OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


If aftet the tax cut bill, Trump pays $40 million less in takes, that bill gave him that money.
Now you asswipes can try to play semantics all you want but that would be the truth.

That tax bill (in other words Trump) gave Trump 40 million plus. And you morons love it. All you " OMG OMG the deft the debt!!" people love it.

You know it is a bad bill but your heads are so far up Trumps ass that you can't even bitch about it.

Excuse me dumb ass, how can the government give you something that's already yours? If they are taking less, they aren't giving you anything, they're just taking less.


Prior to passing the tax cut bill, you would owe $5500.00 in personal income tax. You pay that tax from your savings account & it was then $3500.00 in your account.

After passing the tax cut, you only owed $4500 in income taxes, leaving $4500 in your savings account.

You have that extra $1K because of the tax bill. The passing of that bill gave it to you.

You people are such assholes.

If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Yet the result is exactly the same. I now have $20 more in my wallet.


Man the fuck up & admit it. Quit pretending they did not borrow over a trillion dollars. Quit pretending they did not hand rich people YOUR tax dollars.

The idea you love it provrs what a pack of duped morons you are.

Duh, you might want to look up the definition of rebate. They are refunding your money, not giving you theirs.


Are they? Did they send back 20% of that check I wrote?
If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

You're starting to catch on now. The store took less of your money, therefore you saved twenty bucks--not got back twenty bucks.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Terrible analogy. Mine is better.

If you and I are neighbors and you walk your dog for a half hour every day at the same time, but once a week I sneak into your house and steal $100.00. After a while I feel guilty, so instead of taking $100.00 from your dresser drawer, I only take $80.00. Did I just give you $20.00?

Your story is only right about one thing. You are a thief. You want government without paying for it.

I did now have $20.00 that your change in stealing habits gave me.

Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.

I support government that governs, not a government that forces charity. Our founders never wanted federal government for wealth distribution reasons. But my tax money goes to fund my HUD neighbors next door in our suburb, it goes to fund all those daycare centers in our city, it goes to fund PBS, Planned Parenthood and NPR, it goes to fund unneeded bureaucracies which act against our Constitution, and I'm against all of it.
I love this threa
Handing Trump forty million dollars doesn't do shit for poor people. If Trump wanted to help poor people he had plenty of money to do that without your fucking party handing him more.

who do you think hires people?

Raise the minimum wage.

every time this is done, jobs are lost and the working class gets hurt

every time

Wealthy people use more government services than poor people do

and you call me a dumbass?

are there more rich people or are there more are there more people that are not rich?

we all use government services

reducing the amount tof money that the government takes (and always subsequently wastes) always helps the economy

Yet another dumbfuck who thinks handing money to wealthy people makes then run out & hire people.

Companies hire people when that have a need for them.

They have a need when the demand for their products/services increase.
You are really such a fucking moron that you think Trump couldn't afford to hire anyone prior to this tax cut.

They increase when more people have money to pay.

Then, you claim a poorer person uses more government services than wealthy people.

Trump used government bankruptcy protection services to the tune of over $1 billion. I don't know of many poor people who have done that. Do you?
If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

You're starting to catch on now. The store took less of your money, therefore you saved twenty bucks--not got back twenty bucks.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Terrible analogy. Mine is better.

If you and I are neighbors and you walk your dog for a half hour every day at the same time, but once a week I sneak into your house and steal $100.00. After a while I feel guilty, so instead of taking $100.00 from your dresser drawer, I only take $80.00. Did I just give you $20.00?

Your story is only right about one thing. You are a thief. You want government without paying for it.

I did now have $20.00 that your change in stealing habits gave me.

Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.
Government changed the title of that property to go from being your property to being the government's property. Then took it.

The thief just took it.

If aftet the tax cut bill, Trump pays $40 million less in takes, that bill gave him that money.
Now you asswipes can try to play semantics all you want but that would be the truth.

That tax bill (in other words Trump) gave Trump 40 million plus. And you morons love it. All you " OMG OMG the deft the debt!!" people love it.

You know it is a bad bill but your heads are so far up Trumps ass that you can't even bitch about it.

Excuse me dumb ass, how can the government give you something that's already yours? If they are taking less, they aren't giving you anything, they're just taking less.


Prior to passing the tax cut bill, you would owe $5500.00 in personal income tax. You pay that tax from your savings account & it was then $3500.00 in your account.

After passing the tax cut, you only owed $4500 in income taxes, leaving $4500 in your savings account.

You have that extra $1K because of the tax bill. The passing of that bill gave it to you.

You people are such assholes.

If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Yet the result is exactly the same. I now have $20 more in my wallet.


Man the fuck up & admit it. Quit pretending they did not borrow over a trillion dollars. Quit pretending they did not hand rich people YOUR tax dollars.

The idea you love it provrs what a pack of duped morons you are.

Duh, you might want to look up the definition of rebate. They are refunding your money, not giving you theirs.


Are they? Did they send back 20% of that check I wrote?

Yep, just like the feds refund your money if you paid more than you were supposed to. Would a company give you money if you had paid them nothing to begin with?

  1. a partial refund to someone who has paid too much money for tax, rent, or a utility.
    synonyms: refund · partial refund · repayment · discount · deduction · reduction ·
  1. pay back (such a sum of money).
Now run along moron and don't use words you obviously don't know the meaning of.

If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

You're starting to catch on now. The store took less of your money, therefore you saved twenty bucks--not got back twenty bucks.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Terrible analogy. Mine is better.

If you and I are neighbors and you walk your dog for a half hour every day at the same time, but once a week I sneak into your house and steal $100.00. After a while I feel guilty, so instead of taking $100.00 from your dresser drawer, I only take $80.00. Did I just give you $20.00?

Your story is only right about one thing. You are a thief. You want government without paying for it.

I did now have $20.00 that your change in stealing habits gave me.

Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.
Government changed the title of that property to go from being your property to being the government's property. Then took it.

The thief just took it.

So what's the difference?
If I go to the store & the item I went to buy was on sale with a 20% discount, now costing $80.00. You would parade around screaming OMG OMG that sale did not give me anything. I save $20 of my own money.

You're starting to catch on now. The store took less of your money, therefore you saved twenty bucks--not got back twenty bucks.

Suppose I went to that store & there was a 20% rebate. I paid the full price of $100 & I got a $20 check in the mail the following week. The store gave me that money & you fucktards can't say it was my money that I saved.

Terrible analogy. Mine is better.

If you and I are neighbors and you walk your dog for a half hour every day at the same time, but once a week I sneak into your house and steal $100.00. After a while I feel guilty, so instead of taking $100.00 from your dresser drawer, I only take $80.00. Did I just give you $20.00?

Your story is only right about one thing. You are a thief. You want government without paying for it.

I did now have $20.00 that your change in stealing habits gave me.

Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.
Government changed the title of that property to go from being your property to being the government's property. Then took it.

The thief just took it.

So what's the difference?
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.
You're starting to catch on now. The store took less of your money, therefore you saved twenty bucks--not got back twenty bucks.

Terrible analogy. Mine is better.

If you and I are neighbors and you walk your dog for a half hour every day at the same time, but once a week I sneak into your house and steal $100.00. After a while I feel guilty, so instead of taking $100.00 from your dresser drawer, I only take $80.00. Did I just give you $20.00?

Your story is only right about one thing. You are a thief. You want government without paying for it.

I did now have $20.00 that your change in stealing habits gave me.

Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.
Government changed the title of that property to go from being your property to being the government's property. Then took it.

The thief just took it.

So what's the difference?
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.

So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.


If aftet the tax cut bill, Trump pays $40 million less in takes, that bill gave him that money.
Now you asswipes can try to play semantics all you want but that would be the truth.

That tax bill (in other words Trump) gave Trump 40 million plus. And you morons love it. All you " OMG OMG the deft the debt!!" people love it.

You know it is a bad bill but your heads are so far up Trumps ass that you can't even bitch about it.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Didn't say to kill anyone. I said to quit handing them money. Why do you want to borrow money to give Trump a tax break. What do you think anyone gets anything from it other than Trump?

Why do you want to borrow money to give Trump a tax break.

I don't want to borrow.
I'd like to cut Federal spending by 30%.....to start.
I love this threa
Handing Trump forty million dollars doesn't do shit for poor people. If Trump wanted to help poor people he had plenty of money to do that without your fucking party handing him more.

who do you think hires people?

Raise the minimum wage.

every time this is done, jobs are lost and the working class gets hurt

every time

Wealthy people use more government services than poor people do

and you call me a dumbass?

are there more rich people or are there more are there more people that are not rich?

we all use government services

reducing the amount tof money that the government takes (and always subsequently wastes) always helps the economy

Yet another dumbfuck who thinks handing money to wealthy people makes then run out & hire people.

Companies hire people when that have a need for them.

They have a need when the demand for their products/services increase.
You are really such a fucking moron that you think Trump couldn't afford to hire anyone prior to this tax cut.

They increase when more people have money to pay.

Then, you claim a poorer person uses more government services than wealthy people. Yet another dumbass statement.

We BORROWED money to hand out those taxc breaks to the wrealthy of which little will be spent in the economy.

You people are dumber than shit.


We BORROWED money to hand out those taxc breaks to the wrealthy of which little will be spent in the economy.

Right, because wealthy people got that way by "keeping their money out of the economy".
Your story is only right about one thing. You are a thief. You want government without paying for it.

I did now have $20.00 that your change in stealing habits gave me.

Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.
Government changed the title of that property to go from being your property to being the government's property. Then took it.

The thief just took it.

So what's the difference?
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.

So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?
Well I happen to think governments are thieves. Theft is the act of taking ones property agains their will leaving them with no reasonable alternative.

If I'm walking down the street one night and somebody points a gun at me demanding my money, he is taking my property against my will. My only choices are to give him my valuables or get shot and he takes my valuables.
Government changed the title of that property to go from being your property to being the government's property. Then took it.

The thief just took it.

So what's the difference?
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.

So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?

Because I paid for it.
Government changed the title of that property to go from being your property to being the government's property. Then took it.

The thief just took it.

So what's the difference?
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.

So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?

Because I paid for it.
Well, Trump didn't pay for his gifts or his inheritance, so what made any of that "his" and somehow deserving to be exempt from normal income taxation applied to almost all other transactions, like wage income?
So what's the difference?
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.

So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?

Because I paid for it.
Well, Trump didn't pay for his gifts or his inheritance, so what made any of that "his" and somehow deserving to be exempt from normal income taxation applied to almost all other transactions, like wage income?

If his father paid for it then it's his. HIs father bought it, he paid taxes on it, and he gave it to his family.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.

Yes give. They cut taxes on the bloated Rich again...
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.

So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?

Because I paid for it.
Well, Trump didn't pay for his gifts or his inheritance, so what made any of that "his" and somehow deserving to be exempt from normal income taxation applied to almost all other transactions, like wage income?

If his father paid for it
...then that would, according to your requirements, satisfy the title being in the father's name. Since Donald didn't pay for it, it can't be Donald's. He would have to pay for it first.
then it's his. HIs father bought it, he paid taxes on it, and he gave it to his family.
Besides, where did his father get it? Did he pay for it? Did he get it legally?

And even if he did, what are you saying, that any money on which someone paid tax shouldn't ever be taxable again?
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...
Another dumbass who is rejoicing he might get an additional $18/week while the country borrows trillions to give the wealthy tens of millions.

Yes give. They cut taxes on the bloated Rich again...
It's amazing what you dupes will put up with...
One is using force to take property to enforce title. The other (the thief) is using force to take property in opposition of title.

If two people are pulling on the same rope, trying to tear it away from the other, how do you tell who the thief is and who the owner is? Title.

So what happens if government decides to change title on your house, your car, your boat, your daughter? That is not theft in your eyes because government claimed it was theirs instead of yours?
No, it's not theft. I may feel it's unjust, but it certainly wouldn't be theft. Who is to say the fact that your house is titled to you isn't theft by virtue of the fact that it excludes others from being on that property? Why is the house where you live "your" house other than that it just happens to be titled to you according to the government?

Because I paid for it.
Well, Trump didn't pay for his gifts or his inheritance, so what made any of that "his" and somehow deserving to be exempt from normal income taxation applied to almost all other transactions, like wage income?

If his father paid for it then it's his. HIs father bought it, he paid taxes on it, and he gave it to his family.

I worked for my money. I pay taxes on it. If I pay my neighbor to paint my house, he pays income txes on my money for which I was already taxed.

If I give my kid a million dollars this year, he pays taxes.

Ending the inheritance tax was a billion dollar gift to the Trump family. No wonder he was all for it. It certainly has no stimulus effect, just rich people rewarding themselves on your tax dollar.

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