OK- I Apologize- U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march

Too late. the damage has been done

I don't accept their lame ass excuses and apology.

Ok, I will on one condition, YOU RESIGN

That's exactly it too. Doesn't matter that he's apologizing, doesn't matter that he "should have". What matters is that he's made the US look like fools, brought us down another notch.
Too late. the damage has been done

I don't accept their lame ass excuses and apology.

Ok, I will on one condition, YOU RESIGN

That's exactly it too. Doesn't matter that he's apologizing, doesn't matter that he "should have". What matters is that he's made the US look like fools, brought us down another notch.
There it is.
Too late. the damage has been done

I don't accept their lame ass excuses and apology.

Ok, I will on one condition, YOU RESIGN

That's exactly it too. Doesn't matter that he's apologizing, doesn't matter that he "should have". What matters is that he's made the US look like fools, brought us down another notch.
Republicans don't need his help to look like fools.
The White House is wrong...there was no need to send anyone.

the white house acted stupidly

On the contrary, it acted as it should have; sent the ambassador. A largely ceremonial posting to a totally meaningless activity.

Forty world leaders and their countries apparently disagree with you. Even the White House disagrees with you, but please continue to demonstrate your total loyalty to Obama and disrepect for the world.
Too late. the damage has been done

I don't accept their lame ass excuses and apology.

Ok, I will on one condition, YOU RESIGN

That's exactly it too. Doesn't matter that he's apologizing, doesn't matter that he "should have". What matters is that he's made the US look like fools, brought us down another notch.
Republicans don't need his help to look like fools.

Yup, but they don't hold a candle to Obama.
Too late. the damage has been done

I don't accept their lame ass excuses and apology.

Ok, I will on one condition, YOU RESIGN

That's exactly it too. Doesn't matter that he's apologizing, doesn't matter that he "should have". What matters is that he's made the US look like fools, brought us down another notch.
There it is.

It doesn't. It's like when a witness says something on the witness stand and the judge says "pay no attention". It cannot be unheard. His actions cannot be undone, he made the US look foolish and aloof. No amount of apologizing can undo that ... and he knows it. That he is apologizing means squat because after six years as president he SHOULD HAVE KNOWN to send someone. So .... are you saying obama is inept or did this intentionally? I'm going with the latter.
9/11 was a ways back, but I don't remember 40 world leaders marching with us in NYC. All the more reason to step up and be a trusted ally by showing up.

That's because the world didn't see the potential of Islamic terror back then. Had it happened today, along with all the other attacks around the world in the last several years, I'm sure there would be much more of a show of unity.
Also consider the fact that the U.S. usually has the resources to go it alone when there's trouble. That's not the case in a place like France, and it is much more important to show leadership that only the U.S. can provide.
Obama fucked up, and at least they now realize it.
What stopped Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from going?
They aren't President of the United States.

They are also not the object of this exercise.

Stay focused.
But they obvious feel strongly that America was not represented. So what stopped them from going?

Happily the French aren't fucktards like our Republicans are.
Your weak attempt at deflection and distraction is noted.

The upshot of this thread is that...

Obumble, the Failed Messiah, did not represent the United States in this week's extraordinary demonstration of solidarity with France, and against terrorism, as so many other world leaders had seen fit to do.

And, after sufficient public outcry, the idiots in the White House were obliged to admit that they had made a mistake by not doing so.

This discussion is not about anyone else but the President, and his most recent failure - yet another embarrassment that he has inflicted upon our wonderful country.

Worry about what your own boy is doing, not the other kids on the block, eh?

Obumble wanted the job of President of the United States... with that comes the responsibility for making good decisions, in such matters.

Turns out he screwed the pooch, yet again - and this time, so badly, that he was forced to admit it.

HE admitted it.

You no longer have any defense, whatsoever.

Subsequent attempts at doing so may be legitimately dismissed out of hand.

Subsequent attempts to deflect and distract may also be dismissed without further consideration.

Repeat after me: "Obama lost this one. WE lost this one."

There, now... open, honest, accurate... don't you feel better, after that?
:rolleyes: If he went, you'd be accusing him of a photo op...
Nope. I would not have accused him of anything, in this context.

...We Americans help the French in plenty of ways and the French are grateful for our help, as the article in the OP stated.

But the French are hurting - emotionally - as a nation - after these vicious attacks, and...

Given that they decided to stage a Solidarity March led by World Leaders...

The de facto Leader of the Free World belonged in that front row...

Merkel and a great many others managed it on short notice...

There's no reason for Obumble not to have done the same...

None whatsoever...

He phukked up...

He said so himself, in media-speak, through his Press Secretary...

Admit it, and move on...

Sheeeesh... just come out and say the words... "OK, OK, OK... Obama screwed up this time. Ya got us on this one. Can we move on now?"... and be done with it.
Gee, another reason to laugh...
Yes... I had to go out-and-about in the world today, and I've been laughing at your weak counterpointing throughout much of the day.

Must be difficult, trying to defend the indefensible.
I disagree with the White House on this one. Hardly a defense
You don't disagree with the White House about not going... you just disagree with the White House about admitting it was a mistake.

Your boy phukked up.
Interesting how you insist on calling a black man "boy"....the old adage about "scratch a conservative, find a Klansmen" must not be far off the point...
Only in your tiny little mind.

I use the same descriptors across the board, regardless of race.

It takes a whiny-bitch Hyper-Lib ideologue to try (and fail) to conjure-up offense where no offense was given.

It also has nothing to do with the fact that your boy phukked-up by not attending the Paris Solidarity March as leader of the Free World.

His Press Secretary has already said it was a mistake.

Confession = good enough for me (and most other Americans who do not have their noses up Fearless Leader's tailpipe) as a deciding factor in condemning the absence.

He said so himself.
Yes, and I disagree with him; as I've done on numerous occasions...
Yes. Trouble is, you disagree with the Honest Admission, but you defend the Glaring Absence itself.

End of story.

Sort of like your defending GWB and his admission that there were no WMDs--6,000 deaths later....
You couldn't get off that sinking ship fast enough...eh asswipe?
You are either confusing me with someone else, or you are hallucinating.

I have never defended Shrub in the context of the Iraq adventure.

But, if you want to put your money where your big mouth is, feel free to dig up something of mine to the contrary.

Good luck with that, by the way.

Now that we've got your whiny-bitch puling sand-flea sidebar out of the way...

Back to bashing the Failed Messiah for his failure to appear as leader of the Free World, in the Paris Solidarity March...
What a stark contrast

A- Obama releases terrorist (aka. head loppers) from GITMO
B- Calls Fort Hood 'Work Place Violence'
C- Spoke out about his virtual son who liked skittles Trayvon
D- Takes a rain break long enough to say how sorry he was to hear about the US citizen who got her head lopped off
E- Went all Furgeson on us.
F- Gave the world the bird and watched re-runs of Fat Albert instead of sending Gomer Pyle Kerry to France

Basically, Obama just doesn't have anything to say about the jihad


Man was he mad on TV about the Tomey bill getting stuffed up his kister. Every time there is a gun shooting this deuce bag can make the time to .......... drum roll please................................................

Address the American people

Sandy Hook... Oh my, what another perfect moment for Odummy to address America

The world can plainly see and easily conclude

Obama is a joke

I apologize to Mr Obama for slamming him on this forum for not attending a solidarity event in France.

The White House admitted it was a mistake



(Reuters) - The White House on Monday conceded that the United States should have sent a higher-level representative to a Paris unity march after deadly Islamic militant attacks there and said President Barack Obama would have liked to attend.

U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march Reuters
It's amazing to see you and others on the Right become such supporters of the French.
I apologize to Mr Obama for slamming him on this forum for not attending a solidarity event in France.

The White House admitted it was a mistake



(Reuters) - The White House on Monday conceded that the United States should have sent a higher-level representative to a Paris unity march after deadly Islamic militant attacks there and said President Barack Obama would have liked to attend.

U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march Reuters
It's amazing to see you and others on the Right become such supporters of the French.

It's not that I support the French, its that I take every opportunity to reinforce my disdain for Obama

I apologize to Mr Obama for slamming him on this forum for not attending a solidarity event in France.

The White House admitted it was a mistake



(Reuters) - The White House on Monday conceded that the United States should have sent a higher-level representative to a Paris unity march after deadly Islamic militant attacks there and said President Barack Obama would have liked to attend.

U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march Reuters
It's amazing to see you and others on the Right become such supporters of the French.
The French weren't the only attendees fyi ... which is exactly the point.
I apologize to Mr Obama for slamming him on this forum for not attending a solidarity event in France.

The White House admitted it was a mistake



(Reuters) - The White House on Monday conceded that the United States should have sent a higher-level representative to a Paris unity march after deadly Islamic militant attacks there and said President Barack Obama would have liked to attend.

U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march Reuters
It's amazing to see you and others on the Right become such supporters of the French.

I'm still outraged that no Congressional Republicans could muster up enough courage to go.
Too late. the damage has been done

I don't accept their lame ass excuses and apology.

Ok, I will on one condition, YOU RESIGN

That's exactly it too. Doesn't matter that he's apologizing, doesn't matter that he "should have". What matters is that he's made the US look like fools, brought us down another notch.

I think the ship sailed on looking like fools when W invaded the wrong country after 9/11, spent his entire Presidency there and was unable to conquer the place during his term.

Obama raised the office about 3 dozen notches in the meantime.
I apologize to Mr Obama for slamming him on this forum for not attending a solidarity event in France.

The White House admitted it was a mistake



(Reuters) - The White House on Monday conceded that the United States should have sent a higher-level representative to a Paris unity march after deadly Islamic militant attacks there and said President Barack Obama would have liked to attend.

U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march Reuters
It's amazing to see you and others on the Right become such supporters of the French.

I'm still outraged that no Congressional Republicans could muster up enough courage to go.

Your dear leader forbid it.

Too late. the damage has been done

I don't accept their lame ass excuses and apology.

Ok, I will on one condition, YOU RESIGN

That's exactly it too. Doesn't matter that he's apologizing, doesn't matter that he "should have". What matters is that he's made the US look like fools, brought us down another notch.

I think the ship sailed on looking like fools when W invaded the wrong country after 9/11, spent his entire Presidency there and was unable to conquer the place during his term.

Obama raised the office about 3 dozen notches in the meantime.

Well of course he did. Very observant of you


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