OK, I'll admit it, our friends on the left are correct; there IS a catch to the Trump tax cuts

Or, you have to be screwing the govt over, in order to be making an absolute killing out of it.

We still won't know how much the rich are playing in taxes before or after, the catch must be they were paying little before, and they'll be paying fucking nothing after. In fact the govt will pay them to be rich.

We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?
How can a republican talk about fair when the lying vile louse in our WH is screwing blue states with his BS tax cut ? NY for example pays THE MOST to our fed and gets little back We subsidize the gd red states and now the idiot screws us??? There will be law suits

Sue away, you'll lose. Congress giveth deductions, they can take them away.


The people who cry the most about needing higher taxes are the ones who cry the most when it's they who are paying them.
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

More people get rich from lotteries than they do from inheritance. Nobody would be able to assemble my car, butcher my cattle, or prepare a meal if it were not somebody to provide the establishment in which to perform those chores; somebody to provide the structure, somebody to purchase and maintain the necessary tools, somebody to have parking lot their their employees, somebody to make out payrolls and pay taxes on their employees behalf, somebody to sell said products for a profit to keep the business going, somebody to buy material in which the products are made.

The problem with the left is you people watch too many television shows and movies. They portray your typical rich guy in his super huge office with a large breasted secretary sitting on his desk which is about 30 feet from his astroturf putting green.
You don't put money back into the economy by giving it to government. They'll just waste it.
The government can just give it to people in the form of tax cuts to the middle class. You're grasping at straws.
Why? That money was already taxed when it was created. Do you understand the term INCOME TAX? It means tax on income. Inheritance is not income.
If you GET money from inheritance, it is income, just exempted from tax. Don't be an idiot.
Well what do you think they do with it, have it in between their mattress and pull some out when they need it?
You mean poor people? They don't have it.
Who said it was?
Someone said Trump got rich by working.

income? no it was already earned. Next you'll tax allowances.....omg.... get over, people earn their money and they can do what they want with it (with legality being the only point)
Money becomes income when it changes hands. The fact that the person giving the money "earned" it or not does not make it not income.

From the IRS:
Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
As you can see, earning is just one way of getting income. The passing of title is also enough. You knuckle-dragging apes should be happy I'm giving you some life lessons for free.

They don't, no shit, maybe because they work to get it, then leave it to their kids......what a concept!

I did, his dad loaned him some cash, he worked to increase his money and did even better than Clinton did (funny I never heard you guys complain about her cattle futures...it was all above board to you lefties!)!!!
Why do stupid people bring up Clinton when their arguments fall apart? Did I ever say I supported Hillary Clinton?

Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
The people who cry the most about needing higher taxes are the ones who cry the most when it's they who are paying them.
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Tissue? :itsok:

What year are you planning an intelligent or truthful reply, super dupe?

The year I have something intelligent and truthful to reply to. Brainwashed almost functional moron.

And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
The people who cry the most about needing higher taxes are the ones who cry the most when it's they who are paying them.
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Tissue? :itsok:

What year are you planning an intelligent or truthful reply, super dupe?

The year I have something intelligent and truthful to reply to. Brainwashed almost functional moron.

And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

STFU brainwashed moron.

Liberals are highly in favor of helping the middle class and small business

That's so good to hear.
When was the last time Dems gave the middle class and small business a tax cut?
Obama gave the middle class a payroll tax cut in 2009 just as high a percentage as Trump's tax cuts and nothing for the bloated lying cheating GOP rich...
. Ok, so what was the result of that payroll tax cut ?? Did the citizens run out and start a business, create a college fund for their kids, hire a landscaper, get some repairs done on the house, buy a better car or what ? How many jobs did it create ? Did it just go POOF ?

The result is a claim that he gave tax cut. It did nothing but hurt social security. But in order to give that cut, he pushed inheritance and gift taxes back to 35%. It's a word game, nothing else.

Just like "he cut the deficit in half". :D :D :D
Yes he did, Dunce. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. No one in their right mind would vote for these chumps GOP... Brainwashed functional moron.

The same mindless chants over and over and over and over and over and over, yeah someone around here is a brainwashed functional moron, but it ain't us. LMAO


You noticed that too?

You don't have to discuss anything with Franko. Here, I'll give you a months supply of talking with him:

Brainwashed dupe, dupe, dupe, right wing b**** dupe, dupe, Reagan 35 years, dupe, dupe, dupe, GOP agains the middle-class, dupe, dupe, dupe, rich friends, dupe, dupe, dupe, unions middle-class, dupe, dupe, dupe, rich getting richer, dupe, dupe, dupe, propaganda, dupe, dupe, dupe.

There, that should be enough for the next 50 replies by him.
The government can just give it to people in the form of tax cuts to the middle class. You're grasping at straws.If you GET money from inheritance, it is income, just exempted from tax. Don't be an idiot.You mean poor people? They don't have it.Someone said Trump got rich by working.

income? no it was already earned. Next you'll tax allowances.....omg.... get over, people earn their money and they can do what they want with it (with legality being the only point)
Money becomes income when it changes hands. The fact that the person giving the money "earned" it or not does not make it not income.

From the IRS:
Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
As you can see, earning is just one way of getting income. The passing of title is also enough. You knuckle-dragging apes should be happy I'm giving you some life lessons for free.

They don't, no shit, maybe because they work to get it, then leave it to their kids......what a concept!

I did, his dad loaned him some cash, he worked to increase his money and did even better than Clinton did (funny I never heard you guys complain about her cattle futures...it was all above board to you lefties!)!!!
Why do stupid people bring up Clinton when their arguments fall apart? Did I ever say I supported Hillary Clinton?

Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

Tissue? :itsok:

What year are you planning an intelligent or truthful reply, super dupe?

The year I have something intelligent and truthful to reply to. Brainwashed almost functional moron.

And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours
income? no it was already earned. Next you'll tax allowances.....omg.... get over, people earn their money and they can do what they want with it (with legality being the only point)
Money becomes income when it changes hands. The fact that the person giving the money "earned" it or not does not make it not income.

From the IRS:
Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
As you can see, earning is just one way of getting income. The passing of title is also enough. You knuckle-dragging apes should be happy I'm giving you some life lessons for free.

They don't, no shit, maybe because they work to get it, then leave it to their kids......what a concept!

I did, his dad loaned him some cash, he worked to increase his money and did even better than Clinton did (funny I never heard you guys complain about her cattle futures...it was all above board to you lefties!)!!!
Why do stupid people bring up Clinton when their arguments fall apart? Did I ever say I supported Hillary Clinton?

Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
Tissue? :itsok:

What year are you planning an intelligent or truthful reply, super dupe?

The year I have something intelligent and truthful to reply to. Brainwashed almost functional moron.

And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

What will turn out to be Trump's biggest lie he's told his Trumpanzees:

"It’s going to cost me a fortune, this thing. Believe me," he said at a tax-reform speech in Missouri. "This is not good for me. Me, it’s not so — I have some very wealthy friends. Not so happy with me, but that’s okay."
Money becomes income when it changes hands. The fact that the person giving the money "earned" it or not does not make it not income.

From the IRS:
As you can see, earning is just one way of getting income. The passing of title is also enough. You knuckle-dragging apes should be happy I'm giving you some life lessons for free.

Why do stupid people bring up Clinton when their arguments fall apart? Did I ever say I supported Hillary Clinton?

Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
What year are you planning an intelligent or truthful reply, super dupe?

The year I have something intelligent and truthful to reply to. Brainwashed almost functional moron.

And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
Go for it I hear you're the pro around here
Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
The year I have something intelligent and truthful to reply to. Brainwashed almost functional moron.

And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
Go for it I hear you're the pro around here

yep I am.....oh here's a wipe for that Obama jizz...you have a little in the left corner of your mouth
The government can just give it to people in the form of tax cuts to the middle class. You're grasping at straws.If you GET money from inheritance, it is income, just exempted from tax. Don't be an idiot.You mean poor people? They don't have it.Someone said Trump got rich by working.

income? no it was already earned. Next you'll tax allowances.....omg.... get over, people earn their money and they can do what they want with it (with legality being the only point)
Money becomes income when it changes hands. The fact that the person giving the money "earned" it or not does not make it not income.

From the IRS:
Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
As you can see, earning is just one way of getting income. The passing of title is also enough. You knuckle-dragging apes should be happy I'm giving you some life lessons for free.

They don't, no shit, maybe because they work to get it, then leave it to their kids......what a concept!

I did, his dad loaned him some cash, he worked to increase his money and did even better than Clinton did (funny I never heard you guys complain about her cattle futures...it was all above board to you lefties!)!!!
Why do stupid people bring up Clinton when their arguments fall apart? Did I ever say I supported Hillary Clinton?

Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
If you bought the car, you gave up title to an equivalent amount of wealth (money) so wealth-wise, it's a net wash, so $0 income. When you get $5 million in inheritance, you don't give up $5 million in other wealth to get it. That's why it's income. If you WON the car, it would be income (per IRS):

Gambling income includes but isn't limited to winnings from lotteries, raffles, horse races, and casinos. It includes cash winnings and the fair market value of prizes, such as cars and trips.

Got it, idiot?

For exanple, when your daddy earned or won his money, it was income to him at the time when title to those earnings or winnings passed to him. When title passes to you via gift or inheritance, it's another income event (this time for you). Our government just gives deadbeat rich people a pass since they like to live beyond their abilities. I guess sloth runs in some rich families like Trump's.
You actually have to work and make enough money to pay taxes to actually benefit.

That godam Trump and the evil republicans running the government fuck the little guy at every turn...

What will turn out to be Trump's biggest lie he's told his Trumpanzees:

"It’s going to cost me a fortune, this thing. Believe me," he said at a tax-reform speech in Missouri. "This is not good for me. Me, it’s not so — I have some very wealthy friends. Not so happy with me, but that’s okay."
It's easy to fool dumbass Trump supporters. Just look at all the idiots on this board who don't even know what income is, but here they are all arguing about income taxation! It's like they were bred specifically to be retarded. I try to teach them, but they seriously can't grasp what income is. Purebred retards from a local Republican sheep farm!
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
Go for it I hear you're the pro around here

yep I am.....oh here's a wipe for that Obama jizz...you have a little in the left corner of your mouth
It's your calling. You stick to talking about sucking dick and wiping jizz.

Leave income taxation to the adults like me.
income? no it was already earned. Next you'll tax allowances.....omg.... get over, people earn their money and they can do what they want with it (with legality being the only point)
Money becomes income when it changes hands. The fact that the person giving the money "earned" it or not does not make it not income.

From the IRS:
Generally, you include an amount in gross income for the tax year in which all events that fix your right to receive the income have occurred and you can determine the amount with reasonable accuracy. Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
As you can see, earning is just one way of getting income. The passing of title is also enough. You knuckle-dragging apes should be happy I'm giving you some life lessons for free.

They don't, no shit, maybe because they work to get it, then leave it to their kids......what a concept!

I did, his dad loaned him some cash, he worked to increase his money and did even better than Clinton did (funny I never heard you guys complain about her cattle futures...it was all above board to you lefties!)!!!
Why do stupid people bring up Clinton when their arguments fall apart? Did I ever say I supported Hillary Clinton?

Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
If you bought the car, you gave up title to an equivalent amount of wealth (money) so wealth-wise, it's a net wash, so $0 income. When you get $5 million in inheritance, you don't give up $5 million in other wealth to get it. That's why it's income. If you WON the car, it would be income (per IRS):

Gambling income includes but isn't limited to winnings from lotteries, raffles, horse races, and casinos. It includes cash winnings and the fair market value of prizes, such as cars and trips.

Got it, idiot?

For exanple, when your daddy earned or won his money, it was income to him at the time when title to those earnings or winnings passed to him. When title passes to you via gift or inheritance, it's another income event (this time for you). Our government just gives deadbeat rich people a pass since they like to live beyond their abilities. I guess sloth runs in some rich families like Trump's.

Sorry bro..having money handed down via inheritance isn't income and shouldn't be taxed.....it was already in the family...and it has already been taxed....just because the name first name changes, doesn't mean anything, just like if you parents give you a hand me down car, you don't claim that as income on your taxes......it was already taxed.....when you bought it.
We know the top 1% pay 63% of all taxes. We know the top 5% pay 91%. We know the top 10% pay 99%

Yet you claim they don't pay their fair share.

What would be fair?
How can a republican talk about fair when the lying vile louse in our WH is screwing blue states with his BS tax cut ? NY for example pays THE MOST to our fed and gets little back We subsidize the gd red states and now the idiot screws us??? There will be law suits

Sue away, you'll lose. Congress giveth deductions, they can take them away.


The people who cry the most about needing higher taxes are the ones who cry the most when it's they who are paying them.
The economy works because of people who work. The people who assemble your car, butcher your cattle, prepare your meal, etc... The super poor and the super rich are often the moochers who don't do any of that. The super poor through welfare and the rich through inheritance. Although Trump got a lot through the government, too.

More people get rich from lotteries than they do from inheritance.
Lottery winnings are also taxable, btw.
Nobody would be able to assemble my car, butcher my cattle, or prepare a meal if it were not somebody to provide the establishment in which to perform those chores; somebody to provide the structure, somebody to purchase and maintain the necessary tools, somebody to have parking lot their their employees, somebody to make out payrolls and pay taxes on their employees behalf, somebody to sell said products for a profit to keep the business going, somebody to buy material in which the products are made.
The land is already there and the structure is built by laborers. Trump wasn't there laying the bricks. He's just an asshole who wound up with the title to the land.
The problem with the left is you people watch too many television shows and movies. They portray your typical rich guy in his super huge office with a large breasted secretary sitting on his desk which is about 30 feet from his astroturf putting green.
You're the idiot who doesn't know what income is and you're here talking to me about too much TV? Don't make me laugh!
Money becomes income when it changes hands. The fact that the person giving the money "earned" it or not does not make it not income.

From the IRS:
As you can see, earning is just one way of getting income. The passing of title is also enough. You knuckle-dragging apes should be happy I'm giving you some life lessons for free.

Why do stupid people bring up Clinton when their arguments fall apart? Did I ever say I supported Hillary Clinton?

Title? really was he a Duke? I don't recall Donald Trump's peerage.
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.
You're such a dumbfuck.....income is not inheritance, no matter how you commies want to spin it.....income is earned money through working.
You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

Examples of Income that are Not Earned Income:
  • Pay received for work while an inmate in a penal institution
  • Interest and dividends
  • Retirement income
  • Social security
  • Unemployment benefits
  • Alimony
  • Child support.
In fact the democrats put in an inheritance tax(if it was income why have this tax?), which we correctly repealed
Sorry giving your son a few bucks does not subject it to tax nor should it. Same with donations and giving.....I DONATE(aka give with no strings) to a charity it should not be counted as income.......

You're the moron that supports their policies and ideas....and since almost everyone of those people had no issue with her investments...you're side has zero.....I mean zero right to bitch about anyone else.

OMG I love it when people like you pussy out with statements like that....who did you support Bernie? Jill Stein? do tell

just get your damn hands off of our money, earn it with your own labor, you fucking leech.
You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
If you bought the car, you gave up title to an equivalent amount of wealth (money) so wealth-wise, it's a net wash, so $0 income. When you get $5 million in inheritance, you don't give up $5 million in other wealth to get it. That's why it's income. If you WON the car, it would be income (per IRS):

Gambling income includes but isn't limited to winnings from lotteries, raffles, horse races, and casinos. It includes cash winnings and the fair market value of prizes, such as cars and trips.

Got it, idiot?

For exanple, when your daddy earned or won his money, it was income to him at the time when title to those earnings or winnings passed to him. When title passes to you via gift or inheritance, it's another income event (this time for you). Our government just gives deadbeat rich people a pass since they like to live beyond their abilities. I guess sloth runs in some rich families like Trump's.

Sorry bro..having money handed down via inheritance isn't income and shouldn't be taxed.....it was already in the family...and it has already been taxed....just because the name first name changes, doesn't mean anything, just like if you parents give you a hand me down car, you don't claim that as income on your taxes......it was already taxed.....when you bought it.
Bwahahahaha! You don't pay income tax on a car you buy you dolt! That's sales tax! It has nothing to do with income taxation!

Title change is an income event:

Under this rule, you report an amount in your gross income on the earliest of the following dates.
  • When you receive payment.
  • When the income amount is due to you.
  • When you earn the income.
  • When title passes.
Seriously, stop posting. You can't possibly make yourself look any dumber than you already look!

Dude, are you really arguing that title doesn't pass because you gave it to someone with the same last name?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What if I hire someone to work for me and he changes his name to be the same as my name? Is he exempt from paying tax when he gets a W-2? No wait, maybe he shouldn't get a W-2 at all since the name is the same!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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. Ok, so what was the result of that payroll tax cut ?? Did the citizens run out and start a business, create a college fund for their kids, hire a landscaper, get some repairs done on the house, buy a better car or what ? How many jobs did it create ? Did it just go POOF ?

The result is a claim that he gave tax cut. It did nothing but hurt social security. But in order to give that cut, he pushed inheritance and gift taxes back to 35%. It's a word game, nothing else.

Just like "he cut the deficit in half". :D :D :D
Yes he did, Dunce. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. No one in their right mind would vote for these chumps GOP... Brainwashed functional moron.

The same mindless chants over and over and over and over and over and over, yeah someone around here is a brainwashed functional moron, but it ain't us. LMAO

Funny how the entire rest of the world is horrified by your giant lying b******* character assassination and hate propaganda machine. And in the whole world only you idiots deny global warming, your GOP giveaway to the rich tax cuts and rates, the fact that there was a world depression in 2008 only averted by 15 trillion dollars of bailouts and assistance in the modern world, etc etc. Then you have your countless idiotic phony scandals about the clintons and Obama and holder and other Democrats that have never been anywhere near a quart or a respectable news Outlet. You people are unbelievable and a disaster to boot.

Yeah, the rest of the world are so horrified most of them want to move here. And why do you keep deflecting to the bitch, you have nothing to win on there either.

Only horrible countries with terrible economies and usually crime ridden to boot..
Obama gave the middle class a payroll tax cut in 2009 just as high a percentage as Trump's tax cuts and nothing for the bloated lying cheating GOP rich...
. Ok, so what was the result of that payroll tax cut ?? Did the citizens run out and start a business, create a college fund for their kids, hire a landscaper, get some repairs done on the house, buy a better car or what ? How many jobs did it create ? Did it just go POOF ?

The result is a claim that he gave tax cut. It did nothing but hurt social security. But in order to give that cut, he pushed inheritance and gift taxes back to 35%. It's a word game, nothing else.

Just like "he cut the deficit in half". :D :D :D
Yes he did, Dunce. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. No one in their right mind would vote for these chumps GOP... Brainwashed functional moron.

The same mindless chants over and over and over and over and over and over, yeah someone around here is a brainwashed functional moron, but it ain't us. LMAO


You noticed that too?

You don't have to discuss anything with Franko. Here, I'll give you a months supply of talking with him:

Brainwashed dupe, dupe, dupe, right wing b**** dupe, dupe, Reagan 35 years, dupe, dupe, dupe, GOP agains the middle-class, dupe, dupe, dupe, rich friends, dupe, dupe, dupe, unions middle-class, dupe, dupe, dupe, rich getting richer, dupe, dupe, dupe, propaganda, dupe, dupe, dupe.

There, that should be enough for the next 50 replies by him.
The truth is so repetitive, as opposed to your endlessly imaginative b*******hate and character assassination propaganda... Tell us another hundred bulshit character assassination scandals against Democrats that never go anywhere.... And never retracted or apologized for...
Title has nothing to do with being a Duke. It has to do with ownership as the IRS is using it. You'll find out about it when you buy a car, kid.You are totally retarded! The IRS even discusses earned and unearned income!

Earned Income | Internal Revenue Service

You're so fucking retarded you don't even know what income is and you're giving me advice? Thanks but no thanks!

LOL, yeah I do have a car title, I am not paying taxes again to get my title.......the problem is
And you a trumpette calling others brainwashed and a moron??

Oh I get it, Obama is gone so you had to take his mouth off of Obama's dick.....and now you can post more often
When you pull your head out of Rumps ass I'll read more posts of yours

No, I'm gonna tongue his ass even more..mmmmmmmmmm
HE hasn't done a single thing I don't like........

but hey you had your mouth crazy glued to his dick.........for 8 years.......
Go for it I hear you're the pro around here

yep I am.....oh here's a wipe for that Obama jizz...you have a little in the left corner of your mouth
Brainwashed ignorant vulgar and disgusting... Typical GOP dupe...
The land is already there and the structure is built by laborers. Trump wasn't there laying the bricks. He's just an asshole who wound up with the title to the land.

This is about Trump? I thought you were talking about all industries.

Without the people to develop that land, build on that land, fund the material for the structure to be on that land, it's just land that will sit there forever. People don't come out to survey land, mark water and gas lines, dig footers for nothing. There is somebody at the top paying for that activity to happen. Did you ever deal with your city when it comes to making improvements or rebuilding? It's a nightmare and takes forever. Somebody has to do these things so people do have a place to work one day.

You're the idiot who doesn't know what income is and you're here talking to me about too much TV? Don't make me laugh!

And you do know what income is? Inheritance being taxable has been in debate for decades, so it's the interpretation of the representatives that decide if it is or not. It's been one way or the other depending on who is in office, and that goes with what is considered "rich" which of course is subjective depending on who you ask.

Trump concluded that people who have a mortgage over 750K are wealthy enough to not need a deduction after that 750, and the left in commie states are gong absolutely nuts about it.
. Ok, so what was the result of that payroll tax cut ?? Did the citizens run out and start a business, create a college fund for their kids, hire a landscaper, get some repairs done on the house, buy a better car or what ? How many jobs did it create ? Did it just go POOF ?

The result is a claim that he gave tax cut. It did nothing but hurt social security. But in order to give that cut, he pushed inheritance and gift taxes back to 35%. It's a word game, nothing else.

Just like "he cut the deficit in half". :D :D :D
Yes he did, Dunce. But thanks for allowing 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars ever, and a corrupt World depression. No one in their right mind would vote for these chumps GOP... Brainwashed functional moron.

The same mindless chants over and over and over and over and over and over, yeah someone around here is a brainwashed functional moron, but it ain't us. LMAO


You noticed that too?

You don't have to discuss anything with Franko. Here, I'll give you a months supply of talking with him:

Brainwashed dupe, dupe, dupe, right wing b**** dupe, dupe, Reagan 35 years, dupe, dupe, dupe, GOP agains the middle-class, dupe, dupe, dupe, rich friends, dupe, dupe, dupe, unions middle-class, dupe, dupe, dupe, rich getting richer, dupe, dupe, dupe, propaganda, dupe, dupe, dupe.

There, that should be enough for the next 50 replies by him.
The truth is so repetitive, as opposed to your endlessly imaginative b*******hate and character assassination propaganda... Tell us another hundred bulshit character assassination scandals against Democrats that never go anywhere.... And never retracted or apologized for...

OKTexas's point was that you keep saying the same shit, day after day, post after post. No matter what the topic, it's always "The Republicans are at fault and Democrats can do no wrong." Reading one of your posts is like reading the last 100 or the next 100.

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