OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Get 'em outta here America hater. ^
Guess what, only bigots want to throw Worthy immigrants out of the country. Pass the 2010 immigration Bill and end this crap.

only bigots want to throw Worthy immigrants out of the country

Worthy immigrants are fine.....first let's boot out the illegal aliens.
People like you will keep this going forever... First you give them an open invitation to come here and work and then you refuse to end the problem... Forget the un American useless wall...

First you give them an open invitation to come here and work

Nope. Never did.
Send them home. Build a wall.
Is English your second language? What part of "he didn't get rich working" (he got rich inheriting/being gifted) do you not understand?

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

He inherited it, stupid. He may have also received some as a gift prior to his father's death.
So fucking what?
that's the point of money, to leave it to your kids....what planet do you live on?
The point is he didn't get rich working. Do you understand or do you need me to hold your hand and point out the important lines in the posts?

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

You're the one who believes the government, who printed the money in the first place, isn't entitled to control it.

That's exactly what I believe. Government may print the money, but they didn't create the wealth it represents.

Sorry......but you didn't build that.
But the lazy rich kid who inherited the money did?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

Is English your second language? What part of "he didn't get rich working" (he got rich inheriting/being gifted) do you not understand?

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.
They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

You don't put money back into the economy by giving it to government. They'll just waste it.
The government can just give it to people in the form of tax cuts to the middle class. You're grasping at straws.
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.

Why? That money was already taxed when it was created. Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income. Inheritance is not income.
If you GET money from inheritance, it is income, just exempted from tax. Don't be an idiot.
Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

Well what do you think they do with it, have it in between their mattress and pull some out when they need it?
You mean poor people? They don't have it.
The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

Who said it was?
Someone said Trump got rich by working.
Is English your second language? What part of "he didn't get rich working" (he got rich inheriting/being gifted) do you not understand?

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

That money was taxed once already by the federal government, now you want to tax it a second time because you dislike how a person receives their money? How do you know that they are lazy or good for nothing and what business is it of yours? What gives you a right to dictate how others should give their hard earned money to? Your statement burns with envy, jealousy and greed. Morally, a person has a right on how he distributes his money.
Money gets taxed all the time by the feds. Only a moron thinks otherwise. If you have income from your job, you pay tax on it on your 1040. If you buy a bagel with that taxed money and the bagel shop ends up profiting, guess what, they pay tax on the profits again. That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. There's absolutely no reason to do this. One person pays tax on his income (the dad) and then the kids should have to pay tax on their income when they inherit it.
Thank you Trump I just adopted 12 kids to get in on that gubenmint tax credit, what do I get $2000 per kid? Shit, that along with my SS I can lay back and take life easy. I hope they're all teenagers so I can get them a job to help pay their way.
Take it easy with 12 kids? Good luck with that one.

It doesn't understand that there is a maximum refund, no matter how many kids you have. I believe it is $2000 max.
Get 'em outta here America hater. ^
Guess what, only bigots want to throw Worthy immigrants out of the country. Pass the 2010 immigration Bill and end this crap.

Why didn't the Dems pass the 2010 immigration bill?
Not enough votes, total GOP obstruction. As soon as they mention an ID card, it's a Communist Revolution.

Not enough votes,

The Dems had huge majorities in 2010.
Actually I think because it's none of our business. No matter what they pay, it's still a hell of a lot more than what your average American pays.

No, Buffett isn't doing anything for me, it just happens to work out that way. The reason we have lower capital gains taxes IS to encourage investments that do benefit all of us.

And that's the other thing that bothers me so much about these topics. The wealthy do benefit our society greatly. They create jobs, new taxation, products, services, and all the left can think of doing is cutting them down. The people they defend are the leaches of our society that contribute little or nothing, create problems for society, and people we can generally do without if you ask me.

I'm sorry, but I just don't understand that mindset.
You don't understand how economics work. Being "rich" does not do anything for anyone. A rich person is just someone entitled to goods and services. A rich person can be a worthless, lazy layabout rich kid who does absolutely nothing useful. That's the quickest way to make a lot of money in this country: inherit it.

The people who produce the goods and services are quite often middle class or poor. They get a little bit of money for their goods and services which they use to keep themselves alive by buying other goods and services. That's really how the economy works. A rich person is someone who inherited money from daddy. Essentially, it's entitlement they get to goods and services without ever having done anything for it. They often have little incentive to do anything useful since they don't really need any additional money. They are the real leeches, possibly even worse than deadbeat minority welfare moms person for person.

Stereotype much?
How do you think Trump got rich?
He inherited it, stupid. He may have also received some as a gift prior to his father's death.

Get 'em outta here America hater. ^
Guess what, only bigots want to throw Worthy immigrants out of the country. Pass the 2010 immigration Bill and end this crap.

Why didn't the Dems pass the 2010 immigration bill?
Not enough votes, total GOP obstruction. As soon as they mention an ID card, it's a Communist Revolution.

Not enough votes,

The Dems had huge majorities in 2010.
They had 60 votes in the Senate only for 30 some days in 2009. Of course the dupes think he had two years...
You don't understand how economics work. Being "rich" does not do anything for anyone. A rich person is just someone entitled to goods and services. A rich person can be a worthless, lazy layabout rich kid who does absolutely nothing useful. That's the quickest way to make a lot of money in this country: inherit it.

The people who produce the goods and services are quite often middle class or poor. They get a little bit of money for their goods and services which they use to keep themselves alive by buying other goods and services. That's really how the economy works. A rich person is someone who inherited money from daddy. Essentially, it's entitlement they get to goods and services without ever having done anything for it. They often have little incentive to do anything useful since they don't really need any additional money. They are the real leeches, possibly even worse than deadbeat minority welfare moms person for person.

Stereotype much?
How do you think Trump got rich?
He inherited it, stupid. He may have also received some as a gift prior to his father's death.

So Trump didn't inherit or otherwise receive any considerable amount of money from his parents?
The government can just give it to people in the form of tax cuts to the middle class. You're grasping at straws.

There is a term for that, it's called wealth redistribution and I'm against taking other people's money and giving it to you.

If you GET money from inheritance, it is income, just exempted from tax. Don't be an idiot.

Definition of income
1: a coming in : entrance, influx
  • fluctuations in the nutrient income of a body of water
2: a gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor; also : the amount of such gain received in a period of time
  • has an income of $30,000 a year
Definition of INCOME

Someone said Trump got rich by working.

He did get rich by working. Millions don't turn into billions by itself.
Thank you Trump I just adopted 12 kids to get in on that gubenmint tax credit, what do I get $2000 per kid? Shit, that along with my SS I can lay back and take life easy. I hope they're all teenagers so I can get them a job to help pay their way.
Take it easy with 12 kids? Good luck with that one.

It doesn't understand that there is a maximum refund, no matter how many kids you have. I believe it is $2000 max.

You mean I couldn't get $2000 per kid? Shit, I better take 11 of them back, adopted early to avoid the rush.
They were getting kid of rowdy anyway.
Get 'em outta here America hater. ^
Guess what, only bigots want to throw Worthy immigrants out of the country. Pass the 2010 immigration Bill and end this crap.

Why didn't the Dems pass the 2010 immigration bill?
Not enough votes, total GOP obstruction. As soon as they mention an ID card, it's a Communist Revolution.

Not enough votes,

The Dems had huge majorities in 2010.
They had 60 votes in the Senate only for 30 some days in 2009. Of course the dupes think he had two years...

They had 60 votes in the Senate only for 30 some days in 2009

So the 2010 immigration bill failed 59-41?
Money gets taxed all the time by the feds. Only a moron thinks otherwise. If you have income from your job, you pay tax on it on your 1040. If you buy a bagel with that taxed money and the bagel shop ends up profiting, guess what, they pay tax on the profits again.

That is a transaction of a purchase. You are buying something with that taxed money. Nobody is buying anything when they receive money in form of an inheritance.
And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

Blowing 10-20 million, puts 10-20 million back into the economy and creates a demand which in turn puts people to work, which means it is taxed. It is a natural way of income redistribution, not forced as the government does. So it is all good. If everyone who inherited their money did this, the economy would be better.

I really don’t care how other people spend their money or if they inherited their money, it isn’t my business and I have more important things to worry about than whether you worked for your wealth or inherited your wealth.

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

So fucking what?
that's the point of money, to leave it to your kids....what planet do you live on?
The point is he didn't get rich working. Do you understand or do you need me to hold your hand and point out the important lines in the posts?

since when do you guys care about working?
Second, why cant rich people leave money to their kids?
They can, but it should be taxed like regular income at the very least.
and third he increased his wealth by quite a bit working, so it's not like he took the money from daddy and then blew it on hookers and coke.

Why can't everyone else pull themselves up by their bootstraps and "work" by investing their spare $10-20 million they have laying around?

That's exactly what I believe. Government may print the money, but they didn't create the wealth it represents.

Sorry......but you didn't build that.
But the lazy rich kid who inherited the money did?

wow are you on crack? or do you just like to deny reality to keep your bubble up?

The reality is that inheriting something is not "work."

And again, why does it make a difference?
PAPAGEORGIO said Trump got rich working. This is false. I was explaining that to him.
Inherit and work to keep. Again why would anyone but a bigot care?
Is that what republicans mean when they tell people to pull themselves up by the bootstraps? "Work" by not partying and blowing your $10-20 million you inherited? No wonder it doesn't work.

OK, he got richer working......he had money and did something with it...why are you such a hater of that......
was your dad rich and you tossed it down the toilet?

Yeah, he put it somewhere for it to become more money. Investments are not "work" kind of like the lottery is not work.

I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.

70s' $$$$ dollars also. Ooops!

I did not want you hurt too badly. OK take $440mil, show your work.
The government can just give it to people in the form of tax cuts to the middle class. You're grasping at straws.

There is a term for that, it's called wealth redistribution and I'm against taking other people's money and giving it to you.
It's the government's money. They made (printed and enforced) it.
If you GET money from inheritance, it is income, just exempted from tax. Don't be an idiot.

Definition of income
1: a coming in : entrance, influx
  • fluctuations in the nutrient income of a body of water
2: a gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor; also : the amount of such gain received in a period of time
  • has an income of $30,000 a year
Definition of INCOME
Read your own definition. It says usually. Otherwise it just refers to a gain or recurrent benefit in general. And what is a gain?

resources or advantage acquired or increased

Wealth/money is a resource and/or an advantage. And yes, when they get the inheritance, they acquire it.
Someone said Trump got rich by working.

He did get rich by working. Millions don't turn into billions by itself.
No, he got rich by inheriting. He got richer by investing, which likely required the work of laborers. Oh, and he also did it by declaring bankruptcy, which is wealth distribution from the creditors to the entity declaring bankruptcy. From what I've seen, the bankruptcy involved $1-2 billion, so in essence, Trump is one of the biggest recipients of government wealth distribution on the planet, ever. You whine about that often?

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