OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

I can honestly say that only the wealthy have enough money to throw at politicians for politicians to do their bidding.

Oh, you mean like George Soros, Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett?

So how are these people buying less political influence than those that contribute to the Republican party?

Unions give money, but they give the money of many. People getting together in groups. This isn't about individuals.

Oh, you mean like the NRA?

Fair isn't a figure, it's not a percentage. It's a "you benefit from the govt, therefore you need to pay for what you benefit from it".

Who benefits more from government, a rich person or a poor person? Why should a person who benefits the least from government have to pay more than the person who benefits the most?

If you have a multinational and they pay 10% of tax, and a competing business which pays 30% of tax, but the multinational pays $500 million and the small business pays $10,000, which of those figures makes it unfair?

I don't even understand the question, however multinational companies pay corporate taxes on money they made from their US operations. If they make money elsewhere, why should they pay taxes there and here?
You mean a rich person's companies don't use the roads airports and ports, the police and the Army don't protect their assets? Another total dupe...

poor people don't use those either?
I can honestly say that only the wealthy have enough money to throw at politicians for politicians to do their bidding.

Oh, you mean like George Soros, Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett?

So how are these people buying less political influence than those that contribute to the Republican party?

Unions give money, but they give the money of many. People getting together in groups. This isn't about individuals.

Oh, you mean like the NRA?

Fair isn't a figure, it's not a percentage. It's a "you benefit from the govt, therefore you need to pay for what you benefit from it".

Who benefits more from government, a rich person or a poor person? Why should a person who benefits the least from government have to pay more than the person who benefits the most?

If you have a multinational and they pay 10% of tax, and a competing business which pays 30% of tax, but the multinational pays $500 million and the small business pays $10,000, which of those figures makes it unfair?

I don't even understand the question, however multinational companies pay corporate taxes on money they made from their US operations. If they make money elsewhere, why should they pay taxes there and here?

Yes, I mean like people like Soros especially.

Ray, I don't live in your partisan fantasy world. I didn't say whatever the fuck it is you think I'm saying. Stop reading into what I didn't say.

Yes, I mean like the NRA.

I'd say the wealthy benefit a lot more than the poor from government.

No, you clearly don't understand that question. Anything that doesn't fit your agenda and suddenly you don't understand. Maybe that is the problem Ray, you just don't get a lot of things that are quite simple, because your head is so far up the partisan's ass, that you can't see simple things. Maybe if you opened your eyes, you'd see.

I've asked you similar questions in the past, and you always manage to ignore them.

I'd say the wealthy benefit a lot more than the poor from government.

Wait did you just post that, hell you're very conservative......
We all know this.....SMALL government is the answer....
Regulations benefit who the most? Big corporations....yet lefties think they hurt them....it's hilarious.

it's funny, you guys hate corporations, us on the right are indifferent and yet our philosophy is more anti corporation than yours is.....ironic no?
I'd say it would be none of our business if what they were paying were FAIR.

ah yes, our friends on the left; ever the arbitrators of what is "fair"

why is it always "fair" to them to take more of my money and give it to those that don't want to work :dunno:

"A liberal believes if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
You're the one who believes the government, who printed the money in the first place, isn't entitled to control it.

That's exactly what I believe. Government may print the money, but they didn't create the wealth it represents.

Sorry......but you didn't build that.
But the lazy rich kid who inherited the money did?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?
collective donations corrupt the system as much as any from individuals

many times, union leaders actually donate to and advocate for things that are not in the interest of their members

that union vote is all MAGA now & will remain so for the foreseeable future; especially with these tax cuts

the average union worker will benefit to the tune of roughly $2,000 dollars (more if they have kids)

Oh, they can do.

However a Congressmen who is looking after more than just one person is less corrupt.

HOWEVER, this is why I support Proportional Representation. The Unions can have their own party which they support. Other people can have their own party they support, and people can decide if they agree with this or not.

In the US there are two sides for thousands of different viewpoints.

So why don't they? There is no law that unions (or anybody else for that matter) cannot start their own political party.

Because Ray, if you haven't noticed, the US has a FPTP political system which benefits the main two parties.

Remember when you said "freedom is choice" and then later I said Proportional Representation is choice and you said something like 'fuck that shit, I like the system where the Republicans get an easy ride'?

I don't ever recall that conversation, although I did say choice is freedom.

Nobody is stopping anyone from starting their own party. The Green party is alive and well, the Libertarian party is alive and well, the problem is that voters (by choice) won't vote for those people. In fact one of the many excuses why Hillary lost was because a small fraction of votes went to the Green Party.

Oh, wow, now you don't recall. How the hell you don't recall it when I've reminded you of it many times, it way, way, way beyond me Ray.

Nothing is stopping people making their own parties EXCEPT THE POLITICAL SYSTEM WHICH RESTRICTS HOW PEOPLE VOTE. You don't understand this basic point.

FPTP is negative voting. The FDP in Germany would have had ZERO seats in the last election. Instead they got 80, or 10.7% of the votes.

Now, when 10.7% of the people CHOOSE one particular party and that party gets 0% of the seats, do you think this encourages people to vote for that party, or for people to set up their own parties? Seriously?

The Green Party is alive and well.

In Germany they got 66 seats in the Bundestag. In the US what do they have?

ZERO seats in the Senate
ZERO seats in the House
ZERO seats in the Supreme Court
ZERO presidents to their name
ZERO governorships
ZERO seats in state senates
TWO seats in state houses
ONE mayor
ONE deputy major

They have two people, in the WHOLE of the USA. But they probably have more support than this. Were the vote to be PR they'd probably have people in the Senate, people in the House and for sure more people in state government.

But no, the system prevents this. The system says to people "fuck off, the Reps and Dems control this shit" and you support this.

Democrats don't believe in choice.....they never have. Choice means freedom. The more choices one has, the more freedom one has. Democrats hate it.

our system sucks, but it's the best in the world, Parliamentary systems blow big time.....horrible systems. Sorry man if you cant convince people your ideas are good....I mean hell the greens have taken over the democrats.....what do you guys disagree on?
Oh, you mean like George Soros, Bill Gates, the late Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett?

So how are these people buying less political influence than those that contribute to the Republican party?

Oh, you mean like the NRA?

Who benefits more from government, a rich person or a poor person? Why should a person who benefits the least from government have to pay more than the person who benefits the most?

I don't even understand the question, however multinational companies pay corporate taxes on money they made from their US operations. If they make money elsewhere, why should they pay taxes there and here?

Yes, I mean like people like Soros especially.

Ray, I don't live in your partisan fantasy world. I didn't say whatever the fuck it is you think I'm saying. Stop reading into what I didn't say.

Yes, I mean like the NRA.

I'd say the wealthy benefit a lot more than the poor from government.

No, you clearly don't understand that question. Anything that doesn't fit your agenda and suddenly you don't understand. Maybe that is the problem Ray, you just don't get a lot of things that are quite simple, because your head is so far up the partisan's ass, that you can't see simple things. Maybe if you opened your eyes, you'd see.

I've asked you similar questions in the past, and you always manage to ignore them.

I've answered your questions honestly and the way I really feel. YOU are the one that can't accept that people on the right believe in what they preach. As far as you're concerned, if you're not a moderate, you have your head up other people's asses.

How do the wealthy benefit more from government than the poor? Do wealthy people need social programs? Do wealthy people need to be fed or housed by the government? Do wealthy people need police or other law enforcement to protect them? Do wealthy people need government for their retirement or healthcare when they get older?

Yes, I know. I'm not criticizing you for answering the questions as you feel. I'm criticizing you because the way you "feel" is the way you're told to feel. I would prefer you open your eyes, look at the facts, see things for what they are, then the way you feel might actually make sense.

No, you're right. I can't accept what people on the right say.

I can't accept that you say "choice is freedom" and then you reject choice. It doesn't make sense to me, but somehow it makes sense to you.

When did I ever reject choice?

Years ago when I started to get interested in politics, I was at my sisters house for a family doing when I got into a heated political discussion with my father. As my then brother-in-law was bringing dinner to the table, he laughed and said to me "You must be a huge Rush Limbaugh fan." Rush Limbaugh? WTF is that I thought to myself.

Anyway, several months went by and something happened in politics that really pissed me off; I can't remember now what it was. But thinking of my brother-in-laws comment, I found this Rush Limbaugh guy and listen to his show.

I was amazed. It was like I was hearing a guy reading my mind and broadcasting it over the air. Everything he said is what I have felt for years, and I've been a listener ever since.

Point is, we on the right are not brainwashed by anybody. Our beliefs are genuine and nobody tells us how to think; we've always thought this way.
Yep Rush is full of b******* and so are angry people, ie Republicans. He will however repeat the same garbage with absolutely no debate with facts. My best friend Turned into a rush bot... So many lies he repeats the phony scandals a disgrace.

do you ever have facts or specifics...give us some Rush lies......
I was waiting for you to make an argument, you claim it is ruining America, even though I will get the largest tax break in my lifetime, even though I am middle class. The left didn’t give a damn about the deficit for 8 years, I have wanted higher taxes for all and a huge reduction of spending for decades, yet you dupes think we need to increase spending and increase taxes, only on certain people, usually those you are envious of.
And the ones who have been getting all the new Wealth for 35 years... We need consumer demand in this country and not gigantic tax breaks for the rich who are so bloated it's ridiculous. And the biggest tax break you got ever was the payroll tax breaks Obama gave you and which the GOP would not extend.

Payroll tax breaks from Obama?! LOL...dumbass.
What is your question?
With a one month paid vacation and parental leave how in the heck do you plan on being productive. That may float your boat but no one else's.
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Great, move your fat ass there.

God you ignorant right-wingers are stupid assholes. I'm not going anywhere and if I find out where you are going to come down there and give you a new face. What the f*** is wrong with you people? Since you're such a dumbass, I'll tell you you can't move to another country unless you don't need to work and have a lot of money. See, what smart people would like is to have a fair country instead of giving it all away to the rich you stupid a******LOL merry Christmas.

Promises, promises.

Actually there are countries where you can move to where a job / lots of money is not required. There's even a couple that would pay you to move to their country.
Anytime you people try a fact, you find out that you have no idea what the f*** you are talking about.
I was waiting for you to make an argument, you claim it is ruining America, even though I will get the largest tax break in my lifetime, even though I am middle class. The left didn’t give a damn about the deficit for 8 years, I have wanted higher taxes for all and a huge reduction of spending for decades, yet you dupes think we need to increase spending and increase taxes, only on certain people, usually those you are envious of.
And the ones who have been getting all the new Wealth for 35 years... We need consumer demand in this country and not gigantic tax breaks for the rich who are so bloated it's ridiculous. And the biggest tax break you got ever was the payroll tax breaks Obama gave you and which the GOP would not extend.

Payroll tax breaks from Obama?! LOL...dumbass.
What is your question?
With a one month paid vacation and parental leave how in the heck do you plan on being productive. That may float your boat but no one else's.
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Great, move your fat ass there.

God you ignorant right-wingers are stupid assholes. I'm not going anywhere and if I find out where you are going to come down there and give you a new face. What the f*** is wrong with you people? Since you're such a dumbass, I'll tell you you can't move to another country unless you don't need to work and have a lot of money. See, what smart people would like is to have a fair country instead of giving it all away to the rich you stupid a******LOL merry Christmas.

Fair is what you can EARN, nothing more, nothing less. If people want more they can get off their asses and EARN it. No one is stopping them from do it.

You're right LOL the problem is not GOP tax rates and policies the middle class is disappearing because people just got lazy. Right-wing idiocy knows no bounds.

yeah reducing taxes made the middle class disappear...what fucking shit are you smoking, you're a moron
I would call that a pretty accurate statement. Liberals believe in taking money from those that earn it and giving it to those that don't, or are you going to argue that point too?

Yes, I know you would. But then Ray, I've seen a lot of your posts and seen the utter blatant blinkered partisanship from you, so it doesn't surprise me at all.

"A liberal", what is a liberal Ray? You couldn't define "a liberal" if you tried and be accurate because there is nothing that defines a liberal.

A liberal is a leftist. A liberal is a person of wealth envy. A liberal is a believer in Cradle-to-Grave government where personal responsibility is at the bare minimum and government makes all their decisions for them and everybody else. A liberal is a Socialist lite. A liberal is one who believes we live in a bubble, and within our bubble, there is only a finite amount of money, therefore, the reason some have too little is because others have too much.

A liberal is one who sides with evil over good at every turn. A liberal is one that desires for our country to look like a giant freak show where guys hold hand with guys in public, guys wearing dresses use female bathroom and shower facilities, and animals having more rights than humans.

Yes I am a partisan. I am anti-liberal. I am pro-conservative and yell it from the highest mountain tops with pride.
And a Duke believes all that crap they get from a propaganda machine paid for exclusively bye greedy idiot GOP billionaires and their dupes. YouTube's are always telling us we're sucking Obama's dick or other obscenities and believe that liberals just care about their welfare checks. You are absolutely a disgrace. Poor America. Breaking... GOP and Democratic whites are exactly the same economically. Minorities know where the racists and obscene ignoramuses are, in the GOP.

The Democrat party (like the Republican party) have their support groups. The two biggest support groups of the Democrats are government dependents and victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

So the goal of the Democrat party is to expand both groups and they've done so successfully. When DumBama was President, he created over 40 million more new government dependents between Commie Care and food stamps alone. It was no accident.

If we were to rid ourselves of government dependents and victims, there would be no Democrat party left. They would only be heard of in history books. So don't tell me Democrat voters are only worried about their welfare check--because they are.
I thought you said you were not a rush bot LOL. White Republicans and white Democrats are indistinguishable economically. We do have the blacks and the Hispanics because they know who the racists are. And all the people who aren't greedy or brainwashed...

so franco is either racist or a self loathing white person......
However a Congressmen who is looking after more than just one person is less corrupt.

this is patently false

like everything else, it depends

an example - the people of Atlanta & the people of South Alabama have been in a dispute over water rights for decades

Atlanta is a big city & utilizes a lot of resources

Atlanta also produces a tremendous amount of waste; so much that the Chattahoochee river is just about disgusting anywhere south of Atlanta

the waste has also just about destroyed marine life where the river lets out into the Gulf of Mexico & has seriously hurt the economy of fishermen in South Alabama

the politicians in Atlanta represent FAR more people than the politicians in South Alabama

is it corrupt to destroy nature?

do the millions of people in Atlanta have a right to fully utilize the river that is the lifeblood of the city?

are the pols that represent MORE people less corrupt when they continue to allow the river to be polluted to the point that those south of them cannot enjoy its benefits?

the world is not absolute & statements like the one you just made can almost always be disproven

because there are always at least 3 sides to every story
However a Congressmen who is looking after more than just one person is less corrupt.

this is patently false

like everything else, it depends

an example - the people of Atlanta & the people of South Alabama have been in a dispute over water rights for decades

Atlanta is a big city & utilizes a lot of resources

Atlanta also produces a tremendous amount of waste; so much that the Chattahoochee river is just about disgusting anywhere south of Atlanta

the waste has also just about destroyed marine life where the river lets out into the Gulf of Mexico & has seriously hurt the economy of fishermen in South Alabama

the politicians in Atlanta represent FAR more people than the politicians in South Alabama

is it corrupt to destroy nature?

do the millions of people in Atlanta have a right to fully utilize the river that is the lifeblood of the city?

are the pols that represent MORE people less corrupt when they continue to allow the river to be polluted to the point that those south of them cannot enjoy its benefits?

the world is not absolute & statements like the one you just made can almost always be disproven

because there are always at least 3 sides to every story
Best to have Democrats protecting the water...
yeah they did a great job in Flint
So fucking what?
that's the point of money, to leave it to your kids....what planet do you live on?
The point is he didn't get rich working. Do you understand or do you need me to hold your hand and point out the important lines in the posts?

He did work, that’s the point. He didn’t just party and blow his money, he went on to work harder to accomplish what he has accomplished.

Your stereotyping the rich shows you are a bigot.
Is English your second language? What part of "he didn't get rich working" (he got rich inheriting/being gifted) do you not understand?

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?
you'll never admit that because it would require admitting most of the things you believe aren't true.
Reagan nailed it when he said that it isn't that our friends on the left are "lying"; it's just that so much that they believe with all their precious little hearts just simply isn't so...
Reagan was a long time ago... And he believed in journalism and facts and was no racist.

while you are correct about Reagan.
...you guys called him crazy, racist, everything you call trump, you guys haven't changed the playbook in 40 years.
Promises, promises.

Actually there are countries where you can move to where a job / lots of money is not required. There's even a couple that would pay you to move to their country.
Anytime you people try a fact, you find out that you have no idea what the f*** you are talking about.
Fair is what you can EARN, nothing more, nothing less. If people want more they can get off their asses and EARN it. No one is stopping them from do it.

You're right LOL the problem is not GOP tax rates and policies the middle class is disappearing because people just got lazy. Right-wing idiocy knows no bounds.

No it was commiecrat policies pushing their jobs offshore. 60% of our GDP during your glory years came form manufacturing, commiecrat policies have cut that in half, of course you'll never admit that because it would require admitting most of the things you believe aren't true.

Menial manufacturing jobs have just followed a natural course too cheap pay in other countries. But other countries like Germany have trained their people for the tech jobs that we get more of from these new markets. Not you geniuses in the GOP....

Is that really what you've had to convince yourself of in order to live with yourself. You really are pathetic.

That's a fact. 3 to 6 million technical jobs are going begging at the moment and we can't spare any money to train anybody it is stupid it is Republican

well maybe people in college shouldn't study sociology, philosophy and other stupid humanities
It's not the federal governments job to train people for employment, it's the person seeking employment to get themselves qualified or the company to establish an apprenticeship program and train their own employees. When are you idiots going to figure out the feds aren't suppose to be involved in matters concerning individual citizens, that is a State job.


The left thinks government should control everything. They have been preaching, especially in the last 8 years, that people are not responsible for their own lives. It's white people's fault that they drop out of school and make poor decisions. It's the cops fault that they commit crimes. It's rich people's fault that they are poor. It's society's fault that they do stupid shit. It's the school's fault that they remain uneducated since they teach things only white people can understand. Apparently, the left doesn't want to try to actually educate anyone and decided that all students should remain ignorant of history and every other subject.

Has nothing to do with teachers trying to deal with multiple languages in the classroom. Nothing to do with too many generations on welfare and uneducated. Nothing to do with the gang mindset that lacks total respect for society. Nothing to do with the left constantly indoctrinating people by convincing them they are victims of this or that. It's all about coddling people and encouraging them to blame others for all their woes.

The left says we should pay for abortions or we will have to pay to raise the child. They say we have to house, cloth, feed, educate and take care of people since they can't do anything on their own. The left constantly reminds us that blacks are not as smart or capable as whites. They say math is a white thing. Cursive writing is too hard so they eliminated that. Getting an ID is supposedly too difficult for minorities.

The left sees their constituents as helpless sheep who cannot be expected to do anything for themselves. Of course, decades of liberal interference in people's lives has not done a damn thing to elevate anyone. It's merely dumbed people down and made them permanently dependent.

Even if we pay for training for many, it won't work. You can lead a horse to water.....................

The left seems to prefer dependence. They are downright cruel to minorities who are independent and disagree with them.
Now they will bitch about the tax cuts because it allows people to elevate themselves. More jobs get created, More people able to move up the ladder.

Middle class has been totally screwed by the left. They pretend they care but always screw the middle class because we pay for their wealth redistribution to their favorite groups. Their dependents get refunds because we are paying more than we should. The Dems are pretty damn generous with our money but do everything possible to keep their own.

How on Earth does the left think, exactly? The left isn't on unified body, you do realize that, right?
um they pretty much are......what does NOW and the NAACP disagree on>?
I was waiting for you to make an argument, you claim it is ruining America, even though I will get the largest tax break in my lifetime, even though I am middle class. The left didn’t give a damn about the deficit for 8 years, I have wanted higher taxes for all and a huge reduction of spending for decades, yet you dupes think we need to increase spending and increase taxes, only on certain people, usually those you are envious of.
And the ones who have been getting all the new Wealth for 35 years... We need consumer demand in this country and not gigantic tax breaks for the rich who are so bloated it's ridiculous. And the biggest tax break you got ever was the payroll tax breaks Obama gave you and which the GOP would not extend.

Payroll tax breaks from Obama?! LOL...dumbass.
What is your question?
With a one month paid vacation and parental leave how in the heck do you plan on being productive. That may float your boat but no one else's.
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Great, move your fat ass there.

God you ignorant right-wingers are stupid assholes. I'm not going anywhere and if I find out where you are going to come down there and give you a new face. What the f*** is wrong with you people? Since you're such a dumbass, I'll tell you you can't move to another country unless you don't need to work and have a lot of money. See, what smart people would like is to have a fair country instead of giving it all away to the rich you stupid a******LOL merry Christmas.

Promises, promises.

Actually there are countries where you can move to where a job / lots of money is not required. There's even a couple that would pay you to move to their country.
Anytime you people try a fact, you find out that you have no idea what the f*** you are talking about.
I was waiting for you to make an argument, you claim it is ruining America, even though I will get the largest tax break in my lifetime, even though I am middle class. The left didn’t give a damn about the deficit for 8 years, I have wanted higher taxes for all and a huge reduction of spending for decades, yet you dupes think we need to increase spending and increase taxes, only on certain people, usually those you are envious of.
And the ones who have been getting all the new Wealth for 35 years... We need consumer demand in this country and not gigantic tax breaks for the rich who are so bloated it's ridiculous. And the biggest tax break you got ever was the payroll tax breaks Obama gave you and which the GOP would not extend.

Payroll tax breaks from Obama?! LOL...dumbass.
What is your question?
With a one month paid vacation and parental leave how in the heck do you plan on being productive. That may float your boat but no one else's.
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Great, move your fat ass there.

God you ignorant right-wingers are stupid assholes. I'm not going anywhere and if I find out where you are going to come down there and give you a new face. What the f*** is wrong with you people? Since you're such a dumbass, I'll tell you you can't move to another country unless you don't need to work and have a lot of money. See, what smart people would like is to have a fair country instead of giving it all away to the rich you stupid a******LOL merry Christmas.

Fair is what you can EARN, nothing more, nothing less. If people want more they can get off their asses and EARN it. No one is stopping them from do it.

You're right LOL the problem is not GOP tax rates and policies the middle class is disappearing because people just got lazy. Right-wing idiocy knows no bounds.

Bingo, you may be right, and you are the poster child for lazy SOB's.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

And once again a trumptard lies like a rug.

Blue states pay more taxes to the federal government than red states. Res states take more from the federal government than they pay.

Now go back to your double wide and be quiet.

Do you ever post evidence to support your claims. you just seem to spouse talking points......show us the figures.

This has been posted repeatedly along with links.

I'm on vacation and out of the country. You can do your own research.

Unlike teumploons I don't post lies.

But feel free to ask the insane o/p to substantiate his lies
you lie all the time jillian
I want to see YOUR research......plus you made the claim, not me.
The only question is how you dupes can be so ignorant... And you are the interested GOP voters... Unbelievable.
Perspective | Blue states already subsidize red states. Now red states want even more.

Those greedy RED commies.
When the richest end up with all the New Wealth for 30 years and the country and the middle class are falling apart, the rich are not paying enough. All the GOP has is hate and b******* and phony scandals and with you bigoted fools that's enough....

What does that have to do with you getting the same protections? Also the hate you exude is palpable.

I hate the lies you believe not you. Merry merry Christmas. But you vote for a party that makes life more difficult for yourself and your family and friends... Because you are Hoodwinked.

My family and friends are doing just fine despite you commiecrats, not because of you. I don't want your god like government penalizing me because of the choices I made in my life. No children, I pay more taxes, no mortgage, I pay more taxes, no State income tax, I pay more taxes. With the new tax bill I will no longer pay, how is that against my interest?

You are mistaken. Americans are now 21st in median income level, 4th or 3rd in income per capita. Guess what our median is doing terribly in the world . all in the last 30 years... great job GOP and dupes.

You want to raise our median income, stop the uncontrolled importation of poor people. I've always said there are two wars the US will never win, Poverty and Drugs, because the government insures fresh supplies are imported daily. Poor border control is a commiecrat thing also, but you'll never accept that responsibility either.

Pass the 2010 Democrats immigration bill with a SS ID card that can't be faked - end of problem. The GOP love the cheap easily bullied labor and distract you dupes with a stupid un American wall and unconstitutional harassment laws... That won't work.
And the ones who have been getting all the new Wealth for 35 years... We need consumer demand in this country and not gigantic tax breaks for the rich who are so bloated it's ridiculous. And the biggest tax break you got ever was the payroll tax breaks Obama gave you and which the GOP would not extend.

Payroll tax breaks from Obama?! LOL...dumbass.
What is your question?
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Great, move your fat ass there.

God you ignorant right-wingers are stupid assholes. I'm not going anywhere and if I find out where you are going to come down there and give you a new face. What the f*** is wrong with you people? Since you're such a dumbass, I'll tell you you can't move to another country unless you don't need to work and have a lot of money. See, what smart people would like is to have a fair country instead of giving it all away to the rich you stupid a******LOL merry Christmas.

Promises, promises.

Actually there are countries where you can move to where a job / lots of money is not required. There's even a couple that would pay you to move to their country.
Anytime you people try a fact, you find out that you have no idea what the f*** you are talking about.
And the ones who have been getting all the new Wealth for 35 years... We need consumer demand in this country and not gigantic tax breaks for the rich who are so bloated it's ridiculous. And the biggest tax break you got ever was the payroll tax breaks Obama gave you and which the GOP would not extend.

Payroll tax breaks from Obama?! LOL...dumbass.
What is your question?
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Great, move your fat ass there.

God you ignorant right-wingers are stupid assholes. I'm not going anywhere and if I find out where you are going to come down there and give you a new face. What the f*** is wrong with you people? Since you're such a dumbass, I'll tell you you can't move to another country unless you don't need to work and have a lot of money. See, what smart people would like is to have a fair country instead of giving it all away to the rich you stupid a******LOL merry Christmas.

Fair is what you can EARN, nothing more, nothing less. If people want more they can get off their asses and EARN it. No one is stopping them from do it.

You're right LOL the problem is not GOP tax rates and policies the middle class is disappearing because people just got lazy. Right-wing idiocy knows no bounds.

Bingo, you may be right, and you are the poster child for lazy SOB's.
It's the GOP pandering to the rich and screwing the rest that has ruined the country, idiot. For 35 years now.
What an idiot... Of course not... But the non Rich should pay less and they should get better services cheaper education training and a one month paid vacation cheap daycare paid parental leave and better roads and bridges and airports etc etc, doofus.

Ok, what the heck, why should non-rich get better services, cheaper education, one month paid vacation, cheap daycare, paid parental leave and better roads?
Because it's good for the country, stupid dupe

Yup, I figured you'd have a dumbass response.
What this country is dying for is a healthy middle class and working class, so we have demand for product. That would truly float all boats, as opposed to your Pander to the rich mess, super doopity dupe LOL

what do you consider working and middle class?
Under 250,000... Which Democrats will not raise taxes on. They've been slowly screwed for 35 years now... Thanks lying cheating GOP and silly dupes
What this country is dying for is a healthy middle class and working class, so we have demand for product. That would truly float all boats, as opposed to your Pander to the rich mess, super doopity dupe LOL

With a one month paid vacation and parental leave how in the heck do you plan on being productive. That may float your boat but no one else's.
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Maybe you ought to move to one of those "modern" countries....dumbass.
I've already tried that and you can't do it unless you're billionaire a doctor or sent there by a corporation... And I noticed that I love America and Americans even dumbass loudmouth jackasses like you LOL... Thanks to the fact that Democrats are here to make us passable... When Democrats get in again and have control for the first time since LBJ, will fix it... As it is we now have Medicaid for poor workers and the beginning of a solution to our ridiculous GOP scam Health System, and we appear to leading the world in legalizing marijuana. Except for Canada... Only jackass Republicans in the whole world believe in America love it or leave it. You are a disgrace, Dupe.

Wow so many things here are stupid

I've already tried that and you can't do it unless you're billionaire a doctor or sent there by a corporation
Other countries have tough immigration....holy shit
So why is you cant enter without being a billionaire?

Clinton and Obama had full control.....
So if America is so awful and hateful and Europe is so much better, why are you here?
because I'm an American, s*******, and I hate what you've done to my country. What is awful and hateful is the GOP who make our immigration laws as crap as they are. Go move to Somaliland.
With a one month paid vacation and parental leave how in the heck do you plan on being productive. That may float your boat but no one else's.
Every other modern country has all that stuff, super dupes.

Maybe you ought to move to one of those "modern" countries....dumbass.
I've already tried that and you can't do it unless you're billionaire a doctor or sent there by a corporation... And I noticed that I love America and Americans even dumbass loudmouth jackasses like you LOL... Thanks to the fact that Democrats are here to make us passable... When Democrats get in again and have control for the first time since LBJ, will fix it... As it is we now have Medicaid for poor workers and the beginning of a solution to our ridiculous GOP scam Health System, and we appear to leading the world in legalizing marijuana. Except for Canada... Only jackass Republicans in the whole world believe in America love it or leave it. You are a disgrace, Dupe.

Wow so many things here are stupid

I've already tried that and you can't do it unless you're billionaire a doctor or sent there by a corporation
Other countries have tough immigration....holy shit
So why is you cant enter without being a billionaire?

Clinton and Obama had full control.....
So if America is so awful and hateful and Europe is so much better, why are you here?
because I'm an American, s*******, and I hate what you've done to my country. What is awful and hateful is the GOP who make our immigration laws as crap as they are. Go move to Somaliland.

What I've done? Your the guy that wants to transform our country into a tranny socialist paradise.....not me......I'll take the 50s without the racism........
Ok, what the heck, why should non-rich get better services, cheaper education, one month paid vacation, cheap daycare, paid parental leave and better roads?
Because it's good for the country, stupid dupe

Yup, I figured you'd have a dumbass response.
What this country is dying for is a healthy middle class and working class, so we have demand for product. That would truly float all boats, as opposed to your Pander to the rich mess, super doopity dupe LOL

what do you consider working and middle class?
Under 250,000... Which Democrats will not raise taxes on. They've been slowly screwed for 35 years now... Thanks lying cheating GOP and silly dupes
The problem is, to get any serious money, you need the 50-250 range........so they would have to.

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