Ok Maxine Waters has had death threats, should the secret service investigate

since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

The Secret Service does not protect members of Congress. The Capitol Police do.
IF the president had been a decent man, and simply kept his mouth shut...

instead of constantly pushing his followers in to HATING HER like he has done, then I would say no, she could cover her own security.

So let me get this straight: Trump is minding his own business when one of his members is thrown out of a restaurant simply because of her political association. That's bad enough. But then Mad Max comes along and not only condones it, but tells people to do it at every chance they get. But Trump should have just sat back and pretend everything is just fine.

I have no idea what is with you people on the left. You never blame the person that started the trouble, you blame the people that respond to the trouble maker.

Trump started the trouble, so we have done that.

No, the restaurant owner started the trouble, and Mad Max advanced it. Trump was responding to the trouble maker.

You really have chosen to stay blind to what Trump has done.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you
In her case, she should be safe to say whatever loony thing she wants. The more she rants, the more idiotic she looks and thus will continue to lose followers.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

She should have been impeached and locked up for promoting hate crimes and other violence.

Only an idiot would believe anything she said at this point; she's just making up shit to get attention now. Let her and her idiot fans pay for it.

You cannot impeach members of Congress. Read your Constitution.
She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?
They were invading his space and he was using self defense. MadMax was inciting to start it, not defend against. When are you leftists ever gonna figure out the difference? Sad. I see you prefer violence. I’ll be happy to defend myself and knock the snot out of leftists. Expect a defense

You would be like your deal leader, huff and puff and run like the pussy you are.
Come try me

Would love too
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

She should have been impeached and locked up for promoting hate crimes and other violence.

Only an idiot would believe anything she said at this point; she's just making up shit to get attention now. Let her and her idiot fans pay for it.

You cannot impeach members of Congress. Read your Constitution.
Expulsion from the United States Congress - Wikipedia
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

In Maxine's case, secret service protection should be taken away.

She should have been impeached and locked up for promoting hate crimes and other violence.

Only an idiot would believe anything she said at this point; she's just making up shit to get attention now. Let her and her idiot fans pay for it.

You cannot impeach members of Congress. Read your Constitution.

That is still an open question; take your own advice. It's 'never been done', true, but that is not the same as 'can't' do that'. It's just easier to expel or censure, that's all.
Criminal Investigation Sought into Sanders Campaign for Collusion During a Federal Election With a Foreign Entity – PVA

Charges Raised Against Sanders Campaign Are Similar to Charges in “Russian Collusion” Scandal
Former Speaker of the NH House of Representatives William O’Brien is Also Asking for an Investigation*
Charges Come in Wake of Sanders Campaign Paying FEC Fine for Accepting “Prohibited Foreign Contributions” as Exposed by Project Veritas Action Fund

(New York) Project Veritas Action Fund has requested a criminal investigation by the US Department of Justice into the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign to determine if the Sanders campaign and the Australian Labor Party conspired to “defraud the U.S. government” and allowed “foreign national interference with U.S. elections.”

The request for an investigation of the Sanders campaign and the Australian Labor Party is based on the belief that there was a “conspiracy to defraud the United States government,” as well as the likelihood of “false statements to the United States government.”

Project Veritas Action Fund’s legal counsel and author of the complaint Benjamin Barr compared the findings to the popular Russian Collusion scandal:

“Given the unusual breadth and depth of likely foreign involvement in America’s 2016 presidential election, we request a thorough criminal investigation of the matters described herein.

Barr goes on to point out that like this complaint about 13 foreign nationals assisting one federal campaign the Grand Jury in Washington DC recently indicted 13 Russians for interfering in a Federal election.*

Additionally, the former Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives William O’Brien is sending a letter to the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section as well as the U.S. Attorney’s office in Concord, New Hampshire asking for an investigation. In his letter, the former Speaker requests an investigation into “additional potential criminal violations stemming from an apparent conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government.”
Caller: you shouldn’t be advocating for the harassment of people working for Trump.
Maxine: I’m getting death threats!

The woman is nuts. There’s no question about that.
I would laugh it she were brought up on charges of conspiring or inciting to harass or inflict harm upon elected officials, convicted, and imprisoned for life.

I do, however, support protecting her while she still holds elective office.
Now do you support protecting Sanders who can not eat dinner without being harassed by retarded dems like you
1. Yes, I support Sanders being provided government-paid protection, if he is experiencing death threats or chronic harassment

2. I'm not a retard

3. I'm not a Democrat

The really odd thing is that there is NOT one person here that voted for Clinton, or will admit to it..


I voted for Clinton and am damned proud of it. I don't vote for trash.

Talk about irony.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.
I hope she’s still around until the midterms. Her craziness is one of the reasons why people are leaving the democrat party.

The woman is too stupid to understand how she’s helping republicans. :)

I think the Democrat party would like her and Hillary to just shut up already. But I guess when you move up in the ranks it's hard for anybody to control you.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?

No, not like that. Responding to trouble and starting the trouble are two different things. You leftists always stick up for the troublemakers and criminals.

I am Dan sure I did not stick up for Mad Max. She is a useless fool. It does amaze me how you can rationalize that Rump wasn't insighting violence when he clearly was. Please carry on this will be good, and throw in a bbbbbbut Obama as well.
None of congress gets secret service protection. They are protected by
the US Capitol Police.

You don't throw good money after bad.
so they are protected by capitol police when they are outside of the capital?

Not outside the capitol. She can pay for her own security like most of them

Under normal circumstances, that is correct. But if there is a serious threat to her life, I think the government should provide temporary protection.
Why does she deserve more than a White House staffer out to dinner who’s threatened?

I didn't hear about Sanders' being threatened after the incident, but if she was, she too deserves protection. People will always write nasty things about politicians, but death threats and physical harm threats are something none of us should tolerate regardless who the idiot may be.

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