OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

So fucking what?
that's the point of money, to leave it to your kids....what planet do you live on?
The point is he didn't get rich working. Do you understand or do you need me to hold your hand and point out the important lines in the posts?

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

That's exactly what I believe. Government may print the money, but they didn't create the wealth it represents.

Sorry......but you didn't build that.
But the lazy rich kid who inherited the money did?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times
How many laws for harassing Hispanics have been called unconstitutional by the courts, idiot?

I can't think of any because there are no laws that specifically target hispanics. Your claim otherwise is a lie.

Just Google Anti illegals laws deemed unconstitutional and you will find pages of this, dupe...
Why Trump's Immigration Rules Are Unconstitutional - POLITICO Magazine
Politico › magazine › story › 2017/02

Feb 1, 2017 · An executive order or law displays unconstitutional animus and thus violates the ... state constitution—deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Romer v.

Arizona SB 1070 - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Arizona_SB_1070

In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case Arizona v. United States, upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops

You know hispanics only make up about 60% of illegals, right? The rest come from virtually every country in the world. Like I said there are no laws that specifically target hispanics, but feel free to continue your lies and I'll continue to laugh at you.

Actually Hispanics are over 75% of illegals. And the only way to stop illegals coming in is a SSID card that can't be faked, and Republicans have blocked forever, Dupe.
Here’s the Reality About Illegal Immigrants in the United States
Get 'em out of here. You like 'em so much you take care of them.
I can't think of any because there are no laws that specifically target hispanics. Your claim otherwise is a lie.

Just Google Anti illegals laws deemed unconstitutional and you will find pages of this, dupe...
Why Trump's Immigration Rules Are Unconstitutional - POLITICO Magazine
Politico › magazine › story › 2017/02

Feb 1, 2017 · An executive order or law displays unconstitutional animus and thus violates the ... state constitution—deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Romer v.

Arizona SB 1070 - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Arizona_SB_1070

In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case Arizona v. United States, upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops

You know hispanics only make up about 60% of illegals, right? The rest come from virtually every country in the world. Like I said there are no laws that specifically target hispanics, but feel free to continue your lies and I'll continue to laugh at you.

Actually Hispanics are over 75% of illegals. And the only way to stop illegals coming in is a SSID card that can't be faked, and Republicans have blocked forever, Dupe.
Here’s the Reality About Illegal Immigrants in the United States
Get 'em out of here. You like 'em so much you take care of them.
I take it you're not your brothers keeper
Unconstitutional bills and supposedly unconstitutional laws, really, where do you get this crap?

How many laws for harassing Hispanics have been called unconstitutional by the courts, idiot?

I can't think of any because there are no laws that specifically target hispanics. Your claim otherwise is a lie.

Just Google Anti illegals laws deemed unconstitutional and you will find pages of this, dupe...
Why Trump's Immigration Rules Are Unconstitutional - POLITICO Magazine
Politico › magazine › story › 2017/02

Feb 1, 2017 · An executive order or law displays unconstitutional animus and thus violates the ... state constitution—deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Romer v.

Arizona SB 1070 - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Arizona_SB_1070

In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case Arizona v. United States, upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops

You know hispanics only make up about 60% of illegals, right? The rest come from virtually every country in the world. Like I said there are no laws that specifically target hispanics, but feel free to continue your lies and I'll continue to laugh at you.

Actually Hispanics are over 75% of illegals. And the only way to stop illegals coming in is a SSID card that can't be faked, and Republicans have blockedl forever, Dupe.

funny? never heard of Pubes blocking "unfakeable" SSID cards? Did FOX cover it? Dope is it?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

The point is he didn't get rich working. Do you understand or do you need me to hold your hand and point out the important lines in the posts?

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

But the lazy rich kid who inherited the money did?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
They all think the government makes the money.
Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??

An analysis by USA Today published in June 2016 found that over the previous three decades, Trump and his businesses have been involved in 3,500 legal cases in U.S. federal courts and state court, an unprecedented number for a U.S. presidential candidate.[1] Of the 3,500 suits, Trump or one of his companies were plaintiffs in 1,900; defendants in 1,450; and bankruptcy, third party, or other in 150.[1] Trump was named in at least 169 suits in federal court.[2] A number of other cases (over 150) were in the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida (covering Broward County, Florida) since 1983.[3] In about 500 cases, judges dismissed plaintiffs' claims against Trump. In hundreds more, cases ended with the available public record unclear about the resolution.[1] Where there was a clear resolution, Trump won 451 times, and lost 38.[4]

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
What were the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
I can't think of any because there are no laws that specifically target hispanics. Your claim otherwise is a lie.

Just Google Anti illegals laws deemed unconstitutional and you will find pages of this, dupe...
Why Trump's Immigration Rules Are Unconstitutional - POLITICO Magazine
Politico › magazine › story › 2017/02

Feb 1, 2017 · An executive order or law displays unconstitutional animus and thus violates the ... state constitution—deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Romer v.

Arizona SB 1070 - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Arizona_SB_1070

In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case Arizona v. United States, upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops

You know hispanics only make up about 60% of illegals, right? The rest come from virtually every country in the world. Like I said there are no laws that specifically target hispanics, but feel free to continue your lies and I'll continue to laugh at you.

Actually Hispanics are over 75% of illegals. And the only way to stop illegals coming in is a SSID card that can't be faked, and Republicans have blocked forever, Dupe.
Here’s the Reality About Illegal Immigrants in the United States
Get 'em out of here. You like 'em so much you take care of them.
The only time the GOP ever gives a damn is around election time or in one of their many big corrupt recessions, the rest of the time they're very happy to have cheap landscapers and Maids Etc and construction workers Etc. Pew found that 94% of adults male illegals work 65% pay taxes 35% on homes so it doesn't look like they're looking for any help. The GOP's refusal of a SS ID card that can't be faked is an open invitation to come here and work and buy a cheap Social Security card. Vote for the 20 10 Democratic immigration bill that would end this GOP mess, dupe. That would end illegal immigration. Your party is a disgrace that hoodwinks you everyday...
Just Google Anti illegals laws deemed unconstitutional and you will find pages of this, dupe...
Why Trump's Immigration Rules Are Unconstitutional - POLITICO Magazine
Politico › magazine › story › 2017/02

Feb 1, 2017 · An executive order or law displays unconstitutional animus and thus violates the ... state constitution—deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Romer v.

Arizona SB 1070 - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Arizona_SB_1070

In June 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case Arizona v. United States, upholding the provision requiring immigration status checks during law enforcement stops

You know hispanics only make up about 60% of illegals, right? The rest come from virtually every country in the world. Like I said there are no laws that specifically target hispanics, but feel free to continue your lies and I'll continue to laugh at you.

Actually Hispanics are over 75% of illegals. And the only way to stop illegals coming in is a SSID card that can't be faked, and Republicans have blocked forever, Dupe.
Here’s the Reality About Illegal Immigrants in the United States
Get 'em out of here. You like 'em so much you take care of them.
The only time the GOP ever gives a damn is around election time or in one of their many big corrupt recessions, the rest of the time they're very happy to have cheap landscapers and Maids Etc and construction workers Etc. Pew found that 94% of adults male illegals work 65% pay taxes 35% on homes so it doesn't look like they're looking for any help. The GOP's refusal of a SS ID card that can't be faked is an open invitation to come here and work and buy a cheap Social Security card. Vote for the 20 10 Democratic immigration bill that would end this GOP mess, dupe. That would end illegal immigration. Your party is a disgrace that hoodwinks you everyday...

Yes they work for $10 at jobs that used to pay $20 an hour ..the best solution kick their illegal ass out
I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
What were the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
Do you get any real news on Fox and Rush etc etc? Ignorant brainwash functional morons...
Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
What were the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
Do you get any real news on Fox and Rush etc etc? Ignorant brainwash functional morons...
I've told you lying bastards countless times I don't watch either one. Now, what are the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
What were the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
Do you get any real news on Fox and Rush etc etc? Ignorant brainwash functional morons...
I've told you lying bastards countless times I don't watch either one. Now, what are the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
Do you have a computer or a smartphone? Read something have some curiosity stop being a perfect dupe.
Get 'em outta here America hater. ^
Guess what, only bigots want to throw Worthy immigrants out of the country. Pass the 2010 immigration Bill and end this crap.

only bigots want to throw Worthy immigrants out of the country

Worthy immigrants are fine.....first let's boot out the illegal aliens.
People like you will keep this going forever... First you give them an open invitation to come here and work and then you refuse to end the problem... Forget the un American useless wall...
He did work, that’s the point. He didn’t just party and blow his money, he went on to work harder to accomplish what he has accomplished.

Your stereotyping the rich shows you are a bigot.
Is English your second language? What part of "he didn't get rich working" (he got rich inheriting/being gifted) do you not understand?

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

That money was taxed once already by the federal government, now you want to tax it a second time because you dislike how a person receives their money? How do you know that they are lazy or good for nothing and what business is it of yours? What gives you a right to dictate how others should give their hard earned money to? Your statement burns with envy, jealousy and greed. Morally, a person has a right on how he distributes his money.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
What were the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
Do you get any real news on Fox and Rush etc etc? Ignorant brainwash functional morons...
I've told you lying bastards countless times I don't watch either one. Now, what are the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
So where the hell do you get your news? You'd never know... By the way you know it's all the same crap top to bottom on the bullshyt hate garbage Scandal GOP propaganda machine...

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