OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

So all you got is more of your generalized poop, I've had rich folks give me a job, I've never had one steal form me. And no, everyone didn't get lazy, you commiecrats pushed regulations and noncompetitive taxes that forced our manufacturing base off shore, you own that.

No it's just normal that menial jobs are going where the pay is cheapest, and the GOP refuses to invest in training our people 4 between 3 and 6 million tech jobs that are going begging... Must save the rich from paying taxes.

Why should the wealthy pay for other adults education?

I know we've been through this over and over again, but you're as thick as they come for a leftist, so let me ask you this:

What is wrong with people paying for their own education to secure a trade? What's stopping them? And don't say money, because our government gives educational loans all the time.

In fall of 1980, I rented my first apartment. At the time, I was fascinated with birds, so I hung a bird feeder on my upstairs back porch.

Spring broke and summer not far behind, I finally met my elderly neighbor. After some small talk, he said "Ray, what you're doing for the birds is a nice thing, but you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, feeding the birds is a good thing in winter because there is no food for them. But if you leave that feeder up year long, the birds will get so dependent on that thing they will forget how to obtain food for themselves. If you move or otherwise become disinterested in feeding them any longer, those birds will die of hunger."

I always remembered those wise words; not because of the birds, but later in life I realized that's what our government does to it's people.

So when you talk about how the GOP doesn't want to pay for adult education, I can hear that old man talking like he was sitting right next to me.
They used to pay for other people's education when America was great in the 40s 50s 60s and 70s... Funny how we're now a wreck of what we used to be and it's getting worse...

Who used to pay?

Can you back that up?
The top rate for the richest was 70 80 90% before Reagan. Reagan brought it down to 50% and gave us the kiss of death of 28% just before he left. They used to use that money to invest in America and Americans. Now we've been falling apart for 35 years, ignorant dupe.

Those taxes were imposed to pay for the world wars.

How much were tax rates before progressives?
Then big business arrives in town, and you have competition. But the big business arrives without having to pay tax for five years. Their prices are lower than yours because they're not paying tax.

Wait one minute.....are you saying lower taxes allow businesses to lower their prices?

Don't tell the liberals....
Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business but don't see why the big tax cuts go to the rich and giant corporations that are bloated beyond all recognition by lack of taxes.

Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business

That's so good to hear.
When was the last time Dems gave the middle class and small business a tax cut?
Obama gave the middle class a payroll tax cut in 2009 just as high a percentage as Trump's tax cuts and nothing for the bloated lying cheating GOP rich...

He extended the Bush tax cuts, so he didn't really gave any. Payroll tax cut you're talking about is actually d two percent cut on social security tax, where taxpayers paid 2% less while employer still paid full amount.
It was the middle of a gigantic GOP corrupt economic meltdown, a world depression and a depression for us if we hadn't spent 7 trillion dollars or more, dupe. That's no time for a tax hike on anyone. Yes that payroll tax cut is the same as the middle class will get with this stupid Trump giveaway to himself and the bloated rich. And the GOP kept the payroll tax from being extended...

Mortgage meltdown came from Clinton forcing banks to give "free" mortgages to those who can't pay for them, and Bush continuing with that policy.

How much 2% cut can save to middle class people a year, $1000? It's like winning the lottery, eh soyboy?
Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business but don't see why the big tax cuts go to the rich and giant corporations that are bloated beyond all recognition by lack of taxes.

Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business

That's so good to hear.
When was the last time Dems gave the middle class and small business a tax cut?
Obama gave the middle class a payroll tax cut in 2009 just as high a percentage as Trump's tax cuts and nothing for the bloated lying cheating GOP rich...
. Ok, so what was the result of that payroll tax cut ?? Did the citizens run out and start a business, create a college fund for their kids, hire a landscaper, get some repairs done on the house, buy a better car or what ? How many jobs did it create ? Did it just go POOF ?

The result is a claim that he gave tax cut. It did nothing but hurt social security. But in order to give that cut, he pushed inheritance and gift taxes back to 35%. It's a word game, nothing else.

Just like "he cut the deficit in half". :D :D :D
Yes he did, Dunce. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. No one in their right mind would vote for these chumps GOP... Brainwashed functional moron.

Right, you increase deficit tenfold, than lower it to fivefold, and calling it "deficit cut". By the way, that was cutting projected deficit, not real one. How much debt was increased in 8 years, again? So if he didn't cut deficit in half, we would be no $30 trillion in debt, not just $20 trillion? Wow, he actually saved us money. Bravo.

Yep, 911 happened during Bush, but if you want to blame someone, blame Bubba Clinton for not taking care of the problem when he had a chance.
State and local taxes and fees are higher than they would be without the Republicans cutting federal aid to the states so they can give the rich a tax break. Everywhere.
the non Rich get all the tax breaks now. The mega rich and the giant corporations have been getting all the tax breaks 35 years and it has s never helped

Who should, in your own opinion, get the tax breaks and why?
The non rich should get all the tax breaks now until the damage of the last 35 years of GOP give away to the rich has ended.

You keep saying "last 35 years of GOP" like it means something.

OK, tell us how long in those 35 years GOP was not in power?
Democrats have been in control for 34 days or so. They passed the most important social reform of the last 50 years but the middle of a total meltdown is no time to mess with the economy. That's why we still have these giveaway to the rich and giant corporations tax rates and other policy. D u h.

So what you saying, soyboy, in the past 35 years, Democrats were in control for only 34 days?


By the way, was ACA passed during that time? Yes or no?
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Economy works because of people who are creating and investing into big and small businesses, and without them you wouldn't have a job. Unless you run your own business, but I doubt it, since based on your attitude, you're either unemployed and on government dough, or working MW job and looking whom to blame for being stupid dumb fuck.

How much rich guy who buys $100 million home and $50 million yacht mooch from the system? How many jobs he created by spending those $150 mill?

You're just jealous that your beat up KIA can't compete with their Lambos. Poor soyboy.
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The laborers develop the land. Different laborers deliver the material. Surveyors do the surveying work. Trump (as an example) is just the asshole who happens to have title to money. The government can just tax it to pay the workers. They printed it in the first place anyway. Oh, and the government is also who decides and enforces the title to the land and the money. WTF does the lazy deadbeat rich guy do? NOTHING!

Yes, laborers are HIRED by the rich guy to work. What's your point? The laborer wouldn't be working if the rich guy wasn't paying him. The laborers would have no place TO work if the rich guy didn't purchase the land to be developed.
It's the government that prints, controls, and enforces the currency. If the people wanted it done, they could have simply voted for the government to pay people to work on that land. The rich deadbeat is just a middleman who keeps a chunk of the profits.

What you don't get is that a "job" is usually created as easily as money being promised for certain actions. There are 2 basic requirements:

1. That the money has value to the workers.
2. That there are workers.

We know Trump isn't a worker. He's a deadbeat. I'm pretty sure he wasn't down there mixing the cement or putting the bricks down. So there goes #2.

As for #1, money has value because other workers are willing to work for it performing other services. Trump doesn't really do that either.

Of course you also need the government to print and enforce the currency. We don't really need Trump for that either.

So what are you suggesting, that we don't need Trump's in this country and should just have government do everything like in Cuba or North Korea? No thank you.

You don't need to mix cement or carry shingles to a rooftop to be a major player in a project. Just like sports teams need a coach and a team owner, just like an actor needs his producer, just like a singer needs his band behind him, the laborers need a chief to start and conduct the project they are working on.
Trump's enormous bankruptcies indicate he was less like a coach and more like a gambler who kept the $ when he won and didn't pay when he lost.
The difference is that Trump and industry can always find workers, but workers cannot always find work. That's why the employer doesn't apply with you to get you to work for him--you apply with an employer to get the job.
The only reason people looked to Trump for wealth is because government permitted title to enormous wealth to be given to Trump for nothing.
Currency is only a note that represents created wealth. If nobody is creating wealth, that government note is worthless.
Deadbeat rich people don't create much wealth, certainly not enough to justify their wealth. That's the point you're missing.
One of the many differences between the left and the right is we depend on wealth creators, and the left depends on government. But the truth is, government doesn't have any of their own money, because government doesn't create products or services for profit--private industry does.

Without people giving government money, government is broke.
Rich deadbeats aren't wealth creators. They are wealth users and owners. And they only own the wealth because the government enforces their title to it.

Why don't you just admit it soyboy, you're communist.
No it's just normal that menial jobs are going where the pay is cheapest, and the GOP refuses to invest in training our people 4 between 3 and 6 million tech jobs that are going begging... Must save the rich from paying taxes.

Why should the wealthy pay for other adults education?

I know we've been through this over and over again, but you're as thick as they come for a leftist, so let me ask you this:

What is wrong with people paying for their own education to secure a trade? What's stopping them? And don't say money, because our government gives educational loans all the time.

In fall of 1980, I rented my first apartment. At the time, I was fascinated with birds, so I hung a bird feeder on my upstairs back porch.

Spring broke and summer not far behind, I finally met my elderly neighbor. After some small talk, he said "Ray, what you're doing for the birds is a nice thing, but you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, feeding the birds is a good thing in winter because there is no food for them. But if you leave that feeder up year long, the birds will get so dependent on that thing they will forget how to obtain food for themselves. If you move or otherwise become disinterested in feeding them any longer, those birds will die of hunger."

I always remembered those wise words; not because of the birds, but later in life I realized that's what our government does to it's people.

So when you talk about how the GOP doesn't want to pay for adult education, I can hear that old man talking like he was sitting right next to me.
They used to pay for other people's education when America was great in the 40s 50s 60s and 70s... Funny how we're now a wreck of what we used to be and it's getting worse...

Who used to pay?

Can you back that up?
The top rate for the richest was 70 80 90% before Reagan. Reagan brought it down to 50% and gave us the kiss of death of 28% just before he left. They used to use that money to invest in America and Americans. Now we've been falling apart for 35 years, ignorant dupe.

Those taxes were imposed to pay for the world wars.

How much were tax rates before progressives?
The tax rates and corrupt regulation that led to the Great Depression, you mean?
Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business but don't see why the big tax cuts go to the rich and giant corporations that are bloated beyond all recognition by lack of taxes.

Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business

That's so good to hear.
When was the last time Dems gave the middle class and small business a tax cut?
Obama gave the middle class a payroll tax cut in 2009 just as high a percentage as Trump's tax cuts and nothing for the bloated lying cheating GOP rich...

He extended the Bush tax cuts, so he didn't really gave any. Payroll tax cut you're talking about is actually d two percent cut on social security tax, where taxpayers paid 2% less while employer still paid full amount.
It was the middle of a gigantic GOP corrupt economic meltdown, a world depression and a depression for us if we hadn't spent 7 trillion dollars or more, dupe. That's no time for a tax hike on anyone. Yes that payroll tax cut is the same as the middle class will get with this stupid Trump giveaway to himself and the bloated rich. And the GOP kept the payroll tax from being extended...

Mortgage meltdown came from Clinton forcing banks to give "free" mortgages to those who can't pay for them, and Bush continuing with that policy.

How much 2% cut can save to middle class people a year, $1000? It's like winning the lottery, eh soyboy?
Funny how under Bush Worthy low income became anybody with a heartbeat... Fannie and Freddie lost two-thirds of their market share, and buddies of bush Regulators private financial institutions took over the market and gave us a world depression, great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes... They're probably at it again right now.
Why should the wealthy pay for other adults education?

I know we've been through this over and over again, but you're as thick as they come for a leftist, so let me ask you this:

What is wrong with people paying for their own education to secure a trade? What's stopping them? And don't say money, because our government gives educational loans all the time.

In fall of 1980, I rented my first apartment. At the time, I was fascinated with birds, so I hung a bird feeder on my upstairs back porch.

Spring broke and summer not far behind, I finally met my elderly neighbor. After some small talk, he said "Ray, what you're doing for the birds is a nice thing, but you may be doing them more harm than good. You see, feeding the birds is a good thing in winter because there is no food for them. But if you leave that feeder up year long, the birds will get so dependent on that thing they will forget how to obtain food for themselves. If you move or otherwise become disinterested in feeding them any longer, those birds will die of hunger."

I always remembered those wise words; not because of the birds, but later in life I realized that's what our government does to it's people.

So when you talk about how the GOP doesn't want to pay for adult education, I can hear that old man talking like he was sitting right next to me.
They used to pay for other people's education when America was great in the 40s 50s 60s and 70s... Funny how we're now a wreck of what we used to be and it's getting worse...

Who used to pay?

Can you back that up?
The top rate for the richest was 70 80 90% before Reagan. Reagan brought it down to 50% and gave us the kiss of death of 28% just before he left. They used to use that money to invest in America and Americans. Now we've been falling apart for 35 years, ignorant dupe.

Those taxes were imposed to pay for the world wars.

How much were tax rates before progressives?
The tax rates and corrupt regulation that led to the Great Depression, you mean?
Taxation history of the United States - Wikipedia
Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business but don't see why the big tax cuts go to the rich and giant corporations that are bloated beyond all recognition by lack of taxes.

Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business

That's so good to hear.
When was the last time Dems gave the middle class and small business a tax cut?
Obama gave the middle class a payroll tax cut in 2009 just as high a percentage as Trump's tax cuts and nothing for the bloated lying cheating GOP rich...

He extended the Bush tax cuts, so he didn't really gave any. Payroll tax cut you're talking about is actually d two percent cut on social security tax, where taxpayers paid 2% less while employer still paid full amount.
It was the middle of a gigantic GOP corrupt economic meltdown, a world depression and a depression for us if we hadn't spent 7 trillion dollars or more, dupe. That's no time for a tax hike on anyone. Yes that payroll tax cut is the same as the middle class will get with this stupid Trump giveaway to himself and the bloated rich. And the GOP kept the payroll tax from being extended...

Mortgage meltdown came from Clinton forcing banks to give "free" mortgages to those who can't pay for them, and Bush continuing with that policy.

How much 2% cut can save to middle class people a year, $1000? It's like winning the lottery, eh soyboy?
And the same they will get in this stupendous Trump tax cut...
Trump's enormous bankruptcies indicate he was less like a coach and more like a gambler who kept the $ when he won and didn't pay when he lost.

You mean like every other business in America? Coaches don't lose games no matter how good they are?
Coaching involves tangible work. Gambling does not.
The only reason people looked to Trump for wealth is because government permitted title to enormous wealth to be given to Trump for nothing.

Read our Constitution. Government isn't there to permit anything. Obtaining and growing wealth is a natural part of a free capitalist society. Millions of people do it every day although not on the same level as Trump.
Trump "owning" something means the government gives him exclusive rights to determine who is allowed on the property and who is not, who can use it and who cannot. That's the government enforcing that title.
Deadbeat rich people don't create much wealth, certainly not enough to justify their wealth. That's the point you're missing.

Trump did as most others who are wealthy. Very few if any wealthy people just let their money sit in a bank account somewhere making 1% interest. Those kinds of people don't stay wealthy for very long.
The point still stands: Trump is entitled to enormous wealth by the government without creating much, if any.
Rich deadbeats aren't wealth creators. They are wealth users and owners. And they only own the wealth because the government enforces their title to it.

So who does create wealth, the homeless? Your precious government?
The workers, like I told you. How many times do you need to be told?
Most people who are wealthy became that way because of hard work and risky investments. Every year we have more and more wealthy people in this country. It has nothing to do with government and in fact, if not for government taking wealth that people create, those people would have even more wealth.
Without the government to enforce his title and forgive his debt, Trump would be an orange-colored turd at the mercy of those people he screwed out of billions.
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Economy works because of people who are creating and investing into big and small businesses, and without them you wouldn't have a job. Unless you run your own business, but I doubt it, since based on your attitude, you're either unemployed and on government dough, or working MW job and looking whom to blame for being stupid dumb fuck.

How much rich guy who buys $100 million home and $50 million yacht mooch from the system? How many jobs he created by spending those $150 mill?
By getting the fruits of the labor of all the people who worked to build the home and the yacht. The government could have used its money to direct them to construct smaller homes for themselves instead. That way, the workers benefit from their work rather than benefiting some rich, worthless orange fuck like Trump.
You're just jealous that your beat up KIA can't compete with their Lambos. Poor soyboy.
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Economy works because of people who are creating and investing into big and small businesses, and without them you wouldn't have a job. Unless you run your own business, but I doubt it, since based on your attitude, you're either unemployed and on government dough, or working MW job and looking whom to blame for being stupid dumb fuck.

How much rich guy who buys $100 million home and $50 million yacht mooch from the system? How many jobs he created by spending those $150 mill?
By getting the fruits of the labor of all the people who worked to build the home and the yacht. The government could have used its money to direct them to construct smaller homes for themselves instead. That way, the workers benefit from their work rather than benefiting some rich, worthless orange fuck like Trump.
You're just jealous that your beat up KIA can't compete with their Lambos. Poor soyboy.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Economy works because of people who are creating and investing into big and small businesses, and without them you wouldn't have a job. Unless you run your own business, but I doubt it, since based on your attitude, you're either unemployed and on government dough, or working MW job and looking whom to blame for being stupid dumb fuck.

How much rich guy who buys $100 million home and $50 million yacht mooch from the system? How many jobs he created by spending those $150 mill?
By getting the fruits of the labor of all the people who worked to build the home and the yacht. The government could have used its money to direct them to construct smaller homes for themselves instead. That way, the workers benefit from their work rather than benefiting some rich, worthless orange fuck like Trump.
You're just jealous that your beat up KIA can't compete with their Lambos. Poor soyboy.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Definitions say "kulaks" were wealthier peasants/farmers, not lazy deadbeat layabouts like Trump.

No need to kill anyone. Just start by taxing inheritance. Regular wages are taxed.
The Dupes are so stupid, worshipping the greedy idiot brainwashing rich and voting against their own interests.
Notice how many of the dumbasses arguing against me don't even know what income is or how income taxation works. But here they are arguing about the income tax bill!
Coaching involves tangible work. Gambling does not.

You are so uninformed. Business is gambling. Most small businesses close up within five years. It's a gamble people take to try and become successful. If you are in the business of lending money to people who open up companies, you are gambling that they are going to pay you back.

All business owners understand risk, and they also understand not every business deal is going to go well. Trump understood that and so did the people that lent his company the money. But they all participate willingly knowing those risks.

Trump "owning" something means the government gives him exclusive rights to determine who is allowed on the property and who is not, who can use it and who cannot. That's the government enforcing that title.

Then unless you live under a bridge, they do the same for you. It's called Property Rights. If I see somebody on my property that doesn't belong here, I call the police and have him removed and cited for trespassing. He is on MY property that I hold the title to.

The workers, like I told you. How many times do you need to be told?

Workers do not create wealth. If they did, they wouldn't need a company to work for. Workers work, and the person or people that made the investment created the wealth. To create wealth you need to invest your money. Workers do not invest anything. They simply do a job for a set wage. Even if you buy a lottery ticket and got lucky, the person who sold you that ticket did not create that wealth--you did because you invested your money.

The point still stands: Trump is entitled to enormous wealth by the government without creating much, if any.

You don't become a billionaire without creating wealth. What's wrong with you?

Without the government to enforce his title and forgive his debt, Trump would be an orange-colored turd at the mercy of those people he screwed out of billions.

Billions? Any credible evidence that it was billions?
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Economy works because of people who are creating and investing into big and small businesses, and without them you wouldn't have a job. Unless you run your own business, but I doubt it, since based on your attitude, you're either unemployed and on government dough, or working MW job and looking whom to blame for being stupid dumb fuck.

How much rich guy who buys $100 million home and $50 million yacht mooch from the system? How many jobs he created by spending those $150 mill?
By getting the fruits of the labor of all the people who worked to build the home and the yacht. The government could have used its money to direct them to construct smaller homes for themselves instead. That way, the workers benefit from their work rather than benefiting some rich, worthless orange fuck like Trump.
You're just jealous that your beat up KIA can't compete with their Lambos. Poor soyboy.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Definitions say "kulaks" were wealthier peasants/farmers, not lazy deadbeat layabouts like Trump.

No need to kill anyone. Just start by taxing inheritance. Regular wages are taxed.

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
Go for it I hear you're the pro around here

yep I am.....oh here's a wipe for that Obama jizz...you have a little in the left corner of your mouth
It's your calling. You stick to talking about sucking dick and wiping jizz.

Leave income taxation to the adults like me.

it's ok, you can live in your commie dreamworld.......but we'll take freedom and low taxation...no one is stopping you from giving more to the feds......show us how important you think they are!

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