OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

They could get the money back into the economy by taxing the inheritance. Then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting goods and services on some good-for-nothing lazy rich deadbeat.

That money was taxed once already by the federal government, now you want to tax it a second time because you dislike how a person receives their money? How do you know that they are lazy or good for nothing and what business is it of yours? What gives you a right to dictate how others should give their hard earned money to? Your statement burns with envy, jealousy and greed. Morally, a person has a right on how he distributes his money.
Money gets taxed all the time by the feds. Only a moron thinks otherwise. If you have income from your job, you pay tax on it on your 1040. If you buy a bagel with that taxed money and the bagel shop ends up profiting, guess what, they pay tax on the profits again. That's how it works, except in the case of spoiled rich deadbeat kids getting a big fat inheritance. They are excused. There's absolutely no reason to do this. One person pays tax on his income (the dad) and then the kids should have to pay tax on their income when they inherit it.

How do you know all those that inherit money are spoiled, rich deadbeats? Do you have anything to back up your BS or are you pissed because aren't rich?
Did I say all those that inherit money are spoiled rich deadbeats? No, but enough are and there's no reason to not tax inheritance.
That money was already taxed when it was earned. Why should the government be allowed to tax it again just because someone wants to keep it in the family? They have no right.
Governments generally tax money whenever it changes hands regardless of whether it was already taxed when earned. Like I said, if you buy a bagel with your taxed wages, the bagel salesman pays tax again if he makes a profit thanks to your purchase.
Only a dumbass like you would think $1,000 is the same as tens of millions of dollars as far as investments are concerned.
He never said that. Why can't you bastards ever stop lying? With almost every post it's some deflection or out right lie!
I didn't say he said that, I said he thought/implied it, which is obvious given that he brought up $1,000 while we were discussing Trump's inheritance.

Why don't you sit your ass down on the curb. You're ill-equipped for this discussion.
If you mean I'm not an America hating liar then I agree.
I mean you're an idiot who has no understanding of economics.
Sure I do. Paying less taxes means I have more money. Are going to be ok after the 2018 rout of sorry lying liberals?
You and your friend are full of shit and can't point out where I lied.
He never said that. Why can't you bastards ever stop lying? With almost every post it's some deflection or out right lie!
I didn't say he said that, I said he thought/implied it, which is obvious given that he brought up $1,000 while we were discussing Trump's inheritance.

Why don't you sit your ass down on the curb. You're ill-equipped for this discussion.
If you mean I'm not an America hating liar then I agree.
I mean you're an idiot who has no understanding of economics.
Sure I do. Paying less taxes means I have more money. Are going to be ok after the 2018 rout of sorry lying liberals?
You and your friend are full of shit and can't point out where I lied.
Everything you have posted is a lie. Paying less tax means I have more money. You pretend it's not. You are a liar.
Did I say all those that inherit money are spoiled rich deadbeats? No, but enough are and there's no reason to not tax inheritance.

Any Inheritance Tax that is imposed is a minimum of Double Taxation, in other words it's called stealing...

I didn't say he said that, I said he thought/implied it, which is obvious given that he brought up $1,000 while we were discussing Trump's inheritance.

Why don't you sit your ass down on the curb. You're ill-equipped for this discussion.
If you mean I'm not an America hating liar then I agree.
I mean you're an idiot who has no understanding of economics.
Sure I do. Paying less taxes means I have more money. Are going to be ok after the 2018 rout of sorry lying liberals?
You and your friend are full of shit and can't point out where I lied.
Everything you have posted is a lie. Paying less tax means I have more money. You pretend it's not. You are a liar.
Where did I say or "pretend" that? Go ahead, put up or shut up, coward.
Did I say all those that inherit money are spoiled rich deadbeats? No, but enough are and there's no reason to not tax inheritance.

Any Inheritance Tax that is imposed is a minimum of Double Taxation, in other words it's called stealing...

Money generally gets taxed by income tax whenever it changes hands, like if you use your taxed wages to buy a bagel. The bagel salesman pays tax on his profit. Is that stealing, too?
I want you to take $1000. Invest it. Come back next year and show how much you made? Show your work.

Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
What were the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
Trump won because he OUTLASTED folks who couldn't afford to continue and they had to give up
If you mean I'm not an America hating liar then I agree.
I mean you're an idiot who has no understanding of economics.
Sure I do. Paying less taxes means I have more money. Are going to be ok after the 2018 rout of sorry lying liberals?
You and your friend are full of shit and can't point out where I lied.
Everything you have posted is a lie. Paying less tax means I have more money. You pretend it's not. You are a liar.
Where did I say or "pretend" that? Go ahead, put up or shut up, coward.
The ever popular show me tactic. I don't EVER waste time showing you clowns anything because it is a total waste of time. Showing or proving anything to you ALWAYS make you lie more. Proven fact. Now true to regressive scum form, you post "So, you have nothing." lol
Exactly. Trump took about 40 million dollars and turned it into billions.
While screwing 1000's of poor and middle class people ,,,a few banks and hotels What a guy Only went bankrupt 6 times

Which is a lie. Many successful businesses went through bankruptcy at sometime in their existence unless their company had the UAW and taxpayers bailed them out.

The thing about Trump is you only get the leftist side of the story and ignore (or don't seek) the other half. In spite of bankruptcies, some businesses closing down, the man made himself a billionaire which takes a hell of a lot of work. And as we on the right constantly tell you on the left, making money is not as easy as you think and it requires great risk at times. If you're lucky, most of those risks pay off while others fail. It's all part of business my friend.
But 6 times bankrupt with 100's of law suites against him mostly for non payment??
What were the outcome of the suits? Don't lie.
Trump won because he OUTLASTED folks who couldn't afford to continue and they had to give up
Still no proof and no outcomes. Typical lies.
Read your own definition. It says usually. Otherwise it just refers to a gain or recurrent benefit in general. And what is a gain?

resources or advantage acquired or increased

Wealth/money is a resource and/or an advantage. And yes, when they get the inheritance, they acquire it.

If your father hands you $10,000 in cash, would you report it to the government as income? I didn't think so.

What kind of American are you that thinks the government is more deserving of ones wealth after he or she dies than the family? You ask what the kids did to earn that money, and I ask you what government did to earn that money?

What exchanges happen within the family are family matters--not government matters. Perhaps you want government sitting at your dinner table, and when you pass the biscuits to your daughter, government is there to take their few biscuits first before they pass the plate to your daughter. It's ridiculous.

People work hard to try and make their children's life better than theirs. They didn't go to work every day, take risks, only to hand their hard work over to government.

And learn how to read. The definition is usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. I even highlighted the important part of the definition.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

I’m getting tired of your lies, you have proof that those that inherit money as deadbeats? Of course you don’t, it is because you are dishonest and are just trolling along.

Unless you have proof positive, you are nothing but a bigot who is jealous and envious of what others have. You opinion is worthless.
I mean you're an idiot who has no understanding of economics.
Sure I do. Paying less taxes means I have more money. Are going to be ok after the 2018 rout of sorry lying liberals?
You and your friend are full of shit and can't point out where I lied.
Everything you have posted is a lie. Paying less tax means I have more money. You pretend it's not. You are a liar.
Where did I say or "pretend" that? Go ahead, put up or shut up, coward.
The ever popular show me tactic. I don't EVER waste time showing you clowns anything
So you're always a cowards and always full of shit.
Read your own definition. It says usually. Otherwise it just refers to a gain or recurrent benefit in general. And what is a gain?

resources or advantage acquired or increased

Wealth/money is a resource and/or an advantage. And yes, when they get the inheritance, they acquire it.

If your father hands you $10,000 in cash, would you report it to the government as income? I didn't think so.

What kind of American are you that thinks the government is more deserving of ones wealth after he or she dies than the family? You ask what the kids did to earn that money, and I ask you what government did to earn that money?

What exchanges happen within the family are family matters--not government matters. Perhaps you want government sitting at your dinner table, and when you pass the biscuits to your daughter, government is there to take their few biscuits first before they pass the plate to your daughter. It's ridiculous.

People work hard to try and make their children's life better than theirs. They didn't go to work every day, take risks, only to hand their hard work over to government.

And learn how to read. The definition is usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. I even highlighted the important part of the definition.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

I’m getting tired of your lies, you have proof that those that inherit money as deadbeats? Of course you don’t, it is because you are dishonest and are just trolling along.

Unless you have proof positive, you are nothing but a bigot who is jealous and envious of what others have. You opinion is worthless.
Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?
At one time I thought these people like Nat or Guno were just posting hogwash to fan flames? It appears some of these posters believe their spew? They may even be right on some issues? But you cannot be sure, buried in the Hate and attacks?

America, love it ir leave it........they used to say.
Read your own definition. It says usually. Otherwise it just refers to a gain or recurrent benefit in general. And what is a gain?

resources or advantage acquired or increased

Wealth/money is a resource and/or an advantage. And yes, when they get the inheritance, they acquire it.

If your father hands you $10,000 in cash, would you report it to the government as income? I didn't think so.

What kind of American are you that thinks the government is more deserving of ones wealth after he or she dies than the family? You ask what the kids did to earn that money, and I ask you what government did to earn that money?

What exchanges happen within the family are family matters--not government matters. Perhaps you want government sitting at your dinner table, and when you pass the biscuits to your daughter, government is there to take their few biscuits first before they pass the plate to your daughter. It's ridiculous.

People work hard to try and make their children's life better than theirs. They didn't go to work every day, take risks, only to hand their hard work over to government.

And learn how to read. The definition is usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. I even highlighted the important part of the definition.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

I’m getting tired of your lies, you have proof that those that inherit money as deadbeats? Of course you don’t, it is because you are dishonest and are just trolling along.

Unless you have proof positive, you are nothing but a bigot who is jealous and envious of what others have. You opinion is worthless.
Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?

Yep, prove it, I know people that have inherited money and worked just as hard as their parents, so put up or shut up, because you are acting like a loser that is bitter over their lot in life.
Have you read the entire bill?

You mean the part where the standard deduction is increased, all tax brackets are reduced, the corporate tax made internationally competitive and that that filthy ass individual mandate repealed?????? Hell yea and god bless Trump!
Have you read the entire bill?

You mean the part where the standard deduction is increased, all tax brackets are reduced, the corporate tax made internationally competitive and that that filthy ass individual mandate repealed?????? Hell yea and god bless Trump!
May his combover always stay in place on a windy day...
Read your own definition. It says usually. Otherwise it just refers to a gain or recurrent benefit in general. And what is a gain?

resources or advantage acquired or increased

Wealth/money is a resource and/or an advantage. And yes, when they get the inheritance, they acquire it.

If your father hands you $10,000 in cash, would you report it to the government as income? I didn't think so.

What kind of American are you that thinks the government is more deserving of ones wealth after he or she dies than the family? You ask what the kids did to earn that money, and I ask you what government did to earn that money?

What exchanges happen within the family are family matters--not government matters. Perhaps you want government sitting at your dinner table, and when you pass the biscuits to your daughter, government is there to take their few biscuits first before they pass the plate to your daughter. It's ridiculous.

People work hard to try and make their children's life better than theirs. They didn't go to work every day, take risks, only to hand their hard work over to government.

And learn how to read. The definition is usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. I even highlighted the important part of the definition.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

I’m getting tired of your lies, you have proof that those that inherit money as deadbeats? Of course you don’t, it is because you are dishonest and are just trolling along.

Unless you have proof positive, you are nothing but a bigot who is jealous and envious of what others have. You opinion is worthless.
Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?

Yep, prove it, I know people that have inherited money and worked just as hard as their parents, so put up or shut up, because you are acting like a loser that is bitter over their lot in life.
I worked hard and have plenty and still hate repub scum that have their jackboots on the throats of those who have less them them
Read your own definition. It says usually. Otherwise it just refers to a gain or recurrent benefit in general. And what is a gain?

resources or advantage acquired or increased

Wealth/money is a resource and/or an advantage. And yes, when they get the inheritance, they acquire it.

If your father hands you $10,000 in cash, would you report it to the government as income? I didn't think so.

What kind of American are you that thinks the government is more deserving of ones wealth after he or she dies than the family? You ask what the kids did to earn that money, and I ask you what government did to earn that money?

What exchanges happen within the family are family matters--not government matters. Perhaps you want government sitting at your dinner table, and when you pass the biscuits to your daughter, government is there to take their few biscuits first before they pass the plate to your daughter. It's ridiculous.

People work hard to try and make their children's life better than theirs. They didn't go to work every day, take risks, only to hand their hard work over to government.

And learn how to read. The definition is usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. I even highlighted the important part of the definition.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

I’m getting tired of your lies, you have proof that those that inherit money as deadbeats? Of course you don’t, it is because you are dishonest and are just trolling along.

Unless you have proof positive, you are nothing but a bigot who is jealous and envious of what others have. You opinion is worthless.
Let me get this straight. You want me to prove that some of the people who inherit money are deadbeats?

Yep, prove it, I know people that have inherited money and worked just as hard as their parents, so put up or shut up, because you are acting like a loser that is bitter over their lot in life.
Take Trump for example. He got a big inheritance and still filed for bankruptcy protection. He's a deadbeat borrower. Won't pay his bills.
Read your own definition. It says usually. Otherwise it just refers to a gain or recurrent benefit in general. And what is a gain?

resources or advantage acquired or increased

Wealth/money is a resource and/or an advantage. And yes, when they get the inheritance, they acquire it.

If your father hands you $10,000 in cash, would you report it to the government as income? I didn't think so.

What kind of American are you that thinks the government is more deserving of ones wealth after he or she dies than the family? You ask what the kids did to earn that money, and I ask you what government did to earn that money?

What exchanges happen within the family are family matters--not government matters. Perhaps you want government sitting at your dinner table, and when you pass the biscuits to your daughter, government is there to take their few biscuits first before they pass the plate to your daughter. It's ridiculous.

People work hard to try and make their children's life better than theirs. They didn't go to work every day, take risks, only to hand their hard work over to government.

And learn how to read. The definition is usually measured in money that derives from capital or labor. I even highlighted the important part of the definition.
Do you know what usually means? It means it's usually from capital or labor, but can be from other things. The bottom line is income is income. Inheritance is income that is currently excused from taxation. If I were a rich deadbeat, of course I'd report it. The risk is too great and I'd still be a millionaire deadbeat afterwards, just with a few less million. I didn't have to work for any of it anyway. You can whine all you want to protect your rich deadbeat heroes, but you're basically a clown grasping at straws, especially with your "Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income." crap and your inability to read and comprehend a basic English sentence.

Governments will always control the money that THEY create and enforce. If you think it's none of their business, then the rich should be barred from using the government for enforcing their property rights. So if someone kills them to steal their money, the government should just ignore them. After all, you say it's none of the government's business. That wasn't Trump's tune when he was getting bankruptcy protection from the government!

Yes, it says usually measured in money--not usually measured from capital or labor. It's always measured in capital and labor. Usually measured in money means it could be from stock options given to a CEO or perhaps in profit sharing.

The government doesn't create money--it only creates the notes that represent wealth. Wealth is created by the individual which gives currency it's value. Without people giving those notes value, they are nothing more than worthless pieces of paper.

So now somebody dies in your family and leaves you with a 300K house. Should government force you to give them 100K in order to keep that house?

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