OK- I Apologize- U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march

Hell, if someone shot the groundhog before spring, or a gun wen off in the woods...

Obama would be there in a flash to show support for those anti-gunners



What likely showed up on Geau's screen before the last post:

What really pisses me off is everyone seems to recognize that the threat is growing but Obama continues to talk like it's not and continues to gut our military. He's making sure we won't be able to handle the kind of missions that we used to be able to. Instead he's switching to his favorite means of conducting aggression, drones and arming the terrorists in Syria and Libya.

Yeah, I miss spending 10 years in an unwinnable war only to install a head of state that will have to proclaim his everlasting hatred for us in order to maintain power....

Ahh, dem good old days.



Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
What you mean is you feel he's perfect. That's the only reason you question his decision to apologize.
I just said he was wrong...feel free to break out a dictionary and see what that means if you still have trouble understanding it.

I also thought he was wrong on wanting to send troops into Syria....
Leaving the "too big to fail" banks in a state of their still being "too big to fail"...
I called him "criminally naive" (I believe...naive at least) for thinking he could deal with Congress and for not understanding the power that comes along with the job..


You're simply too lazy to observe.

And when 40 world leaders show up and your liar in chief doesn't, it appears you're lying to yourself. Not the first time for sure.

I have no idea what you're tying to say here. Try again in English.
Yeah, you might have disagreed with an isolated decision back a few years ago, but today you feel he had nothing to apologize for.

He had plenty to apologize for, mainly because he was too lazy to do his damned job. One of his jobs is to represent the United States. He's doing a terrible job of that.

When he cares about something, he's on it like stink on shit. He sends somebody to Ferguson over a shooting, calls gay athletes personally when they come out of the closet, but when it comes to something he doesn't care about, it's always "My Bad ... I guess I should have gone...phfffft". He didn't think that a silly little terrorist attack matters all that much.
9/11 was a ways back, but I don't remember 40 world leaders marching with us in NYC. All the more reason to step up and be a trusted ally by showing up.

What does that have to do with what we should have done? Because you don't remember something means the US should do the wrong thing? Really? After 9/11 France was the first to send their president to the WH.
I apologize to Mr Obama for slamming him on this forum for not attending a solidarity event in France.

The White House admitted it was a mistake



(Reuters) - The White House on Monday conceded that the United States should have sent a higher-level representative to a Paris unity march after deadly Islamic militant attacks there and said President Barack Obama would have liked to attend.

U.S. says should have sent high-level official to Paris march Reuters

Why are you apologizing for slamming him for what he is now saying is a mistake? Him saying so only proves you right. But hims saying it is meaningless. Everyone knows that a high ranking official should have attended but the administration didn't send one. Now they try and once again get out of it by saying, sorry. I would like to think they didn't go just because they are stupid but I don't think that is the case.
What really pisses me off is everyone seems to recognize that the threat is growing but Obama continues to talk like it's not and continues to gut our military. He's making sure we won't be able to handle the kind of missions that we used to be able to. Instead he's switching to his favorite means of conducting aggression, drones and arming the terrorists in Syria and Libya.

Yeah, I miss spending 10 years in an unwinnable war only to install a head of state that will have to proclaim his everlasting hatred for us in order to maintain power....

Ahh, dem good old days.


You must be talking about JFK/LBJ and the Vietnam war. After all we won in Iraq, Obama is losing the peace. BTW, the US didn't lose in Vietnam either.

Feeling the pressure, are we?

Must be rather difficult, defending a position, when your own hero 'fesses up to a mistake.

And, of course, stooping to such vile personal insults is the mark of an inferior intellect, and an even weaker position.

You may derive some genuine benefit from a psychological consult in the Real World.
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
What you mean is you feel he's perfect. That's the only reason you question his decision to apologize.
I just said he was wrong...feel free to break out a dictionary and see what that means if you still have trouble understanding it.

I also thought he was wrong on wanting to send troops into Syria....
Leaving the "too big to fail" banks in a state of their still being "too big to fail"...
I called him "criminally naive" (I believe...naive at least) for thinking he could deal with Congress and for not understanding the power that comes along with the job..


You're simply too lazy to observe.

And when 40 world leaders show up and your liar in chief doesn't, it appears you're lying to yourself. Not the first time for sure.

I have no idea what you're tying to say here. Try again in English.
Yeah, you might have disagreed with an isolated decision back a few years ago, but today you feel he had nothing to apologize for.

He had plenty to apologize for, mainly because he was too lazy to do his damned job. One of his jobs is to represent the United States. He's doing a terrible job of that.

When he cares about something, he's on it like stink on shit. He sends somebody to Ferguson over a shooting, calls gay athletes personally when they come out of the closet, but when it comes to something he doesn't care about, it's always "My Bad ... I guess I should have gone...phfffft". He didn't think that a silly little terrorist attack matters all that much.

The solution was quite easy. I would not want Obama to go, too dangerous, in my opinion. But we could have sent someone that the enemy would not wish to kill because he is so damn useful to them. Take Biden and send him.
Freewill 10534984 said:
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
What you mean is you feel he's perfect. That's the only reason you question his decision to apologize.
I just said he was wrong...feel free to break out a dictionary and see what that means if you still have trouble understanding it.

I also thought he was wrong on wanting to send troops into Syria....
Leaving the "too big to fail" banks in a state of their still being "too big to fail"...
I called him "criminally naive" (I believe...naive at least) for thinking he could deal with Congress and for not understanding the power that comes along with the job..


You're simply too lazy to observe.

And when 40 world leaders show up and your liar in chief doesn't, it appears you're lying to yourself. Not the first time for sure.

I have no idea what you're tying to say here. Try again in English.
Yeah, you might have disagreed with an isolated decision back a few years ago, but today you feel he had nothing to apologize for.

He had plenty to apologize for, mainly because he was too lazy to do his damned job. One of his jobs is to represent the United States. He's doing a terrible job of that.

When he cares about something, he's on it like stink on shit. He sends somebody to Ferguson over a shooting, calls gay athletes personally when they come out of the closet, but when it comes to something he doesn't care about, it's always "My Bad ... I guess I should have gone...phfffft". He didn't think that a silly little terrorist attack matters all that much.

The solution was quite easy. I would not want Obama to go, too dangerous, in my opinion. But we could have sent someone that the enemy would not wish to kill because he is so damn useful to them. Take Biden and send him.

Eric Holder was already there. He sent him there for some silly reason. I guess to read any captured terrorists their rights. He didn't even think to send him to that March. You would think he would get off on that. "We shall overcome Islamic terror!!"


Obama fascilitates terror by looking the other way when he should be fighting it. His proxy war in Syria led to the creation of ISIS. I'm sure some leaders hold him partly responsible, so instead of leading the fight, he's watching everyone else make symbolic jestures. America isn't leading the way. We're in the back causing trouble around the world and leaving a mess for everyone else to clean up.
But did not the WH first claim security was untenable? So they first lied and then apologized, after the left media criticized. Plus Kerry said the criticism was quibbling and stated Nuland marched when she did not.

the admin never consulted with the secret service about taking a trip there

No one here stated they did.

But the WH did state concerns about security, did they not?

well actually at the white house press briefing Earnest led reporters to believe they had
Face it. To sycophants, Obama can do no wrong even when the whole world disagrees.
On the other hand, to these same useful idiots, Republicans, Christians, or anyone the White House has targeted can do anything good. The root of all evil to them is Fox News.

Lets see...I said he was wrong for second-guessing himself. Just a few minutes ago...

The "whole world"? Even for you this is a whopper of a lie.
What you mean is you feel he's perfect. That's the only reason you question his decision to apologize.
I just said he was wrong...feel free to break out a dictionary and see what that means if you still have trouble understanding it.

I also thought he was wrong on wanting to send troops into Syria....
Leaving the "too big to fail" banks in a state of their still being "too big to fail"...
I called him "criminally naive" (I believe...naive at least) for thinking he could deal with Congress and for not understanding the power that comes along with the job..


You're simply too lazy to observe.

And when 40 world leaders show up and your liar in chief doesn't, it appears you're lying to yourself. Not the first time for sure.

I have no idea what you're tying to say here. Try again in English.
Yeah, you might have disagreed with an isolated decision back a few years ago, but today you feel he had nothing to apologize for.

He had plenty to apologize for, mainly because he was too lazy to do his damned job. One of his jobs is to represent the United States. He's doing a terrible job of that.

When he cares about something, he's on it like stink on shit. He sends somebody to Ferguson over a shooting, calls gay athletes personally when they come out of the closet, but when it comes to something he doesn't care about, it's always "My Bad ... I guess I should have gone...phfffft". He didn't think that a silly little terrorist attack matters all that much.

The solution was quite easy. I would not want Obama to go, too dangerous, in my opinion. But we could have sent someone that the enemy would not wish to kill because he is so damn useful to them. Take Biden and send him.

holder was already there


secret service was already there by standard procedure
Gonna drop everything and go to the latest rally when people resist your imperial takeover of their countries? You'll be needing a special officer appointed to do nothing but.
But did not the WH first claim security was untenable? So they first lied and then apologized, after the left media criticized. Plus Kerry said the criticism was quibbling and stated Nuland marched when she did not.
A lying president and a lying Sec of State.
What else can one expect from such people?
Gonna drop everything and go to the latest rally when people resist your imperial takeover of their countries? You'll be needing a special officer appointed to do nothing but.

What country has been taken over exactly?

The murders, by those you tacitly defend, did so over a freakin' cartoon. What is wrong with you people?
What stopped Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from going?
They aren't President of the United States.

They are also not the object of this exercise.

Stay focused.
But they obvious feel strongly that America was not represented. So what stopped them from going?

Happily the French aren't fucktards like our Republicans are.
Your weak attempt at deflection and distraction is noted.

The upshot of this thread is that...

Obumble, the Failed Messiah, did not represent the United States in this week's extraordinary demonstration of solidarity with France, and against terrorism, as so many other world leaders had seen fit to do.

And, after sufficient public outcry, the idiots in the White House were obliged to admit that they had made a mistake by not doing so.

This discussion is not about anyone else but the President, and his most recent failure - yet another embarrassment that he has inflicted upon our wonderful country.

Worry about what your own boy is doing, not the other kids on the block, eh?

Obumble wanted the job of President of the United States... with that comes the responsibility for making good decisions, in such matters.

Turns out he screwed the pooch, yet again - and this time, so badly, that he was forced to admit it.

HE admitted it.

You no longer have any defense, whatsoever.

Subsequent attempts at doing so may be legitimately dismissed out of hand.

Subsequent attempts to deflect and distract may also be dismissed without further consideration.

Repeat after me: "Obama lost this one. WE lost this one."

There, now... open, honest, accurate... don't you feel better, after that?
:rolleyes: If he went, you'd be accusing him of a photo op. We Americans help the French in plenty of ways and the French are grateful for our help, as the article in the OP stated.
:rolleyes: If he went, you'd be accusing him of a photo op. We Americans help the French in plenty of ways and the French are grateful for our help, as the article in the OP stated.
Same song...fifteenth chorus!
9/11 was a ways back, but I don't remember 40 world leaders marching with us in NYC. All the more reason to step up and be a trusted ally by showing up.
I don't really think that this is an equitable comparison.

In many, many countries, they held tributes and prayers for us after 9/11. They may not have showed up to march with our President, but in all honesty.......No one could doubt their sincere solidarity with us. It was one of the few times I was truly impressed with the world.
What stopped Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from going?
They aren't President of the United States.

They are also not the object of this exercise.

Stay focused.
But they obvious feel strongly that America was not represented. So what stopped them from going?

Happily the French aren't fucktards like our Republicans are.
Your weak attempt at deflection and distraction is noted.

The upshot of this thread is that...

Obumble, the Failed Messiah, did not represent the United States in this week's extraordinary demonstration of solidarity with France, and against terrorism, as so many other world leaders had seen fit to do.

And, after sufficient public outcry, the idiots in the White House were obliged to admit that they had made a mistake by not doing so.

This discussion is not about anyone else but the President, and his most recent failure - yet another embarrassment that he has inflicted upon our wonderful country.

Worry about what your own boy is doing, not the other kids on the block, eh?

Obumble wanted the job of President of the United States... with that comes the responsibility for making good decisions, in such matters.

Turns out he screwed the pooch, yet again - and this time, so badly, that he was forced to admit it.

HE admitted it.

You no longer have any defense, whatsoever.

Subsequent attempts at doing so may be legitimately dismissed out of hand.

Subsequent attempts to deflect and distract may also be dismissed without further consideration.

Repeat after me: "Obama lost this one. WE lost this one."

There, now... open, honest, accurate... don't you feel better, after that?
:rolleyes: If he went, you'd be accusing him of a photo op. We Americans help the French in plenty of ways and the French are grateful for our help, as the article in the OP stated.

If he had gone...


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