OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

The same mindless chants over and over and over and over and over and over, yeah someone around here is a brainwashed functional moron, but it ain't us. LMAO

Funny how the entire rest of the world is horrified by your giant lying b******* character assassination and hate propaganda machine. And in the whole world only you idiots deny global warming, your GOP giveaway to the rich tax cuts and rates, the fact that there was a world depression in 2008 only averted by 15 trillion dollars of bailouts and assistance in the modern world, etc etc. Then you have your countless idiotic phony scandals about the clintons and Obama and holder and other Democrats that have never been anywhere near a quart or a respectable news Outlet. You people are unbelievable and a disaster to boot.

Yeah, the rest of the world are so horrified most of them want to move here. And why do you keep deflecting to the bitch, you have nothing to win on there either.

Only horrible countries with terrible economies and usually crime ridden to boot..

Yeah, 46,800 came from that hell hole called Canada in 2015, go figure.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Over 75% come from Mexico and Latin America... A drug war war zone....

its not our fault they cant run their fucking country...
notice how most of them come from countries that practice the shit you guys want.......
Coaching involves tangible work. Gambling does not.

You are so uninformed. Business is gambling. Most small businesses close up within five years. It's a gamble people take to try and become successful. If you are in the business of lending money to people who open up companies, you are gambling that they are going to pay you back.
Knowing there is a chance you'll get mugged and killed walking outside doesn't make the mugger or murderer any better. Likewise, it doesn't make Trump any less of a deadbeat.
All business owners understand risk, and they also understand not every business deal is going to go well. Trump understood that and so did the people that lent his company the money. But they all participate willingly knowing those risks.

Trump "owning" something means the government gives him exclusive rights to determine who is allowed on the property and who is not, who can use it and who cannot. That's the government enforcing that title.

Then unless you live under a bridge, they do the same for you. It's called Property Rights. If I see somebody on my property that doesn't belong here, I call the police and have him removed and cited for trespassing. He is on MY property that I hold the title to.
That's a different song you're singing to the one you sang before, where you said "Every year we have more and more wealthy people in this country. It has nothing to do with government."
The workers, like I told you. How many times do you need to be told?

Workers do not create wealth. If they did, they wouldn't need a company to work for. Workers work, and the person or people that made the investment created the wealth. To create wealth you need to invest your money. Workers do not invest anything. They simply do a job for a set wage. Even if you buy a lottery ticket and got lucky, the person who sold you that ticket did not create that wealth--you did because you invested your money.
You're such a dummy! That's a monetary transfer, not wealth creation. Whatever wealth existed in the world existed before and after you won.
The point still stands: Trump is entitled to enormous wealth by the government without creating much, if any.

You don't become a billionaire without creating wealth. What's wrong with you?
Yeah you can, by inheriting it for example. Seriously, how stupid are you?
Without the government to enforce his title and forgive his debt, Trump would be an orange-colored turd at the mercy of those people he screwed out of billions.

Billions? Any credible evidence that it was billions?
Trump talks about it here.

You would be taxed once on it when you earn it.

I'll say it another way for you and I'll assume you've never had to pay taxes in regards to this. It only deserves to be taxed once. I earned it and if it's $10 or $10,000,000 it should be taxed the same, don't tell me it's a progressive tax. The Federal Government runs our budgets like a drunk sailor in a whore house, I'm sick and tired of feeding the drunk sailor.

Your kid would be taxed once when he receives it.

No kidding, that's the issue, no need to be redundant, but you deserve it, it's called stealing...

Neither one person would be taxed "multiply times" on the inheritance.

The money would be, again you probably haven't paid it...

Now you're moving the goal posts. You initially said "The Federal Government, State or Local has no business taxing an individual multiply times." Now you don't want the money to be taxed multiple times? So you think the government can only tax new dollar bills it prints? Should they write down the serial number of every dollar they tax? Holy crap you're an idiot!

So you drop down to the insults when you can’t find a way out, this is why you’ll never deal with this issue, your jealousy is bright green...
You're the one moving the goalposts and twisting in the wind. The only thing bright green is your inability to understand income taxation. Sorry, but you sound so stupid when you say what you say and I tend to call things and people what they are.

The only thing between the goal post moving is that gelatin between your ears, but we really had nothing in the football realm in this discussion. You like most Liberal Deadbeats have no real understanding of why the American Revolution took place, but you'll never get this part of History. Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it again, I would urge you to remove your head from that pile of shit surrounding it or commit harikari, both will have the same affect...
You would be taxed once on it when you earn it.

I'll say it another way for you and I'll assume you've never had to pay taxes in regards to this. It only deserves to be taxed once. I earned it and if it's $10 or $10,000,000 it should be taxed the same, don't tell me it's a progressive tax. The Federal Government runs our budgets like a drunk sailor in a whore house, I'm sick and tired of feeding the drunk sailor.

Your kid would be taxed once when he receives it.

No kidding, that's the issue, no need to be redundant, but you deserve it, it's called stealing...

Neither one person would be taxed "multiply times" on the inheritance.

The money would be, again you probably haven't paid it...

Now you're moving the goal posts. You initially said "The Federal Government, State or Local has no business taxing an individual multiply times." Now you don't want the money to be taxed multiple times? So you think the government can only tax new dollar bills it prints? Should they write down the serial number of every dollar they tax? Holy crap you're an idiot!

So you drop down to the insults when you can’t find a way out, this is why you’ll never deal with this issue, your jealousy is bright green...
You're the one moving the goalposts and twisting in the wind. The only thing bright green is your inability to understand income taxation. Sorry, but you sound so stupid when you say what you say and I tend to call things and people what they are.

The only thing between the goal post moving is that gelatin between your ears, but we really had nothing in the football realm in this discussion. You like most Liberal Deadbeats have no real understanding of why the American Revolution took place, but you'll never get this part of History. Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it again, I would urge you to remove your head from that pile of shit surrounding it or commit harikari, both will have the same affect...

It's a very basic concept. Per the IRS:

Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
This is pretty much day 1 of income taxation 101. Since you don't know this, I suggest you leave the discussion to the grown-ups, mkay?

No really, you can stop posting now. You've cemented your status as one of the biggest idiots on the planet. There's little else you can accomplish to make yourself look like an even bigger dumbass.
I'll say it another way for you and I'll assume you've never had to pay taxes in regards to this. It only deserves to be taxed once. I earned it and if it's $10 or $10,000,000 it should be taxed the same, don't tell me it's a progressive tax. The Federal Government runs our budgets like a drunk sailor in a whore house, I'm sick and tired of feeding the drunk sailor.

No kidding, that's the issue, no need to be redundant, but you deserve it, it's called stealing...

The money would be, again you probably haven't paid it...

Now you're moving the goal posts. You initially said "The Federal Government, State or Local has no business taxing an individual multiply times." Now you don't want the money to be taxed multiple times? So you think the government can only tax new dollar bills it prints? Should they write down the serial number of every dollar they tax? Holy crap you're an idiot!

So you drop down to the insults when you can’t find a way out, this is why you’ll never deal with this issue, your jealousy is bright green...
You're the one moving the goalposts and twisting in the wind. The only thing bright green is your inability to understand income taxation. Sorry, but you sound so stupid when you say what you say and I tend to call things and people what they are.

The only thing between the goal post moving is that gelatin between your ears, but we really had nothing in the football realm in this discussion. You like most Liberal Deadbeats have no real understanding of why the American Revolution took place, but you'll never get this part of History. Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it again, I would urge you to remove your head from that pile of shit surrounding it or commit harikari, both will have the same affect...

It's a very basic concept. Per the IRS:

Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
This is pretty much day 1 of income taxation 101. Since you don't know this, I suggest you leave the discussion to the grown-ups, mkay?

No really, you can stop posting now. You've cemented your status as one of the biggest idiots on the planet. There's little else you can accomplish to make yourself look like an even bigger dumbass.

Hey bob, the discussion is the validity of the Death Tax, Inheritance Tax. It's clear by now you know how to recite the current Tax Codes, the fact is even clearer you fail at having a debate on it, that you stoop to your elementary school level mentality is also obvious. I would mop the floor with you, but I would expose myself to child abuse charges...

Climb back into your Mom and Dads bed, its cold outside, you've been exposed to the elements too long...
Funny how the entire rest of the world is horrified by your giant lying b******* character assassination and hate propaganda machine. And in the whole world only you idiots deny global warming, your GOP giveaway to the rich tax cuts and rates, the fact that there was a world depression in 2008 only averted by 15 trillion dollars of bailouts and assistance in the modern world, etc etc. Then you have your countless idiotic phony scandals about the clintons and Obama and holder and other Democrats that have never been anywhere near a quart or a respectable news Outlet. You people are unbelievable and a disaster to boot.

Yeah, the rest of the world are so horrified most of them want to move here. And why do you keep deflecting to the bitch, you have nothing to win on there either.

Only horrible countries with terrible economies and usually crime ridden to boot..

Yeah, 46,800 came from that hell hole called Canada in 2015, go figure.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Over 75% come from Mexico and Latin America... A drug war war zone....

its not our fault they cant run their fucking country...
notice how most of them come from countries that practice the shit you guys want.......
Countries that practice what schitt? That we want?
Now you're moving the goal posts. You initially said "The Federal Government, State or Local has no business taxing an individual multiply times." Now you don't want the money to be taxed multiple times? So you think the government can only tax new dollar bills it prints? Should they write down the serial number of every dollar they tax? Holy crap you're an idiot!

So you drop down to the insults when you can’t find a way out, this is why you’ll never deal with this issue, your jealousy is bright green...
You're the one moving the goalposts and twisting in the wind. The only thing bright green is your inability to understand income taxation. Sorry, but you sound so stupid when you say what you say and I tend to call things and people what they are.

The only thing between the goal post moving is that gelatin between your ears, but we really had nothing in the football realm in this discussion. You like most Liberal Deadbeats have no real understanding of why the American Revolution took place, but you'll never get this part of History. Your stupid explanation that the money changes hands is the reason of merit to tax it again, I would urge you to remove your head from that pile of shit surrounding it or commit harikari, both will have the same affect...

It's a very basic concept. Per the IRS:

Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
This is pretty much day 1 of income taxation 101. Since you don't know this, I suggest you leave the discussion to the grown-ups, mkay?

No really, you can stop posting now. You've cemented your status as one of the biggest idiots on the planet. There's little else you can accomplish to make yourself look like an even bigger dumbass.

Hey bob, the discussion is the validity of the Death Tax, Inheritance Tax. It's clear by now you know how to recite the current Tax Codes, the fact is even clearer you fail at having a debate on it, that you stoop to your elementary school level mentality is also obvious. I would mop the floor with you, but I would expose myself to child abuse charges...

Climb back into your Mom and Dads bed, its cold outside, you've been exposed to the elements too long...
The problem is you seem to be questioning the validity of income taxation in general, but claiming you're only questioning "the Death Tax, Inheritance Tax." That's why I'm convinced that you're an idiot, but fear not! It's not the only reason I'm convinced.
Yeah, the rest of the world are so horrified most of them want to move here. And why do you keep deflecting to the bitch, you have nothing to win on there either.

Only horrible countries with terrible economies and usually crime ridden to boot..

Yeah, 46,800 came from that hell hole called Canada in 2015, go figure.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Over 75% come from Mexico and Latin America... A drug war war zone....

its not our fault they cant run their fucking country...
notice how most of them come from countries that practice the shit you guys want.......
Countries that practice what schitt? That we want?
USSR, N Korea, Venzuela, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Any Monarchy, you know commies.......total govt control.....it doesn't do really well.
The problem is you seem to be questioning the validity of income taxation in general,

Are you really here on planet earth? The real problem is your reading comprehension, you're more than welcome to point out were I was discussing Income Tax in general, good luck with that one...

but claiming you're only questioning "the Death Tax, Inheritance Tax."

That is the only topic I was discussing, again, are you sure you are on planet earth? Are you short on air or food? Maybe it's the childish behavior?

That's why I'm convinced that you're an idiot, but fear not! It's not the only reason I'm convinced.

It's okay, I am certain your long term incarceration in the local mental health facility has done severe damage to those gelatin lobes floating in that perfect void between your ears...

When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
Go for it I hear you're the pro around here

yep I am.....oh here's a wipe for that Obama jizz...you have a little in the left corner of your mouth
It's your calling. You stick to talking about sucking dick and wiping jizz.

Leave income taxation to the adults like me.

it's ok, you can live in your commie dreamworld.......but we'll take freedom and low taxation...no one is stopping you from giving more to the feds......show us how important you think they are!

look bucky you ah Everyone wants lower taxes but why should trump and friends score millions while white trash like you get scraps??
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.
Yeah you can, by inheriting it for example. Seriously, how stupid are you?

Who ever inherited billions? Not Trump.

You're such a dummy! That's a monetary transfer, not wealth creation. Whatever wealth existed in the world existed before and after you won.

So people who had jobs created that wealth? If you build a movie theater and make a lot of money, you did so because people came to your theater to watch movies. That's creating wealth. You can't say that wealth was not created because the movie goers always had money. That's complete stupidity.

That's a different song you're singing to the one you sang before, where you said "Every year we have more and more wealthy people in this country. It has nothing to do with government."

It doesn't have anything to do with government. Property rights are just that--rights. Government can't do anything to stop us from owning property. Titles are legal records of ownership of property, but government is not doing you a favor by allowing anybody to own property.

Knowing there is a chance you'll get mugged and killed walking outside doesn't make the mugger or murderer any better. Likewise, it doesn't make Trump any less of a deadbeat.

If you hate rich people so much, WTF do you care who Trump didn't repay?

Lending institutions know that X amount of people will file bankruptcy and they will not get their money back. It's all part of business. They know it ahead of time.

Last year over 800,000 bankruptcies were filed; 24,000 of them were businesses.

How many people filed for bankruptcy in 2016? - NBF
Only horrible countries with terrible economies and usually crime ridden to boot..

Yeah, 46,800 came from that hell hole called Canada in 2015, go figure.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Over 75% come from Mexico and Latin America... A drug war war zone....

its not our fault they cant run their fucking country...
notice how most of them come from countries that practice the shit you guys want.......
Countries that practice what schitt? That we want?
USSR, N Korea, Venzuela, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Any Monarchy, you know commies.......total govt control.....it doesn't do really well.
only on Fox!! The more you watch the less you know LOL...
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


and therein lies the rub, and the actual heart of the argument

in the mind of the typical leftist; everything belongs to the State, Whatever the subjects of the State are allowed to have access to; they should be humbly grateful for...
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


and therein lies the rub, and the actual heart of the argument

in the mind of the typical leftist; everything belongs to the State, Whatever the subjects of the State are allowed to have access to; they should be humbly grateful for...
Oh no. Not that stupid fucking asrgumrent you America hating dipsticks use.

None of you want to support your country in paying taxes. " The government is stealing my money Whaaaaa whaaaaaa"

Fuck you people.

I support my country & I pay my tars without being a whiny little girl.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


If aftet the tax cut bill, Trump pays $40 million less in takes, that bill gave him that money.
Now you asswipes can try to play semantics all you want but that would be the truth.

That tax bill (in other words Trump) gave Trump 40 million plus. And you morons love it. All you " OMG OMG the deft the debt!!" people love it.

You know it is a bad bill but your heads are so far up Trumps ass that you can't even bitch about it.
Yeah you can, by inheriting it for example. Seriously, how stupid are you?

Who ever inherited billions? Not Trump.

You're such a dummy! That's a monetary transfer, not wealth creation. Whatever wealth existed in the world existed before and after you won.

So people who had jobs created that wealth? If you build a movie theater and make a lot of money, you did so because people came to your theater to watch movies. That's creating wealth. You can't say that wealth was not created because the movie goers always had money. That's complete stupidity.

That's a different song you're singing to the one you sang before, where you said "Every year we have more and more wealthy people in this country. It has nothing to do with government."

It doesn't have anything to do with government. Property rights are just that--rights. Government can't do anything to stop us from owning property. Titles are legal records of ownership of property, but government is not doing you a favor by allowing anybody to own property.

Knowing there is a chance you'll get mugged and killed walking outside doesn't make the mugger or murderer any better. Likewise, it doesn't make Trump any less of a deadbeat.

If you hate rich people so much, WTF do you care who Trump didn't repay?

Lending institutions know that X amount of people will file bankruptcy and they will not get their money back. It's all part of business. They know it ahead of time.

Last year over 800,000 bankruptcies were filed; 24,000 of them were businesses.

How many people filed for bankruptcy in 2016? - NBF

Everyone pays in higher banking & loan costs.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


and therein lies the rub, and the actual heart of the argument

in the mind of the typical leftist; everything belongs to the State, Whatever the subjects of the State are allowed to have access to; they should be humbly grateful for...

"A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are."
Ken Blackwell
Yeah you can, by inheriting it for example. Seriously, how stupid are you?

Who ever inherited billions? Not Trump.

You're such a dummy! That's a monetary transfer, not wealth creation. Whatever wealth existed in the world existed before and after you won.

So people who had jobs created that wealth? If you build a movie theater and make a lot of money, you did so because people came to your theater to watch movies. That's creating wealth. You can't say that wealth was not created because the movie goers always had money. That's complete stupidity.

That's a different song you're singing to the one you sang before, where you said "Every year we have more and more wealthy people in this country. It has nothing to do with government."

It doesn't have anything to do with government. Property rights are just that--rights. Government can't do anything to stop us from owning property. Titles are legal records of ownership of property, but government is not doing you a favor by allowing anybody to own property.

Knowing there is a chance you'll get mugged and killed walking outside doesn't make the mugger or murderer any better. Likewise, it doesn't make Trump any less of a deadbeat.

If you hate rich people so much, WTF do you care who Trump didn't repay?

Lending institutions know that X amount of people will file bankruptcy and they will not get their money back. It's all part of business. They know it ahead of time.

Last year over 800,000 bankruptcies were filed; 24,000 of them were businesses.

How many people filed for bankruptcy in 2016? - NBF

Everyone pays in higher banking & loan costs.

Yes they do, it's all part of the business structure. Just like we all pay higher cell phone bills so that lowlifes can have free cell phones. It's all figured out in the business plan.

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