like the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots are having a little difficulty in admitting their boy was wrong, even after HE admitted it.

Says something about the veracity and credibility of the breed, I suppose, but, on reflection, I doubt any serious player would expect anything better out of Leftist ideologues like that anyway.

Not exactly a surprise, of course, but it does make for good comedy - watching them twist and squirm.
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There is no other conclusion to form. Only those with extreme Obamablowknees, could say other


By not attending the unity rally in Paris on Sunday, President Obama has missed an opportunity to show leadership, to demonstrate that Americans are as committed to fight against terrorism as anyone in the world. And that America stands with its allies in a worldwide battle that, unfortunately, is likely to last many years.

Why Isn t President Obama Going to Paris - Forbes
The White House is wrong...there was no need to send anyone.

the white house acted stupidly

On the contrary, it acted as it should have; sent the ambassador. A largely ceremonial posting to a totally meaningless activity.

But your white House disagrees as does a majority of America. What a lemming.


Majority of America? Thanks for another reason to laugh. Gee you is stupid.

Really, do you get out often?

Hell, the majority almost wants him impeached.

CNN Poll 33 Percent of Americans Want Obama Impeached

But for this drill

Here is a snapshot of America. 88% said he should go

POLL: Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march?

Read more: POLL Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march Ron St. Pierre on News Radio 920

The Majority almost wants him impeached? Your poll says 33% which is nowhere near a majority.

As for "America", Ron St. Pierre's News Radio 920 listeners are hardly "America"

Class Dismissed.
Paris is the new Benghazi...
Yeah... but they keep happening on your boy's "watch", don't they? Seems to be a pattern here.

Unlike, 3,000 dead on 9/11 and 6,000 dead in Iraq for no reason under "your boy's" watch...

I'll take Obama over Bush any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Are you blaming 9-11 and the resulting 3,000 deaths that day on the Bush Administration, a mere 8-9 months after they took office?


Do you know how long the 9-11 terrorists were planning and training for that day?

Methinks that stretches back into the Clinton years, yes?

Nice try, though.


Oh, and, BTW, Shrub was not MY boy, and I was bitterly opposed to the Iraq adventure.

That's one of the nice things about being a Centrist and Independent... we're not married to partisan hacks, like you are.



Let's get back to talking about how your boy phukked-up, by not going to the Paris Solidarity March, and embarrassing the United States yet again.
Seems like the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots are having a little difficulty in admitting their boy was wrong, even after HE admitted it.

Says something about the veracity and credibility of the breed, I suppose, but, on reflection, I doubt any serious player would expect anything better out of Leftist ideologues like that anyway.

Not exactly a surprise, of course, but it does make for good comedy - watching them twist and squirm.

I think he was right for not going and wrong for now second-guessing himself. Had he gone, you guys would be up in arms at the costs.

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the white house acted stupidly

On the contrary, it acted as it should have; sent the ambassador. A largely ceremonial posting to a totally meaningless activity.

But your white House disagrees as does a majority of America. What a lemming.


Majority of America? Thanks for another reason to laugh. Gee you is stupid.

Really, do you get out often?

Hell, the majority almost wants him impeached.

CNN Poll 33 Percent of Americans Want Obama Impeached

But for this drill

Here is a snapshot of America. 88% said he should go

POLL: Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march?

Read more: POLL Should Pres. Obama have been at Paris march Ron St. Pierre on News Radio 920

The Majority almost wants him impeached? Your poll says 33% which is nowhere near a majority.

As for "America", Ron St. Pierre's News Radio 920 listeners are hardly "America"

Class Dismissed.

And you for sure don't represent anything close to the 'average' opinion.

America is done with your boy. Only you refuse to accept it

That's fine, there are drugs that can help you better cope with reality

Paris is the new Benghazi...
Yeah... but they keep happening on your boy's "watch", don't they? Seems to be a pattern here.

Unlike, 3,000 dead on 9/11 and 6,000 dead in Iraq for no reason under "your boy's" watch...

I'll take Obama over Bush any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

And that explains why you are misguided to say the least


At least you used "are" instead of "is misguided" this time....

I like having fewer dead Americans.

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