Ok Maxine Waters has had death threats, should the secret service investigate

Now you got threats ??

Na. Do you?
The reason Waters mouth is such a threat to civil society is because she is using the power of her office to persuade people to do bad things. Obama did this with his activist radical stance on some issues, and bad things happened as a result. Responsible elected officials who think before they use their offices to fuel a personal agenda needs to become our leadership again, and not these radical butt hurt individuals with life long chips on their shoulders. American's deserve better than this bullcrap or do they anymore ??

All you right wingers have are lies.
What lies?

Read the quotes. None of what you claim was done.
The reason Waters mouth is such a threat to civil society is because she is using the power of her office to persuade people to do bad things. Obama did this with his activist radical stance on some issues, and bad things happened as a result. Responsible elected officials who think before they use their offices to fuel a personal agenda needs to become our leadership again, and not these radical butt hurt individuals with life long chips on their shoulders. American's deserve better than this bullcrap or do they anymore ??

All you right wingers have are lies.
What lies?

Read the quotes. None of what you claim was done.
Why did crying chuckles give a speech on the senate floor then?
The reason Waters mouth is such a threat to civil society is because she is using the power of her office to persuade people to do bad things. Obama did this with his activist radical stance on some issues, and bad things happened as a result. Responsible elected officials who think before they use their offices to fuel a personal agenda needs to become our leadership again, and not these radical butt hurt individuals with life long chips on their shoulders. American's deserve better than this bullcrap or do they anymore ??

All you right wingers have are lies.
What lies?

Read the quotes. None of what you claim was done.
Why did crying chuckles give a speech on the senate floor then?

Did Trump give a speech on the senate floor?
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

You dishonestly try to equate the two as equal.

Sanders was asked to leave. Right wing whackjobs are thretening to kill Waters. This in your mind is equal? You don't have to wonder when people laugh at you.
They stalked her family afterwards

That's a lie.

Nope. After she left and went home, the rest of her party went across the street. They followed them across the street to harass them and Sanders wasn't even there.
Congress people have a hell of a lot more protection than the common citizen. Maybe if the FBI locked up Robert DiNero and Madonna and half a dozen actors who threatened the President and Peter Fonda for threatening to kidnap the Press Secretary's kids it would deter threats against congresspeople
...Retard alert, you voted for Clinton who wants OPEN BORDERS but you want a hard line towards illegal immigration...
Correct. That is the measure of just how repulsive I find The Creature. I even voted against my own interests.

...Again you voted for Clinton because you are a schizzo who does not even know what is real
Sit down, child, and mind your manners.

I was very well aware that a vote for Clinton was a vote for open borders and continued lack of enforcement.

No schizophrenia involved.

Merely a revulsion so profound so as to induce one to vote for the Opposition, rather than empower an unstable demagogue and autocrat, which I consider even worse.

Truly a matter of the lesser of two evils.


The world is full of grey, child; not everything is black-and-white.
And still voted for her right?

What I perceived at the time to be the lesser of two very great evils.
None of congress gets secret service protection. They are protected by
the US Capitol Police.

You don't throw good money after bad.
so they are protected by capitol police when they are outside of the capital?
She has the money to buy security.
We shouldn't have to pay for it.
But Trump's enormous extended family being protected by secret service have the money for their own protection too???

So I'm not so certain your excuse of ''having the money, to pay for it'' really works...

Though, Maxine has chosen to be more ''vocal'' than most people in Congress, and should have been aware in this visceral climate, it could bring danger to her....

and even before the death threats came, if I were her, I would have increased my own security the minute President Trump first decided to be the petty and vengeful person that he is,

and started to focus on her in all of his rallies, and with his tweets of his vindictive yet juvenile comments against Maxine Waters, Maxine Waters and Maxine Waters.... he made her a Trump World boogeyman....

And he had (manipulated) his following to spread the hatred towards her, (along with the Russian Trolls) ;) on the internet...

and let's not forget the Fox News's of Trump's inner circle and Townhalls, Briebarts, Drudges, Gateway Pundits, Truepundits, zerohedges, RT, Sputnik, DailyCallers and Infowars of the Right wing propaganda media circle of friends....and facebook and other social medias...


so, under normal circumstance, I would say Maxine should have prepared for some increased security for herself when off the Hill....

BUT BECAUSE the President chose to retaliate, only a thousand times harder....as the sitting President with his BULLY PULPIT and following, and his decision to bring his followers in to his vengeful and vindictive fight against Maxine Waters.....

the Secret service probably should cover her....

IF the president had been a decent man, and simply kept his mouth shut...

instead of constantly pushing his followers in to HATING HER like he has done, then I would say no, she could cover her own security.

no one would even know who Maxine Waters is, but the people who voted for her....if it were not for right wing media and Trump
Bullcrap.... Trump only responds to the viseral hate that is thrown at him and his family, so try again. People know what they do, and they might think that the American's have short memories, but not these days they don't. Elections have consequences.
yes, he does respond, and THAT IS THE PROBLEM!

Obama never lashed out daily on any person that was against him, nor did president Bush....

Trump is a loser, with the characteristics of a loser... you may think his vindictiveness is winning, but it really really really, isn't...
Yeah....I'd like to be such a loser.....billions in the bank...properties up the ass.....a supermodel wife......beautiful children and grandchildren.....

IF the president had been a decent man, and simply kept his mouth shut...

instead of constantly pushing his followers in to HATING HER like he has done, then I would say no, she could cover her own security.

So let me get this straight: Trump is minding his own business when one of his members is thrown out of a restaurant simply because of her political association. That's bad enough. But then Mad Max comes along and not only condones it, but tells people to do it at every chance they get. But Trump should have just sat back and pretend everything is just fine.

I have no idea what is with you people on the left. You never blame the person that started the trouble, you blame the people that respond to the trouble maker.
since the majority of buffoons here do not want Sanders to have secret service protection, do you also feel that Waters is also deserving of no protection in the face of murder threats?

Be careful what you wish for, because it might just find you

You dishonestly try to equate the two as equal.

Sanders was asked to leave. Right wing whackjobs are thretening to kill Waters. This in your mind is equal? You don't have to wonder when people laugh at you.
They stalked her family afterwards

That's a lie.

Nope. After she left and went home, the rest of her party went across the street. They followed them across the street to harass them and Sanders wasn't even there.

You know what? I could care less. That bitch Sanders stands up and lies for Trump every day. So when you support and lie for an evil man who locks up babies, that's what you get.
IF the president had been a decent man, and simply kept his mouth shut...

instead of constantly pushing his followers in to HATING HER like he has done, then I would say no, she could cover her own security.

So let me get this straight: Trump is minding his own business when one of his members is thrown out of a restaurant simply because of her political association. That's bad enough. But then Mad Max comes along and not only condones it, but tells people to do it at every chance they get. But Trump should have just sat back and pretend everything is just fine.

I have no idea what is with you people on the left. You never blame the person that started the trouble, you blame the people that respond to the trouble maker.

Trump started the trouble, so we have done that.
IF the president had been a decent man, and simply kept his mouth shut...

instead of constantly pushing his followers in to HATING HER like he has done, then I would say no, she could cover her own security.

So let me get this straight: Trump is minding his own business when one of his members is thrown out of a restaurant simply because of her political association. That's bad enough. But then Mad Max comes along and not only condones it, but tells people to do it at every chance they get. But Trump should have just sat back and pretend everything is just fine.

I have no idea what is with you people on the left. You never blame the person that started the trouble, you blame the people that respond to the trouble maker.

Trump started the trouble, so we have done that.

No, the restaurant owner started the trouble, and Mad Max advanced it. Trump was responding to the trouble maker.
Waters has not threatened violence on anyone so you guys really need to quit lying.

She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?
It's different if you are responding to threats and disruption, but of course the left wants the right to assume its old position of getting screwed over by staying silent while the left does what it wants on and on and on. Trump changed all that and the left goes bonkers.

He has changed nothing just added more bullshit and bluster to your stupidity!
He’s got you looking like a fool

You are a fool
She didn't make any direct threats but here statements were ambiguous.

Like the Donald insighting violence at his rallies. And telling cops it is ok to give them a little extra when stuffing peeps in the squad car? Like that?
They were invading his space and he was using self defense. MadMax was inciting to start it, not defend against. When are you leftists ever gonna figure out the difference? Sad. I see you prefer violence. I’ll be happy to defend myself and knock the snot out of leftists. Expect a defense
by the way, when uninvited guests come to my house I call police. You must invite them in eh?

I toss them out, I try not to involve others when possible.
It’s what he did. Seems reasonable then. At least you admit it

He didn't do shit, just like you he begged others to do it!

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