Ok, Libs, You Complained that the Individual Tax Cuts Weren't Permanent? Here's Your Chance.


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Oh, this is rich: Congressional Republicans are now getting ready to push through a bill that would make permanent the individual tax cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. You remember how Democrats dishonestly complained that the individual tax cuts were not permanent but that the corporate tax cuts were? Never mind that Senate Democrats were the ones who blocked the Republicans from making the personal tax cuts permanent. Well, with a midterm election looming, Republicans are getting ready to force a vote on making the individual tax cuts permanent. Will the Democrats put their votes where their mouths have been and support making the individual tax cuts permanent? Or will they forgot about all their posturing and try to block the bill in the Senate? Given all their complaining about "temporary" personal tax cuts, I presume that all the liberals here will contact their Senators and Representative and urge them to support the bill.

Paul Ryan promises House will vote to make individual tax cuts permanent

GOP Pushing For Bill to Make Individual Tax Cuts Permanent
Thats good. Now if they could stop inflation and rising prices on goods due to tariff wars, an extra $100 should get everyone out of poverty.
It was predictable they'd want to stay with chained cpi versus regular cpi. That guarantees a permanent inflation tax hike.

Ah well. It figures.
Thats good. Now if they could stop inflation and rising prices on goods due to tariff wars, an extra $100 should get everyone out of poverty.

Not really good. If they make chained cpi a permanent means of measuring inflation, we're looking at a constant inflation tax hike.

Chained cpi was the major malfunction of their tax bill. Everybody's screaming they got a tax decrease whn in reality they got a gradual tax increase. It's just very gradual right now. It was scheduled to expire in about 7 years, and that's when people would be bumped into higher tax brackets as a consequence of the inflation tax peaking at that time.

It's possible that they might be trying to ease the peak off it when it happens. And it will happen. I dunno. Will see. I doubt that would be their reasoning because I'm sure they'd like to be able to lie about the effect of inflation tax on the standard of living indefinitely.

Remember this - Inflation is the excess of credit and 'money.' Price increases are only a consequence of it. And it's only a single consequence. And currency is not money. Currency is currency. There is no store of value. Which is why currency isn't money. Right now the dollar is down to about 4 cents in value and it's been a gradual decline over the course of the last century as a consequence of the monetary policy.

When they adopted chained cpi into the tax bill, they effectively legalized lying about the effects of inflation on the standard of living. That's how chained works versus the other flavor of the cpi.

The inflation tax, politicians don't have to vote on. That's why they like it. And because they don't have to vote on it nobody ever asks questions unless they understand economics and monetary policy.
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Yes the far left was ok with the rich getting richer under Obama, including those that they voted for!
You Republicans sure like yer debt building stimulus packages but when the Democrats do it you cry to high heaven how bad they be...Neither damn party makes any sense...
Oh, this is rich: Congressional Republicans are now getting ready to push through a bill that would make permanent the individual tax cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. You remember how Democrats dishonestly complained that the individual tax cuts were not permanent but that the corporate tax cuts were? Never mind that Senate Democrats were the ones who blocked the Republicans from making the personal tax cuts permanent. Well, with a midterm election looming, Republicans are getting ready to force a vote on making the individual tax cuts permanent. Will the Democrats put their votes where their mouths have been and support making the individual tax cuts permanent? Or will they forgot about all their posturing and try to block the bill in the Senate? Given all their complaining about "temporary" personal tax cuts, I presume that all the liberals here will contact their Senators and Representative and urge them to support the bill.

Paul Ryan promises House will vote to make individual tax cuts permanent

GOP Pushing For Bill to Make Individual Tax Cuts Permanent

Don't want to make them permanent. I want the top bracket back where it use to be and the pass through income back like it use to be.
Great news...

Now cut off the swamp creatures and balance the budget.
Oh, this is rich: Congressional Republicans are now getting ready to push through a bill that would make permanent the individual tax cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. You remember how Democrats dishonestly complained that the individual tax cuts were not permanent but that the corporate tax cuts were? Never mind that Senate Democrats were the ones who blocked the Republicans from making the personal tax cuts permanent. Well, with a midterm election looming, Republicans are getting ready to force a vote on making the individual tax cuts permanent. Will the Democrats put their votes where their mouths have been and support making the individual tax cuts permanent? Or will they forgot about all their posturing and try to block the bill in the Senate? Given all their complaining about "temporary" personal tax cuts, I presume that all the liberals here will contact their Senators and Representative and urge them to support the bill.

Paul Ryan promises House will vote to make individual tax cuts permanent

GOP Pushing For Bill to Make Individual Tax Cuts Permanent
A smokescreen to draw your attention away from the fact the GOP has been accelerating our deficits. Trump is on track to bust Obama's record debt wide open.
Oh, this is rich: Congressional Republicans are now getting ready to push through a bill that would make permanent the individual tax cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. You remember how Democrats dishonestly complained that the individual tax cuts were not permanent but that the corporate tax cuts were? Never mind that Senate Democrats were the ones who blocked the Republicans from making the personal tax cuts permanent. Well, with a midterm election looming, Republicans are getting ready to force a vote on making the individual tax cuts permanent. Will the Democrats put their votes where their mouths have been and support making the individual tax cuts permanent? Or will they forgot about all their posturing and try to block the bill in the Senate? Given all their complaining about "temporary" personal tax cuts, I presume that all the liberals here will contact their Senators and Representative and urge them to support the bill.

Paul Ryan promises House will vote to make individual tax cuts permanent

GOP Pushing For Bill to Make Individual Tax Cuts Permanent

So the Democrats should vote for a failed tax policy and make permanent deficits?
Great news...

Now cut off the swamp creatures and balance the budget.

Swamp creatures you mean like Pruitt and the Trump boys? Trump himself is a swamp creature. He has been involved in politics for a long time, paying them.
Trumpies want to increase their credit card limit and make smaller monthly payments at the same time!

"My descendents can pay off my debts. Fuck 'em!"
ok , make thelm last forever .... forever is right around the corner

The Tax Policy Center study concludes that without substantial offsetting cuts or savings, Trump’s tax cuts would increase the national debt by nearly 80 percent of the Gross Domestic Product by 2036. At the same time, the huge drain on the treasury would undermine some or all of the economic incentives being sought.

The revenue losses [from Trump’s tax plan] understate the total effect on the national debt because they do not include the additional interest that would accrue as a result. Including interest costs, the proposal would add $11.2 trillion to the national debt by 2026 and $34.1 trillion by 2036

Thats good. Now if they could stop inflation and rising prices on goods due to tariff wars, an extra $100 should get everyone out of poverty.

An extra $100? That's a lot more than Obama boasted about giving back to taxpayers--he was proud that he boosted workers' pay by $40-$70 per month. My monthly take-home pay has gone up by $220, thanks to the Trump tax cuts. Many workers' monthly net pay has gone up by as much as $400 to $500.

Rising prices due to tariff wars? Go talk to your union buddies about that one--they'll explain it to you. In the meantime, how about rising wages? How about factories re-opening? How about the huge jump in manufacturing jobs that has occurred under Trump?

Yes, when you start to ween yourself from the drug of products made overseas by dirt-wage workers, prices on those products will go up, but that money will pay for more American jobs and all of that money will stay here in the U.S. Take a look at China's economy, which has been shielded by high tariffs for decades. Last time I checked, their GDP growth made ours look silly.
Thats good. Now if they could stop inflation and rising prices on goods due to tariff wars, an extra $100 should get everyone out of poverty.

An extra $100? That's a lot more than Obama boasted about giving back to taxpayers--he was proud that he boosted workers' pay by $40-$70 per month. My monthly take-home pay has gone up by $220, thanks to the Trump tax cuts. Many workers' monthly net pay has gone up by as much as $400 to $500.

Rising prices due to tariff wars? Go talk to your union buddies about that one--they'll explain it to you. In the meantime, how about rising wages? How about factories re-opening? How about the huge jump in manufacturing jobs that has occurred under Trump?

Yes, when you start to ween yourself from the drug of products made overseas by dirt-wage workers, prices on those products will go up, but that money will pay for more American jobs and all of that money will stay here in the U.S. Take a look at China's economy, which has been shielded by high tariffs for decades. Last time I checked, their GDP growth made ours look silly.

if everything you claim Trump has done for the economy takes a dive and goes south you'll blame it on Clinton or Obama so STFU
Oh, this is rich: Congressional Republicans are now getting ready to push through a bill that would make permanent the individual tax cuts in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. You remember how Democrats dishonestly complained that the individual tax cuts were not permanent but that the corporate tax cuts were? Never mind that Senate Democrats were the ones who blocked the Republicans from making the personal tax cuts permanent. Well, with a midterm election looming, Republicans are getting ready to force a vote on making the individual tax cuts permanent. Will the Democrats put their votes where their mouths have been and support making the individual tax cuts permanent? Or will they forgot about all their posturing and try to block the bill in the Senate? Given all their complaining about "temporary" personal tax cuts, I presume that all the liberals here will contact their Senators and Representative and urge them to support the bill.

Paul Ryan promises House will vote to make individual tax cuts permanent

GOP Pushing For Bill to Make Individual Tax Cuts Permanent

LOL, watch them squirm like the little Marxists they are-)

You Leftists are screwed, you do know that?

You don't!

Well let me tell ya--------> you can put all the funnys you want on this post, but unless you come up with something, you are done, lol!

Cya, wouldn't want to be ya...…...and oh by the way, good ole JS, and Lacooter, and all you leftist clowns...……...your propaganda is done. You either take the House, or your whole political point of view is over for 12 years, minimum!

Lets see what ya got-)

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