Ok Maxine Waters has had death threats, should the secret service investigate

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.

Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........

Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.

Well thank your pervious Commie leader for that. Up to the point he took over, I had health insurance coverage my entire adult life. Don't blame me for your mistakes.

Now do explain, how did Trump single out people who were going to cause trouble before they caused it?

Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?
Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

Alert me when republicans start being Americans again.
Apparently, you do not know what an American is.

We all know it ain't a Trumper!
Obviously, you have no clue what an American is. If you will check my thread , Who Are the Democrats, you will find a description of the totally anti American crowd you are running with. Please inform me which qualities listed there would describe a real American because every statement is backed up by fact. If you are still lost you could, as a last resort, study some American history.

Not Americans, but you could fit right in in Nazi Germany!
Funny, but I didn't see any liberals express any concern when some liberals suggested targeting and even kidnapping the kids of ICE officials.
Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

Right, and it had nothing to do with the big eared Commie, now did it? It was........coincidental.....yeah, that's the ticket. He dropped it one week after Commie Care came out and premium prices soared.

The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?

So if no tomatoes were found, then nobody got hurt. In other words, Trump got word that somebody was going to start trouble. In response, he asked his audience to take care of the troublemaker (which Trump couldn't do personally).

Thanks for proving my point.
Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

Right, and it had nothing to do with the big eared Commie, now did it? It was........coincidental.....yeah, that's the ticket. He dropped it one week after Commie Care came out and premium prices soared.

The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?

So if no tomatoes were found, then nobody got hurt. In other words, Trump got word that somebody was going to start trouble. In response, he asked his audience to take care of the troublemaker (which Trump couldn't do personally).

Thanks for proving my point.

Trump advocating violence good, all others bad. That's your point.

Your company told you what they thought of you by not giving you health insurance. Trying getting getting them to say it is their fault. You won't because you are to busy sucking dick to keep your low bennies job. Keep being a cock holster, you are king of it.
Trump advocating violence good, all others bad. That's your point.

My you're dense. Point is, starting trouble bad--responding to trouble good.

Your company told you what they thought of you by not giving you health insurance. Trying getting getting them to say it is their fault. You won't because you are to busy sucking dick to keep your low bennies job. Keep being a cock holster, you are king of it.

Let me put it this way: if Hussein never made it to the White House, it's likely I would be insured today. He gave employers an out which they never had before. If he would have minded his own business and stick to sneaking cigarettes behind his big assed wife, millions of us wouldn't have lost our insurance. Is my employer at fault too? Yes he is. But if you look at who's to really blame, look at who started the problem in the first place.
No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.

Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........

Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.

Well thank your pervious Commie leader for that. Up to the point he took over, I had health insurance coverage my entire adult life. Don't blame me for your mistakes.

Now do explain, how did Trump single out people who were going to cause trouble before they caused it?

Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?
No one got the crap knocked out of them either did they ??? A non-issue contually stirred up by the left to justify their actions in which become a reality instead of just words being spoken.
In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

She should have been impeached and locked up for promoting hate crimes and other violence.

Only an idiot would believe anything she said at this point; she's just making up shit to get attention now. Let her and her idiot fans pay for it.

You cannot impeach members of Congress. Read your Constitution.
Expulsion from the United States Congress - Wikipedia

The word was "impeached' which has a specific meaning and does not apply to Congress. Try reading it again.

I taught US Government for 21 years.

Cite the SC ruling that makes it 'Constitutional'.

And I don't care how long you lied to kids. It's just a tradition, started in 1797, that they don't impeach Congress members.

There is no ruling on making it Constitutional dumbass! It is IN the Constitution!

Read what the Constitution says in regards to impeachment of members of Congress. It isn't there, so why are you making up a process that does not and never has existed?

Every time this topic shows up, I have to educate dumbasses on both sides of the aisle.

"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. The Constitution, Article I, Section 3: The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments."

Note that Congress is not mentioned as they are are not civil officers of the United States. By your asinine logic, the House would impeach a House member and the Senate would have to try them and then vote to remove them. The House would have to impeach a Senator and then the Senate would try the Senator and then vote to remove them. That is why the members of each house of Congress can expel their own members. It eliminates the other house of Congress getting involved.

My high school students understood this process. Why did the adults on this message board fail to learn this when they were in school?
I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.

Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........

Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.

Well thank your pervious Commie leader for that. Up to the point he took over, I had health insurance coverage my entire adult life. Don't blame me for your mistakes.

Now do explain, how did Trump single out people who were going to cause trouble before they caused it?

Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?
No one got the crap knocked out of them either did they ??? A non-issue contually stirred up by the left to justify their actions in which become a reality instead of just words being spoken.

Their argument is ridiculous. It's like saying if somebody hit you in the face and you hit them back in the face, it's the same as if you threw the first punch. It doesn't work that way because one was an attack and the other was self-defense.
Trump advocating violence good, all others bad. That's your point.

My you're dense. Point is, starting trouble bad--responding to trouble good.

Your company told you what they thought of you by not giving you health insurance. Trying getting getting them to say it is their fault. You won't because you are to busy sucking dick to keep your low bennies job. Keep being a cock holster, you are king of it.

Let me put it this way: if Hussein never made it to the White House, it's likely I would be insured today. He gave employers an out which they never had before. If he would have minded his own business and stick to sneaking cigarettes behind his big assed wife, millions of us wouldn't have lost our insurance. Is my employer at fault too? Yes he is. But if you look at who's to really blame, look at who started the problem in the first place.

Yes your employers to blame, he proved exactly what you mean to him.

And I do get it, Rump in sighting violence good, all others bad. It is easy to see in your world Ray -Ray.
I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.

Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........

Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.

Well thank your pervious Commie leader for that. Up to the point he took over, I had health insurance coverage my entire adult life. Don't blame me for your mistakes.

Now do explain, how did Trump single out people who were going to cause trouble before they caused it?

Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?
No one got the crap knocked out of them either did they ??? A non-issue contually stirred up by the left to justify their actions in which become a reality instead of just words being spoken.

But does it set a tone, like right is saying Mad Max may have set. Most believe it does, so how does your hypocrisy explain away Rump doing it?
Now you got threats ??

Na. Do you?
We’re here what you gonna do?

We're all here. So what? There no sense for me to talk about kicking your punk ass on the internet. So then just move on son.
Yep you’re on the internet so why the threat then Tough internet guy?
The reason Waters mouth is such a threat to civil society is because she is using the power of her office to persuade people to do bad things. Obama did this with his activist radical stance on some issues, and bad things happened as a result. Responsible elected officials who think before they use their offices to fuel a personal agenda needs to become our leadership again, and not these radical butt hurt individuals with life long chips on their shoulders. American's deserve better than this bullcrap or do they anymore ??

All you right wingers have are lies.
What lies?

Read the quotes. None of what you claim was done.
Why did crying chuckles give a speech on the senate floor then?

Did Trump give a speech on the senate floor?
...Retard alert, you voted for Clinton who wants OPEN BORDERS but you want a hard line towards illegal immigration...
Correct. That is the measure of just how repulsive I find The Creature. I even voted against my own interests.

...Again you voted for Clinton because you are a schizzo who does not even know what is real
Sit down, child, and mind your manners.

I was very well aware that a vote for Clinton was a vote for open borders and continued lack of enforcement.

No schizophrenia involved.

Merely a revulsion so profound so as to induce one to vote for the Opposition, rather than empower an unstable demagogue and autocrat, which I consider even worse.

Truly a matter of the lesser of two evils.


The world is full of grey, child; not everything is black-and-white.
And still voted for her right?

What I perceived at the time to be the lesser of two very great evils.
So again, your vote was for open borders . Dude, with all due respect, you’re an idiot
Apparently you are too inept to understand the concept of action/ reaction.

When one takes an action, a reaction is to be expected. A positive action usually results in a positive reaction, and a negative action will usually gain an negative reaction.

In such a situation where a negative action causes a negative reaction, you can't blame the reaction. Blame the action first because it's that action that caused the expected negative response. Example:

Somebody comes to a Trump event with the sole purpose of starting trouble. Trump realizing this reacts. He tells people to smack the troublemaker around. What Trump did was present a negative reaction to a negative action.

The problem with you leftists is that in the past, the Republicans were always afraid to react. This leader is totally different. You punch Trump, he will punch back even harder. It's just not something you on the left are used to yet........but you will........

Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.

Well thank your pervious Commie leader for that. Up to the point he took over, I had health insurance coverage my entire adult life. Don't blame me for your mistakes.

Now do explain, how did Trump single out people who were going to cause trouble before they caused it?

Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?
No one got the crap knocked out of them either did they ??? A non-issue contually stirred up by the left to justify their actions in which become a reality instead of just words being spoken.

But does it set a tone, like right is saying Mad Max may have set. Most believe it does, so how does your hypocrisy explain away Rump doing it?
When we see conservatives pulling the bullcrap that leftist liberals pull, then we will address that issue, but for now it's a non-issue.
Except he said it before anything happened. Talk about ineptness, like your ability to get health insurance.

Well thank your pervious Commie leader for that. Up to the point he took over, I had health insurance coverage my entire adult life. Don't blame me for your mistakes.

Now do explain, how did Trump single out people who were going to cause trouble before they caused it?

Blame your company for that dumbass, they did not feel you people were worth insuring. That's why you have no insurance and that's what they think of you.

They got word before one of his rallies/hatefests that someone had tomatoes to throw at him in audience. Rump in his usual fashion, told them to knock the crap out of them, you know like in the old days. Now no tomatoes were ever found or thrown and don't you think someone would have actually seen them trying to be smuggled in or out for that matter. None were found anywhere onsite. So was it just another Donnie lie to rile his base, what you think?
No one got the crap knocked out of them either did they ??? A non-issue contually stirred up by the left to justify their actions in which become a reality instead of just words being spoken.

But does it set a tone, like right is saying Mad Max may have set. Most believe it does, so how does your hypocrisy explain away Rump doing it?
When we see conservatives pulling the bullcrap that leftist liberals pull, then we will address that issue, but for now it's a non-issue.

Rump did it at his rallies, so get to it and your a couple years late!
We’re here what you gonna do?

We're all here. So what? There no sense for me to talk about kicking your punk ass on the internet. So then just move on son.

Yep you’re on the internet so why the threat then Tough internet guy?

Since I made no threat what the fuck are you talking about?
...So again, your vote was for open borders . Dude, with all due respect, you’re an idiot
Keeping my beloved Republic out of the hands of a demagogue channeling the Ghost of Benito Mussolini struck me as more important than open borders.

Like I said... my take on the Lesser of Two Very Great Evils.

Your opinion of my cognitive abilities and triage and decision-making skills doesn't interest me in the slightest.
Last edited:
Trump advocating violence good, all others bad. That's your point.

My you're dense. Point is, starting trouble bad--responding to trouble good.

Your company told you what they thought of you by not giving you health insurance. Trying getting getting them to say it is their fault. You won't because you are to busy sucking dick to keep your low bennies job. Keep being a cock holster, you are king of it.

Let me put it this way: if Hussein never made it to the White House, it's likely I would be insured today. He gave employers an out which they never had before. If he would have minded his own business and stick to sneaking cigarettes behind his big assed wife, millions of us wouldn't have lost our insurance. Is my employer at fault too? Yes he is. But if you look at who's to really blame, look at who started the problem in the first place.

Yes your employers to blame, he proved exactly what you mean to him.

And I do get it, Rump in sighting violence good, all others bad. It is easy to see in your world Ray -Ray.

My world is the reality world. I don't need to make things up like you do to justify my position. I've explained this to you a half-dozen times already, and you are so dense you refuse to let anything sink in even though this is so simple an 8 year old can understand.

This is what I call the leftist mental block. When Democrats do something detrimental, pretend it's not happening and make up your own version or story. It''s just like my employer thing. You blame him instead of one of your own who actually started the problem. But in the mind of a Democrat, it's never a Democrats fault, so it's not a wonder how we are becoming a more divided country all the time. Nobody can talk to a brick wall.
Trump advocating violence good, all others bad. That's your point.

My you're dense. Point is, starting trouble bad--responding to trouble good.

Your company told you what they thought of you by not giving you health insurance. Trying getting getting them to say it is their fault. You won't because you are to busy sucking dick to keep your low bennies job. Keep being a cock holster, you are king of it.

Let me put it this way: if Hussein never made it to the White House, it's likely I would be insured today. He gave employers an out which they never had before. If he would have minded his own business and stick to sneaking cigarettes behind his big assed wife, millions of us wouldn't have lost our insurance. Is my employer at fault too? Yes he is. But if you look at who's to really blame, look at who started the problem in the first place.

Yes your employers to blame, he proved exactly what you mean to him.

And I do get it, Rump in sighting violence good, all others bad. It is easy to see in your world Ray -Ray.

My world is the reality world. I don't need to make things up like you do to justify my position. I've explained this to you a half-dozen times already, and you are so dense you refuse to let anything sink in even though this is so simple an 8 year old can understand.

This is what I call the leftist mental block. When Democrats do something detrimental, pretend it's not happening and make up your own version or story. It''s just like my employer thing. You blame him instead of one of your own who actually started the problem. But in the mind of a Democrat, it's never a Democrats fault, so it's not a wonder how we are becoming a more divided country all the time. Nobody can talk to a brick wall.

You live in fiction Ray.

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